Chapter 161 The ferocious man-eating vine, full of slashes



The screams echoed in the silent sewers, the sound was so obvious, Lin Fan’s eyes turned, and when he saw the source of the sound, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

The dark environment of the sewers did not have any impact on Lin Fan, and his strength reached such a point that he could see normally even in the dark night when Shen Hand did not see his five fingers.

At this time, on Lin Fan’s left side, on the sewer pipe a hundred meters away, a big rat with dead gray eyes and dirty bodies was struggling fiercely, and the scream of ‘squeaking’ kept coming from this rat.

The reason for the scream was that the rat was now firmly bound by an emerald green vine the thickness of an adult’s thumb, and no matter how hard the mouse tried to climb back to a rat hole not far away, it could not climb at all, and was even dragged back by the man-eating vine.

This rat is not small, maybe the sewers are rich in nutrients, this big rat is twenty centimeters long, this is not counting the tail, this head is already very large! The key is that it is still fat!

This mouse has been infected by the zombie virus, just look at the dead gray eyes can see, just do not know whether there is a change in the habit, just look at the action of trying to climb to the rat hole, may not have changed the habit.

The dense tentacles of the man-eating vine have pierced into the body of the zombie rat, like a barb firmly grasping the zombie rat, while the vine is still writhing, just like a hunting python, firmly binding the zombie rat.

The man-eating vine kept pumping the blood of the zombie rat, and at the same time injected the paralytic toxin into the zombie rat’s body, the zombie rat at this time was like a trapped beast, under the double weakness, the zombie rat soon lost the strength to resist, and was dragged to a man-eating flower.

Even some of the cannibal vines seem to have found the rat hole above the sewer pipe, a man-eating vine slowly probed in, the vine kept spreading, on the other side, the piranha flower had opened its sharp teeth at this time, biting the body of the zombie rat, and soon the man-eating vine was released, fell to the side, and continued to wait for the next prey to come to the door.

As for the piranha flower is like a human eating chewed twice, just close the ‘Qiba’ does not move, obviously digesting the food in the Piranha, Piranha flower digestion food takes time, normally in about ten days, of course, also depends on the size of the prey, the difference is that there is Lin Fan plant energy to spawn, these piranha flowers digest faster, the size is also larger, the toxicity is stronger!

Now the piranha flowers are only in their infancy, and as they grow up, these piranha flowers will become larger, and at that time, the sewers will become nightmares, and even if people fall in, they will not escape the fate of being swallowed by the piranhas.

In fact, not only the cannibal vine, piranha flower, this plant also has an advanced variety, when the piranha flower grows to the final stage, it will become a piranha tree, the piranha flower at that time is really terrible, a piranha tree around at least a few kilometers will not appear living creatures.

This kind of thing seems to be only found in primary forests and tropical rainforests, and it is still very rare, and it is still difficult to grow to this stage.

However, Lin Fan did have an idea, which was also just seen the piranha flower came up, Lin Fan felt that it was necessary to try, with plant powers, he wanted to do it should not be difficult, maybe it will be very simple and maybe.

“Ding! Kill zombie rats to earn 0.1 points, plant abilities experience +0.1, current experience 9954/10000. ”

“Tip, the decimal point is not included in the statistics after that, and the experience is automatically increased after 1 point.”

Stunned, looking at the piranha tree that had just eaten a zombie mouse, Lin Fan’s expression was wonderful.

Got money back so soon? Although it is only 0.1 points and experience, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is also meat! You can’t expect a mouse to gain as many experiences and points as a human, can you?

The zombie dog is qualified in terms of attack power and destructive power to give 1 point of experience and points, this mouse is not worth 1 point at all.

Creak! Squeak!

The sudden scream attracted Lin Fan’s gaze, looking in the direction where the sound came from, and in an instant Lin Fan was a question mark.

My mom? That’s a show, too! Kill them all? It’s cruel!

The sound came from the rat hole, only to see that the man-eating vine had just drilled into the rat hole, one by one, the small rats were pulled out alive by the man-eating vine, no matter how the claws of the rat scratched, it was useless, the man-eating vine was still very strong in terms of defense, at least the zombie rat could bite the teeth of the earth and stone, and the man-eating vine could not bite off in a short time.

Even because of biting open the skin of the man-eating vine, those paralyzing venoms were still gulped down by zombie rats, which made the resistance even smaller.

If the cannibal vine had a meritorious award, Lin Fan felt that this man-eating vine would definitely be awarded a medal, good fellow, on the seven or eight meters long vine, there were seventeen or eight rats of all sizes!

The largest is similar to the mouse just now, that is, I don’t know whether it is male or female, the others are smaller, but there are also adults the size of their palms, the number is four or five, and the rest is a bit miserable.

All of them were small rats that seemed to have just been born and whose hair had not yet grown up, which was to cut this nest of rats directly through the door!

This is more than just a show! It’s just so showy! Lin Fan was tingling in Xiu’s scalp!

Even if you run out of the rat’s nest and catch you, you will not let go of the family, it is really excessive!

Seventeen or eight rats were dragged by the man-eating vine, and there was no movement for a long time, it should have been paralyzed by the paralyzing toxin, and completely lost the ability to resist.

Next, the man-eating vine is like feeding the cubs, sending the rats on the vines to the man-eating flowers one by one.

