Chapter 249 Thunder Dragon descended into the world, destroying the sky and the earth, like a nuclear explosion

Rise! Roar!

With Lin Fan’s roar, the loud dragon groan shook the earth, and in the shocked eyes of countless people, the huge thunder dragon broke through the clouds, and the dragon body that was thousands of meters long and nearly 100 meters thick crashed straight towards the ground from the sky.



The thunder light roared, the thunder dragon fell from the nine heavens, suddenly hit the ground, the terrifying thunder light instantly exploded, the raging thunder spread on the ground, and the sky-blue thunder halo turned into a ring and spread in all directions.

Like a nuclear bomb explosion, the terrifying glare will instantly illuminate the dark world, where the halo of thunder and lightning passes, everything is evaporated by terrifying thunder and high temperature, thunder falls in the sky, the earth in front of the Warlord Liu Family of the magic capital is like a thunder pool, countless thunder lights are splashing, and everything in a radius of more than ten kilometers is evaporated by thunder and lightning!

Shock! The terrifying thunder dragon and the scene like a nuclear explosion shocked everyone in the military region, and under this terrifying thunder light, only blinding white light remained in heaven and earth, and everyone’s eyes seemed to be blinded.

In the sky, Lin Fan half-squinted his eyes and looked down, and the prompts in his mind beat wildly.

“Ding! Kill zombies +1, points +1, lightning control experience +1, current experience 99570/10w. ”

“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 points, +1 for lightning control powers, 10w/10w experience for currently. ”

“Ding! Congratulations Lord, your Raiden Control Powers Advanced, the current level Lv8, to advance to the next level requires 0/100w of experience points. ”

“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 points, +1 for lightning control powers, 10,2357/100w experience for current. ”

“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 points, +1 experience for lightning control, 38,5099/100w experience for currently. ”

The lightning energy is about to upgrade, Zhao Wanqing has been working hard to kill the zombies, the experience that was originally less than 10,000 is almost reaching full value, and now a terrifying thunder dragon has descended into the world, and that experience is instantly filled.

Not only that, the terrifying thunder dragon swept everything in a radius of more than ten kilometers, all the zombies were burned into flying ash by lightning, countless prompt tones echoed, the original 0 point experience was like a rocket, directly rushed to tens of thousands, hundred thousand or even hundreds of thousands, and the 1 million experience required after promotion to Lv8 was directly filled up to nearly two-fifths.

The rolling thunder energy transformed Lin Fan’s body, and the already terrifying four-dimensional attributes were raised again at this moment, and the thunder light forged Lin Fan’s body, blood and bones, and the runes of thunder and lightning were flickering, seemingly to be imprinted into Lin Fan’s body.

The massive amount of lightning energy surged in Lin Fan’s body like a tsunami, and the soaring thunder and lightning power almost burst Lin Fan’s body, but how terrifying was Lin Fan’s physique? No matter how tyrannical these thunder and lightning forces were, they could not get rid of Lin Fan’s restraint, and finally obediently subsided, and then poured into the eyebrows, completely calming down.


The half-squinted eyes opened, and two rays of thunder light spewed out, flying hundreds of meters away, distorting the space continuously, and even black cracks appeared.

Feeling the physique that became stronger again, Lin Fan’s face had a faint joy, the lightning energy was finally promoted to Lv8, and as he thought, it takes 100w experience to promote Lv9, which is really a bit terrifying.

But you get what you pay for, Lv8’s lightning control power, making Lin Fan stronger, and even more powerful.

Lin Fan had been thinking before, to what extent would the lightning energy eventually evolve? Will it be elemental? Influenced by a certain pirate, Lin Fan has been thinking about this problem and trying to want elementalization, but he can’t do it in Lv7.

Now promoted to Lv8, Lin Fan feels…. He seems to be able to elementalize?

As soon as his mind moved, Lin Fan looked down at his palm, the lightning light flashed, and the original palm quickly faded, turning into a stream of thunder light, but this elementalization stopped in the bones.

Bones seem to be an insurmountable difficulty, Lin Fan tried a few times, and he didn’t force it anymore, now it’s very good, at least the idea is right, bones can’t be elementalized, probably because the lightning energy level is not enough, maybe after being promoted to Lv9, he can be elementalized.

Lin Fan thought about the scene of promoting Lv8 many times, but he didn’t expect that the promotion to Lv8 was actually on the side of the military region, and I have to say that this feeling of destroying the world is really good!

That skyrocketing experience and points made Lin Fan can’t help but want to come again, but after thinking about it, he still endured it.

Just now he was already beyond the level, if it weren’t for the lack of points, if he wanted to brush some, Lin Fan would definitely not move the zombies here, he didn’t want to affect the final demise of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, because of the flapping wings of his little butterfly!

The Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital! It must be destroyed!

Even Lin Fan was now worried that he would be too powerful and scare the intelligent zombies away, then it would be… The egg hurts.

At that time, he will also need to work hard to destroy the military district.

“Ding! Congratulations Lord, your Earth Elemental Control Powers Advanced, the current level Lv8, to advance to the next level requires 0/100w of experience points. ”

The sudden prompt made Lin Fan stunned for a moment, before he understood what was going on, a thick earth element energy burst out from his body, constantly strengthening his body, and the heavy earth element energy surged, Lin Fan could feel that the body’s defense was stronger, and the strength was more terrifying.

