Chapter 245 Please God Easy to Send God Is Difficult, You Don’t Give Me Still Not Rob It?

With a look of surprise on his face, Liu Yuanbin looked at Lin Fan and his heart was full of surprise and incredulity.

“Can you sense military satellite monitoring in outer space?” It’s a surprising and enviable power, and I’m curious, how strong is your strength now? Can you tell me about this old man? ”

“My current strength?” Faced with this question, Lin Fan felt that there was nothing he could not say, what could he do if he said it? Just like the landlord, you have a pair of king bombs in your hand plus four two or four a-four k-four q, can you directly show two peasants to win?

No, not only will the peasants not win, but they will be even more desperate, and even they will be beaten for a spring, because the cards in the landlord’s hand are too strong, and they have no hope of winning, especially if the landlord can still play.

“With the current living force of the Liu family of the Warlord of the Demon City, I can’t hold out for a minute in my hands, even if I detonate the nuclear bomb, the nuclear bomb can’t cause harm to me, if it is the tide of corpses outside the Liu family of the Warlord of the Demon City, it is estimated that it will take some effort, at most five minutes, probably like this.”


The harsh brake sounded, the military jeep suddenly stopped, and the sudden brake made Liu Yuanbin almost crash into the seat in front, Lin Fan was not affected by half a point, and even the figure did not even shake.

“Old Wu, are you going to murder me?” Holding the seat in front of him with one hand, Liu Yuanbin complained that the sudden brake just now almost made him bump his head on the seat, if this driver is an ordinary driver, Liu Yuanbin will give him a big credit in minutes.

On the main driver, Wu Guozhong did not have time to take care of Liu Yuanbin now, and looked at Lin Fan with shocked eyes, and his old face was full of thick horror and incredulity.

“Seriously? Is your strength as strong as it is said? Is this really the state that human beings can achieve? ”

Looking at the shocked old general in front of him, Lin Fan nodded quietly, “Is it good for me to exaggerate?” And this is not the only state that human beings can achieve, just as humans in ancient times could not imagine that airplanes could fly in the sky. ”

Wu Guozhong’s eyes were lost, the whole person was a little speechless, Liu Yuanbin, who was sitting up again, smiled and said: “I was shocked in my heart, but I almost hit my head, and that shock feeling disappeared a lot, it is really unbelievable, the destructive power of people is even comparable to nuclear bombs, and this strength is comparable to the gods in mythology.” ”

“I feel more and more now that my choice is right, let you take Wanying and those female soldiers, at least to keep some human fire.”

Lin Fan laughed at himself and said coldly, “Maybe, but I’m not a good person, and I do all the work of taking people’s lives, which I still have in my heart.” ”

Lin Fan never felt that he was a good person, selfish, did not like that there were men in the force, so he killed all the men, if this can be regarded as a good person, there will be no bad people in the world.

But this is the end of the world, he has the strength to do whatever he wants, casually make the rules, and those who do not have strength will be dominated by him, either enslaved or killed, this is the end of his mind.

The jeep was quiet, and Wu Guozhong thought about it in his heart, and finally couldn’t help but say: “Since you have such a strong strength, why don’t you go and destroy those zombies and save more people?” You can obviously do it, what good is it for you to go extinct and the military district to be destroyed? Aren’t you human too? ”

“Or is it that because of your great strength, you really don’t think of yourself as a human being, you call yourself a god, and you despise all sentient beings?”

“Old Wu, don’t say it, drive.” Liu Yuanbin shook his head and waved.

Liu Yuanbin understood very well in his heart, and even Wu Guozhong understood in his heart, but he was not willing to take the military region to extinction like this.

There was a lot of space in the jeep, and Lin Fan comfortably leaned back in his seat, looking at Wu Guozhong with mocking eyes, and he stomped over and couldn’t say how leisurely.

“Do you want me to be my savior?” Become a hero to humanity? So the question is, what’s in it for me? Isn’t the hero a tool man with a reputation label? ”

“The world is bustling, all for profit, the world is bustling, all for profit, why should I be thankless? Tired and tired for the name of a savior? Old General, are you not a bad ambassador here? ”

As he spoke, Lin Fan raised his hand, and his index finger nodded next to his head.

“Now it’s doomsday, I have such strength, why don’t I do what I want to do?” The prince will be in phase, Ning has a kind of hu? I have the strength to be king, why should I work for others? Ten thousand steps back and said, old general, what will be it like before the end of the world, don’t you know? ”

“Why don’t you say this to the billionaires who are worth billionaires?” You are so rich, why don’t you spread out your family wealth to help those poor families? Why don’t you go? Isn’t hanging high without concern the truest portrayal of people like you? ”

“Now you feel like it’s about yourself, and then standing on the high ground to condemn others doesn’t feel funny?” Don’t talk about the end of the day, let’s say the present after the end of the day, let’s calculate, the end of the day is now more than a month and two months away, the survivors of the magic city are in the water, what are you doing? ”

“Let me look at the ranks, oh yo, lieutenant general, such a big officer, in more than a month, has the military region helped the survivors of the demon city?” What if I didn’t have the strength to terror now? Dead bones in the mound? Or did it turn into a zombie that would only be Abba Abba Abba? ”

“I will also say that I will stand on the commanding heights, so Your Excellency, this Lieutenant General, please tell me, what are you doing in the past month and a half?” Recuperating? Or is it…. What kind of reckless work is being done? For example, what kind of human experiments and so on? ”

Wu Guozhong’s face was blue and white, and he was dumbfounded under Lin Fan’s taunts.

