Chapter 290 Diamat takes shape, and Tima is online

“She… Is she going to take shape? ”

Looking at the dragon body that was getting smaller in front of him in shock, the light was not dazzling, Zhou Xiuyan and several people could feel a powerful magic power condensing, fluctuating, and converging, and as the dragon body finally disappeared, a faint magic light shrouded, a perfect figure that made the three women lose their minds slowly walked out.

The long silver hair is scattered, the facial features of the melon seed are delicate and moving, the slender eyelashes blink, the eyes like the jewels of the dragon are looking forward to the dignity and arrogance of the dragon king, the huge dragon horns on both sides of the head are bent to the waist, the perfect body is curved, and the tights of the black otter outline the figure more hot, more eye-catching.


It’s perfect!.

The three Jasmine looked at the silver-haired woman walking step by step from mid-air in front of them, all frozen, with a look of amazement in their eyes, they could hardly describe the woman in front of them in words.

“What’s wrong with you three? Is my gesture strange? Or is this look ugly and not in line with the Lord’s aesthetics? In my mind, this should be what humans would like. Diamat frowned and looked at the three of Jasmine, and the expressions of the three of Jasmine made her feel very bottomless.

Returning to her senses, Jasmine quickly shook her head, “No, no, no, it’s not that it doesn’t conform to the Lord’s aesthetics, but it’s too beautiful!” Your image simply shows the feminine beauty side to the peak, the body proportions are perfect, the facial features are exquisite and moving, even we as women feel incredible. ”

“Yes, it’s perfect, I have the impression that Mu Qingxue’s fairy who doesn’t eat human fireworks can compare with you, we all seem to be missing something.” Zhou Xiuyan nodded with deep empathy.

Ye Ruolan looked amazed, but when he saw the dragon horns on both sides of Diamat’s head and the dragon tail behind him, his face was a little hesitant.

“Will this dragon horn be too big, and the dragon tail, will the Lord not like to feel in the way?” In addition, it should be uncomfortable when sleeping, right? ”

Hearing Ye Ruolan say this, Diamat was slightly stunned, raised his hand and touched the dragon horn on his head, “Will the Lord not like it?” Then I’ll just…..”

“Don’t…. Don’t take it back, that’s it, that’s fine! Jasmine quickly raised her hand to stop it, looked at Diamatt’s doubtful gaze, and explained: “Sister Di, don’t listen to her, you listen to me, I’ll tell you, the dragon horn is cute, and your dragon horn seems to be very suitable for force, the Lord will definitely like it, just take it back when you sleep.” ”

“Really?” Diamat was a little wandering now, and she couldn’t figure out who to listen to.

Patting the Hun mouth, the two big pigs jumped wildly, Jasmine assured: “Sister Di, you believe me, I will never pit you, don’t listen to her, she understands a fart man, if she understands, she will not fall behind me, believe me is definitely right, men like monster mothers, beast ear women.” ”

Ye Ruolan was stunned for a while, and people were stunned, but she didn’t know how to refute it, and she really couldn’t refute the fact that she was left behind.

After frowning and thinking for a long time, Diamat still chose to believe Jasmine, looking at her, Diamat wondered: “Then what should I do now?” Just stay like this? What shall I do when the Lord wants to ride on me? ”

“Isn’t that just right? Aren’t you just waiting for this? ”

Pushing Ye Ruolan away, Jasmine rolled her eyes, “You said the hammer, Sister Di said that when the Lord wants to go out, don’t be blind, God will ride like this.” ”

Ye Ruolan reacted and shrugged helplessly, she didn’t react for a while, blame her? Obviously everyone is racing fast, who knows that you suddenly slow down.

“When the Lord is going out, you just change back, it’s very simple, and…. Sister Di, come over, I’ll tell you something useful. Jasmine quietly hooked her finger, and Diamat subconsciously brought her ear to it.

“I’ll tell you Sister Di, men like to go to the hall…. No, it’s wrong, it’s like a slut at home, and a noble lady when you go out, these two forms are the same as you are now, you are in human form at home, and you are in dragon form when you go out, understand what I mean? ”

Diamat nodded thoughtfully, and was dialed by Jasmine, she felt that she understood!

“So am I going out now? Or sleep with you? Human beings seem to sleep at night, I also want to sleep, so as to save strength, I can feel the power in the body is passing, human form, the speed of passage is much slower. ”

Looking down at the palm, Diamat could feel that the consumption had decreased a lot after turning into human form, probably because the dragon form was too large, and the power needed to maintain it had become much more.

Jasmine didn’t understand what Diamat meant, but it didn’t matter.

“It’s too early to go to bed now, you wait for me, I’ll change my clothes, and then go to the living room with you, the Lord will definitely like you when he sees you like this.”

After resting for a while, Jasmine has improved a lot, after all, the physique is there, and it is not difficult to recover directly, but it is not difficult to recover to be able to walk.

