Chapter 226 was afraid of trouble, so he killed them all

At the door of the stairs on the 11th floor, Lin Fan’s hand was placed on the door handle of the staircase door, the play was over, and it was time to do the right thing.

Pushing open the door, Lin Fan walked in, and in the corridor, some people who stayed on the 11th floor found the open staircase door and raised their guns vigilantly, pointing their guns at the stairwell.

In extraordinary times, vigilance is necessary, there is a zombie cat attack, and no one wants to die a tragic death because of a momentary carelessness.

Under the vigilant gaze of more than a dozen remaining guards, Lin Fan’s figure stepped out, followed by Hu Yuefei and Chu Hanyan.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Lin Fan’s three people, more than a dozen people in the corridor were a little confused for a while, among the Wu Zhan group of people who had gone down before, there was no Lin Fan at all, and among the three people, except for Chu Hanyan, they had not seen it.

There were no survivors below the 11th floor, where did Chu Hanyan and these two strange men and women come from? There are people left behind on every floor, and it is impossible to put the survivors down upstairs, what happened to these three people?


At the snap of a finger, a dozen blue lightning flashed, and the heads of all the people in the corridor were penetrated, a scorched smell was emitted, and the lifeless bodies fell backwards.

Poof…. Poof….

The muffled sound was one after another, Lin Fan turned his head, looked at Chu Hanyan, whose eyes were wide open and his face was stunned, and his eyes turned to Hu Yuefei, this female killer was very quiet now, in addition to the previous madness, he was not frightened by the scene in front of him at all.

With a casual move, some of the firearms that fell next to the corpse flew over, and Lin Fan placed these firearms in front of Hu Yuefei’s eyes, looked at her slightly doubtful eyes, and said: “Hold it, your mission is to kill all the men in this floor, is there a problem?” ”

Hu Yuefei was stunned and looked at Lin Fan in surprise, she didn’t expect Lin Fan to give her such an order to kill all men?

This man’s heart is really fierce!

Picking up the pistol in front of her, Hu Yuefei checked the ammunition in the pistol, it was sufficient, casually pinned these pistols on the hot pants, Lin Fan did not understand what was going on, and found that more than ten guns had been arranged by Hu Yuefei.

The small hot pants are full of pistols inside and out, and even two rounds of magazines are tied to the white webs, which is also very showy!


Skillfully exiting the magazine took a look, Hu Yuefei touched her hands, the magazine returned to the groove, the chamber of the two pistols collided, the bullet was so loaded, the look of light and familiar, let Lin Fan’s eyes shine.

Guns are such things, in the hands of different people, the feeling of expression is different, some people hold guns at most that is a deterrent, while some people, they can play with the gun, as if they are expressing art.

Holding two guns, Concubine Hu Yue looked into Lin Fan’s eyes and asked, “Are you sure?” Want me to kill all the men on the entire floor? Not a joke? ”

“I never joke when it comes to serious matters.”

Hu Yuefei nodded, smiled softly, crossed Lin Fan, walked to the nearest door, and raised her hand to shoot a shot.


The doorknob was broken, Hu Yuefei raised her foot and kicked, the door was kicked open, there was a series of screams from inside, and before the people inside could see the situation at the door, bullets flew out of the muzzle of the gun, accurately hitting everyone’s eyebrows.

The gunshots were harsh, Hu Yuefei kept pulling the trigger, and a large amount of blood splashed in the room, and after a few moments, the sound in the room completely subsided.

All were dead, more than a dozen men in the room were dead, not a single living mouth, blood spilled all over the ground and walls, after doing all this, Hu Yuefei’s face remained unchanged, as if she had not killed more than ten people at all.

Step by step to the second door, almost no different action from just now, break the door handle, kick open the door, and then shoot.

The number of Hu Yuefei’s movements, expressionless, showed the cold side of the killer to the fullest.

Behind Lin Fan, watching Hu Yuefei kick the door and shoot one by one, constantly killing the survivors in one room after another, Chu Hanyan’s eyes were sluggish, obviously shocked by Lin Fan’s orders and Hu Yuefei’s cold blood.

It took Chu Hanyan half a day to wake up, and Concubine Hu Yue had already kicked open the seventh door.

Listening to the sudden rapid breathing behind him, Lin Fan asked without looking back, “Are you surprised?” Think I and Hu Yuefei are very cold-blooded? One dares to give such an order, and the other dares to do so? ”

Chu Hanyan looked at his toes and shook his head, “I didn’t think so, there must be a reason why you did this, probably that’s it.” ”

“Why…” Lin Fan groaned a little, “There is no reason, if I have to say anything, that is, I want to kill these men, so that I can save a lot of trouble, for example, I will take those women away in a moment, these men are likely to jump out to block, so just kill them all now, the province’s twittering.” ”

I never expected that the reason why Lin Fan started to do it was because he was afraid of trouble? This reason…..

Chu Hanyan didn’t know what to say.

Looking at the figure of Hu Yuefei shuttling back and forth in front of her, Lin Fan felt that this woman was really good, with strong personal strength, decisive and fierce, high obedience to orders, and wild nature, worthy of being mixed in the killer circle, and all aspects of the conditions were very satisfactory to him.

And the Chu Han Yan around is more like the flowers in the greenhouse, in addition to the courage to face death before, Lin Fan did not see too many advantages from her, it may also be because Hu Yuefei is too good, the light is too dazzling, so Chu Hanyan was covered up.

