Chapter 228 Chu Hanyan: If I were an honest person, I wouldn’t have any indiscriminate thoughts

Some people are bones, donkeys, lead not to go have to fight to go, good voice and good temper, they think you have a good temper to bully, they start to kick their noses on the face, they have to beat them up, only to know who is the father.

For example, these women in front of you, before giving you a chance, you did not cherish it well, and now that you are dying, you have begun to ask for forgiveness and regret, the question is, is it useful?

I’m sorry if it helps, but what do you want the police to do?

If sorry is useful, what do you want the law to do?

Don’t say that there is no law in the end of the world, he Lin Fan is now the law!

A knife qi cut through, the corridor was full of corpses, blood flowed everywhere, and the women who had been twittering and crooked before were all beheaded by Lin Fan, as for whether there was an innocent person who was killed wrongly, for this, Lin Fan only had one word, and if he died, he would die in vain.

This kind of wall-riding faction, killing one is not too much, killing two is not too little, behind these women are the closest, it is impossible not to know who the person who is speaking, not far away, but also embellished in the back, the intention is obvious.

This kind of wait-and-see even has a cover-up nature, Lin Fan has always been a general killer!

The corridor was instantly much quieter, only Lin Meifeng at Lin Fan’s feet was still howling, for this thorn head, Lin Fan had zero tolerance, since you want to be a head bird so much, then give you the treatment of a head bird.

Let you know what it means to know what Mu Xiu is to be destroyed by the forest wind!

Like to call it isn’t it? I’ll let you call it enough today!

A touch of fierce color flashed in his eyes, Lin Fan raised his foot and stomped down again, this time it was the forearm bone, Lin Fan’s strength was very stable, ensuring that one foot down, all shattered!

“Aaa I’m you….”


Hu Yuefei listened to the distraction, raised her foot and kicked over, Lin Meifeng was full of blood, spit out teeth and pieces of broken flesh.

“Go, there are dozens of people over there, handed over to you.”

The corridor was divided into two ends, Lin Fan only destroyed the woman on the left, and there were some on the right that Lin Fan was fixed in place, and he couldn’t move if he wanted to.

Lin Fan does not have the habit of complaining with virtue, and even his killing intention is very strong, these women do not know whether they are dead or alive, then let them know and know, how to write the dead word!

He does only accept maids, but not all of them, some damn, he will never be soft, there are so many surviving women in the world, the devil capital has at least hundreds of thousands, and the worst has hundreds of thousands!

Isn’t that enough? That’s enough!

This is only the magic capital, the magic capital near Jinling, Hecheng, Su City, Changshi and even the whole country, more women have gone, and the magic capital port city, and so to the military district, you can also take over the North Sea Fleet, when the time comes to cross the ocean, the big stick empire, the neon empire These are all population captivity land!

There is no shortage of women at all, so women have no privilege in her either! It will not be more noble than a man, and if you still hold the set before the end of the day, it is best to carry it directly into the coffin.

Turning back, Chu Hanyan looked at the corridor to the right, where dozens of women were terrified and maintained various ridiculous movements, as if they had been cast into a fixation, and their eyes and faces were full of fear and panic.

In front of their eyes, there were corpses all over the ground, and they all saw it! Seeing those women who died tragically, they were all lightly cut by Lin Fan!

Yes, with a wave of the hand, dozens of women were beheaded from the waist! This man is simply a demon! It’s the devil! Killing people without blinking an eye is like stepping on dozens of ants!

The calm of this man is not that he does not care at all, but that he is watching them coldly, looking at them like clowns, and when he has seen enough of their clown-like performances and ugliness, he comes out with a sickle and shows his cruel and cold side!

This time, Chu Hanyan did not hesitate for a moment, she knew that if she wanted to make Lin Fan happy, she had to make a choice, like is humble, whoever moves the heart first will lose, even if Lin Fan’s identity has been doomed to be impossible between them, but some things cannot be thought of with reason.

If she did this, Lin Fan would be happy and look up at her, she didn’t mind her hands covered with blood, this was not the previous era of peace, but the end of the crisis, the people’s hearts were like ghosts, she didn’t kill, she was likely to be killed!

Sooner or later, she will have to adapt, and this time the goal is what makes her angry and makes her want to kill the women with her own hands for the first time!

Keyboard men are very hateful, these women are those hidden keyboard men, their words are harsh and mean, their words are extremely vicious, thinking that it is okay to shrink in the crowd and talk, maybe this was the case before, but now it is different!

They’re all going to die! And how to die, she needs to decide!

Carrying the Tang Dao step by step toward these women, Chu Hanyan saw it, saw these women’s frightened and pleading eyes, and there was a constant whining.

Although these women were fixed and could not speak, but the function of the vocal cords was still there, seeing Chu Hanyan approaching with a knife, they could only make a low or sharp whining sound, hoping that Chu Hanyan could let them go.

Unfortunately, Chu Hanyan wouldn’t!


Swinging the Tang knife vigorously, the blade slashed through the air to emit a low humming reputation, a knife was cut, the woman’s arm in front of him was cut off, blood splattered, Chu Hanyan wiped the blood on his face, and the beautiful face was more bloody and fierce.

“Just now you scolded very happy, aren’t you very capable of scolding?” Go ahead! ”


The silver sword light flashed, and Chu Hanyan waved the Tang sword every time he said a word, and soon the woman in front of him was cut into a human stick, leaving only his head still hanging on his body.

With a wave of his hand, the woman’s corpse separated, and Chu Hanyan walked towards the second woman.

