Chapter 187 kicked to the iron plate, and retribution came

Despair! Wu Yali was desperate, in one morning, she was deducted a whole week’s salary, that is to say, within this week, she could not get money or eat!

It’s only a morning! The female warrior was just like staring at her, constantly looking at her, every time she turned around, she could pick a bunch of problems, if her eyes could kill people, she would kill the female warrior ten thousand times!

In the noon canteen, a group of maids sat in groups of three or five eating precious meals, and Wu Yali looked at the small ball of rice in the empty tray, and her eyes were all sluggish.

She did not work well in the morning, no money, can only eat this spoonful of rice guaranteed, this is still a preferential treatment for the maids who have just come, just came must be a little uncomfortable, it is likely that the first day can not earn money, so there is a guarantee.

This kind of guarantee is only provided for three days, and if it is not adapted to three days, then it will stay hungry until the security fee cannot be paid and it is directly thrown out of the city.

The question is, what is this spoonful of rice for? There is no dish yet, fortunately, Wu Yali has adapted to a life of not having enough to eat for a while, otherwise, her temper will be before the end of the day, and she would have thrown this shabby spoonful of rice into the trash can.

Look at what others eat? Lunch meat, squeezed vegetables, and even canned beef!

Several maids each bought some food to eat together, and it turned out to be luxury, and compared to herself, Wu Yali felt that she was like an orphan who was targeted!

The most unbalanced thing in her heart is that a woman who is obviously also from the Universal Hotel actually eats well, and there is a small portion of squeezed vegetables and lunch meat on the plate, which is outrageous! Why?.

And not only her, Wu Yali swept around, many familiar faces, are women from the Universal Hotel, although the food is not luxurious, but also has a meal and a dish, and most importantly, what is your expression?

Feel deeply grateful? Happiness? That’s how happy you feel? Grass! Is there something to pursue? Is it just so content with the status quo?

Wu Yali was very angry in her heart, and she was also very angry, she was not willing to admit defeat like this, she and these maids were not the same person at all, and the high-ranking heroines of the arbitration group were worthy of her!

As long as she climbed up, if nothing else, the female warrior who had been staring at her before, she must be tortured fiercely, so that she could live or die! Make her regret offending her!

Taking a deep breath, Wu Yali glanced around and then locked on a table of women.

The women were obviously eating better, and she also saw a plate of fried beans, which was a real dish, not the bagged food of lunch meat!

People’s desires are endless, which Wu Yali agrees with, she feels that as long as she is slightly instigated, these women will have some undeserved thoughts in their hearts, and when the time comes, she will not believe it.

Lin Fan can kill those women in the Universal Hotel, and can he destroy the foundation of his own power? As long as it is not a neuropathy, it will not do such a thing as self-destructing the Great Wall!

She just wants to repeat everything about the Universal Hotel, but this time she is absolutely sure that she can succeed, the more high-ranking people are, the more they don’t want their dominance to collapse, if there is no one under him, who will he rule?

At that time, in order to appease the rebellious maids, she believed that Lin Fan would definitely recruit her and several other leading maids, just like the situation in the Water Margin, the Northern Song Dynasty court recruited good men from Liangshan and promised to appease the rebels with official positions.

The result of hard and hard results, no one wants to see, that solicitation is the way to minimize losses, after all, this is very simple for Lin Fan, the big deal is to give a few officials a pawn, and there is no loss.

The thought in her heart was confirmed, and Wu Yali piled up a smiley face and walked over with the tray.

“May I ask, can I sit here?”

Shen Hand does not hit the smiley face person, Wu Yali sells well, the attitude is also very good, the women can not find out Wu Yali’s intention for a while, and did not rush to refuse.

How to see, Wu Yali is a potential stock that is expected to be a vase, in case they are offended, they will fly up the branches and become phoenixes later, they are not miserable?

On the left side of the table, Tan Yufeng took the lead in opening his mouth, pointing to the seat where no one was on the opposite side and said: “It’s okay, empty is also empty, you sit down, my name is Tan Yufeng, what is my sister’s name?” ”

Tan Yufeng is not pretty, can only be said to be general, and there is no great skill, in theory, it is the limit to climb to Lv3, as the first batch of maids who were brought back, Tan Yufeng watched Zhao Yanyan fly up the branches to become the heroine on the top.

Instinctively, she has a certain reverence for beautiful women, what if the other party is elevated? For a beautiful woman, she never offends, so that she can live better.

She has a deep understanding of what kind of power the City of Judgment really is, that is, the supremacy of the high, which has formed a small society like before the end of the world, or even darker, there are people on it, you can climb very fast!

For example, for example, Liu Mingyue, Bai Fumei, her mother is a Yueyi person, who is the Yueyi people? It was a woman who worshipped the supreme ‘god’, and after the Yueyi people rushed over, Liu Mingyue broke away from the slave status on the same day, and there were orders from the top of the meeting, lack of labor, and the selection of female warriors was suspended, in this case, Liu Mingyue and a few girlfriends were taken away.

