Chapter 127 You are in charge, you have the final say

On the second floor of the supermarket, Lin Fan didn’t know that someone had already stared at his inner city area, but even if he knew, he wouldn’t pay attention to it.

Just because Wang Xiaoming is an ordinary person? Even if he is good, what can he do?

If nothing else, the first generation of female warriors let him beat him out of with one hand and one foot, this is absolute hard power crushing, even if it is the second generation of female warriors, that is, Wang Ziwen’s batch, singled out can beat him to life can not take care of himself.

As for the last Zhou Xiuyan, these three generations of female warriors, others do not know, Jasmine definitely took him in seconds, and other female warriors, Lin Fan did not dare to pack tickets.

As for the method that Wang Xiaoming had in mind, what kind of forbearance, brushing faith is worth this, it is useless with Ben here, there is only one kind of man in Lin Fan’s eyes, that is, dead people.

It doesn’t matter what reason you have, whether it is allegiance or what, as long as you dare to take the lead, Lin Fan will definitely strangle you to death without saying a word, there is no need to speak, his forces do not need men, he is enough for one man.

Don’t talk about the problem of offspring not descendants, he can live forever in the future, Lin Youyou they can too, as for the other maids, he can’t care about this, he won’t care, what do you want the descendants to do? Do women die? No kidding, don’t know what IVF is? Does cloning work?

As for whether other maids would die without men, Lin Fan didn’t want to care about this question, he could not use it, but he was definitely not allowed to use other men.

To get a comfortable life, there is always a price, not to mention the problem of being overbearing or not overbearing, you can say to the zombies outside, see if the zombies will care if you will die of drought.

Will bite you to death for lunch, that’s for sure.

Don’t say what the whole force is how about you a man, sorry, same-sex repulsion, see men is not pleasing to the eye? I have the strength to do whatever I want!

Others Lin Fan can’t control it, but here, this is his rule!

At eight o’clock in the evening, the women are basically in the living room, Lin Fan sits Su Xiaoluo in his arms, a big one and a small one from a distance, like a father and daughter, at this time the two are fighting hotly, in order to make up for the little loli hanging up today was reported, the promotion match is also gg, Lin Fan immediately clapped, wild daddy take you to fly to the glory king.

Lin Youyou, Zhao Wanqing and several women were calculating something on the other side, Lin Fan didn’t care, not surprisingly, it was still the management system and the newly added hierarchy, this thing was still a little difficult.

A complete ecosystem is not composed of a few words casually, just the framework, it takes a lot of brains, it is always difficult to start from scratch, this is still standing on the shoulders of giants, there is a place to learn from.

This thing Lin Fan has a headache when he thinks about it, he still feels at ease as a mascot, isn’t he fragrant to play games with little loli? Why bother with your brains for yourself?

With Lin Fan’s current reaction ability, no professional player could keep up with his speed, and after killing indiscriminately in the wild area, he led Su Xiaoluo to victory.

Looking at the extra stars that succeeded, Su Xiaoluomei kissed Lin Fan’s face and began the second ranking.

This situation lasted until almost 11 o’clock at night, Lin Youyou came over a little tired, followed by the expectant Zhao Yanyan and the third daughter.

Just after the first round of ranking, taking the water cup handed over by Li Yun, Lin Fan drank the saliva, turned his head and hugged Lin Youyou into his arms.


Leaning on Lin Fan’s shoulder, Lin Youyou nodded with her eyes closed, her head was going to grow big for a frame.

“Well, but there are still some things missing, it is estimated that it will take a few days to get a complete framework, and then the main thing is the currency problem, which we are not good at, after all, except for counterfeit banknotes, no one is good at this.”

“Currency needs strict anti-counterfeiting, but also has a customized layout, you can’t just take a piece of paper, write a number as currency, this is our most troublesome problem.”

Listening to Lin Youyou talk about this, Lin Fan pondered for a while, this thing is simple, if there is a problem, find the system, I believe that the system can be solved.

“System, do you have any solution for money?”

“Lord, according to your situation, there are currently two ways to solve it, the first is that you spend points to exchange currency, and the currency style you can customize yourself, and the second is to customize the currency style, and then buy the money printing machine produced by the system, and the system product cannot be imitated.”

Sure enough, it was right to find the system difficult, and thinking about these two methods, Lin Fan asked: “How many points does the first one need?” ”

“First, you can spend 100 points and buy 10,000 currency produced by the system, and the currency amount you can choose yourself.”

100 points and 10,000 coins, it seems inexpensive?

“What about the second one?”

“The second type you spend 1,000 points to buy a money printer, the system can give you 100,000 blank banknotes, you can print different amounts of currency according to your needs, and buy 10,000 blank banknotes in the system mall.”

After listening to these two ways, Lin Fan thought about it, the first is simple but costs more points, the second is once and for all, but to buy specific blank banknotes, in the short term, the first is definitely very cost-effective, but in the long run, the second is more points saving.

This choice, Lin Fan almost didn’t think much about it, so he chose the second one, but there was no exchange for the time being, after all, the corresponding system has not yet come out, wait until Lin Youyou’s side is ready.

With a plan in his heart, looking at the exhaustion in Lin Youyou’s eyes, Lin Fan lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, and said softly: “You don’t need to think about currency, I can solve this.” ”

“Is that so? All right. Lin Youyou hesitated for a moment and chose to trust Lin Fan unconditionally.

Supporting his arms and sitting up straight, Lin Youyou pulled over the three of Zhao Yanyan next to him with an expectant look, the sofa was not so big, Li Siqi and Mu Yueqing did not care, obediently kneeling beside Lin Fan, anyway, they have long been used to it.