The strengthening of the earth element is more inclined to physique and strength, and the earth element represents thick strength and strong defense, and the rolling earth element energy surges in the body, and finally converges to the spleen and falls silent.

The promotion of thunder and lightning energy was expected by Lin Fan, but he didn’t expect that the earth element was also promoted so quickly, but if you think about it, it seems that there is no problem, after all, the earth element is brushed by two people together, Li Siqi and Su Xiaoluo must be fast!

“System, open Personal Properties.”

Character: Lin Fan

Power: 453

Agility: 448

Intelligence: 493

Physique: 529

Points: 46,9018

Abilities: [Magnetic Field Control Lv7 (82021/10W)], [Lightning Control Lv8 (38,5099/100W)], [Wood Element Control Lv7 (87901/10W)], [Earth Element Control Lv7 (92/100w)], [Demon Cat Lv7 (76500/10w)], [Space Energy Lv7 (9981/100w)], [Water Element Control Lv6 (8706/10000)], [ Gold Element Control Lv6 (8509/10000)], [Time Control Lv6 (9210/10w)]

Possession: Throwing knives *100

A wave of improvement, attributes skyrocketed, Lin Fan looked around, it is estimated that it will not be long before the wood element and the demon cat power will also be promoted to Lv8, Lin Youyou’s side, as long as the new department and the interior department are arranged, she can be easier, and then the magnetic field control power will definitely be promoted to Lv8 soon.

As for the other two major powers of Jinshui, it is estimated that they will also be promoted to Lv7 soon, and the biggest change in this is to say points.

Lin Fan remembered that when he came over here, he was just over 20,000, how long has it been now? Directly sneaked to nearly 470,000! Of course, he evaporated nearly 400,000 zombies in a wave, but the efforts of the women cannot be ignored.

470,000 points, Lin Fan This is the first time that he has so many points, so many points don’t have to worry about not enough points.

Closing the attribute panel, Lin Fan looked at the ground under his feet, the thunder light had dissipated at this time, the earth was scorched black, and at the place where the thunder dragon fell, there was a terrifying giant pit nearly a thousand meters in size, the earth cracked, and the terrifying crack spread for more than ten kilometers.

This destructive power is no less than a nuclear bomb, if Lin Fan does not intentionally control it, the destructive power can be even more terrifying, but the military region may be directly gone.

If the military region is gone, it will be fine, and if the more than 10,000 female soldiers are gone, Lin Fan will vomit blood.

Waving his hand to disperse the lead clouds in the sky, Lin Fan’s figure disappeared into the sky in a flash, and with Lin Fan’s departure, the dark clouds in the sky quickly dispersed, and the sky returned to its previous clarity.

The rays of the sun fell on the earth again, and the warriors who were almost blinded by the light of thunder and lightning looked at the earth in front of them blankly, and their hearts were indescribably shocked.

If they hadn’t seen the Thunder Dragon come to the world, they would have thought that they had just exploded a nuclear explosion earlier!

The kilometer-sized giant pit, the scorched earth everywhere, everything in sight turned into black ash, and the zombies that were covered with the earth before could no longer see a single one at this time, even the corpses of the zombies on the ground disappeared, and they were completely burned into flying ash by the terrifying high temperature of lightning.

The heat wave swept in, and the fighters on the defense line were a little sober, turned their heads to look at their companions, and they were all stunned.

Almost all of them were covered in black ash, as if they had just crawled out of a coal kiln.

“You… Who are you? How is it like a? ”

“Aren’t you a too?”

“Laugh what laugh, you too!”

The zombies were all wiped out by lightning, and the soldiers on the defense line once again showed relaxed smiles on their faces, and the atmosphere was jubilant.

On the square, Lin Fan’s figure appeared on the stands, his eyes swept around, and all the female soldiers in the square still had a thick shock on their faces, and they couldn’t return to their senses for a long time.

Dispersing the projections in the sky, Lin Fan was quite satisfied with the shocked expressions of these female soldiers, knocked on the microphone, and the noise revived everyone’s sanity.

One after another dull eyes looked at Lin Fan, the eyes of the female soldiers were like looking at God, looking at God, although Lin Fan had left an extremely bad impression in their hearts before, but this could not hide Lin Fan’s strength, the figure bathed in thunder light was like a god!

An evil man is not terrible, what is scary is that he also has the power to change the world, which is the most terrifying and feared.

In this group of people, Liu Wanying’s gaze was the most shocked and fearful, she saw Lin Fan’s strength, she didn’t know how to resist, and she didn’t dare to resist, Lin Fan’s means were too terrifying, especially with this god-like power.

“From your eyes, I see shock and fear, this is very good, continue to maintain, enough awe will keep your brain awake at all times, so as not to do anything stupid to harm others and yourself, do you think what I said is right?” Liu Wanying? ”

Named by Lin Fan, Liu Wanying remembered the previous scene, and a thick fear flashed in her eyes.

Squatting down and looking at Liu Wanying, who was afraid in front of her but did not dare to retreat, Lin Fan raised his hand and pinched her chin, his fingers gently rubbing it.

“Here, I teach you a truth, the weak must have the appearance of the weak, maintain humility and awe for the strong, become strong if you are unwilling, and then step on the corpse of others to make rules, instead of wailing like a defeated dog, that is meaningless.”

“Without strength, you will be dominated and enslaved by others, I hope you can understand this truth.”

PS: Forget it, I’m too lazy to say so much, the front has been changed, replace it with ordinary men, and save some internal ghosts to find trouble.

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