Chapter 153 The zombie crow swarm that covers the sky, and the zombie animals attack

Dumbfounded, like a marionette, he walked to the roof behind the dormitory building, looking at the empty and dead world behind, Du Zhihang could not return to his mind for a long time.

“No…. These zombies are not crazy, they are orderly, they are moving forward with discipline, and their target is the army! ”

The voice that sounded like self-talk spat out from Du Zhihang’s throat, and several students who also noticed the situation behind them were stunned and subconsciously asked, “What are you talking about?” ”

Du Zhihang turned around in a daze, obviously he had not yet returned from the shock just now, thinking back to the figure that flashed away in the morning, if at first he still felt that it was a hallucination and a dazzle, then now he did not feel so.

“I said, these zombies are premeditated to advance in the direction of the military region, there is a command, there is a target in the advance, they have a smart zombie leading the way, huh… Hahaha…. Hahahahaha! ”

Understood, understood, Du Zhihang now understood everything, the crazy laughter made several students look at each other, and even the others were curious to surround them.

“What is the matter with Hangzi?” Scared crazy? ”

“Can’t you? Hangzi is usually very bold, not to this point can not bear ah. ”

“What is he doing about this?” You guys are close, you know? Is this guy scared? ”

Several students who were close to them shook their heads blankly and repeated what Du Zhihang had just said, at first some people did not understand, but soon someone reacted.

“Yes…. You guessed it, remember that video from last night’s hot search? The video of the zombie giving birth to the child, the zombie child is obviously not normal, and it disappears in the blink of an eye, although the time is a little long, but will a child who dares to be born go? Not really. ”

“So? Zombies can’t be seen from a normal perspective, so why can’t they think about it? Maybe that child has grown up, photosynthesis may be possible or anything, divergent thinking, bold imagination, maybe we think of the truth! ”

Du Zhihang stopped laughing like crazy, and spoke rigorously and methodically, not at all like he was frightened and crazy.

The recent students are a little unbelievable, not so much unbelievable, but rather dare not believe, force themselves not to believe!

If the zombies have this wisdom and know to destroy the army first, then what way do ordinary people have to survive in the face of that number of zombies?

Du Zhihang walked step by step to a few students holding mobile phones, took each other’s mobile phones in his hand, and said: “I guess you just recorded that terrible scene, right?” Let me guess, not only you, the zombie tide rushed all the way, our rear, has been empty, I don’t know how many people witnessed that terrible scene! ”

“I think that the posts about the tide of corpses on the Internet are probably flying all over the sky now.”

With this said, Du Zhihang opened Weibo, and sure enough, the hot search at the top of the high is the tide of thousands of corpses, eye-catching titles, increased fonts, and the fiery marks, all witnessing the popularity of this post.

Du Zhihang opened it casually, videos and pictures were available, Du Zhihang opened it casually, and the tide of corpses he saw was almost the same, Du Zhihang quickly pulled the progress bar, and suddenly, his movements stopped.

Looking at the black pressed shadow frozen in the picture, Du Zhihang’s eyes widened and his breathing suddenly became rapid.

“What is this? What is this flying in the sky? ”

Quack ~ ~ ~ quack quack ~ ~ quack ~ ~ quack qua


No one answered, and what answered him was the piercing crow in the sky, and the chirping sound enough to pierce the eardrums.

Turning suddenly, looking at the terrifying black curtain that was dense behind and almost covered the sky, the piercing crow song was heard from the black curtain in the sky, and in front of these crows, some goshawks flew in front, enough to penetrate the golden rubble.

The crows were still far away at first, but they seemed to be attracted by something, and the terrifying curtain-like crows flew towards the ground, aiming at a tall building in the distance.

Seeing this, Du Zhihang’s heartbeat almost stopped, and he grabbed the telescope next to him and looked over, and the picture that caught his eyes shocked Du Zhihang’s head into a blank!

In the distant building, a group of survivors rushed to the door of the roof in horror, running slowly to be chased by crows, black shadows flew by, leaving only the skeleton of almost shaved flesh and blood in place, and even some people screamed and were caught in the air, and then they were divided into corpses by the crows, and the terrifying crows even rushed down the staircase of the roof, and soon flew out of the broken windows of other floors.

Looking at the bloody and terrifying scene of the distant building, the fear in Du Zhihang’s heart was incomparable, the crows were approaching, and Du Zhihang panicked: “Quick! Come on! Come on! Don’t want to die run! ”

The students on the roof moved in an instant, one by one, scrambling to get their parents to run faster, and rushed to the stairwell.

“Hurry up, hurry up!”

Du Zhihang shouted madly, rushed all the way downstairs, turned suddenly, looked at the boy who ran in at the end and shouted: “Close the door!” Close the door! Close the door if you don’t want to die! ”

The boy at the back was stunned, as if he had just woken up from a dream, turned around and forcefully closed the two doors.

Quack quack ~~~


At this moment, a crow rushed over, and before it could fully fly in, it was stuck by the two fans and sandwiched into minced meat.

Quack quack crunch quack qua

Bang bang bang bang!

The piercing screams and the sound of the fierce crash came from the other side of the door, the last boy retreated to the back in horror, in the stairwell, Du Zhihang and the others held their breath and looked at the closed door, the crow’s pupils that were caught in the door at the door were dead ash, and when they saw this, everyone had a measurement in their hearts.

Zombie crow….