Looking at this situation, Lin Fan knew that Lin Youyou must have something to say.

Seeing Lin Fan’s puzzled eyes, Lin Youyou patted the back of Zhao Yanyan’s hand and said, “Lord, Yanyan and they have been bunking the floor for so long, I mean, do you want them to sleep with us?” ”

Zhao Yanyan, Li Siqi, and Mu Yueqing’s eyes showed an expectant look, they were very tired when they slept at night, and they had to go back to the floor, in fact, they preferred to snuggle up next to Lin Fan, and that feeling would be very reassuring.

Scratching his head, Lin Fan looked at Lin Youyou suspiciously and asked, “Isn’t it up to you to decide on this?” Just ask me what to do? Didn’t you keep them sleeping on the floor? ”

Lin Youyou was almost choked by the myocardial infarction, the whole person was a little bad, and glanced at Lin Fan resentfully, “This family is still yours, how dare I arrange it without asking you.” ”

“Okay, okay, yes, you can arrange this matter in the future, no need to ask me again.” Although the black pot was thrown out, Lin Youyou’s resentful gaze was really lethal, and Lin Fan couldn’t bear it a little.

Hearing Lin Fan’s words, joy flashed in the eyes of the three Zhao Yanyan who were gathered around, and they finally survived.

Similar to them are the three Li Yun who have been standing by and waiting, Zhao Yanyan and the three of them are on the top, so can they take their turn to hit the floor?

Thinking of this, they looked at Lin Youyou expectantly.

Sure enough, Lin Youyou’s gaze swept over under the expectant gaze of the three, and was stared at by Lin Youyou’s gaze, Li Yun, Yue Yiren, and Zhang Qiuyue stood straight, like soldiers waiting for inspection.

“There can’t be no one on the floor, you are still obedient during this time, and you are doing things very well, let’s come and hit the floor tonight, do you have any objections?”

Li Yun and the three quickly shook their heads, joking, finally looking forward to it, how could there be objections?

“Master Mother, no, we are all willing!”

Lin Youyou nodded and said indifferently: “Since you all have no opinion, let’s arrange it this way, the tasks of the three of you remain the same, the only thing is to serve the Lord in the morning to dress and wash, do you understand?” ”

“Understood, understood!”

Retracting his gaze, Lin Youyou glanced at Su Xiaoluo, who was still lying in Lin Fan’s arms like a small salted fish, and asked, “You still can’t get up?” Or do you plan to go back to sleep with us? ”

Su Xiaoluo, who was still paralyzed, instantly became energetic, looked at Lin Fan with a small face, and then got up with a bone, covered his small face and ran back to the room.

“I’m not going, the province is bullied!”

Su Xiaoluo’s slippers flew away, and the two white silk little feet ‘clicked’ not to mention how fast.

Lin Fan didn’t expect Su Xiaoluo to agree, although Little Loli was old enough, she was still timid, and her personality was more conservative, although now he could get his wish with the past, but Lin Fan still didn’t go.

It’s better to go with the flow.

Lin Fan hugged Lin Youyou back to the master bedroom, and not long after Li Yun and the three also walked in with their heads down, and then obediently slept on the floor, but the noise in the room doomed the three to sleep so early, especially when they were thirty or forty.

It wasn’t until late at night that Li Yun and the three fell asleep on the floor, they were experiencing the path that Zhao Yanyan had walked, but the difference was that they were more difficult.

The night is quiet, but some places are not quiet.

In the military area near the harbor on the outskirts of the magic capital, Ye Feng had already returned to the military area in the evening, but at that time the high-level was meeting, and he waited outside until the high-level meeting was over, and he was called into the conference room.

The generals of the military region were basically there, and Ye Feng relayed all the words explained by Lin Fan, and there was almost no omission, and when Ye Feng finished speaking, Liu Tongyu’s temper immediately slapped the table.

“Rampant! It’s just rampant! So don’t put us in the eye! Sure enough, the villain is rampant! He also dares to point fingers at the military region, he also deserves it! ”

The atmosphere of the entire conference room was solemn, and in the main seat, Liu Yuanbin’s face was calm, and he could not see joy or anger, but there was a solemn light in those eyes.

“Dad! I propose to immediately send fighters over to educate this kid well and let him know what awe is! Isn’t it possible to control a Wu Zhi? Ten and a hundred, can he do it? My fighter is several kilometers high, can he touch it? ”

Liu Tongyu’s roar echoed in the conference hall, and his eyes were filled with anger.

“! Sit down! ”

Liu Yuanbin glared at his second son, Liu Tongyu was obviously a little afraid, and sat back in his seat ruefully.

Liu Jingyu seemed much calmer relatively speaking, and the city government was deeper.

“Dad, what do you think?”

Liu Yuanbin shook his head and sighed: “Since ancient times, there have been countless things forbidden by martial arts, until the era of thermal weapons arrived, people have this strength, naturally have rampant capital, moreover…”

“People this is a gift before soldiers, people can kill, but sent back, that is, tell us that he does not want to cause trouble, does not want to be against our military district, if we do not give face, next time we will meet in arms, very interesting young man, also very brainy, Tongyu, you are still too impulsive.”

Speaking of this, Liu Yuanbin glared at his second son, and Liu Tongyu didn’t know what to say.

“But… Young people or young people, no matter how much they think, their cognition is narrow, and they don’t know the horror of thermal weapons, just like Tongyu said, he can control one, can he control a hundred? ”

“Such a person, who disobeys discipline in the last days, sooner or later something big will happen!”

“So, I decided, the army immediately dispatched to the magic capital city!”

PS: Four more, one more in the evening

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