Chapter 160 City of Judgment, Piranha and Man-Cannibal Vine

The tens of millions of levels of large corpses are enough to drown everything, not to mention the escalation of the doomsday crisis, the emergence of more difficult zombie animals with higher danger levels, under the many crises, Lin Fan had to put some things on the agenda.

The strength of the female warriors is still a little low, although the number is barely enough, but in terms of strength, Li Fengjiao, these ‘first generation’ and Jasmine and others who were rewarded yesterday are relatively strong, not counting the ‘first generation’, the remaining more than a thousand female warriors, basically the four-dimensional attributes do not exceed 20 points.

Not only did it not exceed 20 o’clock, the women who were just accepted into the ranks of female warriors yesterday have just embarked on the road to becoming stronger, which follows the army to deal with zombies, and zombie animals may be violently killed in minutes.

With the beginning of the clean-up activity, the female warriors will definitely go out farther and farther in the future, the strength is too low is equivalent to going out to deliver lunch to zombie cats and zombie dogs, a little farther, if the military region can’t bear the pressure, and is destroyed by the corpse tide and the crow herd, then it is the turn of the inner city to face the pressure of the corpse tide and the crow herd.

Without enough strength, the crow flock swooped down, and all of them were properly shaved into bone shelves.

Previously, Lin Fan extracted all the energy in those dead corpses in order to reward the female warriors, so that the female warriors’ strength could improve a little faster, but now he had to change his thinking.

The era of strength blowout has arrived, and under various crises, Lin Fan can only speed up the pace and take down all the demon capital as soon as possible. Then with the magic capital as a base, radiating to the major provinces and cities of the empire, and even because the magic capital is a port city, Lin Fan can also fight the idea of the Neon Empire and the Little Stick Empire.

Wasn’t the little stick bouncing around before? Isn’t the Emperor of the Neon Empire still planning to recruit him? Minutes to these two empires to step on! Although he can’t throw a nuclear bomb like the Millikan Empire, isn’t he a walking nuclear bomb himself?

But the time has come to raze wherever it goes!

“Yoyo, how is the currency printing?”

Leng couldn’t help but hear Lin Fan ask this question, Lin You was stunned for a moment, and said: “The currency printing has been arranged, and it is still early before the end of the month, so there should be no rush to use currency, right?” ”

Lin Fan shook his head and sighed lightly, “Today is different, and the rules need to be changed.” ”

“As long as the female warriors are willing, they can exchange the merit of killing zombies into money at any time, our currency is called the ruling coin, and our city is called the ruling city, I will give you some source force liquid in a while, priced at 100 ruling coins, which is not too expensive, and the female warriors only need to kill ten zombies to exchange for a bottle.”

“With these source force liquids, the speed of improvement of the strength of female warriors will be faster, 10 zombies concentrated called Source Force Dan, priced at 1200 ruling coins, 100 zombie concentrated called source force crystals, priced at 15000 ruling coins, temporarily these three levels.”

Lin Youyou has already understood, Lin Fan intends to train female warriors at the fastest speed, so that those low-level female warriors can quickly improve, 100 ruling coins only need to kill 10 zombies to get, how many zombies can female warriors kill in a day?

Even those who have just joined in can kill twenty or thirty in a day, right? What is most important in the apocalypse? Of course it’s strength!

Cosmetics can be bought later, but it is impossible to do without strength!

“Okay, I’ll arrange it in a moment to improve the strength of the grassroots female warriors as soon as possible.”

Lin Youyou did things, Lin Fan was still relieved, looked down at Zhao Yanyan in his arms, patted her magnesium and asked: “Yanyan, have you extracted the source power in those dead corpses?” ”

It seemed that he had long known that Lin Fan would ask this, Zhao Yanyan looked at Lin Fan coquettishly, and exhaled like a lan: “Of course, since I knew the role of source force crystallization, today I didn’t waste those corpses, all of them were extracted into source force liquid, but there was no condensation and refining, and people were busy improving their strength.” ”

Raising his hand and pinching Zhao Yanyanqiong’s nose, Lin Fan said with a smile: “It’s a good job, you don’t need to refine, your energy is limited, just extract the life source power in the dead corpse, condense and refine these things, and leave it to me to do.” ”

The matter of source force crystallization was solved, Lin Fan continued: “At present, the appearance of zombie animals limits the speed at which female warriors can kill zombies, so I decided to change the rules, female warriors with four-dimensional attributes of more than 20 points can go out of the city to kill zombies farther away, and female warriors with attributes lower than 20 points can kill zombies close to the city gate. ”

“Some people are arranged to guard the city at the city gate, and I will give some props that can open and close the city gate, so that you don’t have to activate the city gate every time you come in, I didn’t think about it before, but now, you also need someone to guard the city, the empty house near the inner city can allow female warriors to live in, and the province runs back and forth, and the twenty-kilometer road is not short.”

“As for the salary of the female soldiers guarding the city, you will look at the decision, and how the shifts will be arranged by you, I will not interfere much in these.”

After saying this, Lin Fan’s gaze swept over the faces of Lin Youyou, Zhao Wanqing, and the others, and asked, “Is there anything else you want to say?” ”

Shaking his head, Lin Youyou said, “Lord, you have basically arranged it, I have nothing to add, what about you, Wanqing?” ”

Zhao Wanqing smiled, “I’m gone, the Lord personally came out, and finally saved us a lot of things, this feeling is really good.” ”

Lin Fan rolled his eyes and slapped his backhand on Zhao Wanqing’s buttocks, “Looking for a fight, right?” ”

Zhao Wanqing giggled, covering up Xiao Xiao and said: “Where do people dare, don’t say it, I will immediately convey the order of the eldest master, can you leave?” ”

“Of course you have to go, go and see how the printing team is doing there, it’s almost a day, a lot of ruling coins should be printed, you notify, let them all come to collect the money.” Lin Youyou got up from the sofa and left the supermarket with Zhao Wanqing.

