Chapter 158 encountered the zombie cat, Mu Yueqing was furious

5 kilometers in the West City District, a group of female warriors holding Tang knives staggered, constantly retreating towards the city wall, at the front of the crowd, a playful and wild figure waved his palm, a large area of demon fire was thrown out, and the zombies that touched the demon fire were instantly burned to ashes.

The woman has cat ears on her head, her beautiful eyes are narrow and long, with a strange light in her laziness, and there is a faint silver blade flying around her, and all the zombies who vainly try to get close are either burned to ashes by the demon fire or headshot by throwing knives.

The woman who threw out the demon fire casually was Mu Yueqing, and the silver throwing knives around her were given to her by Lin Youyou, and now Mu Yueqing has the power of mind, and can just control these throwing knives.

At the same time, with the power of demon fire and nian power, although Mu Yueqing’s strength and means are more, correspondingly, the experience demand for promotion to the next level has also doubled, which naturally has advantages and disadvantages.

Under normal circumstances, with her leading the team, even if there are more zombies, they can’t help her at all, Jasmine under her and those female warriors are not vegetarians, even if this time to lead out some new generation of female warriors who have just been included, there will not be much problem.

But unexpectedly appeared, has been killing a distance of five kilometers, a group of cats infected with the zombie virus suddenly appeared, these zombie cats infected with the zombie virus are fast, coupled with the smaller size, the female warriors are a little hasty and difficult to deal with.

How many zombie cats Mu Yueqing did not calculate carefully, but it should be quite a lot, I don’t know if zombie cats are different from human zombies, these zombie cats know how to seek benefits and avoid harm, after paying the price of the death of some companions, these zombie cats no longer blindly rush up, but watch around.

That look, like a lion and tiger before the hunt, these zombie cats did not rush up, just watched in the corpses, under this threat, Mu Yueqing had to choose to retreat.


A harsh chirping sound came, a black shadow in the zombie group suddenly burst out, straight to Jasmine next to him and fighting and retreating, sharp claws in mid-air have poked out, and the claws full of zombie viruses only need to cut a hole, which is enough to make Jasmine infected with zombie viruses.

Just cut off the head of a zombie, hearing the harsh cat cry from the side, Jasmine did not dodge, and the Tang knife in her hand slashed behind her.


The zombie cat that flew over was cut in two in mid-air, the head and body were separated, and a glance at the zombie cat corpse that fell on the ground, Jasmine snorted coldly, as if nothing happened, the Tang knife reversed, the cold light flashed, and the three zombie heads instantly flew into the sky.

In the entire team, except for Mu Yueqing, Jasmine is the strongest one, especially after taking the Source Power Crystal, she has become the strongest female warrior below the ‘first generation’ in one fell swoop, and even higher than Prince Wen in terms of attributes.

If it weren’t for the fact that the background was not enough, and the time to become a female warrior was still short, I am afraid that Jasmine would have to catch up with Li Fengjiao’s ‘first generation’.

Jasmine, whose four-dimensional attributes are as high as more than thirty points, is strong in terms of speed and reflexes.

The sneak attack was not successful but was killed, the zombie cats seemed to be more cautious, always wandering in the corpses, easily no longer jumping out to sneak attack, maintaining such a strange calm, Mu Yueqing and others fought and retreated, all the way to the bottom of the city wall.

Mu Yueqing’s figure retreated, the energy activated the mark on the back of his hand, the city gate quickly opened, Mu Yueqing did not stay, and flashed back to the front again.

“All of you withdraw.”

The female warriors did not dare to have any objections when they heard this, not to mention the high status of Mu Yueqing’s Lv8 arbitration team members, just because Mu Yueqing was the captain, none of them dared to disobey.

“Captain, be careful!”

Jasmine whispered next to her, and retreated back to the city gate without hesitation.

After everyone retreated to the city gate, there was no worries, Mu Yueqing’s narrow and enchanting beautiful eyes swept through the corpses, and cold light flashed in the cat-like vertical pupils.

After being disgusted for so long, the clay people have three points of anger, let alone Mu Yueqing.

The slender white arms suddenly raised, the red demon fire filled the whole body at this moment, the red demon fire burned, condensed into a six-tailed demon cat flame phantom on Mu Yueqing’s back, the phantom shrouded Mu Yueqing’s whole body, the huge phantom was three meters high and more than ten meters long, the flame demon cat phantom gradually solidified, Mu Yueqing’s figure suddenly exerted force, and the flame demon cat instantly flew out.

The huge six-tailed cat demon phantom ran wildly on the spacious street, spitting out a pillar of demon fire more than ten meters long in its mouth, and six huge flame tails flicked, sweeping the zombies away like a broom, burning them to ashes in mid-air.

The zombie cats in the corpses seemed to have encountered natural enemies, and the harsh cat cries echoed, and they quickly ran towards the depths of the corpses one by one, obviously not wanting to face the huge flame demon cat.

It’s just that at this time, where will Mu Yueqing let these zombie cats go? If it weren’t for the fear that the team members might be injured, Mu Yue would have rushed into the corpses early in the morning.

