Chapter 091 New Powers and Buff Gains, Targeted Hospital

There are many things that need to be considered in the issuance of money, and there is the reward system, how much work to do, how much money to reward, what kind of work, these need to be well considered, this kind of thing is very troublesome.

With Lin Fan’s consent, Zhao Wanqing and Lin Youyou were not tired of Lin Fan’s place, and they went to the side, holding a pen and paper while writing and discussing, and Li Siqi and Mu Yueqing, who could not talk, were left to serve Lin Fan.

Enjoying Li Siqi’s knee pillow and letting Mu Yueqing pinch his legs, Lin Fan closed his eyes and thought about things.

Nowadays, there are two special abilities of magnetic field control and lightning control, which are theoretically enough, but in fact, Lin Fan knows that it is not enough.

He had idle points in his hand, and there were a lot of points of more than 20,000, but compared with 100,000, there were really not many.

If he wanted to brush up on 100,000 points, even if he didn’t do anything, catching zombies and constantly brushing and brushing, at least it would take more than half a week, but the problem was that he didn’t have that much time now.

Does keeping money in your pocket make money? No, the worst option is to eat interest in the bank, and the best choice is to do business and use money to make money. 、

Lin Fan felt that there were some problems with his previous thinking, the power of 100,000 points was indeed very powerful, time, space, and speech and spirit, it really sounded tall, but these effects were very big for him?

No, Lin Fan pondered, in the short term, he still has less than 100,000 points of skills that look tall, it is better to be pragmatic, exchange 10,000 points of special ability, and then pass it on to Zhao Yanyan or Li Siqi, any woman in the three, the experience of white prostitutes is very fragrant!

The more he thought about it, the more feasible he felt, Lin Fan couldn’t help but want to exchange the power, but now there was a new problem, what kind of ability was good?

During the thought, Lin Fan frowned slightly, and Li Siqi smoothed it out with his small hand, and said in a soft voice: “Lord, is it uncomfortable to lie down like this?” ”

Lin Fan opened his eyes and moved his head, there was no way, the little girl was rich in nutrition, did not move her head, could not see Li Siqi’s entire face, but Lin Fan was not dissatisfied, the big point was good.

“Si Qi, what did you do before the end of the world?” Or do you have any strengths? ”

“Huh? Me? Li Siqi blinked her eyes wide, and said without thinking: “Lord, people are studying civil engineering before the end of the world, oh, people are graduate students of famous universities, if they don’t catch up with the end of the world, they are all ready to study for a doctorate.” ”

Lin Fan’s heart moved, civil engineering? This is good!

This is very good!

Now with Su Xiaoluo drawing design drawings, plus Li Siqi, who is studying civil engineering, it is much simpler to build houses and the like in the future!

He had already decided what to exchange for the next power, just the earth power!

“System, exchange me for earth powers.”

“Ding! Deducting 10,000 points, congratulations on obtaining the Earth Control Ability, is it now fused? ”


Silent thoughts in the heart, soon a thick force suddenly emerged in the body, this force is very small, and the lightning energy can not be compared at all, the earth yellow energy slowly runs in the body, strengthening the strength of the body, if the lightning energy focuses on destruction, then the earth energy is better at defense!

The primary earth system energy enhancement quickly disappeared, and Lin Fan could feel that the defense power on the surface of his body and even in his body had increased a lot, and the strength of the weaker points was also much greater than before.

“Ding! After the fusion of earth energy energy, get the gain passive buff, the protection of the earth, when your feet are on the earth, the recovery speed of the earth attribute energy in the body is doubled, and the energy level is increased, which will unlock the corresponding gain attributes. ”

Oh? Double the recovery speed? This buff made Lin Fan’s eyes light up, this buff gain is powerful! With his energy doubled, wouldn’t he be able to use the Earth Attribute Powers unscrupulously?

And look at the system this tip, it seems that after the energy level is increased, there will be new buffs? This is interesting!

Tasting the sweetness of the new ability, Lin Fan wondered, is it to exchange another special ability?

More than 10,000 points are also retained, it is better to use them and get the greatest benefits.

“Yan Yan and Qing Qing, what did you study before?”

It is said that people are clustered by kinds, things are divided into groups, Zhao Yanyan, the three of them get together, they should all have their own strengths, right?

Zhao Yanyan, who was standing next to him at any time listening to the commands, heard the words, although he did not understand what Lin Fan wanted to do, he still obediently replied: “Lord, before the end of the day, Yan Yan was a teacher, that is, teaching a relatively partial door, botany. ”

“I’m a veterinarian.” Holding Lin Fan’s leg, Mu Yueqing replied.

Botanical teachers and veterinarians? Lin Fan thought about it for a moment and asked, “Yan Yan, how did you teach the whip to play?” ”

What the? Pointer? Without understanding Lin Fan’s meaning, Zhao Yanyan said blankly, “That… Okay, I don’t like corporal punishment of students very much. ”

“Can you play?” Lin Fan asked again.

Zhao Yanyan nodded and said hard, “Lord, Yan Yan will use it.” ”

Whether it would be or not, since Lin Fan had asked, she must study hard when she is free at home.

Getting Zhao Yanyan’s accurate answer, Lin Fan looked at Mu Yueqing at her feet, looked at her intellectually elegant appearance, and asked: “Qingqing, your veterinarians generally care for small animals, right?” What do you like? ”

Despite the strangeness in his heart, Mu Yueqing honestly replied, “Lord, Qingqing prefers cats, furry, and looks elegant and noble. ”

Cats…. Lin Fan smacked, he actually liked it, but not a simple cat.

