Chapter 115 The Earth Element Controls Advanced Lv6, the terrifying defense of the Earth Wall

Hospital square, nearly a thousand women gathered here, today’s things are many, after eating, Lin Youyou took the lead to come to this side.

621 women, every twenty people stood in a row, enough to stand in 31 rows, at a glance, densely packed with human heads.

These are the women who chose to become female warriors yesterday, a total of 621 people!

The figure flickered, a few steps to the front of the women, looking at the phalanx of hundreds of people in front of him, Lin Fan had a lot of emotions in his heart, the verbal description was not as good as seeing it with his own eyes, the phalanx of more than six hundred people was indeed spectacular!

“System, redeem me for 607 tang knives.”

“Ding! Deducting 6070 points, Tang Dao has been sent to the personal space on the Lord. ”

The points that are not rich have been reduced by more than half, and the reason why 607 has been exchanged is because there were some women who were unqualified before, were eliminated by Lin Youyou, and were frightened by Wang Kui’s thugs and could not wield the sword, this kind of woman still obediently went to the lowest level, saving her life on the battlefield.

Cold eyes scanned a circle, Lin Fan saw all the women’s expressions.

“I don’t care what your purpose is to become a female warrior, it doesn’t matter, the moment you pick up the knife, it’s best to be prepared to die.”

After speaking, Lin Fan casually waved his hand, 621 Tang knives appeared in mid-air out of thin air, and the dangling Tang Dao with the handle of the sword fell to the ground like a meteor in front of the women, and fell into the ground for three minutes.

“This is the weapon that will accompany you for the rest of your life, the knife is in the people, and the knife destroys the dead!” I hope you keep it in mind! ”

After saying this, Lin Fan nodded to Lin Youyou next to him, the next thing was all arranged by Lin Youyou, yesterday it had been explained, the rest of the things, Lin Fan did not care.

His task today is heavy, to improve the power of the earth attributes, and then to erect barbed wire in an area of ten kilometers, and then to build the city walls.

Turning to leave, his feet shrunk to inches, but after taking a few steps, there was only a shadow left in the eyes of the women, and then completely disappeared.

Taking over Lin Fan’s work, Lin Youyou looked at the women who were divided into two squares in front of him and commanded: “Li Fengjiao, Zhu Fangfang, Xu Yan, and 157 people, including you, are divided into two teams, with Li Siqi and Zhao Yanyan as captains, from the east and west sides, with a limit of ten kilometers, to clean up the zombies farther away.” ”

Zhao Yanyan and Li Siqi took a step forward and waved at Li Fengjiao and the others, and the phalanx of 157 people was quickly dispersed, gathered around the two people, and then ran directly from the gate to the east and west sides.

“Zhao Wanqing, you lead these recruits to clean up all the zombies in the area on the north and south sides, and make sure that there is not a single zombie within ten kilometers.”

“Yes! Mission accomplished! ”

Zhao Wanqing took a step forward, her eyes were cold, her palm waved, and she drank: “Jasmine, Zhou Xiuyan are out!” ”

In the crowd, Zhou Xiuyan and Jasmine were shocked, and they took a step forward in the envious eyes of many female warriors.

“Jasmine, I know something about your ability, your task today is to lead 300 people to clean up all the zombies in the North District, Zhou Xiuyan, you lead everyone else to follow me to the South District, I need you to remember that there is nothing terrible about zombies, the real terrible is you!”

“Now, take your weapons and follow me!”

Zhao Wanqing was fierce, the voice fell, Zhou Xiuyan pulled up the Tang Dao on the ground and took the first 320 people to Zhao Wanqing’s side quickly, and then went straight to the North District, while the remaining 299 people, including Jasmine, turned around and rushed to the back door of the hospital, that is, the direction of the South District.

After everyone was gone, Lin Youyou looked at the last 89 maids, “Your task today is to find a car, find out all the cars that can be driven on the street within a radius of ten kilometers, and mark them!” Do you understand? ”

The 89 maids who were still at a loss for words quickly nodded their heads and answered in unison: “Understood!” ”

“Go for it.”

The 89 maids scattered and ran in four directions, east, west, south, and north, and began to look for vehicles that could start normally, and when they found them, they attached the prepared labels to the roof.

Almost everyone in the whole hospital was in action, ten kilometers to the east, looking at the zombies still wandering on the ground, Lin Fan’s arm was raised, and in a flash, the ground behind him seemed to come alive, crazy agitation, and then hundreds of sharp earth cones rose from the ground, bent in mid-air, and then extended indefinitely.

The zombies who smelled Lin Fan’s living people howled and rushed towards Lin Fan, hundreds of sharp thorns flew through the air, and the zombies that rushed forward were instantly strung into countless sugar gourds.

“Ding! Kill zombies +1, points +1, Earth Element Mastery XP +1, current XP 500/500. ”

“Ding! Your Earth Elemental Mastery Ability Upgrade, currently at level Lv5, Earth Elemental Control Increased. ”

“Ding! Kill Zombies +1, Points +1, Earth Element Mastery XP +1, current XP 20/1000. ”

“Ding! Kill Zombies +1, Points +1, Earth Element Mastery XP +1, current XP 251/1000. ”

“Ding! ……”

The sound jumped wildly in his mind until the last zombie was penetrated, hundreds of dragon-like thorns dissipated out of thin air, turning into dust and returning to the ground, and hundreds of zombies lost their support and fell to the ground.

