Chapter 211 The mercenaries in the Baiyuan Business Building, Chu Hanyan’s suspicions

The explosion of the Changbei power station has a large range of power outages, and most of the civil electricity and enterprise electricity in the western region of the Modu are basically from the Changbei power station.

Now the only remaining Changbei power station in the western region exploded, and at night, the western area of the magic capital instantly darkened, and the darkness covered the area of tens of kilometers, and the buildings were swallowed up by darkness.

Six kilometers east of Changbei Power Station, Baiyuan Business Building.

The sudden power outage also affected this side, where thousands of people in the huge business building stood next to floor-to-ceiling windows, staring blankly at the distant sky, where the Changbei Power Station exploded.

The explosion at the Changbei Power Station was so violent and the sound was so terrifying that it could be heard clearly from nearly twenty kilometers away, not to mention the Baiyuan Business Building, which was only six kilometers away.

The sudden power outage and explosion made almost everyone aware of one thing.

The power station is exploding!

The survivors who can be rescued to the Baiyuan Business Building basically do not live far away, and they cannot say anything about the nearby situation, but most of the Changbei Power Station is such a sobering point, most of them still know, not to mention the bus stop.

The explosion of the Changbei power station makes everyone understand that the era of no electricity is coming, and now it is the end of the world, the power station is exploding, who will repair it? No one repairs it means that from now on, wanting to use electricity in the future is delusional.

Without electricity, the night will be more dangerous and more terrifying, and people have an instinctive fear of darkness, especially the current apocalypse!

Darkness represents the unknown, the eye cannot see, and no one knows what is in the darkness.

The impact of the power outage is very large, in the case of natural gas outage, what to take to cook? Before the power outage, most of them were induction cookers, and now that the electricity is also broken, it will be difficult to eat hot food after that.

Unless it’s a fire, you can only eat some instant foods such as bread, firecrackers, and instant noodles.

Thousands of people watched from a few kilometers in the direction of the Changbei power plant, where the flames had disappeared, but all of them were not happy.

The current apocalypse is too dangerous, the appearance of zombie animals makes everyone panic, just yesterday, a zombie cat that ran in from nowhere, without anyone noticing, bit two people, and scratched three people with its claws!

Zombie cats are full of zombie viruses, teeth, saliva, claws, zombie viruses have not yet appeared antibodies, although zombie cats fled under the drive of everyone, but the five people who were scratched and bitten were still uncontrolled corpses.

In the end, the five zombies were killed by pistols, but the appearance of the zombie cat was like a dark cloud hanging over everyone’s heart.

The leak in the house coincided with the overnight rain, the explosion of the Changbei power station, and the arrival of the era of no electricity, which made the already dangerous apocalypse even more terrifying, and the safety of the living people was further threatened.

The night is when zombies and zombie animals are highly active, yesterday was the night, only to be attacked by zombie cats, if the death of five people can kill the zombie cat is acceptable, but fatal, it is the zombie cat ran away!

Although it is not clear whether it is still so vengeful after becoming a zombie, everyone is sure that the zombie cat will definitely come back.

In order to avoid more people being recruited, everyone stopped all activities at night, honestly returned to the room, no one wanted to die, since they could not catch the zombie cat, then hide in the room, there is a door block, the zombie cat can not come in, right?

And hundreds of policemen in the Baiyuan Business Building are also preparing on various floors with pistols, as long as the zombie cat appears, it must be killed at the first time, but the sudden blackout disrupts all the plans!

On the 3rd floor of the Baiyuan Business Building, more than a dozen men wearing police uniforms and holding explosion-proof shields stood in the corridor, and the sudden power outage made more than a dozen people briefly panic for a while, and then they took out the flashlight that was ready on their bodies.

The dark corridor was illuminated by beams of light, the darkness was dispelled, and more than a dozen people in the corridor breathed a sigh of relief.

Next to the floor-to-ceiling window stood two men in police uniforms, and the location of their eyes was also the Changbei Power Station.

“Brother Zhan, the Changbei power station has exploded, what should we do in the future?” Thousands of pieces, if you only eat bread, instant noodles and other things, it is estimated that we will not be able to last long. ”

Speaking was the man on the left, the man was thin and lean, and his eyes under the brim of his hat flashed a cold light from time to time.

The man who spoke was called Wu Yan, a man of the Eastern Empire, an international mercenary before the end of the world, standing next to him was called Wu Zhan, the two brothers were two brothers, Wu Zhan was two years older, the mercenary group established by the two brothers was quite stated in the world, before the end of the day, the two brothers just finished a vote, planning to take the brothers to have fun in the magic capital for two days, unfortunately just in time for the outbreak of the apocalypse.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Wu Zhan looked calm and did not seem to take Wu Yan’s worries to heart.

“Ah Yan, according to your thoughts, what should we do?”

Wu Yan was silent for a moment, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, “Brother Zhan, my idea is that after killing the group of moths that only know how to eat, the useful ones will be pulled into our team, and all the waste will be killed, or used as bait, leaving only women, strictly controlling the share of food, as long as they don’t die of hunger.” ”

Wu Yan had long seen that those moths were not pleasing to the eye, and he didn’t do anything all day, he knew that eating or it was just suspicious of this, if it wasn’t for his eldest brother Wu Zhan who had the heart to fight for hegemony and wanted to establish a new order, he would have killed all those waste men long ago!

As for women, in Wu Yan’s heart, women are used to excrete the negative emotions accumulated in the body, as an international mercenary, Wu Yan often carries out tasks with Wu Zhan, their tasks are many, old people, children, as long as the task requires, no matter how pitiful, there is only one word!