The gunfire on the 11th floor was incessant, and faintly Lin Fan could hear some pleas and shouts, but the results faced by these people were nothing more than bullets fired by Hu Yuefei.

I don’t know if the gunfire was too regular, or if the wailing of those people before they died was very loud, some survivors who were cowering in the room opened the door and rushed out, seeing these people, Lin Fan simply waved his hand, and a series of lightning rays shot these men to death.

Concubine Hu Yue turned her head to look at the corpse that had fallen to the ground, and then looked at Lin Fan, without speaking, and continued to repeat the previous events.

The 11th floor was quickly cleaned up, and Hu Yuefei threw away the pistol that had been empty of bullets in her hand, touched it casually, and took out two pistols from her hot pants.

Looking at Concubine Hu Yue, who had come closer, Lin Fan exclaimed, “You are really good, I believe that in my place, you will make a splash sooner or later.” ”

“Where are you?”

Hu Yuefei thought for a moment, looked at Chu Hanyan, she remembered what Lin Fan had just given Chu Hanyan to eat, she had a great interest in what Chu Hanyan had eaten before, listening to the meaning of Lin Fan’s words, there should be many women who had eaten this under him.

“Yes, I’m there, you’re right, what you ate before Han Yan, as long as you work hard, you will get it sooner or later, and many people have already eaten it in my place.” Lin Fan nodded, without concealment.

Hu Yuefei this woman is very strong, Lin Fan saw it, but it doesn’t matter, no matter how strong, it can’t escape the palm of his hand.

People’s desires are endless, this sentence Lin Fan has always agreed with, and he does not think that there are women he cannot take.

“Is that so? I suddenly looked forward to your power more and more, and I would rely on my own efforts to get the kind of thing that Han Yan ate! With the goal of struggle, Hu Yuefei seemed to be scrappy and her look was full of excitement.

Looking at the confident glow on Hu Yuefei’s face, Lin Fan secretly shook his head in his heart, he was still too young.

“Let’s go, go upstairs, you don’t need to do it this time, I don’t plan to waste all my time this afternoon.”

Although watching Hu Yuefei move his hands felt pleasing to the eye, but the speed was really slow, really let Hu Yuefei clean up layer by layer, after finishing it was going to go in the evening, there was so much spare time, Lin Fan felt that it was not as comfortable as being paralyzed at home.

Lin Fan and Hu Yuefei chatted so devotedly, Chu Hanyan next to her was very unhappy, she wanted to take the initiative to attack on the next floor, in order to improve the impression in Lin Fan’s heart, and as a result, she heard Lin Fan say that the next floor would not need Hu Yuefei’s hand, which made her very disappointed, and she felt that she missed the opportunity to perform, not only that, but it may also leave a bad impression on Lin Fan’s heart.

This made Chu Hanyan disappointed in her heart at the same time, but also unspeakable chagrin, she felt like a stupid bi.

Baiyuan Business Building from the 8th floor to the 15th floor are all men, the appearance of zombie cats, so that people below the 10th floor are either infected into zombies, or driven to the 10th floor by Wu Zhan and others, if it is not the appearance of zombie cats, perhaps these men will not live now.

Speaking of which, it was the zombie cat that saved the lives of these men and disrupted the arrangements of Wu Zhan and others, which allowed these men to live a little longer.

On the 12th floor, Lin Fan stood in the corridor, a bullet of his fingers, lightning flashed, more than a dozen men in police uniforms fell to the ground and died, taking away the guns of these people, Lin Fan did not stop at his feet, straight to the 13th floor.

Looking at Lin Fan’s actions, Hu Yuefei wondered, “Do you care about the men on the floor?” ”

Sweeping a glance at Hu Yuefei, Lin Fan said as he walked, “No hurry, I don’t need to do anything, it is too wasteful for them to die like this.” ”

Too wasteful? Hu Yuefei couldn’t understand Lin Fan’s thoughts, and touched Chu Hanyan, who was frustrated, and Chu Hanyan also shook his head, indicating that he was not clear.

Lin Fan’s idea is very simple, those men kill it seems that there is no point, it is better to take away those women, put the zombies in, then these people will not become zombies?

After becoming a zombie, you can kill with experience and points, but it is now normal, killing has no benefit at all, Lin Fan does not want to bother.

Clean up the personnel left behind on each floor, take away the weapons Lin Fan will go to the next floor, do not stay at all, as long as you kill these weapons, the remaining men are zombie dinner, absolutely no accidents.

Lin Fan was simple and quick in this way, and soon came to the 16th floor, and from here, the upper floor was full of women, until the 24th floor, from the 25th floor was the floor where Wu Zhan’s men lived, until the 32nd floor of the top floor.

These Lin Fan all knew from Hu Yuefei and Chu Hanyan, the population base of the entire Baiyuan Business Building was very large, close to five thousand, and the ratio of men to women was almost one to one, that is, the number of women was more than two thousand.

Coming to the 16th floor, a dozen unfortunate guards did not understand anything, they were killed by Lin Fan, and even until they died, they did not understand how they died! Even it was not clear who killed them.

“Go, knock on the door one by one, and call all the women out.”

PS: Brothers, five is really the limit, ten thousand eight a day, the author’s waist is not good, really the limit

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