Chapter 224 The Terrifying Power of Time, with a light knife, cut off a hundred years of time

Downstairs of the Baiyuan Business Building, a space door appeared out of thin air, followed by Lin Fan’s figure and the first to walk out, followed by Chu Hanyan, who was full of dizziness, and Hu Yuefei, who was still walking with some displeasure on her face with an angry face.

Although Lin Fan had already deliberately controlled the force, after more than ten slaps, it was estimated that it should be a little swollen.

“Go ahead and see how you get beaten to death and dance on your grave.”

Staring at Lin Fan’s back, Hu Yuefei kept breaking her thoughts, although she knew that it was impossible to give Lin Fan anything by relying on the waste upstairs.

She knew one thing very well, good people don’t live long, disasters live for a thousand years, Lin Fan is so bad, since he knows the specific strength of the Baiyuan Business Building and dares to come over, it proves that Lin Fan has absolute confidence.

Seeing Lin Fan’s strange ability like this, as well as the space passage in front of her, she had already discovered two abilities, one was a vine, and the other was the current space, and it was estimated that it was very difficult to want Lin Fan to die.

“You cursed me again, you cursed me to death, and you wanted to dance on my grave, and I heard it, and when you were done, I would write you ten times on the other side of you.”

Princess Hu Yue: ????

What ear do you have? You’re a dog!

At the thought of ten strokes on the other side, she was now in some faint pain.

How she can’t control this crap!.

Pity looked at Concubine Hu Yue, Chu Hanyan felt refreshed, and asked you to scold me before.

Princess Hu Yuefei was now eager to give Chu Hanyan a kick, how could she have been blind before and wanted to run away with Chu Hanyan! Especially when the goods were infected, she was still very sad.

The women are all big pig trotters!

Looking up at the Baiyuan Business Building hundreds of meters high in front of him, Lin Fan’s hand shook, and a Tang Dao appeared in his hand, and on the blade of the Tang Dao, the power of time was slowly flowing.

Although the power of time is not very effective against zombies, for humans, the power of time is a bug!

If it was at the beginning, Lin Fan suddenly took out a Tang knife, Hu Yuefei would still be surprised, now….

Not to mention a Tang knife, even if Lin Fan felt a nuclear bomb now, she was not surprised.

That’s it?

Pushing open the door of the Baiyuan Business Building, Lin Fan walked in, and he pounced on a zombie, who was wearing a police uniform and his face had been scratched by the cat’s paws.

“Be careful.”

Looking at the zombies that flew over, Hu Yuefei subconsciously opened fire, and after saying that, she was eager to give herself a big ear scraper.

Why can’t you control this and let the zombies bite Lin Fan? Although it will certainly not be infected, at least it will help her a little revenge!

Lin Fan was not in a hurry, and even took the time to turn his head to look at Hu Yuefei, with a joke in his eyes, after reading it, it was only in Chu Hanyan’s worried eyes that Tang Dao lightly swiped it.

There was not only this zombie in the hall on the first floor, Lin Fan kept advancing, the zombies that flew over fell at his feet, and Hu Yuefei, who was following behind Lin Fan, had a solemn face, and she now had a strange feeling.

Those zombies obviously ran very fast, and they could almost catch Lin Fan, but I don’t know why, every time it was a little worse, not a little worse, and it seemed to be a lot worse, every time Lin Fan could be just right, a knife to solve the zombies, seemingly slow, and seemingly incredibly fast.

That feeling is like playing slow motion, but the speed is outrageous, in short, it looks very strange, this bizarre feeling makes Hu Yuefei feel very incredible.

Intuition told her that this may be another kind of ability of Lin Fan, but what specific ability, she can’t understand, as if it is separated by a layer of veil, vague, but dead or alive can not see through, that feeling is like a hundred small mice scratching in the heart, the feeling of a hundred claws scratching the heart makes Hu Yuefei look a little irritable.

Chu Hanyan next to him was much better, a pair of eyes stared at Lin Fan, his eyes did not move away, occasionally shaking his head, a flash of loss flashed in his eyes, and then he raised his spirits and repeated the cycle.

Solving the zombies on the first floor, taking Chu Hanyan and Hu Yuefei two daughters to the stairwell, Lin Fan just wanted to push the staircase door open, but did not think, the staircase door opened by itself, and then a figure jumped out, Lin Fan did not think about it, going up is a knife.

Tang Dao slashed obliquely, and there was no separation of corpses as imagined, Tang Dao was like standing on the air, directly from the figure in front of him, this bizarre scene made Chu Hanyan and Hu Yuefei both open their eyes, and their eyes were full of incredulity.

But they had seen the power of this knife before, it was true, the zombies were cut off in an instant, how did they get to the man in front of them, just like the shadow?

Not to mention Hu Yuefei and Chu Hanyan, Wu Zhan, who had just rushed out of the stairwell, was confused.

Just now, as soon as he came out, he saw a knife split, he only saw a ray of light streaking through, there was no time to react, and then the knife was like a fake, scratching past him.

