Chapter 308 Am I dreaming? Our Neon Empire fighters are hitting us?

Yamamoto’s sixty-six eyes were as red as blood, and his face was as hideous as a devil.

Ten ships! Ten multifunctional destroyers! Today’s apocalypse, all kinds of industries are in a state of scrapping, and these ten multifunctional destroyers have sunk but can no longer be obtained! Not to mention how much a ship costs, whether he has so much money, the current situation is that he can’t buy it if he has money!


A terrifying roar came from the sky, and the carrier-based aircraft group swooped down from the sky, and the piercing dive bombing sound was like the roar of a devil.


The anti-aircraft fire of the fleet opened fire, and the anti-aircraft guns poured fire on the carrier-based aircraft groups in the sky, and one missile after another was launched, flying towards the fighter groups in the sky.

As many as hundreds of carrier-based aircraft groups bombed, and if these carrier-based aircraft were allowed to project missiles, torpedoes, etc., the losses of the fleet would simply not be imagined.

Looking at the bomber swooping down from the sky, Ichijo Masaro froze, rubbed his eyes hard, and said in shock: “What is this?” Zero fighter? Type 99 ship explosion? What is this? Am I dreaming? Neon Empire’s fighters decades ago are bombing us? ”

“What is this! Why did fighter jets fly so fast decades ago! Are you kidding! Could the enemy be the other large fleets of the Neon Empire? ”

Masaro’s exclamation woke up the surrounding fleet high-ranking people, and Yamamoto Sixty-Six grabbed Masaro’s arm, stared at him with bloodshot eyes, and roared, “What did you just say? The enemy is the fleet of our Neon Empire? ”

Ichijo Shoro endured the sharp pain in his arm, pointed at the bomber that began to dive with countless anti-aircraft gun fire in the sky, and his horn kept twitching, “Daimyo, look! Isn’t that the ship explosion aircraft that our aircraft carriers were equipped with during the Second World War? Zero fighters and attack aircraft, but… Why! It’s not scientific! ”

Yamamoto Sixty-Six turned around in disbelief, his eyes looked high in the sky, and in the dense anti-aircraft fire, one after another ship explosion planes, attack aircraft were diving, and even attack aircraft were flying in parallel at a height of 100 meters from the sea surface, carrying torpedoes under the wings.

The green wings also have the familiar neon empire flag logo on it, isn’t it the ship attack and ship explosion aircraft that the neon empire put into use during World War II? But what age is it now? Why are there still people using such backward bombers!

You must know that in the late World War II, the 97 ship attack has been replaced by the more new Tianshan aircraft, which means that the 97 ship attack has been eliminated in that era, let alone modern, but the problem lies here!

Why is the performance of this special ship attack and ship explosion machine so good! Whether it is flight speed or flexibility, it has completely destroyed the fighters equipped with aircraft carriers in his fleet.



A sharp voice came from above, very dense, Yamamoto sixty-six instantly sobered up, how familiar is this voice? Isn’t this the sound of bombers diving to drop bombs?

“Daimyo! Lie down! ”

Ichijo Masaro looked terrified, looked at the bombardment missile that fell from the sky at high speed, and roared and directly threw Yamamoto Sixty-Six to the ground.

The rocket-propelled bomber missile was terrifying, and the height of three thousand meters was only two seconds to fall, and just when Ichijo Shoro threw down Yamamoto Sixty-Six, a terrifying explosion erupted in the middle of the ship, and violent fire rose into the sky, and gunsmoke soared into the sky.

The terrifying destructive power of the missile explosion tore the middle section of the ship apart, and the entire multi-functional destroyer exploded under the bombardment of the missile, the fire engulfed the ship, the flames shattered the steel plate, the fire splashed, and the steel plate was blown away by the air wave.

The explosion was so terrifying, the entire multi-purpose destroyer was exploding, the flames seemed to devour everything, and on the deck, Ichijo could hear the terrible howl from the cabin.

Can’t stay, go! Must go! Abandon ship and escape! Otherwise, you will be buried with the whole ship!

“Daimyo, let’s go!”

Masaro forced himself to endure the feeling of vomiting in his heart and the feeling of dizziness in his mind, his arm forcefully pulled up Yamamoto Sixty-Six who was stunned by the air wave on the deck, and his figure jumped directly from the ship with a flip.



Falling into the water, Yamamoto Sixty-Six who had been blown out woke up, and after a short dazed moment, Yamamoto Sixty-Six remembered what had just happened.

Suddenly turned around, looking at the flagship behind him that had been swallowed by the flames, Yamamoto Sixty-Six froze, in his eyes, not only the flagship was detonated by missiles, as far as his eyes could see, the entire fleet of more than a dozen warships were billowing smoke, constantly exploding, in less than three minutes, the entire fleet lost more than half of the warships!

With such a heavy loss, he didn’t even know who the enemy was until now, it was not that he had not fought a defeat, but he had never suffered such a crushing defeat as he did today!

“Daimyo, don’t look, go quickly, the fleet still needs your command, there is no time for heartache and stunned, if you hesitate, our fleet will be finished!” Daimyo! ”

Ichijo Masaro stepped on Yamamoto Sixty-Six’s arm hard, and kept roaring, the fleet suffered such heavy losses, he was also sad and heartache, but now is not the time for sadness and heartache, if you don’t organize a counterattack now, the entire fleet will be wiped out!

