Chapter 235 Nuclear Bomb? The dawn in a desperate situation

The lack of a chance shook everyone present, and the generals who had hesitated before could not sit still.

Now that the Demon Warlord Liu Clan is at a critical juncture of life and death, there is no difference between not saying anything and sitting still, there were still people who were worried about taking responsibility before, but now there seems to be no more serious consequences than death.

If you don’t try, you will inevitably die, you will be trapped alive in the military district, you will become a dead bone in the grave, if you try it, there may be a glimmer of life, the so-called would rather make mistakes than do nothing.

“I suggest sending some of them as bait, luring the crows to pull low, and then hit all the fire to destroy the zombie crows in mid-air first, so that our idle air regiment can resume its function.”

“My idea is that some people are sticking to the wall of the military district, suppressing the pace of the zombies in advance, and some soldiers go outside the wall and kill the zombies approaching with cold weapons, and most of the zombies that can pass through the fire network are incomplete, and the threat to our fighters is very low.”

“I think Major General Dou Zhihao’s idea before was good, our tank car can crush the zombies, but the plan is to improve it, put enough food and drinking water in the armored car, and prepare some toilets, so that even if it is surrounded by zombies for a short time, we don’t have to worry about anything, and we can take this opportunity to kill zombies on a large scale.”

“I think we might as well ask the imperial capital for help, or apply for a secret key, if the small-yield nuclear warhead is accurately controlled, it will not endanger the military region, and it can also wipe out this tide of tens of millions of corpses in one fell swoop.

The sound of discussion made the conference hall a lot of noise, finally there was no dead silence before, listening to the various suggestions of the generals below, Liu Yuanbin sometimes nodded, sometimes frowned and shook his head, until the last suggestion was put forward, and the whole conference hall was instantly quiet.

Nuclear bomb? Liu Yuanbin’s eyebrows furrowed high, and he looked at the generals who spoke, not only Liu Yuanbin, but also the generals in the conference hall also looked at the past.

Being focused by everyone’s eyes, especially Liu Yuanbin’s gaze, made Xu Zhengxing more stressed.

“I…. I casually suggested it without thinking too much. ”

Looking back from Xu Zhengxing’s body, Liu Yuanbin said in a deep voice: “It is okay to ask the emperor for help, but there is no need to mention this kind of thing in the future, not to mention that the emperor will not give the nuclear bomb code, even if it is given, I will not use it!” ”

“The nuclear bomb is of great significance, radioactive materials are easy to cause zombie mutations, not to mention that the problem of pollution will plague future generations, the consequences caused by mutated zombies will be endless, the use of nuclear bombs is tantamount to drinking and quenching thirst, once the zombies enter the radiation area to mutate, what do we do when the time comes?”

“How terrible the mutation caused by nuclear radiation is, everyone here must know that once any terrible vicious mutation occurs, our Demon Capital Warlord Liu Clan will be the first to collapse, and even other military regions and survivors will be affected, and the Demon Capital Warlord Liu Family can be destroyed, and we can also die!” But a nuclear bomb can never be used! ”

“This time I can take it as a joke, if next time who dares to mention the nuclear bomb, the military law is engaged!”

The dull cheers echoed, and the many generals in the conference hall looked solemn and serious, Xu Zhengxing was very flustered, and he did not know why he had his brain pumped and made such a suggestion.

He is well aware of the horror of nuclear bombs, and he has not watched documentaries on nuclear radioactive contamination, those documentaries are real and not simulated, under nuclear radioactive material, organisms will undergo terrible mutations, most of them die quickly, and a few will swell under the action of nuclear radiation, and become extremely difficult to kill.

It is difficult to imagine that after a mouse survives the nuclear pollution environment, under the influence of radioactive materials, its size has soared to the level of a kangaroo, and it is extremely violent, and the desire to attack is strong, if it is a zombie, what kind of result it will eventually become, it is impossible to know, but it is certain that it will be a disaster more terrifying than the zombie virus!

The nuclear radiation zone will not move, but it does not mean that zombies and birds and zombie animals will not move, and the zombie crows are so terrifying now, what about the crows after being mutated by the influence of nuclear radiation?

At that time, the collapse of the Liu family of the warlord of the Demon Capital will be faster, not only that, but the difference in one thought will affect the survivors of other cities and military regions.

The consequences are unimaginable!

The conference hall was silent, and Wu Guozhong, who had been silent on the left hand side, moved, “We can send drones to carry out suicide attacks, and in addition….. Since Wu Zhi was useless and could not fly, it was better to disassemble the cannon mounted on it and put it on the front line. ”

“The power of the cannon is well known to you, and a bullet can cut off the zombie waist, which can effectively stop the zombie attack and reduce the number of zombies.”

Liu Yuanbin thought for a moment and nodded, Wu Guozhong’s suggestion is indeed a good method, Wu Zhi is basically a decoration now, bombers, fighters and this kind of hope to take off, but Wu Zhi estimated that before it flew up, it crashed and exploded on the way.

Instead of leaving the cannon on it, it is better to disassemble it and put it on the front line to play a role.

After straightening out all the information in his mind, Liu Yuanbin made a difficult decision.

“Next, release the operational deployment plan.”

“Order, the armored regiment is ready to attack at any time, the carriage is ready for food and water, the light mechanized infantry regiment is ready for close combat, the mechanized infantry regiment suppresses the fire in the rear, the number of zombies crossing the line of fire exceeds a certain limit, the armored regiment strikes, crushes the zombies, and sends drones to carry out suicide attacks on the crow herd, further suppressing the number of zombie crows.”

