Chapter 126 Wingsuit Flight, Wang Xiaoming’s Determination

Under the city wall, after more than four hours, Lin Fan finally completed the construction of the twenty kilometers of the southern city wall, standing at the southeast junction, Lin Fan looked west along the city wall, the 15-meter high city wall was oppressive, just looking, there was a feeling of indestructibility and unbreakability.

“How’s it going, okay?”

Turning his head to look at Su Xiaoluo next to him, Lin Fan snapped his fingers, and his face was full of pride.

This was his masterpiece of an afternoon, tired and half dead, and he didn’t know how many times he had rested.

After the initial shock, Su Xiaoluo’s mood had calmed down a lot, but Rao was so, looking at the twenty kilometers long wall in front of him, Su Xiaoluo still had a feeling that he could not return to his senses.

Is this really the wall she watched with her own eyes, born from scratch?

Shaking his head in disbelief, Su Xiaoluo said with a shocked face, “Very powerful! It’s just cool! If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have imagined it would have been so fast and so shocking! Brother, you’re awesome, aren’t you? ”

A wave of rainbow farts made Lin Fan feel more comfortable in his heart, bent down to pick up Su Xiaoluo, Lin Fan ‘ding’ kissed her on her small face twice, haha laughed: “Generally, Luo Luo’s design is also very good, and the singing is also very good, otherwise I will be bored and die this afternoon.” ”

“It’s not too early, let’s go home, and the remaining three walls will be made tomorrow.”

In the afternoon, the feelings between Lin Fan and Su Xiaoluo soared, and Lu Linfan did not use his ability to go back, so he slowly walked back with Su Xiaoluo, who was as soft as cotton.

The time is still early, I can’t be too anxious, I usually don’t have time to accompany Su Xiaoluo, this legal soft Lolita, and now I can just hang out to pass the time.

Not long after the figures of Lin Fan and Su Xiaoluo disappeared into the street, two small black dots flew in the sky, and it was Wang Xiaoming and Liu Zihao, who had come to this side after thousands of hardships.

The two men were dressed in wingsuits, their arms swinging, controlling the direction and speed of flight, and their eyes were fixed on the scene on the ground, with unspeakable shock on their faces.

“Brother Xiaoming, this… That’s scary, isn’t it? The city wall is at least 12 meters or more visually measured, and the width is definitely more than ten meters, and three cars can race side by side! And here, there is not a single living zombie! ”

Wang Xiaoming looked at the scene on the ground, his heart was also shocked, he just saw the city wall, very real, the sense of oppression is very strong, so tall city wall, zombies can not break through in a lifetime!

There is also the city wall, there are no living zombies at all, the ground is full of dead corpses, too clean, if this is not cleaned up by the military region, he can’t imagine how strong the force is, in the end, can clean up such a large security zone, but also make such a terrible wall!

Flying high in the air, Wang Xiaoming also saw the steel wire mesh erected on the edge area, which was three meters high, blocking all the zombies outside, and it could be seen that the other party was deliberately making a safe place.

What just made him more strange was that this had flown out six or seven kilometers, how could no one see it?

Where have people gone? It can’t be such a large area without a single living person, right?

Wang Xiaoming had the heart to continue to fly forward, at this time, Liu Zihao suddenly said, “Brother Xiaoming, we should go back, this height, if we don’t go back, we may have to fall in this area, or outside the city wall, we have no tools on us, this is too dangerous!” ”

Hearing Liu Zihao’s words, Wang Xiaoming woke up, although he was very unwilling, but now he really should fly back, otherwise he would not be able to fly back to the Jiangyuan villa area, and at this time, it would soon be dark, the zombies at night and during the day were simply not a level, he was really very skilled, very capable of fighting, but he did not want to collide with the zombies at night.

That’s no different than sending you to death.

Forced to return, Wang Xiaoming unwillingly glanced at the area inside the city, turned his head and flew back to the Jiangyuan villa area.

At a height of more than twenty meters in the air, the limbs were put away, losing the power brought by the eardrum, the two quickly fell to the ground, and at the same time, the umbrella bag on the back was opened, and the two people who fell suddenly fell when they were three meters away from the ground, and the speed of the fall suddenly stopped.

Landing safely, Liu Zihao patted his beating heart, and his face turned a little pale: “It’s dangerous, and then the party will happen, we estimate that we will fall to the ground and die.” ”

Wang Xiaoming is also a little heartfelt, wingsuit flight is indeed exciting, that kind of free flight feeling is very cool, that is, the safety is too poor, every year do not know how many people die in wingsuit flight.

When the mood returned to calm, Wang Xiaoming packed up his umbrella bag and walked into the villa in silence, several young men and women who greeted him wanted to say something, but looking at Wang Xiaoming’s mood was not high, they all looked at each other and looked confused.

Liu Zihao followed closely behind, and several young people rushed up and asked, “Brother Hao, what happened to Brother Xiaoming?” The mood is not high, what do you see? ”

“Yes, little brother, what do you see?” Brother Xiao Ming didn’t seem too happy. ”

Liu Zihao took off his wingsuit, and while taking it off, he said what he had seen before, and several young men and women who listened to it were surprised and felt very incredible.

