The first half of Chapter 150 looks like a human being, but in the second half, is this different from cerebral palsy?

Lin Fan was unaware of the excitement on the Internet. For him, whether the zombies had changed or not was of little significance.

No matter how fast you are, no matter how ferocious your attacks are, can you still withstand his superpowers?

Lin Fan woke up at dawn in the morning, but unlike in the past, he did not get up today. The construction of the city wall was completed, and all the things that needed to be done were done, so there was no need to get up early in the morning.

If he wakes up earlier than a chicken and goes to bed later than a dog day in and day out, that would be too tiring and not at all in line with his current status.

What's so good about getting up so early? Although the points are delicious, the little loli in my arms smells better!

She hugged Su Xiaoluo beautifully and closed her eyes. Not long after, Lin Youyou and others woke up one after another. Looking at Lin Fan who had not yet gotten up, they all had strange expressions on their faces, as if they had discovered a new world.

"Lord, didn't you get up early today? Lin

Youyou hugged her from behind. Lin Fan turned around and kissed her on the forehead and said:"From today on, there is no need to get up early. All the important things are done. All that is left is to kill zombies and expand the scope of influence." There's no need to be in such a hurry."

Although he said that, Lin Fan didn't stand still all the time. Seeing Lin Youyou and the others getting up and putting on clothes, Lin Fan slowly walked to the ground.

Li Yun and three others who had been waiting for a long time quickly got up to serve Lin Fan and put on his clothes. Clothes, the three women each performed their duties. This time, Lin Youyou and the others were waiting for Lin Fan in the living room. More than an hour later, Lin Fan walked out of the master bedroom. In the living room, Lin Youyou and others were busy with their own things. , The one writing information, the one looking at his phone, Lin Fan walked to the sofa and sat down, casually put his arm around Zhao Yanyan's slender waist, and rubbed it carefully with his fingers. The three Li Yun people who came out later were busy between the kitchen and the living room. , put the meals that have been prepared long ago on the table

"My lord, the food has been set. Please serve it."

At this time, Zhang Qiuyue came over and stood next to the sofa, lowering her head and speaking in a humble and respectful tone.

Lin Fan put down his phone and was about to get up. At this time, Zhao Wanqing, who was sitting opposite and looking at something, suddenly let out a chuckle and shook his head. At the same time, while flipping through the content on the phone, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the smile was full of irony.

Zhao Wanqing's unusual behavior attracted Lin Fan's attention. Lin Youyou and others who had just stood up also looked at the still searching gaze. Zhao Wanqing sitting on the sofa

"Wanqing, what did you see? Such a strange smile."

Zhao Wanqing raised her head, looked at Lin Fan and others' confused looks, and said with a smile:"Yuyou, you also know that didn't we create a team specifically responsible for intelligence yesterday? Although there are no brilliant results yet, it is not without any effect. No, he sent me an interesting video early in the morning."

As if recalling the content in the video, Zhao Wanqing couldn't help but shook her head, and then handed the phone to Lin Fan.

"Lord, take a look. It's quite interesting. Although the idea is very good, it still feels like it's just wishful thinking. It's okay to take it as a joke."

Suspiciously, Lin Fan took the mobile phone handed over by Zhao Wanqing. Lin Fan wanted to see what the video that Zhao Wanqing commented on was about.

Lin Youyou and others also looked at the mobile phone in Lin Fan's hand curiously, seeing that all the girls were a little confused. Curious, Lin Fan simply sat back on the sofa to make it more convenient.

Before watching the video, the first thing Lin Fan saw was the title of the video

"An in-depth analysis of the reasons why the zombies have not changed at all, are even faster and attack more ferociously!"

After seeing this title, Lin Fan felt that he was not interested anymore. He already knew the reason why the zombies did not change. Whether it was the discovery in the underground research institute or the subsequent discovery by Zhao Yanyan, Lin Fan knew what the zombie was. What's going on?

But since Zhao Wanqing recommended it and said it was very interesting, there must be something interesting in this video. After all, Zhao Wanqing has long known the reason why the zombies have not changed yet. Click the video play button, first of all What appeared was a white scientist. Looking at the background in the video, he should also be in a research institute, but it seemed to be more rigorous and equipped than Yang Yiping's.

"My name is David Smith. Before this, not many people may know me. These are not important. What is important is the results I am about to show today."

"More than a month ago, the zombie crisis suddenly broke out and swept the world in less than two days. This crisis came too suddenly. In just two days, all the major empires around the world fell. under crisis"

"No one knows how the zombie crisis came about and how it spread, through the air? Or drinking water? But these are not important, what is important is what I want to say next!"

"I believe everyone has discovered that after more than a month, the zombies have not changed at all from more than a month ago. Except for being devoid of intelligence, eating people, and not dying after being fatally injured in areas other than the head, they are almost the same as us humans. There is no difference at all!"

"We have all seen a series of zombie movies such as Resident Evil. As time goes by, the zombies have not become shriveled and rotten like in the movies. Why is this? Cannibalism? No, no, that's not the case."

The white scientist in the video shook his index finger, then walked a few steps to several culture tanks containing zombies, pointing at the shriveled or normal zombies in the culture tanks, the white scientist continued.

"see it? These completely different zombie forms, the left side is the normal zombies we can see in the outside world, and the right side is the truth I am about to reveal to you!"

Speaking of this, the white scientist's face flashed with wonder. He looked at the zombies in the culture tank with fanatical eyes and said with excitement:"To be honest, it's unbelievable. Until now, I can't imagine that zombies are actually like us. Humans are different. Just like plants, the energy required for body movements comes from sunlight!"

