Chapter 113 The Real Cat Lady, Mu Yueqing!

“As we all know, cats have nine lives, nine-tailed demon cats come from myths and legends, nine-tailed are different, naturally have different abilities, and the luck of the Lord is still very good.”

The accurate answer of the system made Lin Fan’s heart jump, this surprise came too suddenly, ten thousand points for nine abilities, is it worth it? It’s simply worth it!

Even if there is no space and time in the end, it is still very terrifying, how many zombies do you need to kill to ascend to the Nine Tails?

The promotion experience is the same, now the lightning power, magnetic field ability Lv7 will have 100,000 experience, wait until the nine-tailed demon cat ability is upgraded to the nine-tailed realm, that will be space, time This high-level ability, Lin Fan can be sure that he has already exchanged it!

As long as the Nine-tailed Demon Cat Ability is advanced once, it is equivalent to saving at least 10,000 points, which is simply the best financial ability!

“System, you said that the nine-tailed demon cat has it, will there be a nine-tailed demon fox?”


“Lord, please don’t daydream, being too greedy is unavoidable, this thing depends on luck, not every time you can be lucky to draw the best beast powers, especially myths.” 」

The words of the system are undoubtedly a reminder, but also a warning, Lin Fan pondered for a moment, this nine-tailed demon cat is probably the kind of one that suddenly sucked out all his recent European qi before triggering, want the nine-tailed demon cat, at least to save a period of European qi.

Is that what the system means? Right?

Lin Fan also did not know whether it was a misinterpretation, anyway, now he did not plan to head iron, it was completely unnecessary, after all, tomorrow he would have to spend more than six thousand points to buy Tang Dao, and when the time came, good fellow, Tang Dao was not enough, first of all, if he did not say that he could not drop it, he would definitely be lost.

In order to maintain the image of omnipotence, Lin Fan felt that it was better to stop a little.

Man, to be content, contented and happy, the result of head iron kryptonite is often blue sky and white clouds, which is unacceptable.

Returning from his contemplation, Lin Fan found that he didn’t know when Zhao Yanyan had already sat down on the edge of the sofa, surrounded him, and all of them were paying attention to him.

As the person closest to Lin Fan, Lin Youyou leaned into Lin Fan’s arms, and just after making a move, Lin Youyou felt it.

“Lord, are you done with your business?”

Bowing his head and kissing Lin Youyou’s forehead, it was a reward, Lin Fan knew that just now he fell into contemplation, Lin Youyou’s well-behaved did not disturb his thinking, for Lin Youyou’s well-behaved personality, Lin Fan still liked it.

But all men will not like the kind of woman who has no eye color and likes to make trouble without reason, Lin Youyou is very good in this way, even Zhao Wanqing and Zhao Yanyan have never bothered him.

At this point, Lin Fan was still very comfortable.

“Well, after thinking about it a little, I’m going to make some big moves tomorrow, yo-yo, there are some things that you need to arrange tomorrow.”

Holding Lin Youyou’s slender waist, the delicate skin feel made Lin Fan love it.

Hearing Lin Fan’s big moves, the women’s eyes were very concerned, and Lin Youyou also looked at Lin Fan with an inquiring gaze.

“Tomorrow throw all the women out, clean up the wreckage on the street, especially the scrapped vehicles, all decomposed into steel, this is going to trouble you, and the car that can still be driven will be driven to the hospital and kept for later.” 」

“Tomorrow’s task is to make the roads clear within a radius of ten kilometers, and leave some cars as traffic tools, and try to choose those SUVs, buses that are better.”

“In addition, select a group of women who can drive, maids or female warriors, and after our power develops, all kinds of jobs must be had, it is impossible for everyone to be a fruit farmer, and the occupation should be diversified to form a reasonable ecological circle.”

“As for Wanqing, your task is to ensure that there is not a single zombie within ten kilometers, I will first erect a barbed wire fence to ensure that there will be no zombies pouring in again, and then it is up to you, in addition, the old batch of female warriors can leave ten kilometers and go farther to improve their strength, and leave it for those recruits to train within ten kilometers.”

Lin Fan did not stop, Lin Youyou, Zhao Wanqing and others kept nodding, taking Lin Fan’s account to heart, and the women knew in their hearts that this was indeed a big move, and Lin Fan was going to make a big deal out of it.

And all this, whether it is road traffic or the ecological circle of each profession, is a necessary thing for a force.

“Do you remember all that I said?” Lin Fan looked around, saying so much in one breath, he was a little dry mouthed, and Li Yun, who was waiting next to him, hurriedly handed over a cup of warm water.

Lin Fan took a drink and ran it all, then handed the cup back to Li Yun and nodded at her.

Although she just nodded, in Li Yun’s view, this was undoubtedly a kind of recognition, which made her heart unspeakably excited.

After digesting Lin Fan’s plan for tomorrow, Lin Youyou nodded and responded one after another.

After talking about tomorrow’s plan, Lin Fan looked at Mu Yueqing, who was sitting opposite, raised his hand and beckoned to her, “Qingqing, you come here.” ”

Hearing Lin Fan’s call, Mu Yueqing was overjoyed in her heart, and she was unspeakably worried, she probably already knew what was going to happen.

The two good girlfriends Zhao Yanyan and Li Siqi had already obtained the divine power given by Lin Fan, she did not have it herself, it was impossible to say that she was not lost, for the ability of the two good sisters, she looked in her eyes, not to mention how envious in her heart, sometimes there would be a little jealousy, but it was quickly snuffed out.