Subconsciously touching his shoulder, Wu Zhan couldn’t get back to his senses, there was really no wound, could it be that the knife was fake?

Wu Yan and a few big men who came out behind were also confused, what was the situation just now?

Wu Zhan just wanted to open his mouth, but suddenly he felt a burst of weakness in his body, his body was heavy, as if he had been filled with lead, and the pistol in his hand seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.


Holding the unstable pistol and falling to the ground, Wu Zhan stumbled a few times, almost standing unsteady and directly collapsed to the ground.

Looking down at his hands, Wu Zhan was confused.

The skin is dry and full of age spots, and the old hands are dry like skeleton paws, is this his hand?

How is this possible! He is only in his thirties now, in his prime! But what’s going on right now?

Wu Zhan’s head was chaotic, and he felt that his thinking speed was very slow, like a decaying machine.


Looking at the Wu Zhan in front of him in less than two seconds from a prime-age directly into a withered old man with deep eye sockets and cloudy eyes, Hu Yuefei’s heart rose with boundless chill and panic.

She now finally understood where that strange feeling had come from! The thin layer of light veil was unveiled, and she understood! She finally understood what the ability Lin Fan was using!

The Power of Time! One of the most mysterious and terrifying abilities!

No one can conquer time, and everyone will decay under the wear and tear of time, but the man in front of him is an exception!

He has mastered a terrifying power called time! He is conquering time!

She now finally understood why those zombies almost caught Lin Fan every time, and why Lin Fan’s movements looked so slow, like an old lady playing tai chi, but she could kill the zombies every time, all because of time!

Accelerate their own time, delay the time of the zombies, which caused a certain visual impact, obviously very slow, but there is no room to kill the zombies between them, obviously the zombies move quickly, but every time they are so bad, they can catch Lin Fan!

Is it actually just that bad? No! The difference is infinity! As long as Lin Fan does not want to be caught, he can infinitely slow down the time of the zombie, even if it is only a millimeter, the zombie will never want to catch Lin Fan!

After figuring out Lin Fan’s ability, Hu Yuefei’s eyes had an unspeakable shock, time and space, the two most mysterious and most powerful forces, she saw in Lin Fan, and she finally understood why Lin Fan had such courage to dare to ignore hundreds of well-equipped enemies!

With the two strongest abilities in his hand, Lin Fan really had this capital, and even said that as long as Lin Fan didn’t want to, no one or anything would want to touch him!

And the knife that Lin Fan had just cut out did not seem to cause any damage, just like it was cut on the shadow, in fact, the knife was not a person, but time!

That knife cut Wu Zhan for decades, making him go from a prime-age directly to an old man who was about to enter the ground, this kind of power, too terrible!

How terrifying is it that in just a second or two, decades of time have been cut off? Who dares to face this knife?

Wu Zhan’s miserable situation was not only seen by Chu Hanyan and Hu Yuefei, watching his brother die of old age in an instant, Wu Yan was stunned, and immediately followed, and endless anger rose in his heart.


When the bullet was loaded, Wu Yan pointed his gun at Lin Fan and roared, “Wang Badou, what have you done?” I’ll give you three seconds to get my brother back to normal, or your head will explode like a rotten watermelon, trust me! You can’t swing your knife as fast as I can shoot! ”

Those who made the same move were more than a dozen big men behind Wu Yan, and the muzzles of their guns were all aimed at Lin Fan’s head.

Admiring the masterpiece in front of him, Lin Fan was very satisfied in his heart, the effect of the power of time was indeed terrifying, especially for people, it was simply a bug, a man of thirty or forty years old, in less than two seconds, became an old man who was almost going to go into the ground.

Looking up at Wu Yan, who was furious and rushed to the crown, Lin Fan’s horn evoked a disdainful smile.

Another head iron wanted to see who was faster than him with cerebral palsy, pistol this thing, he really did not pay attention to it.



As soon as the silver sword light turned, the Tang Dao passed over Wu Yan’s body like a phantom, and Lin Fan took two steps lightly, waved his arm twice, and then stood back in place.


Poof! Poof! Poof!

More than a dozen pistols fell to the ground, the sound was very crisp, and immediately after that, more than a dozen old bodies shook and fell to the ground, some of them were old and dead when they fell to the ground, while some people were lying on the ground, their cloudy eyes looking at Lin Fan in terror and despair.

Looking down at Wu Yan who had fallen to the ground, Lin Fan shook his head, “It seems that I am faster.” ”

After speaking, Lin Fan stepped over Wu Yan and the others and walked into the stairwell.

Chu Hanyan reacted, looking at the old corpses on the ground, while his heart was afraid, there was still a strong admiration in his eyes, looking at Lin Fan’s back, he took small steps and quickly chased up.

Finally, Chu Hanyan looked at the dead Wu Yan and the others, shook his head slightly, and felt unspeakable sadness in his heart.

Who gave you the courage to be faster than a man with the power of time? What’s the difference between this and giving white?

Sure enough, the ignorant are fearless.

PS: Good brothers, come to a wave of self-ordering, the update is guaranteed, you fattening up is about to starve the author to death!

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