Diamat nodded and quietly watched Jasmine get dressed until she finished dressing, and then asked, “Why are you helping me, I feel very strange.” ”

Jasmine who came over collapsed, looked at Diamat faintly, and sighed: “Today you tossed on your back for so long, if you have an unbalanced mentality to seek revenge on me, my little arm is small, I am gone when you slap down, can you not help you?” ”

Suddenly, looking at Jasmine, Diamat held his chin and said seriously: “I did think about it before, when the energy runs out and disappears one day, I will pinch you to death, but now that I have dispelled this idea, I can see that you are already very attentive, I don’t blame you.” ”


The back was cold, Jasmine almost went down, it turned out that I really thought so!

Ye Ruolan and Zhou Xiuyan next to them also understood, and Jasmine explained to the dragon for the first time? It’s also so good at playing! That is, the risk factor is too high, and it is remembered by a dragon king, and his life is in danger at all times.

“Can… Can you not be so scary, I am still a child. Jasmine was blue and thin in her heart, and wanted to cry, it was too scary, thanks to her wit, otherwise people would already be on the way.

Diamat smiled slightly, and his perfect and exquisite face made Ye Ruolan and the three daughters look dumbfounded.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be kidding.”

Jasmine doesn’t plan to think about whether it’s a joke now, this topic has been revealed, it’s too scary, it’s better to take Diamat down.

“Sister Di, you come with me.” Taking Diamat’s hand, Jasmine walked all the way downstairs, and Ye Ruolan and Zhou Xiuyan followed closely and walked out.

In the living room, Lin Fan closed his eyes and faked sleep, eating the fruits that Shao Mingxue sent to the edge from time to time, thinking about what he should do next.

It is expected that the magic capital will not be cleaned up today, but it can be completely eliminated tomorrow at the latest, when the entire territory of the magic capital will be liberated, thousands of square kilometers, less than 200,000 people, the land is sparsely populated, and we must find a way to increase the population.

In addition, what should I do after liberating the magic capital, which is also worth thinking about, whether to go to the big cities such as Su City and Jinling to continue to expand their territory or cross the sea and go abroad?

Lin Fan thought about the question of staying in the country or going abroad, and he was a little clueless for a while.

Dah…. Dah… Dah…

A sound of footsteps came from the other side of the stairs, Lin Fan did not care, but Li Yun’s doubtful voice caught Lin Fan’s attention.

“Jasmine, who is this you pulling? New survivors brought back today? What is the situation with this horn and tail? ”

Well? What horns and tails? Does the City of Judgment have horns and tails? It seems that except for Mu Yueqing, the cat-eared lady, there is no other tail, let alone horns.

Subconsciously looked up at the side of the stairs, and the figure that came into view made Lin Fan a little distracted.


wtf??? Isn’t this Fgo’s mother? Where did this come from? How did the creator god in the mythological world of Mesopotamia come here?

Lin Fan instantly became hairy, this is the level of the Creation God, if he really wants to look at the destructive power of the myth, he may not be able to fight.

Hearing Lin Fan’s voice, Diamat was slightly dumbfounded, Di Ma? She…. Did the Creator see her as a mother? This… That’s not what she wants!

Diamat is a little anxious, her mother’s generation is absolutely impossible, and how can she be the mother of the creator, isn’t that a big disobedience!

Walking quickly to Lin Fan, Diamat half-knelt in front of Lin Fan, and said with trepidation: “My Lord, please don’t call Diamat that, as a distinguished creator, your status is supreme, Diamat can’t afford to call you that, please take it back, otherwise Diamat will face you facelessly.” ”

Looking back at Diamat kneeling in front of him, Lin Fan tilted his head, what? Diamat ? Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat? It turns out that you can take shape! It’s just that your whole image of Tima, indeed….

No wonder he felt that breath of absolute control from Diamat, and it turned out that he recognized the wrong person and thought that the Mesopotamian creation god ran out.

Raising his hand to pull up Diamat, looking at her panicked face, Lin Fan couldn’t help but feel a little lost.

The people in the anime came out, and it was really too beautiful.

“Don’t worry, just now I just looked at your face and thought of a person, which has nothing to do with you.”

Hearing Lin Fan say this, Diamat was relieved in his heart, looking down at the hand that was held by Lin Fan, Diamat suddenly felt that the human form was really convenient, and before, Lin Fan would not be so close to her at all, and it was really right to take shape.

“Sit down.” Pulling Diamat to sit on the sofa, Lin Fan looked at her suspiciously and asked, “Why did you suddenly take shape?” I remember you weren’t incarnated? ”

As the creator, Lin Fan knows where Diamat is taken from, the Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat in the Demon High School, the only female of the five dragon kings, but this product has never taken shape, why did it suddenly take shape today?

Diamat didn’t think so much, Lin Fan asked, and she said honestly.

“Jasmine asked me if I wanted to get closer to you, and there was no doubt that I admired you as a Creator and was willing to do anything for you, and then Jasmine suggested that I take shape, because this is the only way to get close to you.”

Lin Fan was stupid, Jasmine was also stupid, and Lin Youyou and the others who had just come over curiously were also stupid after hearing it.

PS: What’s the situation these two days, is it New Year’s Eve? Thank you for sleepwalking $ life boss 17588 reward, children wake up people are stupid, the character picture is Diamat, the demon high school Diamat has not been transformed without a specific picture, take the mother’s number.

Chapter 282 has not been given to me, saying vulgar, chapter 288 has not been cared for, I am really drunk, I don’t understand it.

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