Chapter 207 Is this a girls’ dormitory or a pansi cave?

Without Cao Shan’s interference, Lin Fan concentrated on healing her, and the vitality contained in the wood elemental energy quickly repaired the previous terrible penetrating wounds, and even the scars did not leave a single point.

“He’s healed, get up now, I have something to ask you.”

Cao Shan heard this, not knowing whether he had just been frightened by Lin Fan or other reasons, he got up very quickly and hurriedly.

Standing next to her nervously, Cao Shan bowed her head, like a schoolboy who made a mistake.

Patting the dust on his clothes, Lin Fan stood up straight, looked at the woman in front of him who looked down and said nothing, and asked, “What do you do in the power plant?” Do you know where the other women of your power plant are? ”

With her head bowed, Cao Shan was worried in her heart, the hand hanging on her side didn’t know where to put it, she was really frightened by Lin Fan’s eyes.

“My job at the power plant was to repair and maintain the equipment, and before the power station exploded, I was repairing the damaged lines and equipment on the side of Unit 2, and as a result, there was an explosion on the side of Unit 1, and I was nailed to the ground by the steel pipe before I could run.”

“Most of the other people in the power plant should be in the dormitory, and the rest is that a small part of them should be like me, all on the side of the power station power generation group, the explosion is so terrible, whether they survive is not clear.”

Sweeping a glance at Cao Shan, Lin Fan did not expect that such a black woman who was not lost and was not as good as a beggar on the street was actually a person in charge of repair and maintenance equipment, which was a skilled worker who was more useful than the staff of ordinary power stations.

To put it simply, just like driving, you will drive does not mean that you will repair, but the car mechanic is different, people can not only repair, driving skills are also leveraged.

Knowing that Cao Shan was a skilled worker, Lin Fan’s tone had obviously slowed down a bit, and after that, the power problem of the City of Judgment would all depend on the woman in front of him.

Changbei power station scrapped, there is no suitable power plant around to power supply, Lin Fan plans to directly exchange some power generation equipment in the system, self-sufficient, but the equipment is equipment, exchange out, do you know which wire is connected where?

Light equipment will not be connected, your equipment is also a decoration, always can not Zhao Wanqing do nothing, at home every day as a battery, right?

Through Cao Shan’s words, Lin Fan also learned about some of the situation of Changbei Power Station, here refers to female staff, part of the dormitory, part of the scattered in the power plant, it is estimated that like Cao Shan, are repairing damaged equipment, and now the generator set explosion, should be not lightly injured, or died on the spot.

Lin Fan thought about it for a moment and commanded Cao Shan, “You first take me to the female worker’s dormitory.” ”

Cao Shan was stunned, nodded, and turned and walked towards the left passage.

Following behind Cao Shan, Lin Fan felt that this speed was too slow, stepped forward, and put an arm around Cao Shan’s waist, this time Cao Shan did not think about it, he did not even dare to say a word, a hundred pounds will be put here, no matter how Lin Fan tosses.

Cao Shan was really afraid, she had no strength to resist in the face of Lin Fan, so she simply let Lin Fan do what she wanted, which was also the best protection for herself.

Wrapping his arms around Cao Shan’s waist, Lin Fan held her figure for a flash and came to the outside of the building, “You are too slow, you give me directions, where is the female staff dormitory?” ”

Cao Shan raised her head and looked blankly at the scene in front of her, completely unresponsive, how suddenly appeared outside.

After the blackout, the city was darker at night, and Cao Shan tried to distinguish it, pointing to the north and saying, “The female staff dormitory is over there.” ”

Lin Fan looked at the direction Cao Shan was pointing, hugged her and flew up directly, the two went straight to the north, flying out of the kilometer, without even using Cao Shan’s guidance, Lin Fan saw the female staff dormitory.

The explosion of the power station had a great impact, fortunately only two units were running, if all of them were operating normally, the power of the explosion would be enough to raze the entire Changbei power station, but Rao was so, and the staff dormitory a thousand meters away was also seriously damaged.

Facing the side of the explosion, the shock wave collapsed the walls, and at this time, under Lin Fan’s gaze, one woman after another was holding a flashlight in her hand or turning on the flashlight of her mobile phone and shrinking into one room after another.

Man is a visual creature with an instinctive fear of darkness, so in the darkness, these women instinctively open the only source of light, looking for the slightest sense of security.

There is also a building hundreds of meters away, which should be a men’s dormitory, and Lin Fan can hear the shouting and cheering coming from that side far away, and the light of various flashlights keeps flashing.

Ignoring these men, Lin Fan flew directly to the girls’ dormitory with Cao Shan in his arms.

“Where is the electric switch in your girls’ dormitory?”

Cao Shan thought for a moment and said, “Just under the stairs on the first floor.” ”

Nodding his head, Lin Fan let go of Cao Shan, a few steps into the dormitory building, and soon found where the electric gate was, the electric light flow of his fingertips, under Lin Fan’s control, the current flowed along the electric gate throughout the entire girls’ dormitory building, and the electric light that had originally lost the power supply and extinguished suddenly lit up.

After doing all this, Lin Fan found a more difficult thing, he must stand here, control the current output, otherwise the girls’ dormitory building that has just restored power will immediately have another power outage.

