Chapter 218 The solo dance of the Yueyi people, there is no garbage ability, only people who can’t use it

As Li Yun’s three daughters stepped forward, the women’s eyes flashed with doubt, that is, at this time, in the confusion of many women, Lin Fan publicly announced: “From today onwards, Li Yun, Yue Yiren, and Zhang Qiuyue have been promoted from the previous Lv5 general manager to the Lv8 arbitration group and become one of the main mothers!” ”

Confused, looking at Lin Fan’s side of Li Yun’s three people, the women were all confused, they thought that today was the end of here, and the result was such a terrible news?

It’s like a depth charge bomb that blows everyone up.

Especially Liu Mingyue and Qin Yuwei, who were standing at the back of the queue, although they both knew that their mother had become Lin Fan’s person, they had never thought that their mother could become the master mother!

This special surprise came too soon, right?

Especially Qin Yuwei, yesterday only got the source force crystal given to her by Zhang Qiuyue, the strength instantly soared, it is said that this is Lin Fan gave down, such a source force crystal, worth 15,000 ruling coins, equivalent to killing 1,500 zombies, and the soaring strength is equivalent to the results of ordinary female warriors fighting for a week or two!

She had only been here on her first day, and she had gained what many female warriors dreamed of, which was the benefit of status, and while others were struggling, they had already hitched a ride on the express train and walked ahead of many people.

This is still their mother’s status is the chief manager of Lv5, and now they are all Lv8 arbitration group, becoming the master mother, how much benefit will it bring to them?.

This is not that they are full of thoughts of women and mothers, but why don’t they use this condition? Do you have to get up from the grassroots with pain?

Just when Qin Yuwei and Liu Mingyue were confused, the women who had woken up from the shock looked at the two of them one after another, and the envy and jealousy in those eyes could not be expressed.

After announcing this shocking news, Lin Fan did not stay long, today has wasted a lot of time, today has not yet gone to the underground to lay man-eating vines and man-eating tweed, after doing this, but also to go outside, yesterday pounced on a blank, today he will go to Baiyuan Business Building to see.

Whether Chu Hanyan was dead or alive in the end must have an explanation.

Lin Fan left, Lin Youyou said a few words, the female warriors disbanded one after another, under the leadership of their respective captains, they went to the four city gates, and the female soldiers with combat uniforms stayed a little longer, and could not wait to change into combat uniforms, before leaving.

When Li Fengjiao and others walked out of the dormitory of the female soldiers wearing combat uniforms, the female soldiers who had not yet left had their eyes closed, and these combat uniforms were specially measured and tailored to each person’s size, and due to the relatively high requirements, the production was slower.

At the East City Gate, as the majestic and heavy city gate opened, the Yueyi people walked in the forefront, followed by hundreds of female warriors, beside her, followed by Liu Mingyue, Wu Mengfei and others followed.

One person got the Dao Chicken Dog Ascension, and now the Yueyi people have become the main mother, even if they are Liu Mingyue’s girlfriends, their status has invisibly risen by an unknown amount, at least the captain of the team does not dare to give them a look.

Wrapping his arms around Yue Yiren, the excitement on Liu Mingyue’s face had not disappeared until now.

“Mom, tell me how you became the mother?” Didn’t you say before that you are a woman who has been married to a woman who has been a general manager and wants me to work hard in the future? Say it quickly, how it is so sudden! ”

Liu Mingyue shook her arm, Yueyi had a gentle smile on her face, and when she talked about Lin Fan, she always had a strong sense of love in her eyes.

“Actually, when the Lord told us last night, my mother was also shocked, but the Lord didn’t care that we were married, and… And…”

Recalling the words Lin Fan said last night, Yueyi people couldn’t go on, Liu Mingyue listened to half of it, and suddenly found that Yueyi people didn’t say anything, and hurriedly said: “And what? Mom, you’re going to say. ”

Yue Yi was about to be shaken apart, but what did she say? Honestly? That can’t be! Her face couldn’t hold back.

What does this mean? How can someone who doesn’t marry have a daughter? And what about mature women lying down a mess of tiger and wolf words? This can’t be!

Will teach bad children, although Liu Mingyue is not small, it is estimated that she should know more than she knows, but as an elder, where can she speak.

“Well, don’t shake it, in short, the Lord just doesn’t mind, saying that we don’t know how to clean ourselves up, and then give us divine power.”

Listening to Yue Yiren’s obviously perfunctory words, Liu Mingyue was very dissatisfied, wrinkled his small nose, and asked: “Then Mother, what is your ability?” ”


“Water ???” Liu Mingyue’s eyes widened in surprise, and the surprise in his tone was unspeakable.

The good villain was also pregnant in October before giving birth to Liu Mingyue, and raised such a big one, Liu Mingyue’s expression, this tone, how could Yueyi people not know what she was thinking.

“Do you think the water is very weak?”

Liu Mingyue scratched her head, smiled awkwardly, and did not speak.

Without a good look, Liu Mingyue glanced at Liu Mingyue, and Yue Yi said angrily: “You, you, don’t say it’s my daughter when you go out in the future, shame on you!” ”

“Water weakness is just what you think, have you ever heard of water and fire being merciless?” Ever heard of dripping stone wearing? The power of water is very soft, but that is only what you see, the really terrifying side of water, you have not seen it yet, and don’t forget, water also has the ability to mutate ice, which is also considered to be inside the water genus, daughter you have to remember, there is no garbage ability in the world, only garbage users. ”

Liu Mingyue scratched his head in embarrassment, just at this time the city gate was completely opened, a group of people also walked to the outer city gate, a night time, there were many zombies crowded over, smelling the breath of the living, one by one roaring towards the Yueyi people and others.

