Chapter 108 Sensational World, First there are immortals crossing the void, and the existing Thunder God descends to attract heavenly thunder!

Looking at the corpses strewn street in front of her, Zhu Fangfang scratched her head and wanted to ask, but looking at Zhao Yanyan’s unkind face, she didn’t know if she should ask for a while.

This zombie is dead, do they want to move on? Or go home?

So, Zhao Yanyan knew that everything and the vision of heaven and earth just now were Lin Fan’s masterpieces, and dispersed the vines on the ground, Zhao Yanyan waved his hand: “Keep going, the Lord has cleared some of the obstacles for us, and today’s goal is ten kilometers!” Rush me! ”

The women’s receptivity has improved a lot after repeated impacts, isn’t it a vision of heaven and earth? It’s not too big a problem, anyway, Lord Lin Fan has performed miracles not once or twice, they can still bear it!

It’s just that the glare just now is a little dazzling.

The more the female warriors walked forward, the stronger the shock in their hearts, they had walked out for several kilometers, and the corpses of the zombies on the ground had not been broken! Good guy, how many zombies did you kill in that second just now?

And it is also precision guidance, only killing zombies, and not even destroying the surrounding environment! This is almost five kilometers from the hospital! What is this? Thousands of miles away to take the enemy’s first rank?

This is also too fierce!

Lin Fan killed all the zombies within a range of five kilometers in one move, greatly speeding up the speed of the women’s advance, but the shock brought was far more than that! .

How terrifying is the vision of heaven and earth in a ten-kilometer radius? Some small cities can be completely shrouded! Such a large-scale vision of heaven and earth was seen by many people, especially the terrifying Tianwei, which shocked countless survivors.

The magic capital has never lacked photography enthusiasts, Bai Hao, who photographed Lin Fan crossing the void before, is the same, and so is Shen Bingbing!

The end is coming, there is no pressure to work, what you need to do every day is to eat and wait for death, as for rescue, Shen Bingbing sees very clearly, rescue is impossible to rescue, the empire can not be rescued in a lifetime, can only rely on the people themselves to save themselves like this.

The major empires are in a hurry, the imperial capital is also besieged by zombies, the big guys can’t come out, who has the time to save you a little fart?

Before the end of the day, Shen Bingbing was a fitness trainer, and had his own fitness club, photography was his hobby, his favorite is to shoot some of the hard exercise with the students, comparable to Mr. Chen, after all, Mr. Chen has always been his idol.

Commander Shen Bing is tall and handsome, and the muscles he has worked hard to exercise are very dazzling, many women are very obsessed, plus he is a rich second generation, and many beautiful girls who come to the gym have worked hard with him to play photography.

Before the end of the day, he originally planned to take a few girls to take some good things with a few photographers, but as soon as the club closed, he ran into a zombie attack, and he and a few girls were all trapped in the club.

On the contrary, it allowed him to live a nonsense life, and there were a lot of various foods and drinking water in the club, which was also the fundamental reason why Shen Bingbing and several girls could live until now.

I played too late last night, after all, a few girls, I’m sorry for these girls if it’s not late, sleeping late consumes a lot, and naturally waking up late.

woke up at more than three o’clock in the afternoon, opened the curtains to welcome the sunshine of the new day, suddenly Shen Bingbing felt that the blue light flashed in front of his eyes, the sky was full of small stars, good guy, he thought that this month too much hi skin was hallucinating, but wiped his eyes and found, lying groove? It’s not an eyesore!

Such a magical thing appeared in front of him, Shen Bingbing immediately became interested, pushed away the arm of the girl who didn’t know which one on his body, Shen Bingbing rummaged through the cabinet and took out his long gun and short cannon, the visual distance was closer, and then he saw the unforgettable scene in his life!

Seven or eight kilometers away on the building, the light is gorgeous, tens of thousands of stars with a dazzling blue electric light stirring like a blue meteor shower falling around, followed by the heaven and earth roaring, the roof of the building turned into a sea of thunder and lightning!

The color of heaven and earth changed, the terrifying heavenly power struck, one after another thunder light connected heaven and earth, the roof of the building seemed to become an iron stone, constantly attracting thunder in the sky, this scene is simply amazing!

The terrifying coercion struck, Shen Bingbing couldn’t bear it, half kneeling on the ground, lowering his head, but the camera in his hand was still shooting tenaciously, and after the coercion weakened, Shen Bingbing quickly looked at the camera, and then he found something that made him extremely excited!

In that mid-air, under the intertwining of boundless thunder seas, a figure stands proudly in it, like a thunder god descending from the sky, the thunder and lightning around him are his toys, the thunder sea dissipates, the figure waves, the thunderclouds in the sky dissipate in an instant, and the sun’s rays once again cover the world!

It’s amazing! It’s terrifying! It’s amazing! If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, if he hadn’t filmed it with a camera, he would have thought that everything just now was an illusion!

A scene from the myth appeared in front of him, and Shen Bingbing was indescribably excited in his heart!

He saw the video of Volley Void on the Internet before, and he was also one of the sand sculpture netizens, hoping that the immortals would pass by to rescue him, and it would be better to teach him to cultivate immortals by the way!

But everything is a dream bubble, although the popularity of that post is still unabated, but Shen Bingbing is no longer interested, but now it is different!

