Chapter 214 Jasmine is not miserable, Zhou Xiuyan old Zhou pickpocketed

The book was reversed….

Took the opposite…..

On the contrary….


Zhou Xiuyan was now full of these words, looking down at the book in front of her, Zhou Xiuyan’s face was instantly embarrassed.

It’s really a reversal! What a shame!

Zhou Xiuyan’s face was green, this book that she had picked up since eating, and she had turned it over for half a day, and she was all looking at it in reverse? The key is to let Jasmine see it all, and the heart is pierced! Broken defenses!

Zhou Xiuyan didn’t dare to think about how long Jasmine had been holding back her smile this night, and she was now eager to drill into the quilt!


Looking at Zhou Xiuyan’s instantly pierced face, Jasmine did not endure, did not go through the program, directly laughed out, good guys, waited for a night, this feeling is simply too cool!

Hearing Jasmine’s undisguised laughter, Zhou Xiuyan was even more furious, and Feng Yan stared at Jasmine viciously, raised the book in her hand and threw it at her forcefully.

“Laugh and laugh! Laugh what a laugh! I’m exercising my brain reflexes, you know a fart! ”

With Zhou Xiuyan’s current strength, the speed of the book thrown out with full force was comparable to that of a bullet, and the destructive power did not know how terrifying it was, a residual shadow was pulled out of the air, and even the whistle of ‘whining’ could be faintly heard.

Jasmine raised her hand to catch the book that flew over, and the smile on her face did not diminish in the slightest, and she even slapped it twice on Bai Yan’s big shin to express her current level of joy.

“Hahahahahaha! Sister Yan, are you going to laugh to death that I inherited my watch? I tell you, impossible! ”

Seeing Jasmine’s happy smile, Zhou Xiuyan’s eyes were cold, and a touch of anger flashed in her eyes, since you are not kind, don’t blame me for being unjust!

Turning over and compromising, Zhou Xiuyan walked towards Jasmine step by step with a calm face, and Jasmine, who was originally smiling, was stunned, looking at Zhou Xiuyan’s look, Jasmine suddenly had an ominous premonition.

“Sister Yan, you…. Don’t scare me, what do you want to do? I tell you, there are two of us in the dormitory, if you want to kill people and kill people, you can’t run away! ”

“Oh yes, then you are very brave.”

Zhou Xiuyan smiled coldly and walked step by step to Jasmine, who leaned back with some weakness, completely unable to figure out what Zhou Xiuyan wanted to do.

Say it is late, then fast, Zhou Xiuyan grabbed in front of Jasmine, Jasmine’s eyelids jumped wildly, good fellow, this force this speed, if this is caught, this does not scratch her swollen! If it’s not yours, you don’t know the heartache is it!

Just when Jasmine was protecting Hun with both hands, Zhou Xiuyan grabbed the direction of the hand that was out, and in Jasmine’s sluggish gaze, two photos were instantly grabbed from under the pillow.

After getting what she wanted, Zhou Xiuyan quickly stepped back, looking at the figure in the photo while sighing: “Tut, oh yo yo, let me see who this is?” Isn’t this the supreme Lord of our city of judgment? Where did this photo come from? Oh… Let me think about it, I remember the store selling 500 coins, right? That’s to kill 50 zombies to buy one, this is two, someone is really rich ah! ”

Jasmine’s face was green, looking at the two photos in Zhou Xiuyan’s hand, everyone was in a state of confusion.

“You…. You give it back to me! Give it back to me, aaaah! I fought with you! ”

Directly swooping up, Jasmine directly pounced on Zhou Xiuyan like a crazy little wild cat, but Zhou Xiuyan’s figure flashed and directly avoided it.

Looking at the empty jasmine, Zhou Xiuyan smiled evilly: “I really didn’t expect that our Jasmine people look cold, and they actually have such a hobby behind their backs, this is 1,000 ruling coins, good wealth and wealth!” Anyway to me, I am reluctant to buy, come, you honestly, will not sneak yourself in front of the photos on our Lord at night…..”

“Nothing! Absolutely nothing! You’re talking nonsense! How could I do that! Jasmine denied it, standing five meters away and waiting for Zhou Xiuyan with her face bulging, she regretted it now, how to let Zhou Xiuyan catch the handle.

“Really? I don’t believe that you can do anything that steals pictures of Tibetans, how can that kind of thing not be? Zhou Xiuyan raised an eyebrow and said in a serious tone: “It doesn’t matter Jasmine, my sister is also from your age, only allow men to generate electricity to photos and the like, and women are not allowed?” This is obviously unfair, rest assured, speak boldly, sister will not tell others! ”

“No no no no !!!!”

Jasmine was mad, if she believed it, there would be a ghost, and she could guarantee that as long as she admitted it now, the next day the entire female warrior dormitory would know that she was generating electricity at night against Lin Fan’s photo.

Assie! How could this man be so annoyed!

Looking at Jasmine who jumped straight to her feet, Zhou Xiuyan was not to mention how happy she was, calling you just exposed me short, I told you to laugh, now it’s time for you to cry, right?

This is called retribution! It’s not that you don’t report it, it’s not time to do it!

Jasmine gritted her silver teeth, for the first time she felt that Zhou Xiuyan was so hateful, this person was too much!

“Hurry up and return the picture to me!”

Picking her eyebrows, Zhou Xiuyan looked at the two photos of Lin Fan in her hand, holding one in one hand, and asked Jasmine: “So please, what do you want this one?” Or this one, greedy children don’t have one. ”



In this case, Jasmine didn’t know what Zhou Xiuyan was thinking, this was a direct robbery!

