Chapter 129 Sorry, having superpowers is great.

Under the city wall of the southern district, Su Xiaoluo had a small face, big eyes dripping and staring at Lin Fan, and the small face was still sleepy, obviously very dissatisfied with being pulled up from the bed in the morning and not being able to sleep lazily.

Lin Fan pretended not to see it, holding the drawing in his hand and constantly studying.

Not only the East and West Districts, but also the South District Wall, which was built yesterday, must now make a gate leading to the outside, otherwise the female warriors would not want to go out today.

The southern side was led by Mu Yueqing, who was hundreds of meters away at this time, directing hundreds of female warriors to pile up the corpses of the zombies.

The Demon Cat Fire is very terrifying, even if it is only Lv3 now, as long as the strong flame sticks to a little, the zombie will be burned into fly ash.

It’s not too comfortable to use to destroy corpses!

Moreover, what Lin Fan was expecting happened, as Mu Yueqing advanced to Lv3, at this time Mu Yueqing already had three tails behind him, but compared with the nine-tailed fox, the tail of the cat was not so good-looking, fortunately, these tails could be withdrawn.

Mu Yueqing’s Demon Cat Ability advanced to Lv3 appeared two ways, one was to specifically strengthen the Demon Cat Fire, and the other was to take multi-faceted development.

Mu Yueqing was not so greedy, and chose the first path, specializing in the Demon Cat Fire, so that the Demon Fire was extremely terrifying, in fact, the other two abilities were relatively poor, so he chose to specialize.

I don’t know if it was luck that ran out, the two abilities branched out by Lin Fan’s side were also relatively stretched, and his choice was also to temporarily specialize in the path of demon fire.

Hundreds of female warriors carried the corpses of the zombies as if flying, and soon hundreds of zombies piled up into a hill, Mu Yuqing’s eyes flashed with fire, the corpse mountain in front of him was windless and fired, and soon the blue flames completely ignited the corpse pile, and the corpses of hundreds of zombies turned into fly ash at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In fact, this ability is very good, there are too many zombie corpses in the inner city within a radius of twenty kilometers, if you transport it out a little, it is too troublesome, Mu Yueqing’s ability will solve this problem very well.

Now there are maids piling up corpses in all directions of the city, as long as Mu Yueqing is free, or Lin Fan passes by, casually drops it, and can burn the corpse in an instant.

With no bodies on the streets and abandoned vehicles cleared, the entire inner city will be instantly renewed.

On the edge of the city wall, Lin Fan selected an area in the central part as the city gate, the city gate was 8 meters high and wide, and the depth was 12 meters, but how to make this city gate was a problem.

In theory, the alloy giant gate can be, the alloy is simple, the magnetic field can decompose the metal into an atomic state, and then arrange the metal in the atomic state to form a strong alloy, but another problem is how to make this door automatically switch on.

Like the research institutes, there are electronic recognition, but this thing Lin Fan does not understand ah, you let him crack he will, lightning power electricity, there is no electronic door that cannot be opened.

The alloy door gave up temporarily, but Lin Fan came up with a new idea, since the alloy door is not OK, then my earthen door is always OK, right?

Just like the city gate of the broken dragon stone, this kind of he is in the line, as long as he gets something similar to an identity card, injects his earth element energy, and then swipes the card to enter the door, how simple is this?

And not even the identification card is used, when the time comes to leave a mark on the woman’s arm, it is necessary to use its own energy to stimulate the imprint, and the city gate can also be opened by itself! This one is even simpler!

“I’m such a genius!”

With the idea to implement, Lin Fan’s palm pressed on the city wall, and soon the solid wall shook a few times, and then with Lin Fan as the center, the city wall spread to both sides in the shape of an arch, under the control of the energy of the earth element, soon the solid wall appeared a huge Yongdao with a height and width of 8 meters, leading to the steel wire mesh more than ten meters away.

Pulling up Su Xiaoluo, who was still a little reluctant, Lin Fan strode towards the end of the city gate.

Coming to the side of the steel wire mesh, Lin Fan raised his hand, the steel wire mesh in front of him was instantly decomposed, and the twenty kilometers long steel wire mesh was troublesome to build, but the decomposition was indeed very simple, and soon, a large piece of alloy steel plate appeared on the ground.

These alloy steel plates may be used in the future, and they will be left for the time being in case of emergency.

Standing outside the city wall, looking at the zombies on the street in front of him who seemed to smell the smell of living people, Lin Fan did not have the heart to take care of them, and the magnetic field energy spread, obscuring the breath of him and Lin Youyou.

Unable to sense the breath of the living, the restless zombies fell silent.

Turning to look at the city wall in front of him, Lin Fan’s palm pressed on the wall, and the earth element energy exploded, spreading to the earthen walls on both sides like a time backwards, and then completely sealed the city wall, becoming an iron plate, and even the gaps could not be found.

Su Xiaoluo was confused at this time, you made a Yongdao to connect the city gate to the outside world, how can it be sealed now? What do you picture? You can’t always open the door yourself every time you come out and go in, right?

At this moment, Su Xiaoluo looked at Lin Fan, and that look was not to mention how strange it was.

Without a good temper, she knocked on her head, looking at her pained and aggrieved look, Lin Fan explained the principle again, and Su Xiaoluo, who listened to it, was stunned.

“You… Are you too good at playing? Amazing with superpowers!? ”

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Fan showed a standard arrogant expression, pointed to Su Xiaoluo, and vividly said: “Sorry, having superpowers is great, see the other three directions?” I’m going to do it too! ”

Su Xiaoluo rolled his eyes, like a very defeated dog.