People are not sages, Mu Yueqing is definitely not, even if she knows how to read Dali, intellectually gentle, but also has seven emotions and six desires, now Lin Fan’s call makes her heart jump very indisputably.

Snuggled up to Lin Fan’s side, Mu Yueqing looked up at Lin Fan with unspeakable longing in his eyes.

“It seems that you also know what is going to happen next, later than Yan Yan, will you complain in your heart?” Pinching Mu Yueqing’s delicate chin, the touch of the hand is like mutton fat white jade.

Shaking his head in panic, don’t say no, even if there is, Mu Yueqing will know what to say.

“How dare the subordinates complain, can get your reward, Qingqing only has excitement and gratitude in his heart, and does not dare to complain a little, if it is not the Lord, Qingqing does not know what will happen now.”

Men are all the way to the goods, Lin Fan is the same, for these soft words flattery, naturally like to listen.

“Well, don’t tease you, tomorrow there are a lot of things, don’t make so much pomp, give you the ability, tomorrow to get familiar with it.” 」

Mu Yueqing was excited in his heart, rubbed Lin Fan’s fingers, and said gratefully: “Thank you Lord for the gift, your subordinates will certainly not slack off in the slightest.” ”

Lin Fan can’t do the Fen Shen Technique, so many abilities, relying on himself alone to rise to the full level is a fool’s dream, and the help of women is essential.

“System, teach the demon cat ability, target Mu Yueqing.”

“Ding! Deduct 1000 points, and now start separating the Demon Cat Alien Breed. ”

Teaching the ability is this point is good, as long as Lin Fan has, teaching the past will inevitably be the same as Lin Fan, the nine-tailed demon cat belongs to the mythological category, it can be said that it is the peak of the cat system, compared to Mu Yueqing’s own awakening, Lin Fan can say, absolutely can not lose.

If Mu Yueqing awakens himself, there is a good chance that he will awaken the garbage ability, then it will be a big loss!

The seed poured into Mu Yueqing’s body along Lin Fan’s palm, Lin Youyou had seen it many times before, and he was not surprised by the picture in front of him, but what happened next made several people’s eyes widen.

As the demon cat was able to transform Mu Yueqing’s body, soon, two furry cat ears appeared on his head, and a naughty cat tail on the part of the tail vertebrae also came out, and Lin Youyou who watched was stunned.

Boy! Big change cat lady, this they really haven’t seen before!

Looking at the cat ears that came out of Mu Yueqing’s head and the cat tail that shook behind him, Lin Youyou and several women looked at each other, and they couldn’t help but want to touch it.

However, considering that Mu Yueqing was still in a peculiar state, several women resisted, but Zhao Yanyan, a good girlfriend, did not know what bad ideas had been figured out, and beckoned to the Yueyi people who were waiting next to him.

As one of the three noble lady dogs, Yueyi obediently bent down, put his ear to Zhao Yanyan’s side, listened to Zhao Yanyan’s whispered grunt, pink face slightly a leek, nodded, turned and walked downstairs, not knowing what to do.

After the Yueyi people left, Zhao Yanyanmei looked up and down at Mu Yueqing, and there was an unspeakable strangeness in her eyes.

The imparting of the power was quickly over, Lin Fan withdrew his hand and looked at Mu Yueqing, who was kneeling in front of him, with a surprised expression on his face.

I don’t know if it is the role of the demon cat’s special ability, the original intellectually generous Mu Yueqing has a lazy and strange feeling, the most intuitive performance is that the eyes, the corners of the eyes become narrow and long, more feminine and delicate, the face has also changed slightly, revealing a lazy and noble atmosphere.

The whole face blended noble laziness and debauchery, and unconsciously, Mu Yueqing’s appearance was slightly improved.

Especially the cute cat ears on the top of the head, Lin Fan did not care about anything, raised his hand to touch the past, the feel is unusually good, with some warmth, this is not a decoration, but a real sense of cat ears, touching and touching, Lin Fan felt the small ears in his hand shake a few times.

Looking down at Mu Yueqing again, at this time, the narrow and strange beautiful eyes have been opened, and the eyes have become the unique vertical pupils of cats, which look exceptionally good-looking, and even the faces on both sides have a few more faint cat whisker lines, not real cat whiskers, but several tattoo-like thin lines, which look more like cats that have been lazy and noble, especially with a little wildness.

Only now that the wildness had disappeared, the narrow and strange beauty of the eyes was misty, and Xiao Qi squirmed timidly: “Lord… Ear… The ears are a bit sensitive….”



Lin Fan rubbed it inexhaustibly, and then let go, which made Mu Yueqing uncomfortable, and with a low sound, he directly lay on Lin Fan’s heel, breathing out a small breath.

Looking at Mu Yueqing’s appearance, Lin Fan couldn’t help but touch his nose, and his heart was inexplicably a little excited.

At this time, Zhao Yanyan hid her smile, she now felt more and more that the decision she had just made was right, as for whether it would hurt her heart or something to fool her girlfriend, sorry, she had no conscience, nothing at all.

Isn’t a good girlfriend here to the pit? Especially now Mu Yueqing, it really makes her have a very bad idea!

Not long after, Yue Yiren walked up from downstairs with a bag, and Zhao Yanyan quietly took it, looked at it, and nodded with satisfaction.

PS: Chapter 110 can be read, the content is no problem, mainly the chapter name is too noisy, and this person design picture is the cat girl Mu Yueqing.

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