Chapter 146 The sky is falling, and there is a tall zombie baby girl who is growing up rapidly

Bai Yan’s little hands are very small, like a baby, the difference is that at the tip of the finger, there are sharp nails, although they can’t really be seen, but they should be very sharp, otherwise it is impossible to easily break the belly.

Wu En’s heart was beating fast, his spirit was extremely hit at this moment, looking at the picture on the phone in horror and fear, he didn’t know whether to continue watching, he always felt that he would see something terrifying next.

His feet seemed to be rooted on the ground, his arms were stiff, and he couldn’t move for half a minute, as if he had been cast a body-fixing spell.

The video picture of the mobile phone is not very clear, after all, seventy or eighty meters apart, or even further, just when Wu En didn’t know how to be good, a small head drilled out, and then something that made Wu En even more frightened happened!

The little head that just popped out seemed to know that he was watching, and the little face like a porcelain doll suddenly lifted, and the light of the orangutan in his eyes seemed to travel tens of meters, passing through the mobile phone camera, and looked at him.

Frightened by this terrifying scene and screaming, Wu En fell backwards madly, and the mobile phone in his hand was thrown to the ground like a hot potato.

Climbing to hide next to a shelf, Wu En looked at the window in horror, that kind of gaze, as if he was afraid that the little monster would rush in directly from the window.

“Grass! Who’s ghosting? ”

“Are you horses trying to scare people to death? This daylight Lao Tzu was almost scared to death by this voice! ”

“Gan! Wu En, what about you hairy? Look at your ghost appearance, dreaming like a flower? ”

Wu En’s terrified screams were so violent, some survivors in the commercial building poked their heads out to watch, some of them were more hot-tempered, and even cursed angrily.

Looking back, Wu En was still a little frightened, supporting the wall and getting up, Wu En looked at the window in horror, this appearance attracted the attention of other survivors, and they came over.

“What are you doing? Looking like you’ve seen a ghost? ”

“That is, this big daylight, really hit the ghost? Hey, back to your senses. ”

“What do you see? Talk about it. ”

A few men who came over pushed Wu En twice, obviously seeing that something was wrong.

A few men came over and seemed to provide Wu En with a lot of courage, Wu En took a deep breath, glanced at a few people with complicated eyes, and said in a deep voice: “You guys come here.” ”

After speaking, Wu En walked to the mobile phone, picked up the mobile phone that fell on the ground, and glanced at the picture, the video was still recording.

After turning off the recording function, Wu En looked at the window, it seemed that the 27th floor was so high, unless the little monster could fly, it would not come up at all, with such psychological comfort, Wu En walked to the window step by step.

Picked up the phone and looked down, but the ensuing picture made Wu En stunned.

In the mobile phone screen, the female zombie lying on the ground broke a big hole in her stomach, and there was blood everywhere, but the little zombie was gone, and what made Wu En feel even more terrifying was that the female zombie’s expression seemed to be laughing?

Wu En was frightened, he felt that he couldn’t understand this doomsday, would the zombies laugh? Doesn’t it just roar like a beast? And the little zombie just now, the gaze that came over made him shudder until now.

Several men who followed Wu En originally felt that Wu En was a little wrong, and planned to make a joke, but one of them raised his hand halfway and stopped.

Several men looked at the scene in Wu En’s mobile phone screen blankly, and they were all stunned.

“This is…. What is it? ”

“How do you feel that this female zombie’s expression is so weird? Makes me shudder? ”

“Wu En, you shouldn’t have been scared when you saw this, right? Honestly, it’s a little scary, but you’re too daring, right? ”

Looking back, Wu En wanted to record something more, but the swarming zombies had completely blocked the corpses of the female zombies, it seemed that the birth and departure of the small zombies, the female zombies no longer had anything worth letting the zombies detour.

Seeing this, Wu En also gave up, turned his head, looked at a few men next to him, Wu En took a deep breath and clicked out the previously recorded video.

“Look at this, if you can still remain calm after reading it, I admire your guts.”

People are curious, especially this kind of challenging thing, it is easier to arouse people’s curiosity, many terrifying short videos, is how to frighten an individual.

The most vivid image is a gif that punches the LCD screen.

Several men took Wu En’s mobile phone, looked at it intently, looked at the appearance of several people, Wu En seemed to see himself before, not long after, several people exclaimed, breathing rapidly, but staring at the mobile phone was more focused, until….


“You horse, scare me to death!”

“WDNMD, this is also terrifying! I wonder if this little thing is looking at me! ”

“Grass, it’s scary, this little chic is also a real thing! Lao Tzu’s heartbeat almost stopped! ”

Looking at the mobile phone that was thrown on the ground, just ten minutes, fell twice in a row, if it was before the end of the day, Wu En would have been distressed, but now, drizzle, there are many mobile phone counters in the commercial building, use it casually, anyway, these mobile phones are not locked, big deal can not activate more functions.

