Chapter 124: Perhaps this is retribution

“Uh… Vomit! Ahem! ”

As soon as he walked back to the underground research institute, Lin Fan heard a painful retching sound, and followed the prestige, but his vision was blocked by a group of women.

Lin Fan stepped forward, and the women retreated in awe, making way for Lin Fan.

Walking to the front, looking at Zhou Xiuyan and the others holding the Tang knife with vigilant faces, Lin Fan subconsciously looked at the corner, and his face was a little stunned for a while.

First of all, the experimental table was in a mess, all kinds of test tubes were broken on the ground, and you could see many empty bottles on the ground, as well as empty needles.

In the corner, Yang Yiping, wearing a white coat, looked painful, constantly retching, under the bright light, he could see Yang Yiping’s face with blood vessels bursting, his eyes were like blood, and his hands were still pinching his neck hard, anyway, it didn’t look like a normal look.

Lin Fan wondered, he went out for a while, how could Yang Yiping become like this?

According to that woman’s state, even if the 20-fold inhibitor can’t suppress zombification, it can’t be corpsed so quickly, right? This is a 20-fold inhibitor, that woman can see the accurate effect 15 times, it is impossible to pull 20 times across.

“What’s going on with him?” Looking at Zhou Xiuyan next to him, Lin Fan asked suspiciously.

Although he originally meant to let Yang Yiping have a good experience of what it was like to be an experimental product, this was also too sudden? .

Hearing Lin Fan ask herself, Zhou Xiuyan was a little flattered for a while, and quickly said: “After you left, this doctor was like crazy, holding a syringe to inject himself, and I don’t know what went wrong, and then he began to gag and go crazy, becoming what he is now.” ”

Lin Fan was shocked after hearing this, what is this? Is it a rush to the doctor? The human body itself is balanced, a healthy human being, suddenly inject drugs into the body, regardless of whether it is good or bad, will destroy this balance, a certain indicator exceeds the standard people will have problems.

Although he didn’t know what Yang Yiping injected himself, just looking at the more than ten needles on the ground, Lin Fan knew that this was the rhythm of playing himself to death.

Looking at Yang Yiping who was curled up on the ground, Lin Fan suddenly had a sense of déjà vu of that Dr. Isaacs in Resident Evil III.

Because he was infected by zombies, and then returned to the laboratory and took the virus serum to himself more than two dozen times, how similar is this face?

Even the result is similar, they are all playing with themselves.

Yang Yiping is in this state, Lin Fan gave up the idea of doing it, looked at the cultivation tank that was still intact over there, and with a wave of his hand, Yang Yiping was directly thrown in, and the electronic door of the cultivation tank was locked, eliminating the possibility of Yang Yiping coming out.

Walked to the side of the cultivation tank, looked at Yang Yiping inside through the glass, at this time he no longer had the slightest human appearance, his face was bursting with blood vessels, his face was hideous, he looked particularly terrifying, and his exposed arms also became swollen, I really don’t know what this product injected himself.

Knocking on the glass of the cultivation tank to determine the degree of solidity, Lin Fan put down his heart.

These glasses are specially made, in general, sniper rifle bullets can not be broken, now the electronic door is destroyed by him, if you want to open it can only break through violently, Lin Fan feels that with Yang Yiping’s ability, it is impossible to open.

Unless Yang Yiping can mutate into something like a licker, he can’t come out in this life, but the licker’s kind of thing doesn’t exist in the real world.

After ensuring that Yang Yiping could not come out, Lin Fan had no intention of staying and turned around and walked out of the institute.

Returning to the ground and bathing in the sun, Lin Fan took a deep breath and suddenly asked, “Wanqing, have all the videos been recorded?” ”

“It’s all recorded, Lord, do you need it now?”


Waving his hand to refuse, Lin Fan turned his head to look in the direction of the steel wire mesh, sighed, and flew back towards the hospital.

Zhao Wanqing put away the USB flash drive she took out, looked at the side of the steel wire fence, turned her head and beckoned to Zhou Xiuyan and others, and said: “Let’s go, let’s go back, take a good rest, you may have to go to the outside of the wire mesh to kill zombies in the afternoon.” ”

Zhao Wanqing took the lead in front, Zhou Xiuyan and others followed, a group of hundreds of women quickly rushed to the hospital, behind them, near the steel wire fence lying on the stomach I don’t know how many zombies, behind the zombies, a slender figure turned its back to these zombies, moving forward aimlessly.

The waist part of this slender back is a little thick, it seems to be a little blessed, but it is not serious, and the zombies rushing along the way subconsciously bypass this figure when they pass by.

The slender figure walked farther and farther, and finally disappeared into the vast sea of corpses.

It seems to look at the wider world.

Back on the second floor of the supermarket, under the service of Yueyi people put on slippers, Lin Fan walked to the sofa and sat down, Lin Youyou, who was burying his head in writing something, raised his head and asked, “Lord, is everything settled?” ”

Remembering everything he saw in the underground research institute, Lin Fan nodded with a heavy heart, and Su Xiaoluo, who was sitting next to him, saw that Lin Fan’s face was not good-looking, and climbed into Lin Fan’s arms three times or twice, and said with concern: “Brother, has something happened to make you unhappy?” ”

Lin Youyou also noticed that Lin Fan’s expression was wrong, put down the pen and walked over, grabbed Lin Fan’s hands with both hands, and did not speak.

Lin Fan’s wrong state made the three daughters of Yueyi glance at each other, and they were all a little worried in their hearts.

Lin Fan is the day of the hospital, and his every state affects everyone’s hearts.