"After my research, the existence of zombies is like a moving plant, or solar energy absorption and storage. They are like large batteries, and as time goes by, the light contained in the zombies' bodies The more you can do!"

"The zombies have not shown signs of decay so far, all because their cells have become light energy extractors. As long as they receive enough sunlight, in a sense, these zombies can survive as long as they are not headshot. Longer than us humans!"

"Even, according to my speculation, as long as the sun does not explode or there is no sunlight for a month or two, zombies can theoretically live forever!"

Speaking of this, the white scientist's face was full of shock. Looking at the zombies in the culture tank was like looking at some peerless treasure. His shining eyes were like an alcoholic seeing a peerless wine or a pervert seeing a peerless treasure. Beauty!

Even Lin Fan suspected that if the zombies didn't bite and there were no glass doors to block them, this white scientist would pounce on her and kiss her a few times!

But this white scientist does have something, and his research conclusions are basically correct. Zombies Lin Fan didn't know whether they could live forever, but in his opinion, the white scientist was right in all aspects of zombies. If there was no external interference and the zombie virus would not undergo some necrotic mutation, the zombies would really be better than Humans live long!

"eternal life! This is something that humans have been pursuing throughout history, but no matter how much research is done, human lifespan cannot be changed, but in zombies, I see eternity! I even wonder, are zombies really another evolution of humans?"

"For more than a month, we tried to crack the zombie virus, but my team and hundreds of the best scientists in various fields failed. We have to admit that the zombie virus cannot be cracked in a short time. Then we tried to change direction and decipher the zombie's cell code, hoping to get the key to eternal life, but....Without exception, they all failed!"

Speaking of this, the white scientist pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, his face was full of frustration, and he seemed to be very sorry.

"Although we have failed, we will still not give up research on zombie viruses, and we will not even give up on the key to eternal life. I believe that our research will bear fruit sooner or later! But now is not the time to talk about this, let’s get back to the topic"

"Is it necessary for zombies to eat people? Not so. We have fed the zombies fresh flesh and blood, but the zombies are not very interested in these. What they are really interested in is infection! Instead of eating people, between the two choices of sunlight and humans, zombies prefer sunlight!"

Having said this, the white scientist David Smith walked to a large culture tank and waved to the soldiers not far away. Soon a shriveled zombie was thrown in, while the white scientist David Smith came from On the other side of the culture tank, he got into a cage.

The top of the large culture tank cast sunlight, and the shriveled skeleton-like zombie that was pushed into the culture tank instantly looked like a shark that smelled blood. It crawled into the sunlight with all four limbs. The white scientist in the cage two meters away turned a blind eye

"see it? Among the two choices of sunlight and living people, zombies chose sunlight, which was more important to them, and biting people was secondary. Even if you look carefully, you can see that in the sunlight, the zombie's shriveled body is moving with the naked eye. Visible speed recovery!"

Step by step, he walked out of the cage. The white scientist David Smith looked at the zombies in the sun and continued:"Seeing this, everyone must understand why most zombies are lazy and calm during the day, but become more and more lazy at night. To be violent, to put it simply, you eat enough during the day and wander around at night, chasing humans and infecting them into the same kind."

"Although my team and I still don’t understand why the zombies do this, is it group consciousness? Zombies without intelligence do not understand what group consciousness is, they only know how to blindly infect humans."

"Based on these characteristics of zombies, my team and I have some immature suggestions, which is to mobilize the power of major empires around the world to build a dome over Millikin to completely block the sun. It will not take more than a month. Over time, the zombies will turn into zombies with almost no threat."

"Our American Empire promises that as long as the major empires around the world are willing to lend a helping hand, freedom-loving America will definitely dispatch all transport aircraft and naval warships to rescue the survivors of each empire to America. At that time, nuclear weapons will be used to cleanse them without distinction. Land, so that all zombies in the world will be wiped out! In a few years, when the nuclear radiation dissipates, we humans will once again dominate the earth!"


Looking at David Smith, a white scientist with arms outstretched and a fanatical expression in the video, Lin Fan finally understood why Zhao Wanqing was laughing. Is this guy with cerebral palsy?

Although the research results are real, but you are talking about this human being. Are you saying that? Build a huge high-altitude dome in Millikin to block the sun? You are simply a little genius!

How is this different from the Wall Maria in Attack on Titan? Or is it the Wall of Life in Pacific Rim? Wall? What is this thing other than cerebral palsy? Let’s not talk about how much manpower and material resources are spent. It’s outrageous to bring all the survivors in the world to Millikin!

Freedom? Freedom, your sister’s freedom, carrying a gun every day Going out on the streets, always on guard, where is the freedom of a peanut? There is also racial discrimination, do you call this freedom?

The most incomprehensible thing is that your horse’s global indiscriminate nuclear bombs are clearing the ground? That’s the wise Militia Are you going to do this? How many years does it take for nuclear radiation to dissipate? Is the earth still inhabited by people at that time? If you are given a nuclear winter every minute, why do you need to build a dome? The smoke and dust from nuclear radiation can even build a dome for you, and the atmosphere is completely It's corroded by you. How many people with cerebral palsy can come up with this idea?

Shaking his head, Lin Fan sneered:"The first half is still something for people to watch, but the second half is like a ghost. I even added subtitles for fear." Can not read it? really interesting."

Li Siqi nodded her little head and commented:"It's true, this person is a fool!"

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