Chapter 288 Riding the Dragon with Mei to the sky, Diamat vinegar jar turned over

Fifty or sixty thousand women, even if Lin Fan had already opened the spatial passage very large, it took more than half an hour for these women to all pass through the spatial passage, which was still Lin Fan opened two more spatial passages, otherwise half an hour would not be enough.

Watching the last woman disappear, Lin Fan casually closed the spatial passage, turned around and was about to leave, but the words coming from behind him made Lin Fan stop.

“That… Please forgive the Lord, I… Can I change my previous request now? ”

Lin Fan turned around, frowned at Jasmine, looked at her straight gaze, Lin Fan subconsciously followed her gaze, and then saw the Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat lying not far behind.

Could it be…. Is Jasmine trying to ride a dragon?

“You say, I only give you the opportunity to change this time, you have to think about it clearly.” There is still a proper tolerance for Lin Fan, and it is not a trouble anyway.

Jasmine nodded vigorously, looked at the Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat behind Lin Fan, and pleaded, “Lord, I… Can I join you, no, can you take me on a dragon ride? I want to see what it’s like to soar through the sky on the back of a dragon. ”

Jasmine’s eyes were full of expectation, her face was full of dizziness, and she didn’t know if it was excitement or just now, or other reasons.

Listening to Jasmine’s request, Han Yunzhen and others looked stunned, and they didn’t understand in their hearts, you don’t know to grasp such a good opportunity to swim? What’s so good about that broken dragon? Han Yun was really angry! I can’t wait to go up and give Jasmine a kick, you captain has a brain pump! I don’t know how to grasp the opportunity!

Han Yun really hated looking at Jasmine without steel, and then she was stunned, this expression was not right, carefully pondered Jasmine’s words, and then Han Yun really understood!

Sure enough, the captain is the captain! That’s really a set!

Lin Fan didn’t know that Xiao Jiujiu here, seeing that Jasmine expected to soar the sky with him on the dragon, he didn’t refuse, and beckoned to her: “In that case, you come over, it’s not early, take you around, it’s almost time to go back.” ”

Receiving Lin Fan’s call, Jasmine was pleasantly surprised in her heart, and quickly ran to Lin Fan’s side, looking at Lin Fan expectantly, a little at a loss with excitement.

“Lord I…. I that… Can you… I mean…”

Taking Jasmine Bai Yan’s little hand, Lin Fan asked, “Do you want to say this?” ”


Pulling Jasmine, Lin Fan picked her up horizontally and jumped directly onto the back of the Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat, Jasmine made such a big contribution, a princess hug is not excessive.

“Dia, take off.”

Ang~~~ Roar!!!

The loud dragon groan shook the void, the wide dragon wings fanned hard, the wind raged, and the huge dragon body that was more than a hundred meters long suddenly flew into the sky, straight above the clouds, and soon only a small black dot remained.

Watching Jasmine being carried away by Princess Lin Fan, Han Yunzhen and others don’t mention how envious, if they can hold them like that, it is estimated that they will wake up laughing at night, forget it, what kind of dream, excited estimated that they can’t sleep.

Watching the black dots in the sky disappear completely, Han Yunzhen came back to his senses, glanced at the surrounding team members, and said abruptly: “Don’t be stunned, there are still a lot of zombies around, after cleaning up the zombies on this side of the Huangpu River, we should go back, and we can completely clean up all the zombies tomorrow, come on, my team leaders!” ”

The female warriors returned to their senses one after another, hearing Han Yunzhen’s words, their faces were full of joy, after working hard for so long, they were finally promoted to the squad leader!

“Li Jing is it, let’s kill the zombies with everyone, the Lord has given you weapons, from today onwards, you are a member of the City of Judgment, and you can also be regarded as our good sister, let’s kill the zombies together, you let the zombies don’t move, let’s kill together!”

Han Yunzhen patted Li Jing, who was still in a stunned state next to him, and said in an atmospheric manner.

Returning to her senses, Li Jing glanced at the Tang knife and watch that Lin Fan had thrown at her before, and she would remember Lin Fan’s words, and her heart was indescribably excited.

Is this knife the source of the great strength of these female warriors?

“Thank you Zhen sister, I will work hard, with me, these zombies don’t want to move, just brush points for us obediently!” Li Jingxian is very sweet, and her brain turns quickly, otherwise she would not have been so cooperative before, Lin Fan tampered with her loyalty, not directly brainwashed into a puppet, except for loyalty, Li Jing still has no changes.

“Good sister, sister covers you, go, let’s kill the zombies!”


Li Jing held the Tang knife and rushed straight into the zombie pile, the Tang knife cut down the neck mercilessly, and the corpse was separated, feeling the power that poured into the body from the Tang knife, Li Jing was about to cry.

This special, if she had this knife earlier, let alone Du Yuhang, a group of them added up she herself can chase Du Yuhang and kill them, what new human weapon is a special hammer, kill several zombies to catch up with this Tang knife to kill one.

She finally knows why Han Yunzhen is so powerful, go to Nima’s new humans, go to your sister’s Ogares, roll the calf! How fast to roll how fast!

Thousands of meters in the air, Lin Fan sat on the back of Diamat, looking down at Jasmine in his arms, his face was speechless.

Sister, what is your expression? Can you be normal?

Looking at the abnormal dizziness on Jasmine’s face, Lin Fan wondered if he had encountered… It’s weird.