Even later, there was gossip that the reason why female warriors were not selected in those few days was also because of Yue Yi and Liu Mingyue, and the specific one was not clear.

Even more outrageous was the next day! Liu Mingyue, who had just left his slave status, was rewarded with the Source Force Crystal, what was the Source Force Crystal? It’s a magic elixir!

One can make ordinary people cross the threshold of mortals, give birth to qi in their bodies, and become a little superman! And she wasn’t the only one, including her girlfriends, who had all obtained the Source Force Crystal!

This is society, a society that is more realistic than it was before the end of the world.

There are many such examples, Zhou Xiuyan, and Zhao Wanqing, one of the main mothers, are girlfriends, directly promoted to the captain, Jasmine, who is optimistic about the palace lady Lin Youyou, and is also promoted to squad leader, there are many such examples!

Multiple friends have many roads, especially beautiful friends, in case the other party is picked away one day, even if it is a vase, something sprinkled in the nail seam is enough for her to be used infinitely.

Not only did Tan Yufeng have this idea, but the two women next to her also thought so, otherwise Wu Yali would have wanted to sit down with an empty tray? If she hadn’t been pretty, she would have her a long time ago.

Tan Yufeng’s overtures made Wu Yali feel relieved in her heart, the first step of the battle plan was successful, this is a good start, and then look at her a clever look, how to swell these women, and turn them into fools.

I have to say that although Wu Yali, a woman, has no ability, but this piece of Qi, the words spoken are really good, and after a while, Tan Yufeng’s three people were coaxed by Wu Yali to find some of them in the north.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost set off, Wu Yali turned the topic around and asked intentionally or unconsciously: “Sister Feng, how do you think your life is now?” Are you satisfied? ”

The sudden inquiry made Tan Yufeng and the three of them a little confused, and after thinking for a moment, they replied: “We feel very good, much stronger than outside, very safe and without the persecution of men, as long as we work hard, we can eat and wear warm.” ”

The three people’s answers made Wu Yali’s face change, but she was not discouraged, this situation she had already expected, but it didn’t matter, it was all a small problem!

“Didn’t the three sisters want to live a better life?” With the ability of the three sisters, the leader of Lv6 is not a word, I see that the three sisters are quite suitable to be the leader, I have an idea here, as long as it can be done, to ensure that the status of the three sisters soars, are the three sisters interested? ”

Tan Yufeng was stunned after hearing it, and an irrepressible desire arose in his eyes, who doesn’t want to be on top of the world and control the life and death of others? Who meant to be the bottom?

“Sister Yali, what can you do?” If it happens, the sisters will be grateful to you! ”

Seeing Tan Yufeng’s three daughters hooked, Wu Yali’s heart rose with boundless joy, and things had basically become ninety percent of the way to this step, and it was almost the last foot at the door!

“Three sisters, listen to me…..”

Wu Yali carefully pushed her head forward, Tan Yufeng’s three daughters hurriedly put their ears together, and as Wu Yali kept talking, Tan Yufeng’s expression became more and more strange.

After finishing his plan in one breath, Wu Yali sat up straight, looked at Tan Yufeng’s strange face, and asked expectantly: “Three sisters, what do you think?” ”

Tan Yufeng took a deep breath, fixed her eyes on Wu Yali, and asked, “You… Is that really what you are planning to do? ”

Wu Yali was a little unclear, so she had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem, if she had come some time earlier and experienced the first purge, she would have recognized Tan Yufeng and the three of them really were.

The first few dozen people who stood on the right side of the group had a higher status than maids when the class system had not yet been implemented, and even Lin Youyou announced on the spot that when the class system was popularized, their lowest status would also be above the maids.

And as long as they don’t make any mistakes of principle, they will not be demoted from this position for a lifetime, which is equivalent to a death-free gold medal given by their relatives!

Now after the popularization of the class system, Tan Yufeng directly promoted the regulator of Lv2, responsible for monitoring all the conditions on the orchard, and even Tan Yufeng submitted the documents of the application auditor because of his good performance, as long as the review passed, at least he was also the auditor of Lv3, and even the future was immeasurable!

Now Wu Yali wants to rebel in front of her? Are you serious? Tan Yufeng felt that this woman had come to make a joke, where was this boy who scattered wealth? Bring her a political record?

Tan Yufeng believes that as long as she reports this matter, her auditing officer will be properly and secure!

And the fate of Wu Yali, a woman, must be extremely miserable!

“Thank you, Wu Yali!”

Tan Yufeng got up from his seat, and there were two other women who also got up, without exception, Tan Yufeng’s faces were extremely cold.

Wu Yali was a little confused, since she was thanking her, why was her expression so cold?

Looking at the dazed Wu Yali with cold eyes, Tan Yufeng slapped his palm on the table and shouted:

“Come on people! Take down Wu Yali, the intention is to rebel, the crime is extremely heinous, and the heinous is unforgivable! After Bingming’s mother, make a judgment! ”

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