Looking at this scene, Lin Fan couldn’t help but shake his head, the sewers had these man-eating vines and man-eating flowers, it was simply the nightmare of the zombie rats, and in the future, it was estimated that the zombie rats would finish the calves.

However, the rats just now also confirmed the problems mentioned before, indeed, not only the zombie dogs, zombie cats, but also the rats were indeed all infected, but they had not yet had time to run to the ground to form a rat plague.

Thinking about hundreds of thousands of rats, Lin Fan now felt a little afraid, hundreds of thousands of zombie rats was a huge disaster, in terms of destructive power, but it was no less than the tide of tens of millions of corpses.

Zombie rats are smaller, faster, and more difficult to kill, but zombie rats are very infectious, and this thing bites people and destroys food.

Not to mention that the claws and teeth scratch people to infect, that is, eat your food, those rice noodles will definitely have a zombie virus attached, right? When people accidentally eat it, what will happen to the result?

Lin Fan was glad that he found it early, and he also prevented it early, as long as the underground pipes were all covered with man-eating vines and piranhas, the City of Judgment would not have to worry about the problem of zombie rats.

Retracting his gaze from the side of the piranha flower, seeing the role of the piranha vine and the piranha flower, Lin Fan is full of confidence, and at the same time, the motivation is more sufficient, tomorrow, the plant energy can be promoted to Lv7, Lv7’s plant ability does not say the ability aspect, in terms of energy alone, at least three times!

In fact, not only are plant abilities about to be upgraded, but also earth element abilities and demon cat abilities are about to be upgraded.

Tomu Yueqing had been furious before Fu, because he was lagging behind for a while, in terms of experience, Mu Yueqing had been poor Zhao Yanyan and Li Siqi, the two girlfriends, thousands of this, before the condensation of the flame demon cat raged, this experience immediately caught up.

“System, open Personal Properties.

Character: Lin Fan

Strength: 201

Agility: 200

Intelligence: 214

Constitution: 220

Score: 62180

Abilities: [Magnetic Field Control Lv7], [Lightning Control Lv7], [Plant Control Lv6], [Earth Element Control Lv6], Demon Cat Lv6]

Experience: 39015/10W; 9237/10w; 9954/10000;9690/10000;9876/10000

Possession: Flying knife*100

The number of participants increased, and the points came faster, of course, part of the reason was that Lin Fan went out to kill zombies by himself today, and the growth rate of points was obviously the same as that of a rocket.

In just one day, the points have reached more than 60,000 in one go, and it is not far from the 100,000 mark.

However, 100,000 points are not urgent for the time being, what needs to be considered at the moment is that what is better to exchange for the next special energy is not good, it is not good to be too thick and thin, how to say that Su Xiaoluo also has a lot of contributions.

While walking, he was thinking about what new abilities to exchange, and at the same time, the movements in Lin Fan’s hands did not stop, the plant abilities kept pouring out, and the man-eating vines slowly covered the entire underground of the hospital.

Until the plant energy was exhausted, Lin Fan finally filled every inch of the underground sewer pipe of the entire hospital with man-eating vines and piranhas, and if nothing else, the zombie rat could crawl out of the ground alive no less difficult than the sun coming out of the west.

Clapping his hands and slapping the dust off his hands, Lin Fan looked at the green cannibal vines and piranha flowers in the passage, and the figure slowly disappeared into the ground, and when he reappeared, he had come to the door of the supermarket.

When I went down, it was still five o’clock in the evening, and when I came up, it was already dark, and I could already see the stars shining in the sky.

Back on the second floor of the supermarket, Lin Youyou and they have returned, and it seems that they should have arranged everything.

Standing at the door, allowing Yueyi to kneel on the ground to change his slippers, Lin Fan walked step by step to the edge of the sofa and sat down, next to Lin Youyou, who was writing something down, put down his pen and squinted his eyes into Lin Fan’s arms.

“Did you find anything underground?”

“It has indeed been found that, as we thought before, zombie rats have appeared in the sewer pipes, the specific number is not clear, fortunately we prevented it early, otherwise when these zombie rats break out, we should be busy.”

Speaking, Lin Fan talked to Lin Youyou about what he saw underground, and when he heard the man-eating vine pull out a whole nest of rats, Lin Youyou’s face drew a smile, obviously he also thought it was very interesting.

“Fortunately, it was found early, avoiding a disaster, we have developed so hard to the present, if the maid dies too much, many things are not easy to arrange, I think the zombie rat can not be here with us, other cities should also have, and when these potential hidden dangers break out, I don’t know how many cities will completely fall.”

Hearing this, Lin Fan was silent, the City of Judgment had him there, so there was no hidden danger of zombie rats, but what about other cities? Are there any other cities? When this group of dirty rats crawls out of the ground, a new doomsday will come.

PS: About why there are so few zombies on the protagonist’s side, I mentioned it vaguely before, and I also said it once on the surface, everyone doesn’t know whether to see fast or jump the chapter, I didn’t find it and explained it, when Dr. Yang came, the helicopter sent over, must lead the zombies away? Otherwise, the doctor has not yet gone down to be eaten by zombies, and to ensure that this side is safe enough, the helicopter slowly flies, leading away a large part, so the protagonist’s side of the zombies is relatively small, this can be understood, right?

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