One arm hugged Su Xiaoluo’s soft body, Lin Fan said everything he saw and heard in the institute, and several women in the living room who listened turned pale, Su Xiaoluo was timid and directly drilled into Lin Fan’s arms, his little head shrunk like a little quail, and he kept chanting.

“It’s terrible, it’s terrible, fortunately I wasn’t caught.”

Patting Su Xiaoluo’s back soothingly, Lin Fan said softly: “Don’t be too afraid, this is just an exception, there are still not many madmen like Yang Yiping.” ”

Is it really not much? Lin Fan was also not sure, the Eastern Empire has a population of more than a billion, who knows what kind of scum will appear? Even if it is a 1 in 100 million chance, it is a dozen.

“That woman, indeed, is a little pitiful, especially the child in her belly, who was stillborn before she had time to see the world.” Lin Youyou sighed next to him: “In fact, it is not a kind of happiness that the child is not born, and the baby itself is a burden in this last day, whether it is the baby itself or for the parents.” ”

Lin Youyou’s words are not unreasonable, babies are easy to cry, crying will attract zombies, it’s okay during the day, it’s a nightmare at night, and at this time many people can’t eat enough, let alone babies, mothers can’t eat enough, where is there water to feed babies?

The atmosphere in the living room was a little low, Lin Fan held Su Xiaoluo and stood up from the sofa, and cheered up and said: “Don’t talk about these upsetting things, Luoluo, let’s go and build the city wall, and it’s strange and boring to stay at home.” ”

This is a good thing to decide before eating, Su Xiaoluo himself is paralyzed at home except for playing, this is not okay, a good legal loli is not wasted?

Hearing Lin Fan say to go out and build the city wall, Su Xiaoluo suddenly became interested, and he didn’t feel afraid.

Speaking of growing so big, she is all drawing design drawings, and she has never really seen how to build a building or a building, especially this kind of ancient style city wall, which is very interesting to think about.

After putting on his shoes and walking out of the supermarket, Lin Fan subconsciously glanced at the north, then withdrew his gaze and pulled Su Xiaoluo straight to the southern district.

The North District did not plan to go for the time being, Lin Fan decided, the North District should be put last, first build the city walls in the three directions of east, west and south.

Holding Su Xiaoluo next to the steel wire mesh in the southern area, Lin Fan took out the design drawings, carefully considered them, moved his palm upward, the ground shook, and the black and gray earthen wall with strange patterns slowly rose.

The earth element energy in the body gushed out along the palm of his hand, and the earth wall in front of him rose rapidly, and he did not stop until he reached a height of fifteen meters.

The 15-meter-high earthen wall is 20 meters long and 12 meters wide, which is not Lin Fan’s current limit, but in his opinion, 15 meters high and 12 meters wide are enough for the time being, and higher and wider is not impossible, then it is too consuming earth element energy.

Even if the earth he stepped on had a steady stream of earth element energy supplements, Lin Fan felt that he couldn’t make ends meet, and the scale in front of him could last for a while, if he expanded the scale again, it would be a bit wasteful.

Next to Lin Fan, Su Xiaoluo looked blankly at the tall city wall rising in front of him, his small face was dazed, and his big eyes were full of question marks.

This is not quite the same as she thought, just such a casual move, the city wall came out? This…. It’s too easy!

In fact, how did she know how much energy it would take Lin Fan to make such a tall wall? Without the replenishment of the earth, the 15-meter-high, 20-meter-long, and 12-meter-wide city wall can’t make 300 meters, Lin Fan will have to run out of energy, if not for the promotion of the power to Lv6, this distance will have to be shortened by two times!

Pulling the dazzled Su Xiaoluo to more than twenty meters away, Lin Fan still copied the gourd painting scoop, and soon, the 15-meter-high and 12-meter-wide city wall appeared in front of him again.

As Lin Fan kept walking, the length of the city wall became longer and longer, and from a distance, the 15-meter-high black-gray city wall was filled with a thick sense of oppression.

Stop-and-go, until 300 meters, Lin Fan stopped, this will Su Xiaoluo has already looked stupid, at a glance, the tall city wall with an inexplicable sense of shock and oppression, standing under the corner of the wall, a feeling of insignificance emerged.

“How…. How did it stop? ”

Turning around, Su Xiaoluo looked at Lin Fan blankly, and his confused look was very cute.

Pinching Su Xiaoluo’s nose, Lin Fan said with a smile: “Stop when I’m tired, I’m not a perpetual motion machine.” ”

In fact, Lin Fan was not tired, but the earth element energy was exhausted, even if he stepped on the earth and had a steady stream of replenishment, he couldn’t keep up with such a rapid consumption.

Looking at the thick city wall that is 300 meters long and 15 meters high, a sense of accomplishment is born, this city wall! But he made it with his own hands! If nothing else, ordinary cannons don’t want to leave any big holes in this wall.

The 15-meter-high city wall, unless it is an air force or anti-aircraft gun, the ground forces are basically abandoned.

However, the wall in front of you is not complete, this is just a mold, and there are wall battlements, watchtowers and the like on it, and the steps above the passage wall must be installed on the inner city side, which are troublesome things.

After resting for a while, the earth element energy in his body was almost restored, Lin Fan took Su Xiaoluo to continue to build the city wall, Lin Fan felt that he was estimated to be a construction worker in the past few days.

As Lin Fan stopped and walked, telling some jokes with Su Xiaoluo from time to time, listening to the crisp laughter and Su Xiaoluo’s singing from time to time, Lin Fan also felt that it was not so boring.

The city wall in the southern area is not like steel wire fence, the height of 15 meters is far enough to see, and the survivors further away are not blind, and soon someone found the wall that suddenly appeared here!

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