Chapter 201 The pain is not on you, what qualifications do you have to speak?



In the passionate piano sound, the blood in Qin Yuwei’s veins seemed to burn up, and she urgently needed to vent, the Tang knife in her hand came out of its sheath, looking at the zombies rushing in front of her, at this time she had no fear in her heart, no fear, only boundless war will!

Tang Dao waved, the sharp blade cut through the air, bringing a piercing whistle, the zombies that rushed over could not get close at all, a knife was split, starting from the shoulder, and was completely cut into two pieces.

Blood splashed, Qin Yuwei’s eyes did not blink, at this time in her world, she seemed to be wearing battle armor, in front of her were countless enemies rushing forward, and all she had to do was kill! Kill! Kill them all! One does not stay!

The piano tone is intense, mobilizing the blood in the hearts of hundreds of female warriors, and the almost incarnate play makes many women almost crazy, but the reason is still there, just abandoning the fear in their hearts, incarnating as the god of war, invincible.

Lin Fan did not know when he appeared on the city gate tower, looking down at the woman who seemed to be immersed in his own world, playing with his head buried, he did not understand the piano, nor did he think that the piano was good, it may be that the times are different, people prefer modern music.

But at this moment, the reason why he changed the idea in his heart was that he felt bad because he had not met anyone who could really play, and Mu Qingxue in front of him was a real musician!

Really did it, using the sound of the piano to infect others, pulling others into her world, just like in front of him, the impassioned piano sound made him feel as if he was in the battlefield where the two armies were fighting, there were soldiers fighting everywhere, war horses were hissing, Lin Fan could feel that the almost exhausted wood element energy in his body had more than doubled in recovery speed at this moment!

You know, Mu Qingxue is just an ordinary person, and the piano music played by ordinary people can actually double his energy recovery speed! It’s just horrible!

Mu Qingxue was able to spread throughout the empire before the end of the world, not without reason, and through the TV broadcast of these secondary or even multi-time broadcast videos, it is impossible to show Mu Qingxue’s true charm!

Only by being immersed in the scene can you know how terrible Mu Qingxue really is!

Skill is almost the Tao, no wonder before the end of the day, those eyes above the top of the masters, have praised, this song should only be in the heavens, the human world can have a few times to hear, can issue such an exclamation, probably is to hear the Tao, the sunset can be dead, right?

Lin Fan couldn’t imagine how terrifying Mu Qingxue would be if she was paired with a vocal ability? Piano fairy? Or is it the Lyre Demon? A wisp of piano sound, strangling tens of thousands of zombies?

This is not impossible.

However, these things, Lin Fan also thought for the time being, his principles will not change, not his woman, no matter how excellent, the ability will not be taught, no matter how good it is!

The so-called Maxima is often there, and Bole is not often there, he is Bole, he is not short of Maxima.

Closing his eyes and enjoying Mu Qingxue’s piano sound, Lin Fan’s perception spread, the female warriors under the city gate were stimulated and encouraged by the piano sound, the movements in their hands were faster and more fierce, the speed of killing zombies was doubled than before, hundreds of female warriors actually stared at the corpse tide and kept expanding outwards, and the corpse group could not take a step forward no matter how crazy it was.

The piano tone is intense and powerful, it is hard to imagine, this is played by such a weak woman as Mu Qingxue, Lin Fan feels that this time he brought Mu Qingxue back, there is indeed no mistake, usually bored, can hear Mu Qingxue playing for him alone, that feeling, simply do not enjoy too much.

The piano gradually stopped, but the female warriors below seemed to be stuck in that mood, unable to extricate themselves.

Lin Fan did not speak, quietly looking at Mu Qingxue, perhaps playing too hard, the woman’s forehead was slightly sweaty, her shoulders were heaving, and she was breathing softly.

“I found that it was indeed a good decision to bring you back, and I heard that you danced and danced well, and I will show me when you dance.”

The short body sat down next to him, Lin Fan waved his hand, and a pair of tea sets appeared on the table, “The tea art of people who play the piano in general should also be good, this is all good tea sets, and the water is also a high-grade mountain spring water, do you want to try it?” ”

Mu Qingxue looked at Lin Fan who suddenly appeared, and did not react at all, how Lin Fan was such a big living person suddenly appeared around, but thinking of Lin Fan’s ability, Mu Qingxue was relieved.

As for the tea set in front of him, don’t say, Mu Qingxue really knows tea art.

Picking up the guqin and placing it next to him, Mu Qingxue picked up the teapot and began to boil water, the flawless vegetarian hand pulled the sleeve pendulum, and every move was full of fairy spirit.

For a long time, Zhang Qiuyue returned from that mood, turned his head to look at Mu Qingxue, just wanted to praise, but found that he did not know when, Mu Qingxue sat next to a man, the man also turned his back to her, with a sense of familiarity with this back, Zhang Qiuyue recognized at a glance that it was Lin Fan who was facing her.

Hurriedly running to Lin Fan’s side and kneeling, Zhang Qiuyue lowered his head and said with trepidation: “I don’t know that the Lord is coming, please ask the Lord to punish.” ”

Zhang Qiuyue’s movements were sharp, Lin Fan looked back, he saw that she had already knelt on the ground, rolled his eyes, Lin Fan pulled her to the side and sat down, put his arm around her waist and said: “It’s okay, take a good look at Qingxue’s tea, how about tasting Qingxue’s craftsmanship together.” ”

The squad leader who had just returned to the gods saw Lin Fan, and he was also shocked, and he was about to go forward to salute, Lin Fan waved his hand, “Leave me alone, when I don’t exist, you can do whatever you want.” ”

The squad leader jerked his horns, stopped, and did not come up.