How can there be such a greedy woman in this world! That’s a picture she bought for 500 coins! Kill 50 zombies to get 500 coins! Aaaaa

“I…. I want the one on the left. “The grievance in Jasmine’s heart is not to mention, this is inexplicably pit a photo, which can stand it!”

The backhand put away the photo of her right hand, and Zhou Xiuyan walked over to Jasmine with a smile and handed the photo of her left hand over, “Not greedy child, you got the photo you lost.” ”

Shrimp pig heart!

Jasmine grabbed the photo, snorted coldly, and breathlessly crossed Zhou Xiuyan, without saying a word, and walked directly back to her bed.

Looking at Jasmine’s posture like a negative child, Zhou Xiuyan smiled twice, took out the photo and looked at it twice, sighed, and returned to the bed.

Next to the two people, listening to Zhou Xiuyan and the two sides quieted down, Wang Ziwen, who was standing next to the window, sighed, shook his head slightly, and withdrew his eyes from the supermarket, with a look of loneliness and envy in his eyes.

Ye Ruolan from a female warrior, with her own efforts, finally entered the core circle of the supermarket, tonight many people are difficult to sleep, looking at the eyes of the supermarket, are fantasizing.

This example makes many female soldiers have irrepressible expectations in their hearts, especially those women who think that the conditions are very good, and have a great desire for the supermarket side in their hearts.

The lights on the second floor of the supermarket didn’t go out until midnight, when it was late at night and almost everyone was asleep.

At three o’clock in the morning, a room on the 16th floor of Baiyuan Commercial Building.

Hu Yuefei, who had been keeping her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes, and her arm lightly touched Chu Hanyan next to her, and Chu Hanyan, who had never been asleep, followed suit and opened her eyes.

Listening to the sound of even breathing coming from around him, Chu Hanyan turned his head to look at Hu Yuefei, his eyes facing each other, and in the darkness both of them could see the meaning expressed in each other’s eyes.

The two women quietly got up and went all the way to the door of the room, Hu Yuefei unscrewed the door and listened carefully through the small crack in the door, before turning her head and nodding at Chu Hanyan.


Chu Hanyan turned his head and glanced at the few girls who were still asleep on the bunk, and followed Hu Yuefei out.

It’s not that she wants to give up these classmates, but she simply can’t save each other, she can’t even save herself, what to do to save others?

In the corridor on the 16th floor, the figures of Chu Hanyan and Hu Yuefei walked cautiously and carefully, the two had always been very careful, the first was afraid of encountering left-behind personnel, and the second was afraid of encountering zombie cats.

What the bugger hears can’t be fully believed, what if one or two people are left behind? When the time comes, once discovered, the two of them will be unable to escape, and as for the zombie cat, it will be even more deadly, this thing is small and fast, more difficult than the zombie disgusting.

No one wanted to die, so both were cautious.

There is no electricity, the idea of two people taking the elevator basically failed, can only take the stairs, the stairs on the 16th floor, two people just take the stairs for half an hour.

All the way to the second floor, the two of them were relieved, as long as the next floor, they can escape from the Baiyuan Business Building, then within a radius of two kilometers are safe areas, they deliberately find a place to hide, if they want to hide, such a large area, Wu Zhan wants to find them is also very difficult.

However, the two will not stay here for too long, Wu Zhan, if they wait for the rabbit, they will be caught sooner or later, so they must escape and find another safe place.

At the landing of the second floor, Hu Yuefei and Chu Hanyan were sitting on the stairs, and they planned to rest here for a while, replenish their physical strength, and go down to the 14th floor in a row to choke both of them.

Going out in this state, if you accidentally encounter a wandering zombie cat, you don’t know how to die, you must have enough strength.

“After a while, you should be careful, follow me closely, I went to solve a few guys standing guard on the first floor, I have deliberately investigated before, I know the specific place where those people are standing guard, the first floor is the most dangerous place, don’t make a mistake.”

With a solemn look on her face, Hu Yuefei seriously instructed Chu Hanyan, who knew the seriousness of the matter and nodded, “I understand, I will follow you.” ”

Hu Yuefei took out a silencer from her hot pants, gently twisted it at the muzzle of the gun, and nodded at Chu Hanyan.

Watching Hu Yuefei take out a black and thick stick from her hot pants, Chu Han smokers are stupid, and you still say that you are not a treasure chest there?

“If something goes wrong for a while, you don’t care about anything else, just rush out, understand?” Otherwise, being caught is also a death, or even a worse death, it is better to rush out directly, so that there may be a glimmer of life. ”

“What about you?”

Concubine Hu Yue heard this and sneered, “As long as you don’t add to my chaos, I think it’s very simple to escape.” ”

Chu Han smoked his horns and whispered, “Okay, as long as you are strong, maybe you don’t need us to shoot, those people have already been killed.” ”

Just as she was about to leave to hear these words, Concubine Hu Yue almost planted her head on the ground, turned her head and glared at Chu Hanyan, and warned: “You are less crows!” If there’s a zombie cat on the first floor, I’ll throw you straight over and run away!” ”

Chu Hanyan shrank his head and waved his hand in a curt, “I’ll just make a joke.” ”

Hu Yuefei did not pay attention to her, carefully pulled open the staircase door on the first floor, a smell of blood came to her face, Hu Yuefei frowned, looked at the outside of the stairs, and the scene that entered her eyes made Hu Yuefei’s face change.

“You special crow!”

PS: The human design map is Zhou Xiuyan, some people in the comment area say that the 213 chapter map can’t be seen, it is your personal problem, I can see it here.

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