The earth element energy in the body was turbulent, and the four-dimensional attribute was slowly improving, and it didn’t take long to calm down.

“It’s only Lv5, it’s not enough.”

Shaking his head, Lin Fan paced to the established location, his palms spread out at will, the vehicles on both sides disintegrated at this moment, and the boundless steel powder floated into the air, eventually forming pieces of barbed wire connected together.

With a gentle stomp of the foot, the ground cracked, and the barbed wire sank nearly a meter along the crack, and the cracked ground slowly came together, and there was no trace of the crack at all.

The steel wire mesh is three meters high, countless steel wires are intertwined, the largest hole is not the size of a child’s fist, the steel wire is enough to have the thickness of the index finger, the steel pipe linking the steel wire mesh is solidly cast, enough to have the thickness of the adult forearm, and the high-strength compressed steel column cannot be crushed even if the missile is short.

This piece of steel wire mesh was nearly a hundred meters long, completely isolating the two sides of the street, and he reached forward and tapped his fingers on the steel wire, listening to the heavy sound, Lin Fan nodded with satisfaction.

Although these steel wire mesh is only used as an urgent need, at least it must be quality and quantity.

The figure flew up in the air, and as Lin Fan flew by, the abandoned vehicles on the street were disintegrated, forming a piece of brand-new steel wire mesh standing on the ground, with a limit of ten kilometers, completely isolating the streets on both sides, and the zombies who smelled the smell of living people were blocked by the steel wire mesh.

Clean up the zombies, decompose the vehicles, set up the steel wire mesh, three points and one line, the soil element control experience is rapidly improved, and the east side of the steel wire mesh is about to be completed.

“Ding! Kill Zombies +1, Points +1, Earth Element Mastery XP +1, Current XP 1000/1000. ”

“Ding! Your Earth Elemental Mastery Ability Upgrade, currently at Level Lv6, Earth Elemental Control Increased. ”

After cleaning up some of the zombies that got in the way again, the earth element controlled the ability upgrade, and after crossing the boundary of Lv5, every time it advanced, the power had a qualitative change from the previous level.

The earth element energy in the body is thicker, the defense power on the surface of the body is stronger, and the quality of the energy is also higher.

“Dirt Wall!”

After the promotion, Lin Fan raised his feet and stomped on it, and a two-meter-high earthen wall rose on the ground, and Lin Fan leaned forward to look at it carefully.

The earthen wall is black and gray throughout, it looks very textured, and there are fine lines on the wall, as if it is the side of some animal’s scales, Lin Fan can feel that these fine lines seem to be deliberately repelling his strength.


The middle finger tapped on the earthen wall, and the dull sound of the metal impact was heard, which showed that the texture was very strong.

Lin Fan took out the previously captured pistol and pulled the trigger on the earthen wall, the gunshot echoed, the bullets in the magazine were empty, and not even a white mark appeared on the wall.

Lin Fan took out the previous micro-punch again, aimed at the earthen wall and ruthlessly pulled the trigger, after the bullet was empty, there was still no white mark on the earthen wall.

Looking at this defensive power, Lin Fan nodded secretly, and took out the previous anti-equipment sniper rifle.

Pulling the trigger at close range, the muzzle of the large-caliber anti-equipment sniper rifle burst into flames, a bullet burst out of the chamber, Lin Fan’s eyes narrowed, the bullet slowed down extremely slowly in his eyes, the dense cyclone pulled out a long line behind the bullet, and the golden bullet instantly hit the earthen wall.

The ripples visible to the naked eye rippled out, like a drop of water on the surface of the water, the impact force spread along those fine lines, spread to the surroundings, and then quickly returned to the far point, no less than the force of the bullet hitting the wall at this moment rebounded, the sharp bullet was instantly hit and collapsed, and then lost power and fell like the ground.

At an extremely slow angle to see all this, Lin Fan’s eyes flashed a different color, these fine lines like scales were a bit powerful, and even divided the power of the sniper bullets, and then bounced back.

The power of the anti-materiel sniper rifle is unquestionable, even if it is the least powerful anti-materiel sniper rifle, within a range of 500 meters, without the influence of external forces, it can penetrate a 10 mm thick steel plate, which is a 10 mm thick steel plate!

It is such a strong destructive force, but there is no way to leave a little white mark on the earthen wall in front of you, which is enough to prove the defensive ability of this earthen wall, but I am afraid that I have to use artillery missiles to cause damage to it, right?

After verifying the defense ability of the earthen wall, Lin Fan waved the earthen wall away, Lv6’s earth attribute ability was theoretically enough, but Lin Fan still felt that he was not satisfied, but thinking that advanced Lv7 needed to kill ten thousand zombies, Lin Fan was a bit big.

“Lv6 is Lv6, use it for the time being, and when you advance to Lv7, you can strengthen the city wall again.”

That being said, Lin Fan was not in a hurry to set up the city wall now, first of all, there was not enough time, and secondly, it was too slow, and the top priority was to set up the wire mesh to prevent the zombies from wandering in endlessly, so that it was not a matter of breaking the wire and not cleaning it up all the time.

Putting down the last piece of steel wire mesh on the east side, Lin Fan planned to go to the south area, but before he could leave, he heard a roar flying through the distance.

Looking at the past subconsciously, Lin Fan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

At a height of hundreds of meters, a camouflage-colored helicopter gunship flew through the sky and flew straight towards the hospital.

Seeing this military helicopter, Lin Fan sighed.

“It’s time to come, the thief’s heart doesn’t die.”

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