Looking at Mu Yueqing emphatically, Lin Fan asked the system in his heart: “System, is there a cat system in the mall?” ”

“Lord, there is a cat lineage ability, and with this power, you can become a cat lady.”

Lin Fan:…..

The words have been said by you, what do I say?

It won my heart! How can it be repaired!

It is that the points are still a few thousand, otherwise Lin Fan will definitely have to redeem a cat special ability, and then he will be able to point at Mu Yueqing and shout ‘change’!

This is the dream of many people!

However, everything has a first-come, first-served arrival, cat-based ability or wait for it, next time on the cat-based ability, now it is better to buy plant-based alien energy first.

“System, exchange me for plant-based powers.”

“Ding! Deducting 10,000 points, congratulations on obtaining the plant system ability, is it fusion? ”


As the words fell, the rich life vitality spread in the body, and the cell activity was more active under the feedback of this life breath, and this life vitality was very strong, constantly strengthening Lin Fan’s physique, and this strengthening was more thorough than the strengthening of the soil attribute energy on itself.

Feeling the abundant vitality in his body, Lin Fan felt that even if his heart was exploded, he would not necessarily die, right? Just give him time and he can make it up!

Although the cat system ability is very attractive, the plant system ability is now what Lin Fan needs more.

Plants, what is a plant? Flowers, trees, and even crops, vegetables, these are plants, with plant system ability, is that able to shorten the growth time of vegetables and even crops?

This was just what Lin Fan had in mind, after truly obtaining the Plant-Based Ability, this rich life vitality could be used to heal others and the like.

In the future, if anyone is accidentally injured, as long as there is still a breath, Lin Fannu can make it alive with all his efforts.

In just a few minutes, the special energy changed from the original two to the current four, and tomorrow it will be given to Li Siqi and Zhao Yanyan in public, so that those new women can also see his greatness!

Lin Fan thought about tomorrow’s events in his heart, and not long after, Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing rubbed their heads and walked over, directly into Lin Fan’s arms.

Looking at the two women’s sad faces, Lin Fan was a little distressed, “You two don’t have to be in such a hurry, this is not a matter of one day or two days, don’t think about it first, it’s not too early, it’s time to rest.” ”

Zhao Wanqing, who was originally lying in Lin Fan’s arms and was in distress, jumped in her heart, tonight was her most important night, originally this morning was still looking forward to, but after killing the zombies, she forgot about this stubble, and now she was suddenly so nervous!

It’s just that Lin Fan didn’t give her much nervous time, didn’t even give her a chance to make excuses, and walked back to the room with her in his arms.

Lin Youyou did not follow up, today is Zhao Wanqing’s important day, or give her some personal space is better, after the strengthening of the ability, Lin Youyou’s five senses are very sharp, not long after the two went in, she heard an uncomfortable whisper.

Zhao Yanyan was not much different from them, the three sisters looked at each other, they all understood what the situation was, not to Lin Youyou’s surprise, and soon she heard Zhao Wanqing’s helpless call.

Lin Youyou did not hesitate, got up and walked into the room, good sisters have difficulties she still has to help.

Watching Zhao Yanyan, several of them returned to the room one after another, and Li Yun, who had been waiting for them, had a look of envy in their eyes, and it didn’t take long for them to return to the room together.

Lin Youyou’s order to them was that after the lords in the living room had rested, they could go to rest, but remember to eat three meals a day on time.

The lights in the living room were turned off, but the rooms were still as bright as day, Su Xiaoluo was struggling to write a book, trying to change the design drawings, Li Yun and the three people had not slept for a long time, and Lin Fan did not turn off the lights until midnight.

Tonight many people did not sleep, just five kilometers north of the hospital, several figures on a tall building looked at the hospital, one of them was still observing the hospital with a sniper rifle scope.

For a long time, the figure observed with the sniper sight raised its head, revealing an ordinary face that could no longer be ordinary, so ordinary that it was thrown into the pile of people to ensure that it would not look a second time, and even in the blink of an eye, it could forget what the other party looked like.

The ordinary-looking young man was not very tall, about one meter seven, with a flat head, and no matter where he looked, it was too ordinary, and if it were not for the anti-materiel sniper rifle in his arms, it would not be worth any attention at all.

“Ah Hai, how’s it going?” What do you see? ”

The name of the ordinary young man was Ah Hai, and after hearing the middle-aged man’s inquiry next to him, Ah Hai said, “Daddy, I didn’t see anything useful, I only saw a group of women, and I didn’t know what to say in the dormitory building.” ”

“A bunch of women?” Wang Kui was stunned for a moment and repeated: “A group of women? Are they all women? No men? ”

Ah Hai shook his head, “There are no men, only traces of women, there are many, probably hundreds, it seems to be an organization composed of women.” ”

After Wang Kui listened, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

“Another all-woman force?” Same as the stinky woman next door? The courage is really big, blatantly hang up such a big lamp, just afraid that others don’t know their location, huh! Interesting, Ah Hai, do you see what weapons they have? ”

Ah Hai recalled for a moment, frowning uncertainly, “I saw it, but I always felt very incredible.” ”

Wang Kui’s heart sank, could it be that there was some powerful firearm?


“The amount … Tang Dao, about a dozen, did not find any other high-lethal weapons. ”


The expression on Wang Kui’s face froze, and it took him half a day to burst out laughing.

“A dozen Tang knives?” Not even a gun? Who gave them the courage to swing so much? Wang Kui touched the shiny bald head, turned and walked downstairs.

“Tell me to go on, tomorrow we will order all the people, and Lao Tzu will take you to catch the woman and come back to play!”

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