On this side of the stairwell, Lin Fan once again rewarded Lin Meifeng with a kick, this time it was the bones that were broken, but now Lin Fan’s attention was not on her, but on Chu Hanyan.

Looking at Chu Hanyan’s behavior of coming with a knife when he said a word, Lin Fan scratched his head a little, what happened to this girl? Blackened? Before Mu Qingxue, now Chu Hanyan, what is the situation? Did he awaken some kind of talent aura or something? Random blackening of the girls around you?

However, Chu Hanyan’s appearance was quite good, much better than the previous look, and now this kind of personality was more suitable for surviving in the apocalypse.

Lin Fan and Concubine Hu Yue enjoyed Chu Hanyan’s performance together, stepping on Lin Meifeng from time to time, listening to the wailing under his feet, watching Chu Hanyan’s knife and knife down, not to mention, the scene was unexpectedly very harmonious!

Dozens of women, Chu Hanyan one by one roll call, what Qi Li said was actually not heavy, the hands were fierce and ruthless, even if those women behaved pitifully, Chu Hanyan did not have a soft hand.

When Chu Hanyan returned from killing a circle, Lin Fan also ended the life of Lin Meifeng under his feet, all the bones of his body were trampled, Lin Meifeng’s eyes were empty when he died, and he had already become an idiot in pain, and there was no need to continue in this situation, so he simply stepped on it directly.

Chu Hanyan, who came back, lowered his head, the Tang knife in his hand kept dripping blood, seeing her like this, Lin Fan raised his hand and patted her on the shoulder, comfortingly: “This kind of thing will be used to sooner or later, look at the opening point, you are doing a very good job.” ”

“Yes, Han Yan, this apocalypse is better for others to be cruel to you than for others to be cruel to you.” Hu Yuefei was also helping around at this time, killing people for the first time, it was still difficult to cross that hurdle, and she had also experienced it.

Especially in the face of those pleading eyes, it is easy to make people shake their hearts, but you can’t be merciful, because you don’t know, after your men are merciful, the next second the other party will stab you to death!

To be kind to the enemy is to be the greatest cruelty to oneself!

“I… Can I really do it? Looking up at Lin Fan, the negative emotions in Chu Hanyan’s heart subsided a lot, and the haze disappeared, watching Lin Fan’s eyes full of expectation.

Raising his hand to touch Chu Han’s cigarette butt, Lin Fan nodded, “Well, you have done a very good job, at the beginning, I didn’t think you would do so well, I thought you would not be able to hold on when you killed the first few people, the first?” The third one? Or the fifth? ”

“As a result, you have been killing from the beginning to the end, and the way is so great!” Really beyond my expectations, this is probably the outbreak of honest people? ”

Hearing Lin Fan’s praise, Chu Hanyan had a little more smile on his face, but the last honest person made Chu Hanyan feel a little complaining in his heart.

If she were an honest person, she wouldn’t have thought differently, and she wasn’t just thinking now, she always wanted to replace her.

Hu Yuefei was helpless in her heart, looking at Chu Hanyan and Lin Fan’s four eyes facing each other, that look was like forgetting that there was such a big living person as her next to her, which was very painful.

What is heavy color and light friend? Chu Hanyan was typical, she had obviously just comforted her, but ??? She was so forgotten? Who is this special person?

Is this a woman?

Hu Yuefei now dared to say that if Lin Fan had a look, Chu Hanyan would definitely send it up, and if Lin Fan wanted to clean her up, Chu Hanyan, an unreliable woman, would absolutely hold her arm around her and not let her return her hand, she couldn’t do it, she wanted to throw up.

Raising her hand and shaking in front of Chu Hanyan’s eyes, Princess Hu Yue pushed her, leaving her speechless that this did not make Chu Hanyan come back to her senses!

“Back to God!”

In desperation, Concubine Hu Yue shouted in Chu Hanyan’s ear, and Chu Hanyan turned his head blankly to look at her just like he had just woken up.

“What’s wrong?”

Princess Hu Yue said that she was going to raise her hand and surrender, goodbye, the next time she cared about the surname Chu, she would be a dog.

The two women’s looks were dazed and helpless, Lin Fan looked funny, turned his head and walked upstairs.

“It’s time to go, if every floor is like this side, it will be night to go back today.”

Glancing at Chu Hanyan, Concubine Hu Yue let out a cold hum of dissatisfaction and quickly chased after Lin Fan.

Although he has been fighting with Lin Fan, I have to say that the way Lin Fan just dealt with these women is very handsome! Cool! Very decisive! It made her feel so cool! Very enjoyable! Especially the knife qi that was thrown out casually, almost saw her trembling, but fortunately she caught it!

Man! It is to kill decisively, fiercely and ruthlessly, this is the true color of the tyrant, and she likes this type.

On the 17th floor, Lin Fan did not open his mouth this time, Chu Hanyan and Hu Yuefei both consciously went to knock on the door to drive people away, and soon the entire 17th floor women were all driven into the corridor.

Casually opening the space passage, Lin Fan was much simpler this time, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the space projection appeared above the corridor, and the picture was a scene full of corpses a hundred times more terrifying than a horror movie.

“This is the corridor on the 16th floor, I was originally a very kind person, I wanted to give you a life before the end of the world, but some people just don’t see the coffin and don’t shed tears, they like to fight with me, so they have become like this, do you want to become like this?” 」

Looking at the scene in the projection, the women were chilling on their backs and their heads were shaking like rattles.

“No… Don’t want to. ”

“Since you don’t want to, what are you waiting for?” Don’t go in yet! Wait for me to invite you? ”

PS: Thank you brothers for your tipping support

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