Laboriously putting Lin Fan on the chair and tying it firmly with a rope, Su Xiaoluo wiped the sweat from his head, “Finally tied up.” ”

Tied to a chair, Lin Fan finally recognized the reality, which is hungry for his body, this is a big guy who is hidden!

Good guys, Zhang Wuji’s mother is indeed right, the more beautiful the woman will deceive people, this little Lolita is so big, you know to deceive people, and that face is too confusing!

He admitted that he was underestimating this little Lori, but he didn’t know how this little Lolita was going to arrange him next.

With his eyes closed, but the perception was still there, Lin Fan sensed it, and he found a lot of things.

First a noose was tied under his chair, then all the way to the window, and after a series of complex mechanisms, it finally connected to a switch behind Su Xiaoluo.

As long as he pressed that switch, he would send people away with chairs and throw them directly outside, and outside was a dense mass of zombies wandering aimlessly, and even Lin Fan saw two zombies tied to the chairs.

This should be the same victim as him!

It seems that this little Lori has not only lied to him before!!

But what about the purpose? What is the purpose? Or is it simply a habit to trick others into the villa and then drug them to kill? Are people so dark now? A little Lolita has become what it is now!

Lin Fan felt a great shock in his heart!

The small hand fanned the wind, Su Xiaoluo rushed to Lin Fan’s near, big eyes looked at Lin Fan, “The long one is quite handsome, I just don’t know if there is a bad water in the stomach, in fact, I don’t want to do this to you, but who knows whether you are good or bad, for my safety, I can only throw you to the zombie.” ”

“I hope not to blame me for dying, I am also forced to do it, those videos on the Internet are too terrible, I don’t want to become like that, sorry.” 」

With that, Su Xiaoluo turned around and walked to the switch she had made before, as long as she pressed it, under the chain reaction, Lin Fan would be thrown out directly with a chair.

As if he did not dare to look at that scene, Su Xiaoluo had always turned his back on Lin Fan, and the raised hand had not pressed down for a long time.

The rope could not trap Lin Fan at all, and he stood up from his chair and looked at Su Xiaoluo, who had his back to himself, and Lin Fan’s senses towards her changed again and again.

If it weren’t for the words he had just said, Lin Fan would still think that Su Xiaoluo was a twisted Lori who was innocent on the outside and dark on the inside, but now it was not the case.

As Su Xiaoluo just said, under the apocalypse, people’s hearts are like ghosts, people are more terrible than zombies, those videos on the Internet are darker and more distorted, people’s hearts are separated by belly, who knows whether those two people are good or bad?

Su Xiaoluo is just a little Lori, is she rebelling against adults? To put it bluntly, even if there was no special ability, Lin Fan could take her down with one hand.

For her own safety, especially girls, she does this to protect herself.

If he was as naïve as when he first met, maybe Su Xiaoluo would have died a long time ago, or he had been trained to not know what it looked like, and the body thrown out outside, who could guarantee that he was a good person?

But if there is a bad person, Su Xiaoluo’s end is absolutely tragic.

Step by step behind Su Xiaoluo, looking at her small hand that had not been patted down for a long time, Lin Fan knew that she was struggling.

“Shoot, why don’t you shoot?” Shoot it, and I will ‘whizz’ and fly out. ”


Hearing the sound coming from behind him, Su Xiaoluo’s frightened soul was going to fly, and the whole person directly jumped up to the old high, like a frightened little rabbit, and even jumped out for a long distance, before turning around and looking behind him.

In an instant, Su Xiaoluo was stunned.

She clearly remembered to tie Lin Fan up! And four sleeping pills! How did you wake up in a moment? That sleeping pill is fake!

“You you, you… How did you get up! ”

“I didn’t get up again, I was thrown out by you to feed the zombies, I didn’t expect ah, such a cute little Lori, the mind is so vicious, thanks to me before I still think you are pitiful, still thinking about how to comfort you, the result is all deceived by you!” 」

Step by step, Lin Fan had a sneering smile on his face, and Su Xiaoluo, who was blocked by the way, could only shrink in the corner of the wall and shiver.

A moment later, Lin Fan sat on the sand, opposite was a small bench, cramped and uneasy Su Xiaoluo, the door had been locked, Lin Fan was going to have a good trial of this little Lolita today.


“Su Xiaoluo….”


As soon as he slapped the table, Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, “Tell the truth! ”

Su Xiaoluo was frightened and said, “It’s called Su Xiaoluo, I have an ID card!” ”

“All right, gender.”



“2…23 years old.”


A mouthful of water directly sprayed out, looking at Su Xiaoluo sitting on the small bench, Lin Fan had a question mark on his head.

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