Looking at the time, unconsciously it was already five o’clock in the afternoon, Lin Fan felt that there was no need to go out, remembering the source force crystallization, Lin Fan got up from the sofa, changed his shoes and walked out of the supermarket.

Outside the supermarket, Lin Fan casually moved, a vine drilled out from the ground, and a steady stream of source force liquid gushed out from the vine, and finally formed a green energy mass the size of a bathtub.

This is the result of Lin Fan’s almost day, Zhao Yanyan, who chased out, saw the green liquid ball in mid-air, and suddenly felt in his heart, with a little finger, the ground broke, and a vine appeared, and then a green ball that was only about one-third the size of Lin Fan was spit out by the vine.

The two liquid balls fused together, Lin Fan’s mind divided, and soon the source force liquid the size of a fingernail was peeled off to the side, these are the lowest type of source force series, basically a zombie can extract one.

This kind of Lin Fan divided out six or seven thousand, and then all of them were packed in jade bottles that appeared out of thin air, followed by tenfold concentrated source power pills, this kind is relatively few, Lin Fan only divided out about two or three thousand, and the rest were all made into 100 times concentrated source force crystals.

Although the remaining amount is half of it, but the source force crystals that are really formed in mid-air are less than two hundred, just these three pills, it is enough for the female warriors to digest for a long time, especially the source force crystals that cost 15,000 ruling coins, it is estimated that no one can afford it in a short period of time.

15,000 ruling coins, but 1,500 zombies, under normal circumstances, killing 1,500 zombies, even if it is the ‘original’ Li Fengjiao and others, there is no time for four or five, and it may not be enough.

In the blink of an eye, there were nearly 10,000 jade bottles densely placed on the ground, and the jade bottles were directly exchanged by Lin Fan from the system mall, and 100 points and 10,000 jade bottles were not expensive.

“Yanyan, you put these away, and when Yoyo comes back and give these to her, she will arrange the rest, while there is still some time, I will go to the sewer to take a look, by the way, all the plant energy is used, and the time for one night is enough to recover.”

After speaking, the earth element under Lin Fan’s feet spread, and the figure soon sank into the ground.

If there is no earth element power, Lin Fan will have to deliberately find a sewer entrance to go down, but with the earth element power, as long as there is a place of the earth, Lin Fan can enter and exit at will, which is probably the so-called earth escape?

Dark, gloomy, damp, this is the sewer pipe of the magic city, but fortunately, there is no smell, which makes Lin Fan very happy, when he just came down, he was hesitating whether to exchange a gas mask, but now it seems that there is no need at all.

Standing on the relatively dry cement floor, the magnetic field energy spread, and soon Lin Fan felt the countless life forms in the underground pipeline within a radius of ten kilometers.

Those are rats!

Lin Fan roughly estimated that in the 400-square-kilometer area of the City of Ruling, the number of rats was at least hundreds of thousands!

What a horrific figure is that? If they are all infected and run out of the ground, it will be a proper rat plague, and these hundreds of thousands of rats can gnaw all the maids over the maid dormitory to death in just a few minutes! Only the bone kind remains.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fan raised his hand and pressed on the oval cement wall next to him, and the green light did not enter the inside of the sewer pipe, and soon seedlings grew out one by one through the cracks in the stone.

The green seedlings have dense small antennae on the surface, in the form of eyes on the snail’s head, these small green vines are born under the power of plants, with Lin Fan’s palm as the center of the circle constantly spreading and spreading, and then the plants are rooted everywhere, repeatedly, continuous circulation, and soon hundreds of meters of sewer pipes are covered with dense man-eating vines.

This is not the end, on this man-eating vine, green flowers bloom, resembling shells, but there are many spikes, the color of the shell is purple, and there seem to be stingers, these are the accompanying man-eating flowers.

Man-eating flowers, man-eating vines, these can be called the killers of small mammals and flying insects in the forest, the color of those purple otters is very attractive to animals, not only that, even man-eating flowers can emit a sweet secretion to attract prey, in fact, these secretions have a toxin that paralyzes the nerves.

These are simply fatal for mice, especially the current environment is very suitable for the growth of man-eating flowers and man-eating vines, most of which live in arid and barren stone crevices, swamps and shallow water areas, carnivorous is their way of ingesting nutrients, can also photosynthesis, and even absorb minerals in rocks to supplement nutrition, under normal circumstances, this plant is difficult to die.

The man-eating vine continued to spread into the distance, until the perception spread to the range of the hospital wall, Lin Fan stopped, and then changed to another pipe.

For the time being, Lin Fan can’t take care of too far, he can only protect the underground of the hospital first, ensure that the rats dare to enter this range, they will all be eaten, and the rest can only develop slowly, which is why Lin Fan does not recommend Zhao Yanyan to get it.

Too energy-consuming, and too delayed the speed of Zhao Yanyan’s strength improvement, 400 square kilometers, Zhao Yanyan can not finish it in a month, one month, enough for Mu Yueqing to fall Zhao Yanyan a big level! This large level is calculated based on 10W zombies.

Lin Fan’s movements were very fast, three hundreds of meters long pipes were made, Lin Fan just wanted to change another pipe, suddenly heard a slight sound from the left.

The gaze subconsciously looked, followed by a stunned.

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