“Attention units, according to the combat deployment, each lieutenant general and major general immediately carry out the order! My Demon Capital Warlord Liu Clan has now reached the point of life and death, and whether it can get a glimmer of life this time is in one fell swoop! ”


Liu Yuanbin stood up, slapped the table and roared, “This battle is related to the life and death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Liu Family, the warlord of the Demon Capital, and Xu Sheng is not allowed to lose!” Do you understand?! ”

Everyone in the conference hall stood up in an instant and shouted in unison: “Understood! ”


At the sound of an order, the generals who had received the order for combat deployment left the conference hall one after another, and soon only Liu Yuanbin was left in the conference hall.

After everyone left, Liu Yuanbin fell back into his chair like a force, and the old age and equipment on his face became stronger.

The order just issued is already broken, the UAV is a precious strategic resource, taking the UAV to carry out suicide attacks, this is undoubtedly a huge waste, but how can it not be done?

Do soldiers really use as bait to lure zombie crows? How many soldiers’ lives would it take to fill it? Ten thousand? Thirty thousand? Or fifty thousand?

Tank cars, armored vehicles are the same, once driven, and then want to come back is almost impossible, the kinetic energy of the tank car is thousands of zombies before and after the left and right, can not drive, the tank car engine no matter how fierce, can not stand thousands of zombies in front, this is the quantity to make up for the quality ah!

The only hope is that the heavy firepower of the fire strike regiment and the forward position can give a little strength, as long as the zombies can’t gather and can’t become a scale, then the tank cars and armored vehicles are invincible!

The Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital today, wants to fight for that glimmer of life, and it is here.

As a famous general returned to his post and the order was given, the entire military district acted as quickly as a sophisticated instrument.

At the airport, a large number of soldiers surrounded Wu Zhi, and soon the cannons below Wu Zhi were dismantled, and one by one the cannons were transported to the front line, and inside the armored regiment, a large number of soldiers were in action, food, drinking water and sufficient ammunition were transported to the car, and the commander, gun commander, and driver got into the car.

As the tank started, a behemoth drove out, as well as an armored vehicle like a metal monster.

Tanks and armored vehicles are like moving fortresses, on the top of tanks and armored vehicles, there are large-caliber machine guns or cannons, compared to the thickness of the tank, armored vehicles are lighter and thinner, the power is also weaker, the reason why they are sent out, the role is nothing more than to attract zombies, reduce the burden of tanks and the front line.

Heavy tanks drove to the front line in preparation for the next attack, and the alloy gates of the military district were closed, and with a single order, these main battle tanks would rush out of the gates and crush the zombies.

The Liu family, the warlord of the Demon Capital, has been forced to sacrifice important combat resources and even soldiers to seek a glimmer of life.

On the forward position, a soldier holding a machine gun opened fire on the front, and under the light of the searchlight, the zombies stretched for more than ten kilometers, like a tidal wave towards the military district, and at a glance, they could not express their despair.

The zombies continued until the end of the light, and under the dazzling light, the zombies looked hideous and terrible, especially among these zombies, there were many soldiers in military uniforms, these soldiers were covered with wounds, their faces were all covered, and even in the wild running, they were still splattering blood.

Looking at these soldiers who had turned into zombies, the soldiers on the defense line felt unspeakable sadness and panic in their hearts, not long ago, these people were still talking and laughing with them, and now they have all turned into terrible zombies!

The artillery kept firing, the rear of the front line was pulled out of a network of fire, the shock wave and flames tore all the zombies who tried to cross the past, and the firepower of the Liu family of the Demon Warlord had been maintained for as long as three days, if it were not for the important geographical location of the Liu family of the Demon Warlord and the abundant armaments, it might have been muted long ago.

Under the strafing of tens of thousands of collar machine guns, the zombies were beaten and splattered with blood, constantly shaking, but to no avail, only a few stray bullets hit the heads of the zombies, which could be killed in one blow, or completely torn apart by the machine guns, otherwise these zombies would all get up and continue to charge.

This is the terrible place of zombies, they are not afraid of bullets, the only key is the head, and want to hit the head of the zombie who is constantly shaking or even running around in the rush, the accurate point shooting may not be able to hit, zombies and people are not the same, there is no trajectory to follow.

The lethality of the machine gun is not as terrifying as the zombies think, and the only ones that can really kill are the individual rocket launchers and large-caliber machine guns.

The power of the cannon is terrible, the steel plate armor of the tank car can be penetrated, the tens of millimeters caliber of the cannon hit the zombie as if it was hit by a truck, the terrible caliber and power as long as it hits the torso part, it can instantly tear a zombie to pieces, this is the terrible power of the cannon!

The reason why the cannon is called a cannon is because of its terrible power, and the effective strike distance is very far, the effective strike distance of the cannon is as high as tens of thousands of meters, where the bullet passes, the zombies are shattered, and a large vacuum quickly appears in the zombie sea.

As a large number of machine guns in the rear were dismantled and dropped on the front line positions, thousands of machine guns fired at the same time, the momentum of the zombie charge was suppressed in an instant, and even within the range of the machine gun strike, all the zombies were destroyed, in a sense, the Liu family of the Demon Capital Warlord seemed to be crooked and survived a desperate crisis.

But is that really the case?

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