Seeing this situation, Yueyi squeezed Liu Mingyue’s small face hard and reminded, “Look good, let you see the water element ability that you despise.” ”

Saying that, the Yueyi people waved their hands, and the water elements in the air gathered, condensing more than a dozen streams of water in mid-air, and under the control of the Yueyi people, they quickly flew towards the zombies who pounced on them.

The water seemed to be powerlessly lined up on the heads of the zombies, as if washing the faces of the zombies, in fact, the water flowed down the nostrils, ear holes and other places into the head, a light shock, it destroyed the heads of the zombies, the splash of water hit the surrounding zombies, a large number of zombies fell under this blow, can no longer get up.

Liu Mingyue was stunned, what happened? I didn’t see the zombie’s head appear holes, nor did I see the zombie’s head shattered by the current, how come suddenly the zombies are dead?

Releasing so many water currents at one time, and controlling so precisely, it is very expensive for the Yueyi people, but fortunately, the battle results are rich, killing dozens of zombies in an instant, and the Yueyi people’s Lv1 level of power is instantly promoted to Lv2, and even approaching Lv3 all the way.

This improvement is remarkable, and the benefit of the breakthrough is that the mental strength is instantly restored to a large part, and even the water elemental energy that has lost most of it is instantly full.

“Mom…. Mother… How did you do it? How did those zombies suddenly die? ”

Liu Mingyue was in a hurry, curiously looking at Yueyi people, constantly asking, Yueyi people did not look at her angrily, “I thought, after watching the water, I will show you something else, the province you look down on your mother, think your mother is very weak.” ”

Yue Yi people have the heart to show in front of their daughters, just Liu Mingyue’s attitude stimulated the Yue Yi people, the clay people have three points of fire, do not steam steamed steamed buns to fight for breath, by their own daughter looked down upon, Yue Yi people This temper is also a little angry, you must give this stupid daughter some color to see!

With a wave of his hand, the water elements gathered in mid-air, and more than a dozen streams of water appeared, at the beginning Liu Mingyue was still a little puzzled, but then Liu Mingyue’s gaze changed.

More than a dozen streams of water flew out, emitting thick cold air in mid-air, but a distance of a few meters, it became a series of sharp ice cones, these ice cones cut through the air, the heads of the zombies that rushed over were penetrated, and then the remaining momentum continued to shoot unabated, until it penetrated the heads of seven or eight zombies, and it was not strong enough and collapsed in mid-air.

More than a dozen sharp ice cones are terrifying in lethality, killing nearly a hundred zombies in one fell swoop, all of a sudden in the zombie group please come out of a blank area, which makes Liu Mingyue stunned, and with this blow, the Yueyi people are also officially promoted to Lv3, a fluctuating in the body, the momentum is rising, and the Yueyi people have become more powerful!

Looking at the stunned daughter, the Yueyi people showed an unprecedentedly strong desire, feeling the abundant water element energy in the body, the Yueyi people’s eyes trembled, the air in front of them, the water vapor was filled, and soon a bucket thick, seven or eight meters long terrifying anaconda appeared out of thin air.

The anaconda let out a silent roar and rushed towards the corpses in front of it, the cold air flow was filled, the frost seemed to coat the anaconda with a hard armor and the ice blue ice python swept out with a terrifying cold air, and everywhere it passed, the zombies were frozen into ice sculptures, and then knocked into irregular ice cubes by the ice pythons.

The ice python is terrifying, sweeping back and forth in the corpse group, the ice python’s huge body is the best weapon, the tail sweeps, dozens of zombies are killed in an instant, under the slaughter of the ice python, a large number of zombies die, and the momentum in the body of the moon is constantly rising.

Next to the Yueyi people, Liu Mingyue looked stupid, Xiao Qi had been open, and he couldn’t close.

After performing a bit, until the ice python’s energy was completely dissipated, the Yueyi people stopped, at this time, the Yueyi people’s ability level had been promoted to Lv4, and went straight to Lv5.

Retracting her hand and looking at the frightened Liu Mingyue, Yue Yiren raised her hand, and her index finger clicked the door of her head, and said, “See? This is the ability to have no garbage, only people who can’t use it, if you weren’t for my daughter, I would have kicked you out of the shadow, really shame on me! ”

Covering his head, Liu Mingyue smiled and didn’t think anything of it.

Yueyi people did not concentrate on the front, only concerned with improving their own strength, turned their heads to look at the female warriors behind them who did not move, and whispered: “Don’t be stunned, kill zombies as before, I will not bother you here.” ”

Yueyi people are not joking, now the Water Element Ability Lv4 she, if she and these female warriors mixed together to kill zombies, it is simply not to give these female warriors a way to live, especially the Yueyi people in the use of special powers, but also very skilled, these female warriors can not touch the zombies at all.

The leader of the squad nodded continuously, and in front of the master mother of Yueyiren, she only nodded.

Watching Yue Yiren walk away, Liu Mingyue walked to Wu Mengfei’s side with a small face and muttered quietly.

“Don’t think that if you don’t say it, I don’t know what the second half is, it’s good to marry, where there will be such a lovely woman as me if you don’t marry, oh!”

PS: Chapter 216 should be able to read it tomorrow, rectification has nothing to do with the author, anyway, it is the egg to pick the bones, there is always a reason to rectify

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