“You go and inform the women upstairs and tell them all to come down, hurry up, understand?”

Cao Shan, who was standing not far away in a daze, was awakened, did not dare to ask more, and quickly ran upstairs.

What happened today is too subversive to her cognition, the wound on the ribs is not even scarred, and the broken bones have grown, she now has no feeling of weakness, the whole person’s spirit is incredible, this treatment ability is simply outrageous, if the hospital has this medical technology before the end of the day, the world does not know how many people will die.

Originally, she thought that Lin Fan’s ability was probably to heal injuries, but suddenly found that Lin Fan would also discharge! Cao Shan is a little skeptical, Lin Fan is not the ‘God of Thor’ in the video, after all, this is not a conflict, right?

Who says that if you can discharge, you can’t heal a wound?

Recognizing this, Cao Shan did not dare to talk nonsense more, and now she probably understood Lin Fan’s previous thoughts and moods, this kind of person should not lack women, has such terrible strength, how many women do you want?

As for why she had to call all the female employees down, she was not very clear about this, Lin Fan’s thoughts, she could not guess.

On the second floor, Cao Shan knocked on the door one by one, inexplicably the call washed away the fear in the hearts of the women, when they were dazed, they suddenly heard the knocking on the door, and ran out, seeing the dark Cao Shan, completely unable to recognize who it was.

If it weren’t for the mirror being held by herself, Cao Shan couldn’t believe that the person in the mirror who was being smoked into black charcoal was her!

In order to complete the things that Lin Fan confessed, Cao Shan played a quick wit, anyway, it was a sentence, the thunder god was downstairs, let everyone go down.

This sentence is better than anything, the women can’t care less about asking why, they rushed downstairs, Cao Shan grabbed several women, let them notify the women upstairs one by one, she herself took advantage of this time, hurried to wash and wash, and no longer washed no face to see anyone.

In the bathroom, cleaning the dust on her body, Cao Shan wanted to hit the wall head-on, seeing her like this now, she probably understood why Lin Fan was so disgusted, probably like a flower in your arms and said that she wanted to make a promise to each other, and also looked like you took advantage of it, not being directly destroyed by a slap, it was all lucky.

Quickly washing off the black ash on her body, Cao Shan picked up the dirty clothes and put them on her body.

She had no time to change her clothes, it had taken ten minutes to wash it, and then she went back upstairs to her room to change her clothes, she was afraid that she would go downstairs and be destroyed by Lin Fan.

On the first floor of the female staff dormitory, listening to the footsteps on the stairs, Lin Fan had some accidents, originally he thought he would have to wait for a while, but he did not think, Cao Shan’s movement was so fast, it took no more than five minutes to go up, the movement was so big, I didn’t know that I thought that the earthquake was ready to flee.

This situation made Lin Fan wonder a little, what did Cao Shan do, so that these women could go downstairs so painfully.

The doubts were short-lived, and as the screams of the women came, Lin Fan understood in an instant.

“What about Thor? Where are you, Thor? ”

“Thor, where are you?” Did you come to our rescue on purpose? ”

“What about people? What about Thor? Isn’t that the time to go? ”

“Didn’t you say Thor was on the first floor?” Where did the people go? mmp, should it be Cao Shan who lied to us? ”

“Depend! Bai was excited, what about Cao Shanren? I’m going to screw her head off!” Waste my emoticons! ”

“Don’t say it, I’m going to blow up Cao Shan’s dog head now, my sister will be scared to death today, and now I dare to deceive my feelings, don’t beat her out, my name is written backwards!”

The women who ran down the stairs had the same eyes as the radar, scanned around, looked around and did not find anyone’s shadow, and suddenly choked on one by one.

Lin Fan is now doubting life under the stairs, and Cao Shan is using his name to fool this group of women down?

Seeing that a group of women were about to go upstairs, Lin Fan took a few steps back, stood outside the stairs, and said to the other side of the gate: “Don’t go up first, I let Cao … Cao Shan called you down. ”

Probably Cao Shan? Lin Fan had not yet asked Cao Shan’s name, he had also heard these women shouting all the time, probably guessing.

Lin Fan suddenly stood up, the imposing women were all stunned in place, hundreds of eyes brushed at Lin Fan, and finally stopped at the current that kept pouring out in Lin Fan’s hand, and his eyes lit up instantly, and Qi Brushed towards Lin Fan’s side.

“I also said how the dormitory suddenly had electricity, obviously the power plant workshop was blown up, and it turned out that Thor was generating electricity for us!”

“Thor used to look like this, the previous video was too blurry, you can only see the shadow.”

“It’s really the thunder god who came, and I thought Cao Shan was fooling me.”

“Since it’s not Cao Shan who is deceiving people, then spare her life, look closely, Thor is so handsome.”

“The front, let Jean, let Jean, let me look twice.”

“Don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze, who touched my ass, nmd didn’t have it himself!”

Looking at the noisy women in front of him, Lin Fan’s black line full of heads, how is the eyes of this group of women so wrong, is this a female staff dormitory or a pansi cave? Why did these women look like they were going to eat him?

Not to mention, the women in this power station are long…. Are they really beautiful, is it not that the electrician who is applying for the job still has a face value requirement?

Then the question arises, how did that Cao Shan get mixed in?

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