Killing will have money, only killing can complete the task, they are mercenaries, do things for money, as long as they give money, President Millikan they dare to assassinate, in the long run, there will be a lot of negative emotions in the heart, if you don’t try to sort it out, the body will have problems.

And women are the best way to vent, there is no negative emotion is a fierce battle can not vent, if there is, it must be not enough women!

The long-term experience made Wu Yan’s heart cold and hard as iron, there was only Wu Zhan in his eyes, and he only served Wu Zhan, the older brother, for him, except for Wu Zhan, everyone was a tool in his heart, but the use was different.

Wu Zhan sighed, closed his somewhat sour eyes, and whispered, “By doing this, the results of our efforts for a month will become a vacuum.” ”

Wu Yan was silent, a month ago, Wu Zhan, together with him and the rest of the team, sneaked into the police station, killed the few policemen who were left, changed into clothes and weapons, and transformed from mercenaries into policemen.

Wu Zhan had a plan, and the plan went well, and with this skin, they quickly gathered thousands of survivors in the following month, including men and women, who expanded rapidly and radiated a wide area.

And because they are mercenaries, they are swift, fierce, not afraid of zombies, and even cleared out a safe area around the Baiyuan Business Building, all the way to the Hualian large chain supermarket two kilometers away, killing tens of thousands of zombies.

Backed by the Hualian large supermarket chain, the food problem is solved, the two brothers are ambitious and want to establish a doomsday kingdom, but the plan has not yet begun, the appearance of the zombie cat has forced their pace to pause, the zombie cat has not been solved, and the Changbei power station has exploded again.

This makes the already grim form more and more worse.

“Big brother, we are mercenaries, not policemen, this skin makes us tie our hands and feet, we can wait for stability and then make changes, otherwise, these survivors will drag us down.” 」

Wu Yan’s words, how could Wu Zhan not know in his heart? After the power outage, the rice noodles in the supermarket these things have become decorations, there is no fire and electricity, rice noodles can not fill the stomach, if it is good to be in the countryside at the moment, it is not a big deal to make a fire to cook, but this is the city, it is not realistic at all.

Wu Zhan was very sorry and helpless in his heart, he had the heart of a tyrant, and he wanted to become a superior person after doing enough at the bottom, but unfortunately the situation did not allow it! A month’s worth of effort went into vain, and his mood was unspeakably lost.

Wu Yan’s method is indeed the best choice at present, and it is also the practice of almost everyone, but this way, at most, is rampant for a while, not for a long time, a real force needs order to develop normally, even if it is a slave society, there are civilian women, simply using women as a tool for venting is not a long-term solution.

“Just do as you say, but not until tomorrow during the day, not tonight.”

Wu Yan was happy in his heart, Wu Zhan loosened his mouth and everything would be much easier, and why wait until tomorrow day, this Wu Yan understood in his heart.

The night is too dangerous, easy to mess up, plus there are zombie cats who do not know whether there will be or not, a little bad pool, it is likely that large-scale infection will occur in the chaos, then this is not a safe area, but a zombie nest, he does not plan to bury the hard-won territory.

One night time, he was not in a hurry at all!

“Big brother, I understand what you mean, I won’t come randomly, since the power is out tonight, the plan will be canceled, anyway, those people also lock the door and dare not come out, even if the zombie cat comes in, it will not cause any harm.”

“Well, let the brothers go back first, recharge tonight, and get ready tomorrow.” Wu Zhan took off the hat on his head, looked down twice, and threw it away, and the hat flew out of the window.

Looking at the movements in Wu Zhan’s hands, Wu Yan immediately threw away the police hat, the look on his face was relaxed, and the corner of the shadow also had a cold smile.

In a room on the 16th floor, seven or eight girls gathered together, the dark room was illuminated by the flashlight on the mobile phone, the darkness was dispelled, the fear on the girls’ faces diminished somewhat, but it did not disappear, obviously the fear caused by the blackout was not simply flashlight lighting can be dispelled.

The girls are not sitting or huddled together, they are busy, some are pedaling on chairs, some are holding cloth strips and strapping mobile phones, some are holding chairs on the table to ensure the safety of the girls standing on them, and the others are standing around, with open arms that seem to be ready to catch their companions who accidentally fall.

However, the girl on the chair stood very steadily, took the mobile phone handed by the girl below, Chu Hanyan tied the cloth strip on the electric light, and made sure that it would not fall down, and then came down from the chair with confidence.

The light of the mobile phone flashlight is not very bright, but it is enough to illuminate most of the room, and without lights, this is already the best way to illuminate.

“Finally got it right, the power station exploded, what can we do in the future?”

Watching Chu Han smoke down, a girl next to her with a somewhat round face sighed helplessly.

Hearing the round-faced girl’s words, the atmosphere in the room was somewhat quiet, at this time, a somewhat lively girl opened her mouth and comforted: “Rest assured, it’s okay, I think Officer Wu they will definitely come up with a good way.” ”

The girl’s words seemed to play some role, the girls around them looked much better, Chu Hanyan, who had just come down, recalled the appearance of Wu Yan and Wu Zhan, as well as those policemen, and always felt that something was wrong in their hearts.

It is not wrong, it is that it feels that those people do not look like policemen, she has seen a lot of police, after all, her father is the director of the General Police Bureau of Modu, and the most she has seen is the police.

Those people…. Not like a cop at all! It’s more like some gangsters.

Looking at the female students around him, Chu Hanyan did not express the doubts in his heart.

“Hope it’s my delusion.”

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