Just like this one in his hand, but Apple’s latest model, more than 10,000 units, he was reluctant to buy such an expensive mobile phone before the end of the day.

Calmly picking up the mobile phone on the ground, Wu En looked at the few people who had palpitations, and said with a smile: “How is it?” Does it look good? Irritating? ”

“Good looking is good looking, but it’s too stimulating, and the heart is really unbearable.”

One of them nodded, but the others were not.

Several people looked worried, obviously thinking of something deeper.

“You say, zombies can give birth to children, can humans still be saved? For more than a month, the zombies have lived healthier than us, and there is no shriveled appearance in Resident Evil for a long time. ”

“What I am most concerned about is whether this little zombie has wisdom, and whether this pregnant zombie is infected by pregnancy before the end of the day, or whether the zombie has the act of mating and is born.”

A few people glanced at me and said, hearing the last person’s words, Meng Wei, who was at the beginning of the excitement, quickly shook his head and said, “What should you give birth to?” The end is only more than a month, even if the zombies know to mate, they can’t be born so quickly! ”

Wu En listened to the words of several people, but never spoke, but at this time he suddenly asked: “None of you are curious, where is the little zombie that has just been born?” ”

After Wu En finished speaking, Meng Wei and several people were stunned, looked at each other, and both saw the fear in each other’s eyes.

The little zombie that disappeared is the existence that scares them the most, does this little zombie have wisdom? Not sure, but just the moment you look at the screen, it’s definitely not easy!

“What if you’re curious?” Meng Wei glanced at a few people and asked, “I don’t know that millions of zombies are roaming around the street, can we still have the ability to go out and find that little zombie?” ”

Wu En and several people were stunned for a moment, they all reacted, what is the use of thinking so much? They themselves are difficult to protect, this kind of thing, let those big people bother with their brains.

Anyway, the sky is falling, and there are tall people on top.

Several people found it boring and continued to return to their previous appearance of doing nothing.

Wu En took the mobile phone to the window, looked at the zombies below who could not see the edge, and lowered his head to silently operate something.

At the bottom of the Rongen Commercial Building, a small figure walked in the hall on the first floor, and where they passed, the zombies seemed to see the king, and they all gave way to the sides, and the baby-like small figure was the small zombie that broke out of the stomach before, but the dazzling light in the eyes had dimmed, leaving wine-colored beautiful eyes.

Although the small figure has just been born, it walks amazingly fast, and the small hand is pressed on the convenient zombie, visible to the naked eye, the zombie quickly shriveled, and then began to turn into flying ash from the head.

Absorbing the life energy inside the zombie corpse, the figure of the zombie baby girl seems to have grown a little.

In the face of the small zombie plundering behavior, the surrounding zombies have no dodging action at all, which brings the result that the zombies in the hall decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then replenish from the street, with the significant reduction of zombies, zombie baby girls are also growing up.

The body size from the previous baby to the size of the three daughters later, the young girl of six or seven years old, the loli of eleven or twelve, I don’t know how much zombie life force has been plundered, and the baby girl who has just been born has grown to the appearance of a 17- or 8-year-old girl.

As the baby girl grew up, her eyes were sometimes dazed, sometimes angry, as if she was remembering something, and pictures flashed in her pupils, underground research rooms, restraints, syringes, doctors, mothers, and all kinds of knowledge were imprinted in her mind like inheritance.

Until the picture finally froze, it was the last sight in the memory, it was the face of a man.

It seems to be a little long ago, a man and a woman stand silently in place, the expression on their faces seems to be called pity?

“Sorry, saved me, before I could ask your name, can you please leave me outside?” This side is too quiet, I shouldn’t be one more to destroy this pure land. ”

The crisp voice is very sweet, this voice is familiar to the girl, and it is this voice that the memory hears the most.

In the picture of memory, the man is silent and says his name.

“My name is Lin Fan.”

“Lin…. Forest… Every… Lin Fan.? ”

The girl spoke for the first time, her voice as nice as her mother’s, and she stumbled out a few jerky words.

The memory froze here, and then began to rewind, repeating the scene in the underground research room, being rescued, and then sent away, and the cycle kept on, and the simple two words became clearer, just as clear, and a few short letters.

“Military… Military district, Yang … Yang Yiping? Person… Human experiments? ”

The girl seemed to be learning to speak, and the words behind her became clearer.

Looking down at the white cloth wrapped around her body, the girl looked at the zombies around her, as if she understood something.

“Clothes… Clothes, to wear clothes, military district, mother, Lin Fan. ”

“Get stronger, take revenge…. Military. ”

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