Crows eat human flesh, these crows must have eaten the flesh of those dead zombies, will become corpses, otherwise the crows flying in the sky, zombies want to infect is basically impossible.

Since the end of the world, no animals have been seen mutated into zombies, and almost everyone has tacitly acknowledged that animals are not within the scope of the zombie virus, and even zombies will not actively attack animals, as if these animals are not in the zombies’ recipe.

Seeing the zombie crow now, everyone’s heart is like a big stone, the end is getting more and more terrible, and now it is just the zombie crow, some animals are extremely hungry, such as wild dogs, will eat human flesh? Wildcat? Or even rats?

Thinking of this, the faces of Du Zhihang and others were very ugly.

The sound outside the roof door was quiet, and the banging sound of the door was gone, but everyone did not have the courage to see the crows outside really flew away at this moment, there was only one life, no one wanted to take their own lives to try, if they were not careful, they might really die!

“What do we do now?”

I don’t know how long it was silent, but finally a student spoke, and everyone who asked a word looked dazed.

Du Zhihang picked up the mobile phone he had just learned and fast-forwarded to play it until after watching it, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: “Let’s go!” Bring all your food and weapons! ”

Du Zhihang uttered these words, and all the students were shocked.


“Just kidding, right? Walk? Don’t want to live anymore? ”

“It’s the end of the day, aren’t we going out to bring lunch to the zombies?” As far as our weapons and numbers are concerned, it would be good to deal with dozens of zombies, and if there were more, more than a hundred might be destroyed by us. ”

“Where to go?” Is the school bad? ”

“No… No, maybe we really should go, the zombie tide has passed, and the back of us is as empty as the dead city. ”

“Yes, I just saw it on the rooftop, there are no zombies in the city behind us, now is the best time for us to go, otherwise when the zombie tide returns, it will definitely be us who will die!”

Some of the students didn’t understand what you said to me, and some of them understood what Du Zhihang meant.

Du Zhihang nodded heavily, and said in a deep voice: “You should also see that if you don’t go now, we may only have one way to die, solve the military, and we will be as simple as eating and drinking water when those zombies are destroyed, so let’s go!” ”

Du Zhihang finished speaking, bowed his head and walked down the stairs, and on the corner platform, several students asked blankly, “How can you be so sure that the zombie tide can destroy the army?” What if the tide of corpses was wiped out by the army? ”

Du Zhihang took a step and did not speak, and the students around him also looked at the students with the eyes of fools.

“Silly child, tens of millions of corpses, what does the army take to extinguish?” Coupled with those zombie crows, the military’s air force dares to take off, and those crows dare to teach the army what air supremacy is! ”

“That number of crows, can the army defend it?” The ground is double-sided in the sky, if at this time to drill out some rats is not impossible, army? Maybe in minutes, it’s gone. ”

Several students listened with a raised face, realized their innocence, and quickly lowered their heads and did not dare to speak again.

Under the emergency mobilization, a group of students in the dormitory building came out with backpacks, both boys and girls holding sharpened iron rods in their hands, and it was obvious that none of these students were weak, even the weakest girls.

Two or three hundred people came out of the dormitory one after another, there were a little more men, almost 60%, Du Zhihang walked in front, and there were some boys in the rear, and a group of people moved forward lightly, along the road where the zombie tide came.

A group of people did not go far, and the figure of a wild dog on the street corner slowly appeared, its nose trembling, and the dead gray eyes looked indifferently in the direction in which a group of people had disappeared.


The zombie dogs jumped out, and soon, another zombie dog came out, and the fragrance on the street seemed to be a little faded, and some of the zombie dogs chased in the direction where the zombies left, and some chased after the school team with a stronger breath of living people.

15 kilometers northeast of Jiangwan District, the army is marching, the Dongfeng warriors open the way, the machine guns sandwiched on it are pouring fire, the bullet casings are flying out, the long bullet chains are disappearing rapidly, and under the high-speed jet fire, the muzzles of the machine guns are somewhat leek.

Hundreds of Dongfeng warriors opened the way, plus a full 20 Wuzhi pouring fire in the sky, not too many zombies could not form too many obstacles.

In the command car in the rear, Wu Guozhong looked at the sand table in front of him and was silent.

Today, more than half a day, advanced 12 kilometers, passed through four villages and towns, and a county, and eliminated more than 200,000 zombies, which is already a good record, especially in terms of the distance of advancement, if everything goes well next, before 6 o’clock, at least 20 kilometers can be advanced!

That’s twice as much as yesterday!

Tomorrow, even if it is officially close to the magic capital.



Roar ~~~Roar~~~Roar~~~

The vibration of the command car and the roar of the heavens made Wu Guozhong return to his senses, feeling this abnormal vibration, Wu Guozhong frowned and asked: “What happened to the adjutant?” ”

The adjutant opened the car door to ask about the soldiers outside, but before he could ask, he saw a black wave rapidly approaching on the horizon standing tall.

Before the adjutant could see what it was, the soldiers at the front had already hurried over.

Jingle Bells…..

Looking at the landline next to him, Wu Guozhong had some bad premonitions in his heart and picked it up casually.

“Hey, I’m Wu Guozhong.”

“Deputy Conductor! Deputy Conductor! I am Su Lianzhong, the commander of the infantry division, and a large-scale wave of corpses has been found ahead! A massive wave of corpses has been found ahead! Conservative estimate…. Conservative estimate…..”

“Twelve million or more!”

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