Yamamoto sixty-six has experienced hundreds of battles, this will have already sobered up, the sea is cold, drowning the anger in his heart, at this time his heart is extremely calm, the more this time, the more calm!

Looking at the top of his head with angry and unwilling eyes, Yamamoto Sixty-Six gritted his teeth and roared, “Let’s go!” ”

Yamamoto Sixty-Six is very good in water, plus the warship not far away has already found him and Masaro overboard, and he will be driving a search and rescue boat.

Boarding the battleship again, Yamamoto Sixty-Six rushed to the captain’s room, pushed away the captain who caught up, Yamamoto Sixty-Six picked up the microphone, looked at the sky outside the window with gloomy eyes, and roared: “What is our aircraft carrier doing!” Are our attack aircraft, fighters dead? Takeoff! Takeoff! Give me an immediate takeoff! Knock me down all those ship explosions in the sky! ”

“What do the monitoring departments do! And the enemy? Where are our enemies? The enemy is coming, what are you doing? Find the target for me at once, shoot back! Give me a shot back! ”

The piercing roar echoed in various battleships, hearing Yamamoto Sixty-Six’s crazy roar, the captains of the major battleships were frightened and terrified in their hearts, Yamamoto Sixty-Six’s horror They all knew that the fleet suffered such a heavy loss, after this battle, they would have to shed their skins if they didn’t die!

Toot toot ~~~

There was a blind sound from the microphone next to it, followed by a panicked voice.

“Great… Daimyo! Subordinate Mine Mikami, captain of the aircraft carrier formation, the enemy is coming too quickly, less than three minutes, not enough for our fighters to rearmament! ”

Listening to the voice coming from the microphone, Yamamoto Sixty-Six’s anger in his heart was nowhere to vent, and the words of the captain of the aircraft carrier formation, Inogo Mikami, he understood, where is it so simple for fighters to take off? It’s really that the enemy came too suddenly, and too quickly! It’s almost time to prepare at all!

Taking a deep breath, Yamamoto Sixty-Six suppressed his anger and roared, “Quick! Fast! Fast! Take off as fast as you can and knock me down all those ship explosions in the sky! ”

Putting down the microphone in his hand, Yamamoto Sixty-Six looked at the fleet that kept exploding, his eyes were bloody, and every time a battleship exploded, his heart was dripping blood!

“Report… Report daimyo …. After radar and seabed scanning, within 150 kilometers of the circumference, no …. No enemies were found! ”


Listening to the report coming from behind him, Yamamoto Sixty-Six turned around angrily, staring at the officer behind him as if he was going to eat people, “What do you say?” The enemy was not detected at a range of 150 km? Do you think I’m a fool? There are no enemies at a range of 150 km, are you trying to tell me that our enemy is hitting us from 150 km? ”

The officer who reported was frightened, he was also desperate, as the chief of the monitoring department, when he saw this report, he also felt that his subordinates were not teasing him, and even he himself deliberately read it twice, and indeed did not find any enemies within the scope of exploration!

He also thought it was strange! Is the enemy beating them 150 km away? What a joke! Where are carrier-based missiles that carrier-based aircraft can start striking at the enemy from 150 km!

Not to mention the question of how far away, this distance is beyond the range of carrier-based missiles, and it is not an intercontinental missile, how can it be possible to directly hit a distance of 150 kilometers!

But where is the enemy, his surveillance department really did not find ah!

Whether it is detection radar or sonar detection on the bottom of the sea, the slightest trace of the enemy is not found at all!

“Sorry Daimyo! This matter was verified many times by subordinates, whether from sonar or detection radar, within 150 km, except for our fleet, no warships were found! If there is anything to hide, the subordinates are willing to seppuku to apologize! ”

Yamamoto Sixty-Six’s head was about to be burned by anger, looking at the officer bowing in front of him, Yamamoto Sixty-Six had the impression that this was a courtier of the Yamamoto family, and there was no problem at all in terms of loyalty, that is, the probability of what he said was true!

But how is this possible!

Rushing all the way out of the captain’s room to the headquarters, Yamamoto sixty-six red otters swept his eyes from screen to screen, and there were no small spots on the dozens of radar detection screens that showed the enemy, what does this mean?

Represents that there are no enemies within 150 km! Or the radar detector is broken! But one is broken, maybe all the radars in the fleet are broken?

Looking at the ship bombers outside that kept swooping down to drop bombs, Yamamoto Sixty-Six was stunned, although the anti-aircraft guns and missiles intercepted most of the ship bombers, but still some missiles were dropped, and it was visible to the naked eye, and the warships in the fleet exploded into a cloud of fire.

It can’t go on like this!

Yamamoto Sixty-Six is not stupid, he doesn’t even know where the enemy is, and if he continues to stop here, he can only be beaten and retreat! There must be a retreat!

“Pass on my order, the fleet retreats, the aircraft carrier formation fighter group will bite these ship explosions to death, leave a part behind, follow these ship explosions and return home, and see where our enemy is!” Judging by the size of the opponent’s fighters, the opposing side’s aircraft carriers are simply not much more than ours! ”

“Whether it can be turned over depends on whether our fighters can find the enemy’s position!”

PS: The picture is the submarine I-168, from the Azur route.

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