Lin Fan does not understand tea art, but looking at Mu Qingxue’s action, a sense of elegance suddenly arises, obviously it is a few teapots, several teacups, but different people do it, the feeling is completely different, in Mu Qingxue’s hands, the simple teapot seems to have a life, as the water is boiled, soon a tea aroma spreads.

Mu Qingxue picked up the teapot and poured three cups in the teacup, the first cup was handed to Lin Fan, the second cup was handed to Zhang Qiuyue, and the last cup was served by himself.

Lin Fan did not know how to taste tea, so he did not make some laughable moves, simply took up the tea cup and drank it all, and the hot tea poured into the abdomen, first bitter and then sweet, and then the lips and teeth remained fragrant.

“The craft of making tea is good, the piano is also very good, you have changed my view of the piano, today is in a good mood, I see that you seem to have a lot of questions, you can ask now, I can answer, I can answer you.” 」

Mu Qingxue heard the words, his small face froze slightly, and he pondered for a moment and asked: “When we came back, was the box in your hand a time bomb?” ”

Without hesitation, Lin Fan said at the time, do not run and wait to be killed, Mu Qingxue can react, it is normal.

“It is indeed a time bomb, equivalent to 100 kilograms of TNT explosives, which can send the Olin Hotel directly to the sky and completely erase it from the earth.”

Admitted by Lin Fan’s own mouth, Mu Qingxue’s pupils suddenly contracted, obviously frightened.

“Inside the Olin Hotel, but there are thousands of survivors, you so….. Isn’t that cruel? ”

“Cruelty?” Lin Fan repeated these two words and chuckled, “Is it cruel?” Maybe, have you thought about it? If it weren’t for the fact that I had great strength, the miserable person would be me, and I would have no other merit as a person, that is, my ears would be better, and after we came out, I heard a lot of voices that I didn’t like. ”

“I’m not that arrogant, you can scold me, you can scold me as much as you want, but the premise is not to be heard by me, and don’t say how to tell me, because I don’t like to listen, I heard, then I’m sorry, in order to have no trouble in the future, I can only give them a ride.” 」

“Bragging really doesn’t have to go to taxes, and it’s really okay to talk harshly, but I’m a person who hates trouble, plus a bit of persecution paranoia or something, always thinking about some things that don’t work, such as, in case they really have any adventures? For example, Goldfinger, the system or something, when the time comes to come to me to take revenge, what should I do? ”

“In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, I had to say sorry and send them back to the west.

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Lin Fan’s head leaned forward, approached Mu Qingxue’s eyes, looked at her fearful bowed head, Lin Fan inhaled two mouthfuls of Mu Qingxue’s body fragrance, and smiled: “Since you have asked so, I also have questions I want to ask you, I don’t know if you can answer it for me?” ”

“You… you ask. Mu Qingxue was a little flustered in his heart, and he always had a bad premonition.

“You should know, what did those men at the Olin Hotel do?” While there’s no shame in trading food for food, you should know it, right? ”

Mu Qingxue heard the words and nodded slightly.

“You see, you know all this, so have you ever thought about what you would become without this layer of aura protection?” Your beautiful face is like a piece of meat that emits a deadly fragrance, and you are surrounded by hungry wolves, you can’t even protect yourself, so why worry about others? ”

“Just because they didn’t do it to you, are they good people?” How about we make a bet? It is up to you to personally pick ten women from the Olin Hotel and let them tell us whether those men deserve to die. ”

“If more than five people say don’t deserve to die, it’s that you win, I can grant you a request, if you lose, you lose….. Let me think about it. ”

Looking up, Lin Fan’s index finger tapped lightly next to his head, his expression was indulgent, and suddenly, Lin Fan’s eyes lit up, and he rushed to Mu Qingxue again and said: “If you lose, how about those murderous jobs in the future?” Ten, a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, all by you to kill, how? Want to take a gamble? ”

The frightened figure leaned back and crouched down next to him, Mu Qingxue had a look of fear on his face and kept shaking his head.

“No, I don’t bet with you.”

“Why? Isn’t the stakes fair? Lin Fan quickly adjusted with a puzzled face, and continued: “Then change the bet, since you like to save people so much, then if you win, I will solve the plight of the Liu family of the warlord of the Demon City, you don’t know it, hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Liu family of the Demon Warlord are trapped in it by tens of millions of corpses, and slowly they will all be consumed to death, how?” That’s a big enough bet, right? ”

“Don’t you like to save people?” Would you like to give it a try? ”

Mu Qingxue’s face was pale and he kept shaking his head, Lin Fan looked very disappointed.

“Why not? Can you give me a reason? Obviously this bet is better for you. ”

Mu Qingxue bit his lip, almost to see blood, “Because there is no need to gamble at all, I know that I will definitely lose, don’t say ten, even if it is a hundred, there can be no five women who think that the men in the Olin Hotel don’t deserve to die, I lost….”

“I’m sorry, it didn’t happen to me, I don’t have the right to speak at all, the pain is not in me, what qualifications do I have to say that those people are innocent.”

Smacking his lips, Lin Fan picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of hot tea, looked up and drank it all.

“It’s boring, you think you can have a good show, and before it starts, you concede.”

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