A scene from the myth appeared in front of him, if it wasn’t too far away, or if it weren’t for the horror of the underground corpse tide, he would have rushed downstairs and went straight to the building in the distance now!

He wants a pilgrimage! He wants to worship God!

But these can only be thought of, so many zombies downstairs are insurmountable heavenly grabens! He’s not crazy yet, he doesn’t want to try whether the zombies’ teeth are good or not!

But this did not prevent him from worshiping that figure, and even a roaring hope burned in his heart!

This apocalypse is not ordinary! Superpowers definitely exist, but they are rare, those superpowers should be practicing low-key, improving their strength, this one in front of them must be successful in cultivation, and then break through and accidentally trigger the vision of heaven and earth!

The successive incidents of superpowers gave Shen Bingbing a strong confidence, he believed that as long as he worked hard, he would definitely be saved, and even, maybe one day when he woke up, he suddenly awakened his superpowers!

This thing, maybe just looking at the odds, and he has a recessive gene in his body, but he hasn’t had time to awaken! Otherwise, he would definitely be a member of the Superpower!

With such confidence, Shen Bingbing looked at the captured picture excitedly, although it was a little blurry halfway, it still did not damage the majesty of the big guy in the video!

A few girls next to them have also woken up, there is such a big movement in the outside world, they are not pigs, how can they sleep so dead?

Looking at the picture in the camera, these girls were stunned, but at this time Shen Bingbing did not have time to deal with them, in front of this mythical picture, the woman seemed so insignificant, he is now like a sage mode after a hundred times, not to mention wrapped in sheets, even if he is dancing pole dancing in front of him, he can stand still!

What Yanagi Megumi, it’s simply weak!

He just wants to do one thing now, export the video and match it with a rousing BGM, no! What BGM is not worthy! Only the first-hand picture of the original video is the best!

Shen Bingbing didn’t care about anything else, quickly opened it and lit it, and then directed the video out, his fingers crackled and clicked, he wrote hard, and then edited and sent!

“A monstrous vision, the true god descended on the demon capital, just like the thunder god descended into the world! This big guy is the real Thor! I said it! Who is in favor? Who is against? ”

The enter button was knocked, and the excited look on Shen Bingbing’s face still did not converge, and he opened the video over and over again, kept brainwashing and playing, and watched it extremely excited!

The range of the vision is too large, almost the entire demon capital can be seen, but the difference between clear and vague, especially the vast heavenly power, the terrifying coercion from the spiritual level swept the demon capital at that moment, countless survivors, and even the irrational zombies stopped roaring, and then brushed their heads down.

This is the awe of Tianwei, this is the awe of the supreme might!

Shen Bingbing is the closest, and at the same time, it is also first-hand information, and the magic capital is boiling! Countless survivors opened the forum, and as expected, the post was already there, the name was attractive enough, but what was even more attractive was the clear video inside!

Under the click of an unknown number of people, the popularity of this post instantly soared, and then attracted more people to click in, and when they watched the video, everyone’s first reaction was two words.


I don’t have a culture myself, and I go to the world in a groove!

“Little Brother Rong took the liberty to ask, is there still a shortage of people in the magic capital? I don’t mean anything else, I just want to be closer to the big guys. ”

“People in the magic capital have been scared stupid by the heavenly threat!”

“I’m a big grass! Which senior is this here? What a terrifying thunderbolt! What a terrifying Tianwei! ”

“Gan! Magic capital again? What kind of feng shui treasure is the magic capital? How did the big guys appear one after another? The immortal in front has not gone far, and now a thunder god has popped up! When will I be able to stand up in Yangcheng? Chill the air! ”

“When will my imperial capital be able to stand up? This is the foot of the Son of Heaven! Chilling air! ”

“When will my Deep City be able to stand up? My Penguin Empire is here, is it so faceless? ”

“Before there were immortals crossing the void, and now that the God of Thunder has descended, I want to ask, when can I also go to heaven?” I don’t want such a big scene, it’s not demanding, I can fly! ”

“Five minutes, I want this person’s information, whether he is a man or a woman, I am willing to kneel and lick, the male is better, the female is a big deal I will go for surgery!” @Demon Kingdom, can you turn women into men over there? ”

“Count me in! Same question! ”




The popularity of the post was high, in less than half an hour, it directly topped the first place, and the ‘immortal’ post that had originally fallen in popularity directly squeezed the throne of the top of the list.

Such a sensational effect instantly attracted the attention of major forces, the imperial capital, the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, the major forces of the entire empire and even foreign countries, all set their eyes on the magic capital at the first moment.

All those who read the post were shocked in their hearts, and even had an illusion in their hearts.

Is there really no superpower in this apocalypse? If not, what’s going on with these two videos in a row?

The previous remarks were instantly overturned, if it were not for the fact that no one was actually caught, it is estimated that everyone would have trampled on the soles of the words of the previous superpower!

The world is sensational, especially those countries that are besieged by zombies and are in danger, and they have thrown olive branches.

As for the party Lin Fan, he is still pillowing Lin Youyou’s big hoof, enjoying the salted fish on his knees.

No one would have thought that the ‘immortal’ and ‘thunder’ in the two posts would be one person!

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