What about riding a dragon in the sky? You should get up and feel the feeling of flying in the sky, feel what it is like to ride a dragon, it is difficult for me to do it like this!

“Lord…. Are we flying too high? I’m a little short of oxygen, I can’t breathe…,” Jasmine said dreamily as she opened her eyes slightly.

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, a little embarrassed, it turned out that it was not abnormal, but a lack of oxygen…. Lin Fan didn’t think much about it, and patted Diamat, “Dia, fly low….”

“Lord, don’t…. This altitude is good, no lower there is no feeling of soaring into the sky, you… If it’s convenient for you, just give me some oxygen. ”


Lin Fan was amused, you turned around for a long time, just for this, right? Lack of oxygen, huh? Yes!

No problem!

Hooking Jasmine’s chin, Lin Fan lowered his head to send oxygen, Jasmine was like a baby bird waiting to be fed, and quickly caught it.

“Don’t move, the consequences are serious.”

There is a way that is difficult to persuade a woman who should not be persuaded, Jasmine sat in Lin Fan’s arms, her fingers hooked, Lin Fan’s hand moved, and her expression was a little stiff.

“You…. Don’t you have a safe wearing library? ”

Jasmine’s face was a little pale, but with a satisfied smile, her fingers were raised, and a sharp knife qi was running on her fingertips.

Seeing this, Lin Fan understood everything, you are really a genius! And Lin Youyou, who chose this combat uniform, is really a genius!

Convenient! So convenient! Except for the safe harbor against humanity, but now it is not a problem.

“I like to ride a dragon and soar into the sky, right, I’ll take you to fly together!”

“Dia, fly higher again! Play some stunts! ”

Diamat snorted in dissatisfaction, and he was always unhappy in his heart, didn’t he treat a dragon as a dragon? Feeding dog food in my face, isn’t it? That damn woman dared to attack her god, it was simply unforgivable!

Smelling the clear smell of blood, Diamat was furious, just like wearing a hat with a glowing green light on his head, which was called a grievance.

I fly! I fly!

The angry Diamat rushed straight into the sky, and then closed his wings and fell at high speed to the ground, listening to the screams of a wave on his back, Diamat called a happy, but the more he listened to it, the more wrong it became, and then Diamat became more uncomfortable.

I’m special!

The sky swam for more than an hour, and Diamat flew towards the city of judgment with his head down, and the dragon was gray, and he wanted to cry when he was out of love.

On the back of the dragon, Jasmine, who had been screaming for more than an hour, leaned weakly in Lin Fan’s arms, Diamat’s dazzling skills were indeed very powerful, and her voice was dumb.

Holding a handkerchief in her hand, Jasmine raised her head and handed it to Lin Fan to see, as if to prove something, Lin Fan smiled and touched her head, “See, did you plan it a long time ago?” ”

Satisfied, she put the handkerchief back, and Jasmine leaned on Lin Fan’s shoulder and said softly, “Lord, are you happy?” This is the first time riding a dragon, right? ”

“Well, it’s very happy, it’s hard work for you.” Holding Jasmine’s slender waist, the long-trained man’s waist is slender and has excellent elasticity, and Lin Fan feels very good to hold it.

With the two-person trip, Jasmine was also a lot more bold, raised her head and kissed Lin Fanjiao, although the exhaustion in her eyes could not be concealed, but the excitement and footfall on her face completely covered it.

“As long as the Lord is happy, and the subordinates are not hard, it will be much better after adapting to it, the feeling of flying in the sky is indeed very good, it is a pity, only this one opportunity, but I will strive for it again.”

Kissing her smooth forehead, Lin Fan said softly, “Aren’t you not able to swim?” I can teach you when I have time. ”

“I will…” At the beginning, Jasmine did not understand, and said two words and forced back, “I will study hard, but I am stupid, maybe the Lord will teach it a few more times.” ”


Diamat listened to the acid in her heart, she can’t swim, can you teach her?

This human ant is simply inching in! I really want to take a breath of dragon breath to make her turn gray.

It was already dark, and Diamat flew over the City of Judgment, and the City of Judgment below emitted dazzling white light, and white balls of light on the city wall floated out of thin air, illuminating a radius of one or two kilometers.

And as Diamat flew into the airspace, white rays of light intertwined into a net, and only after feeling the aura belonging to Lin Fan on the Heavenly Demon Industry Dragon Diamat quietly dispersed.

“What was that just now? What a terrifying breath….”

Feeling the fear emanating from Diamat, Lin Fan patted her back and soothed: “That’s Skynet, used to destroy the air units in the sky that want to destroy the City of Ruling, you have my breath on you, it’s okay.” ”

“Got it, thank you, my Lord.” Diamat Long turned his head and looked at Lin Fan gratefully, with a look of envy in his eyes, but when he looked at Jasmine, he was not so friendly, and his icy vertical pupils stared at Jasmine, if she didn’t know her relationship with Lin Fan, she really wanted to raise her ashes.

Diamat thinks she may be the worst dragon king.

Glared at by Diamat, Jasmine felt a chill in her heart, remembering what happened on the dragon’s back before, and then contacting Diamat’s current situation, an absurd idea came out of Jasmine’s head.

Shouldn’t this dragon also have thoughts about the Lord? Thinking about it this way, Jasmine felt that she was so dangerous!

PS: Thank you brothers for the reward, thank you very much, chapter 282 is estimated to wait for tomorrow, the codeword went.

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