Chapter 151 You are right, the 15-meter-high wall is that you can do whatever you want

Stupid to force the two words out, Lin Fan almost laughed out loud, but even so, the corner could not stop rising, obviously, Li Siqi’s words reached Lin Fan’s heart, and conveyed what he wanted to say unchanged.

Not only Lin Fan, Li Siqi’s words basically expressed the opinions of many netizens below.

“What do you say about you horse, Dr. Pen?” Going to Mirikan? Why not come to our Eastern Empire? ”

“Our Bear Empire is vast and sparsely populated, more suitable for receiving survivors, and our Bear Empire also has a lot of nuclear weapons, and before the end of the world, we would like to nuclear wash the land free of Miriken, everything is for freedom!” Ulla! ”

“Long live the Furry Bear Empire!” Ulla! ”

“Go to Nima’s free Miriken, this kind of talk fools those female boxing dogs is almost the same, hetui!”

“Stupid Doctor, stupid Mirigan, go to Nima’s Mirigan, or fool those stupid women!” Or fool your neon sons and stick sons and see if they listen to you! ”

“Free Mirikan! Father Millikan come and save me, these men in the Eastern Empire are simply beasts, they do not respect us women at all, they give us the least food, and they vent on us every day. ”

“Don’t mind, the female dog upstairs is in my place, it seems that there is still too much bread in the morning, and now I am educating her with a few good brothers.”

“David. Mr. Smith’s research results are indeed very shocking, in terms of immortality, we in the imperial capital will also study it well, and at the same time, according to the light, we can study a weapon that specializes in destroying zombie cells, so that we may be able to eliminate zombies faster. Oh well”

The comments of netizens are strange, almost any country has, I don’t know if it is sprayed by the whole world, almost can not see the comments of the local people in Miligan, perhaps the native people of Milly are also scolding?

After watching Lin Fan wanted to turn off his mobile phone and hand it to Zhao Wanqing, at this time suddenly a message attracted Lin Fan’s attention.

Subconsciously clicking on it, the eye-catching title made Lin Fan stunned.

“Really fake? Can zombies still have children? After silently chanting two sentences, Lin Fan opened the message that suddenly popped out.

“Do zombies give birth to children?” If zombies can breed offspring, where are our human beings? ”

Looking at this eye-catching headline, not to mention, this kind of headline similar to the UC shock department is really eye-catching, and people can’t help but want to click into it.

I don’t know why, seeing this post, Lin Fan’s first thought was the pregnant woman in the institute, in this person’s cannibalistic apocalypse, without the strength to protect herself, she would be reduced to that woman.

Shaking his head and no longer thinking about women, Lin Fan clicked on the video.

At first, the video is blurry, probably far away, but as it focuses, the video is a little clearer, at least you can see the situation on the ground.

Surprised to see the magical scene on the street, Lin Fan continued to watch, and when he saw the woman lying on the ground, Lin Fan did not know why there was a familiar feeling.

That dress, that pair of shoes, if not the face is too blurry, Lin Fan almost has to think that it is the woman he let go, but looking at the woman’s belly, that bloated look, almost reached the due date, and the woman he let go, at most, only a month or two, this alone made Lin Fan deny the woman who was let go by him.

After all, it has only been three days now, where is the birth of a child so fast? At most, the clothes and shoes are similar.

“Lord, how did I see this woman in the video so much like the one we let go?” Zhao Wanqing also came up, looked at the woman in the video, and opened her mouth in doubt.

As one of the parties, Zhao Wanqing originally sent the woman away with Lin Fan, no wonder Zhao Wanqing would be confused.

Shaking his head, Lin Fan pointed to several conspicuous signs in the video and said: “Look at these, let’s not say whether a woman can have a belly for three days from one or two months to ten months of delivery, you should know these signs, right?” The most obvious Linjiang Home Villa Area, although I have not been here, I also know that this is in the northeast of Hongkou District, and we are more than a hundred kilometers, right? ”

“Do you think a woman who has turned into a zombie can run more than a hundred kilometers from us in three days?”

Zhao Wanqing shook her head, obviously she also felt that something was unlikely, just when she wanted to say something, her breathing was stagnant, looking at the small head that suddenly appeared in the video, and the orangutan gaze that suddenly turned, Rao was Zhao Wanqing’s strength now, and she was also startled by the sudden scene.

This sudden scene was also seen by Lin Fan, and Lin Fan, who was more determined in his mind, did not feel anything, Su Xiaoluoden, who had been holding his neck to watch, was frightened and screamed, and his small face was white and he picked up Lin Fan’s clothes and drilled his small head into it.