The huge flame demon cat rampage on the street, and the zombies everywhere they pass are turned into ashes, those zombie cats are not as fast as Mu Yueqing, Mu Yueqing jumps casually is hundreds of meters, hundreds of meters away, enough for these zombie cats to run for a while!

The claws waved, and where the claws of the burning demon fire passed, everything turned into flying ash, and even where Mu Yueqing passed, the terrifying high temperature burned the street into magma, the pillar of flame gushed wildly, a large area of fire exploded on the street, gunsmoke was everywhere, and the splashing fire set the street on fire, and the entire street seemed to turn into an endless sea of fire.

On the city wall behind, Jasmine and the others supported the wall stack and looked at Mu Yueqing, who was mighty on the street, and their eyes were shocked, obviously shocked by Mu Yueqing’s terrifying destructive power.

Mu Yueqing rammed all the way from under the city gate, killing out for three or four kilometers before she could stop, not because Mu Yueqing felt that she had enough and did not want to continue killing, but because her energy was somewhat unavailable.

The destructive power of the three-meter-tall and ten-meter-long flame demon cat is indeed terrifying, but the consumption is also really large, and in just ten minutes, she can’t hold it a little.

The more than ten meters long cat demon phantom jumped hundreds of meters from afar, and jumped up instantly under the city gate, and before it fell, the terrifying high temperature rushed to the face, making Jasmine and others feel that their faces were about to be burned.

The cat demon phantom disappeared in mid-air, Mu Yueqing stood firmly on the city wall, the height of 15 meters was used to stop zombies and troops, and she would not be stumped by this height with the magical ability of the demon cat.

After landing, Mu Yueqing felt that there was some weakness in her body, just squandered, cool is cool, but drained the demon fire energy, if she does not use the power of thought, she can only rely on her physical strength to kill zombies today.

Although the energy has been squandered, there are really a lot of zombies killed, and if it were not for the fact that she was limited by the two powers and doubled the experience required, she would now be able to advance to the next level!

The gaze swept over the faces of Jasmine and the others, taking in the shock and awe on the faces of the women, Mu Yueqing exhaled lightly and chuckled: “Let’s go, let’s go back first, things have changed today, the appearance of the zombie cat means that in addition to zombies, there are new dangers in the last days, let’s go back first.” ”

Mu Yueqing’s voice just fell, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang, after taking out the mobile phone to connect, listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, Mu Yueqing said solemnly: “We met the zombie cat here, and now we have withdrawn to the city gate, and we are planning to go back to discuss this matter, okay, we will go back immediately!” ”

Hanging up the phone and looking at the searching gaze of Jasmine and others, Mu Yueqing frowned and said: “Not only did we encounter zombie animals, the main side met zombie dogs, but they were easily killed, and Sister Yoyo also encountered zombie cats, but Sister Yoyo’s ability is much stronger than mine, and it was easily solved, and now he is summoning us to go back, let’s go.” ”

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Jasmine and the others quickly nodded, and hundreds of people quickly got off the city wall, got into the car and rushed to the hospital.

Not only Mu Yueqing’s side, but also in the four directions of southeast, southeast and northwest, Zhao Yanyan and the others who received the call from Lin Youyou and Lin Fan did not hesitate at all, regardless of whether they encountered zombie dogs and zombie cats, they immediately rushed back.

On the second floor of the supermarket, Lin Fan sat on the sofa, holding Su Xiaoluo in his arms, and next to Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing, at this time, Zhao Wanqing’s fingers kept sliding on the mobile phone, and the expression on his face became more and more solemn.

“Zombie dogs, zombie cats, zombie crows that cover the sky, and tens of millions of corpse tides and intelligent zombies that suddenly appear, how come these things have all rushed together, just over half a day, what’s wrong?”

Lin Fan was also looking at his mobile phone, the zombie crow herd covering the sky, the huge tide of tens of millions of corpses, the intelligent zombies that suddenly appeared, just over half a day of changes, almost made Lin Fan wonder if he had crossed over.

How did so many things happen at once?

Looking at one video after another, tens of millions of zombies rioted at the same time, and the rushing wave seemed to set off an earthquake of three or four magnitudes on the ground, and the deafening sound could feel the shock even through the video.

There is also the zombie crow herd where there is no grass, the number is really terrifying, and most importantly, these zombies are purposeful and dominant!

After the video was slowed down by ten times, a blurry figure quickly swept over the ground at a very fast speed, that speed can be said to be flying, often a little on tiptoe, the figure has come to tens of meters away, so that the normal video can only see a shadow floating over.

Intelligent zombies, can guide the corpse group, and even guide the zombie animal, this ability can be called terrifying, the number of zombies plus the command of the intelligent zombie, it is foreseeable that the survivors who survived will usher in a big purge!

Especially these haunted and unusually dexterous zombie animals, they can’t be prevented!

It is likely that while you are sleeping, you will not wake up at all.

However, Lin Fan was not concerned about this, looking at the places indicated in the post, Lin Fan scratched his head a little.

“Is the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital so unlucky? The corpse tide went straight to the side of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, didn’t it happen to run into Liu Jingyu’s First Army? ”

“So the question is, is Liu Jingyu still okay? I this…. Still waiting to get him? ”

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