Liu Yuanbin had long expected such a result, so he did not open his mouth at all, in the previous times, he had also said this to Wu Guozhong, and now Lin Fan’s words also confirmed everything he had said before.

“Old Wu, drive, don’t let the children wait long.”

With a full of suffocation and helplessness, Wu Guozhong turned his head and started the car again.

Leisurely leaning back in his seat, Lin Fan glanced at Liu Yuanbin next to him and reminded: “Old man, don’t blame me for not reminding you, you better think clearly, send these female soldiers and your daughter to me, it is not a good choice, I like women, it does not mean that I will be clamped by women, if these female soldiers including your daughter do not know each other…..”

“They will still die, and there is no law in my place not to blame the public, even if more than 10,000 of them gather together to provoke my authority, the result is nothing more than more than 10,000 corpses, and I am a very person, and now there are several women, and there are several noble dogs, and you are sending sheep into the mouth of the tiger.”

Liu Yuanbin smiled and swept away the previous dullness, and his old eyes looked at Lin Fan, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

“Men, lust is normal, if you’re not, that’s scary, I’ve done what I think is the best, and if they’re on the wrong path, there’s no way.” 」

“Besides, when all of you come, will you return empty-handed?” I regret it now, let you go back, will you obediently go back empty-handed? ”

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Fan said, “Of course not, I will just say it casually, even if you repent, the more than 10,000 female soldiers will have to go with me, please God is easy to send God is difficult, you invited God to come, always give some incense, how can I return empty-handed?” This clearly does not make sense. ”

On the main driver, Wu Guozhong held back for half a day and couldn’t help but say, “Then if they don’t follow you, can you still force it?” That’s more than 10,000 female soldiers, all grown on their own, can you still tie them up? ”

“It’s a simple question.” Lin Fan spread his hands and said in a relaxed tone, “I really can’t tie them up and take them away one by one, but I have a way to let them go obediently on their own, for example, if they don’t leave, I will casually destroy dozens or hundreds of soldiers, kill them once a minute, I see how long they can last.” ”

“If the Demon Warlord Liu Clan has all been killed, and they still refuse to leave, it is even simpler, starting from the female soldiers to kill, there will definitely be people who can’t help it, if there is that kind of hard bone, it doesn’t matter, it’s not a big deal to make them all puppets, I always have a way to let them go obediently, how?” Am I smart? ”

“You…. You devil! Wu Guo’s loyal people were speechless, their arms were shaking, the car was a little shaky, and he regretted asking such a question!

“I said old general, your car is driving steady, be careful not to hit the wall, I have no other meaning, even if the car explodes, my clothes will not burn a corner, the problem is that you two can not hold.” Lin Fan did not forget to make up a knife.

Liu Yuanbin sighed helplessly, originally he still had a lot to say, being so mixed up by Wu Guozhong, he couldn’t interject the whole time, just heard how Lin Fan was angry with Wu Guozhong.

Can’t you drive well? If you have to open your mouth to find guilt, you don’t have any cards or chips, so what’s the point of saying so much? Wu Guozhong This is a typical can’t see ah.

Liu Yuanbin had already confessed his fate, coexisting and dying with the military region, his only hope was to send the female soldiers and Liu Wanying away, and there was no other idea, because he knew that it was useless to have any ideas, Lin Fan would not agree at all, and even ridiculed in turn, why should he beg for food?

The military jeep quickly passed through the military district, and soon came to a square, which was already full of female soldiers, dressed in camouflage uniforms and with sharp figures, looking like a beautiful landscape from a distance.

Looking through the car window at the female soldiers in the square one by one, Lin Fan’s eyes lit up, this is the well-trained female soldiers of the Eastern Empire! This discipline, this posture, is simply not comparable to the hospital.

Specially trained and amateur are not counted, is there a comparison?


The jeep stopped in front of the square, Wu Guozhong pushed the door from the main driver to get out of the car, and Lin Fan also pushed the door and went down.

Walking with Liu Yuanbin and the two of them to the high platform in front of the square, Lin Fan looked down at the huge phalanx of ten thousand people below, and the dense figures stood neatly on the square, at a glance, the heads of the people were connected, so many people stood together, and they didn’t even make half a sound.

Looking at these female soldiers, Lin Fan’s face became more and more satisfied, and immediately these female soldiers would be his people, that is….

It’s just that the points may not be able to keep up!

It’s a bit annoying!

PS: Thank you brothers for your support, some comments in the comment area have read, how the writer has a good idea.

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