After getting the city gate right, Lin Fan took Su Xiaoluo back to the city, and Mu Yueqing had already burned the zombie corpses nearby, and this time he greeted him.

“Lord, are you done?”

Lin Fan did not answer, pulling up Mu Yue’s innocent palm, the earth energy was running, leaving a mark of the word ‘Lin’ on the back of her hand, this mark did not last long, and soon disappeared under the skin.

“This is?”

Letting go of Mu Yueqing’s small hand, Lin Fan explained, “This is a pass, entering and exiting the city gate only needs to activate the imprint with energy, and then press the palm on the city wall, sensing this imprint, the city gate will automatically open.” ”

Mu Yueqing’s eyes lit up, the demon fire energy was urged, and sure enough, the word ‘Lin’ appeared again.

“Thank you Lord.”

“Well, take your people out, no more outside the city than inside the city, everything is more careful, and call me as soon as there is any problem.”

Watching Mu Yueqing and his party disappear in front of him, Lin Fan pulled Su Xiaoluo straight to the junction of the southeast district and began to build the city wall boredly.

In the Jiangyuan villa area, after a night of excitement, Wang Xiaoming got up in the morning and pulled Liu Zihao, who had not yet woken up, to run outside.

Wang Xiaoming was already a little shy, the tall city walls, the huge security zone, all of this was tempting him, desire blinded his reason, maybe he was sober and planned, but he never thought that things would not evolve as he planned.

Dragged by Wang Xiaoming to climb the stairs in the morning, Liu Zihao fainted and quickly broke Wang Xiaoming’s hand.

“Brother Xiaoming, even if we want to go, we have to eat enough, right?” In our state, are we hungry to climb the stairs? Before we reached the top of the building, we collapsed, and when the time came, let alone fly in the wingsuit, we simply fell to our deaths. ”

Wang Xiaoming only reacted at this time, the two of them finished their meal hastily, and before the people in the villa got up, the two came from the hidden road to the Guangding Building.

They had already explored the Jiangyuan villa area more than once, yesterday they jumped from the roof of the Guangding Building, but unfortunately the height was limited, only less than four hundred meters, otherwise they could fly farther.

Difficult to climb to the top of the building, stop and go has been more than two hours later, if it were not for the Guangding Building just built not long after the encounter with zombie outbreaks, there are not many people inside, just kill the zombies two people will have to kill I don’t know how long.

After resting on the roof for half an hour and recovering some of his strength, Wang Xiaoming stood on the rooftop and opened his arms against the fierce wind, the wind blew the wing membranes, and the fin-shaped air bag was filled with air, at this time Wang Xiaoming jumped down.

With his arms and eyes wide open, the whole person stretched out, and Wang Xiaoming looked at the distant city wall with full of excitement, trying to control the direction and flew over.

Wang Xiaoming and Liu Zihao flew towards the city wall one after the other, to tell the truth, there are very few people in China who dare to fly in low-altitude wingsuits, after all, this is an ultra-extreme extreme sport, and the danger is very large! The mortality rate remains high.

But this is how much determination Wang Xiaoming really has, and how crazy he really is.

The figures of the two men passed between the high-rise buildings, and on the street, Mu Yueqing, who had just killed several zombies with a demon fire, only felt that something flashed away from the corner of his eyes, and turned his head in confusion to look at the gap between the high-rise buildings, but found nothing.

Jasmine stopped and followed Mu Yueqing’s gaze, seeing only a piece of the sky.

“Mother, what’s wrong?”

Mu Yueqing shook his head, suppressed the doubts in his heart, swept his eyes across the street earlier, looked at the large fragmented corpses on the ground, and said in a deep voice: “Be careful, there may be people in this area, raise your attention, don’t be shot cold.” ”

What Zhao Wanqing encountered Lin Fan said that Mu Yueqing did not want to accidentally encounter it for a while, everything was careful, her demon fire was not completed, not to mention that the development level was still relatively low.

According to Lin Fan, her development level is only Lv3, and Zhao Wanqing has entered Lv6, the difference is like a gap, Lv6’s Zhao Wanqing can be carelessly ambushed, and she should pay attention to a Lv3.

At this time, Wang Xiaoming and Liu Zihao, who were flying in the sky, did not know that they had just escaped a killing disaster, and looking at the city wall that was getting closer and closer, the expression on their faces was getting more and more excited.

It’s close! Closer! Until flying over the city wall, Wang Xiaoming looked excitedly at the inner city, hoping to have some new discoveries.

The moment he crossed the city wall, the expression on his face instantly froze!

New discoveries do exist! However, this new discovery is a bit too shocking!

“Small… Brother Ming, that… How did another wall be erected in the east? ”

Liu Zihao’s voice was trembling, it was not excitement, but frightened!

It was only a night later, and the same wall appeared on the east side, isn’t that a joke? Really play the tower defense game? One click to complete?

Wang Xiaoming was stunned, looking at the vast city wall that stretched to the end of his line of sight, he was confused!

So much so that he almost forgot to control the direction and went down, but fortunately he woke up and controlled.

Today’s results in addition to the discovery of new city walls, Wang Xiaoming and Wang Xiaoming still have no new discoveries, not even a shadow has seen, but the flight altitude is limited there, there is no way, Wang Xiaoming can only grit his teeth and return.

After landing safely again, the more Wang Xiaoming thought about it, the more unwilling he became, so that his eyes were a little red.

He’s a little crazy!

“Xiao Hao, are you following me?” Let’s do a big vote? ”

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