I was not frightened by the picture in the video, but this voice, Lin Fan did not hide after all, looking down at Su Xiaoluo, who was eager to drill into the inside of the clothes, Lin Fan smiled bitterly and shook his head, that is, you are small, change someone, the clothes have to be broken.

Lin Youyou’s daughters were also startled, looking at the little Lolita who shrank up and shivered, one by one did not know what to say, the dish, the addiction is still big, everything wants to see.

Patting Su Xiaoluo’s back, Lin Fan’s expression this time was not so relaxed, the scene just now was obviously very abnormal, whose zombie eyes were as bright as the big light bulbs? With your ass think you know that this thing must not be normal!

Unfortunately, the people who filmed were also frightened, the video was black for a long time, and then several men’s scolding grins and conversations could be heard, and it didn’t take long for the phone to be picked up, and then the video was quickly interrupted.

Frowning at the end of the video, Lin Fan saw that there was something behind him, subconsciously clicked open, this time the video is very short, although short, but there should be content, there is still some.

Looking at the female zombie whose stomach was only left with a big hole, Lin Fan was a little curious, where did the zombie baby who had just been born go, and would he run away just after being born?

Although it is still possible to find some clues from the video, the subsequent zombies have completely obscured the picture, and the woman’s body has also been blocked.

The video ends here, and there are some posters’ testimonials in the follow-up, these Lin Fan did not look closely, the zombie baby that was suddenly born is obviously very abnormal, and the real concern is this zombie baby.

The birth of this zombie baby will obviously bring more unknowns to the already strange zombie apocalypse, just like the white scientist said, this apocalypse came so suddenly, even whether it is air transmission or water transmission is not clear, two days swept any corner of the world!

This is not a zombie infection caused by people flying to other countries, but from the beginning, the virus has been directly detonated in various countries, revealing unusual everywhere.

And there are people on the Internet statistics, it is not a statistic, normally, if the air spreads, the first infection should be those who are weak, low immunity of the population, but most of the patients in the early stage were not infected, but those who are healthy and strong people were infected first, but not all, simply put, this thing is to see a randomness.

Bad luck, walking you will be corpses changed, and then the streets are full of bites, completely detonating the wave of the end of the world, the funniest thing is that Millikan does not know whether it is too deep by Resident Evil, there are people on the street to install zombies, Lin Fan also saw a lot of such videos at Station B.

As a result, when the zombie virus really broke out, zombies were biting people all over the street, and some people felt that this was a video taken on the street, and they didn’t even know how to run, and they were still watching in surprise over there, or they just thought it was funny to take out their mobile phones and follow the video.

When the real blood is splashed and the intestines are thrown out, it feels that something is wrong, at this time it is too late to scream and escape, if you really want to say which country has the fastest outbreak of the zombie crisis, not counting the population country, free Millikan is the empire that is poisoned by the zombie crisis.

After watching the video, Lin Fan pondered for a moment, handed the mobile phone back to Zhao Wanqing, and said: “Didn’t you just say that there was any intelligence group?” Tell them to pay more attention to some clues about this zombie child, you have done a good job, intelligence is really important in the apocalypse, and it is still very important for us to have first-hand intelligence at all times. ”

“The intelligence group needs strong support, and you can just watch and do this, so let’s eat.”

After speaking, Lin Fan walked up to the table, still holding a frightened Su Xiaoluo in his arms.

For zombie babies, Lin Fan is not so afraid, this is his self-confidence, even if this baby is no matter how evil, it will definitely not be his opponent, Lin Fan is concerned, is to know, such a zombie baby is the only case, or there are others, or, this is the new generation of wisdom zombies?

If it is a new generation of intelligent zombies, you can command those unsane zombies, oh… It seems that there is no danger, anyway, the 15-meter-high city wall, have the ability to turn in and hit me?

While some of it sounds arrogant, I’m sorry that the 15-meter-high wall can really do whatever you want!

Unless the zombie could grow wings and fly over, if that were the case, Lin Fan wouldn’t have anything to say.

After eating, putting down Su Xiaoluo, patting her ass, letting her play at home by herself, changing her shoes under the service of Yueyi people, Lin Fan turned and left the supermarket.

Lin Youyou and several others also followed, each leading the team and heading towards the city gate.

Yes, it is to drive, as the streets are cleared, those vehicles have also been screened and cleaned again, and now they can be opened, and the empty streets, after more than a month, have once again ushered in the roar of cars, adding a touch of popularity to this empty city.

It is believed that with the gradual improvement of the inner urban ecological circle, with the original facilities, the inner city will soon develop and prosper, not to mention the luxury and drunkenness before the end of the world, but at least it will not be like now.

Even as the inner city flourished, it would one day become the center of the world and a holy place for all women.

That day, it won’t be too far!

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