“Really fake? The city wall is more than ten meters high, more than ten meters wide or seven or eight kilometers long? What’s this? It’s almost time to catch up with the walls of the ancient capital! ”

“Shouldn’t that be fake?” Just an empty shell to scare people with? ”

“I think it should be, otherwise at least seven or eight kilometers, more than ten meters wide and more than ten meters high city walls, how can it be built in a few hours?”

“Yes, it is possible to be a god, otherwise, even if it is built with various machinery, it is impossible to build such a magnificent wall in a few hours.”

Listening to the crowd’s gossip, Liu Zihao shook his head, not knowing what to say.

In a room on the third floor, Wang Xiaoming sat on the sofa, full of thoughts about the scene he had seen before, the magnificent city wall, the empty inner city as clean as a ghost, all of which were firmly imprinted in his head.

Compared with that inner city, the Jiangyuan villa area he had painstakingly cleaned up was simply no different from the torii gate, before he was still complacent about it, and now he was sober and had a greater goal of struggle!

Build your own walls? There was no need to think about it at all, just by virtue of these people, they could not build such a wall in ten years, and since they could not build it themselves, they would find a way to turn it into something that belonged to him!

Of course, this was only his temporary idea, Wang Xiaoming was not stupid, he could suddenly build such a city wall, the other side was by no means a generalist, even if it was not a military region, it was definitely a huge force, and he had to act cautiously.

If he couldn’t succeed, he could slowly encroach on it, but before that, he had to figure out what kind of forces were in that inner city!

With a decision in his mind, Wang Xiaoming’s eyes flashed with a thick glint of excitement, and he now wanted to go out again to inquire about some useful information, but after looking at the sky outside, this idea was extinguished in an instant.

It was about to be seven o’clock, and although it was summer, and it was dark and dark, seven o’clock was not enough for him to go again.

Calming the excitement in his heart, Wang Xiaoming took off the equipment on his body and put it away, turned around and went downstairs.

In the living room downstairs, more than a dozen young men and women looked at Wang Xiaoming who came down, with a look of exploration and worry in their eyes.

Wang Xiaoming didn’t have to think about it to know that it must be the expression on his face when he came back that made these people think more in their hearts, waved his hands, and reassured him with a smile on his face: “I’m okay, is the meal ready?” After eating, let’s start our carnival tonight! ”

Hearing the two words of revelry, the young men and women in the living room were excited, obviously looking forward to the carnival in the evening.

As night falls, the zombies of the night change from lazy to violent during the day, chasing the smell of the living everywhere, and the roar is extremely terrifying.

In the Jiangyuan villa area, Wang Xiaoming was dressed in a tunic, with a pistol pinned to his waist, carrying the daytime sight in his hand, and his face was solemn.

Next to him, the young people in the villa were all nervous and fanatical, and their hands were also fully equipped, as if they were waiting for something.

In front of a group of people, there was a huge iron cage, and the iron cage was stuffed with zombies, because of the darkness of the night, these zombies were exceptionally violent, roaring madly at Wang Xiaoming and others through the gaps in the iron cage.

Holding a remote control in his hand, Wang Xiaoming’s arm was raised, noticing Wang Xiaoming’s movements, and more than a dozen young people were breathing heavily, appearing even more nervous.

“Are you all ready?” The rule of today’s game is to see who kills the most zombies of us, and who wants to quit at this time? Zombies at night can be different from daytime and more ferocious. ”

After Wang Xiaoming finished speaking, more than a dozen young people did not speak, and no one took the initiative to stand up, at this time, standing up is not equivalent to taking the initiative to show timidity? Can you get by on the face?

Seeing that no one spoke, Wang Xiaoming’s eyes became solemn, “Since everything is ready, then when the game starts, be careful, don’t die, otherwise the knife in my hand will not recognize anyone!” ”

After speaking, Wang Xiaoming pressed the remote control in his hand, and more than ten meters away, the door of the iron cage opened, and a group of zombies roared out and rushed out, straight to Wang Xiaoming and the others.

On the roof of the villa, Wu Mengfei and others stood on the roof and looked at the scene downstairs, one by one, their faces were excited, and their faces became full of excitement due to overexcitement.

On the ground, Wang Xiaoming looked at the zombies rushing over, the machete in his hand was merciless, each swing was slashed on the head of the zombie, the courage was incomparable, the blood of the zombie was shooting, Wang Xiaoming’s eyes were red, the whole person was killing crazy, it seemed that the previous excitement was all vented on these zombies.

I don’t know when, the zombies in the iron cage have all been killed, Wang Xiaoming gasped for breath, and there were zombie corpses lying around him, these were his battle achievements, throwing away the blood-dripping machete in his hand, Wang Xiaoming’s thoughts in his heart became more and more firm!

He! In any case, keep that safe zone for yourself! No matter what kind of method!

That is the real man’s toy, just a Jiangyuan villa area is like a ridiculous bird cage, what kind of overlord is he?

Only a wall of that level is worthy of him!

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