Chapter 162 The grim form of the imperial capital, the experiment of human body transformation

Eastern Empire, imperial capital.

More than half a month later, the sound of gunfire is still unstoppable, and the smoke of artillery fire rises into the sky, making the imperial capital, which has an already bad environment and climate, even worse.

The sky was gray, and the smoke seemed to condense into a clump, which lasted in the sky for a long time, like a curtain, completely covering the stars in the sky.

The roar of the zombies could not even be suppressed by the sound of artillery fire, making it difficult for the survivors to sleep in this late night.

In the office of the president of the imperial capital, the grim situation made Yang Ligong unable to hide the fatigue on his face, and the artillery fire for more than half a month washed the ground, so that the inventory of the ammunition depot was precarious, if it were not for the two major military factories that have been making ammunition without stopping, I am afraid that the artillery and firearms on the defense line have long been muted!

But even so, the manufacture of ammunition can not supply the speed of consumption at all, the soldiers on the front line are often forced to rush out of the fortifications, pick up large knives and zombies to fight, the zombie virus is terrible, basically every time there will be a lot of casualties.

As the president, Yang Ligong felt for the first time that there were too many people in the imperial capital, and he should not let the imperial capital have so many resident and floating populations before the end of the day! This special zombie killing can’t be finished!!

As many as more than 20 million permanent residents, this is not counting the floating population, the imperial capital as the cultural center of the Eastern Empire, the floating population is also quite terrifying, the two of them are added together, in the entire imperial capital of more than 16,000 square kilometers, there is a population of nearly 30 million, which is simply outrageous!

This also caused the current dilemma of the imperial capital, zombies besieged the city, as many as more than 20 million zombies surrounded the entire imperial capital, more than one million soldiers and survivors shrunk within the second ring, if it were not for the moat and various fortifications to block, more than 20 million zombies would have broken the defense line of the imperial capital! .

The sound of artillery fire was too fierce, more than a million survivors gathered together, and the aura of living people emitted was so strong that it attracted almost the entire zombies of the imperial capital to condense into a tide of corpses, constantly attacking the military defense line.

The result of too many zombies is that the corpses are piled up, and the subsequent zombies can step on the corpses of their companions and drive straight in, if it is not for the fierce fire such as incendiary bombs, burning most of the corpses into slag, maybe the current political and cultural center of the Eastern Empire no longer exists!

Knock knock!

The door of the office was knocked, Yang Ligong put away the tiredness on his face and said in a deep voice: “Come in.” ”

The door was pushed open, and the figure of Zhao Zhi’an, director of the State Security Bureau, appeared at the door.

Closing the office door, Zhao Zhi’an walked to the desk and said respectfully: “Mr. President, are you looking for me?” ”

Yang Ligong nodded inexplicably and asked, “What happened to the things ordered before?” ”

The matter of the corpse tide and zombie animals is making a lot of noise on the Internet, and the imperial capital, which has been paying attention to the latest trends on the Internet, has long known about it, and even found the big corpse tide that went straight to the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, through military satellites!

Even if it is overlooked through military satellites, the boundless scene like thick ink covering the earth is still shocking and shocking!

Compared with the situation of the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital, the imperial capital side is simply better I don’t know how much, at least for now, these zombies obviously have no intelligent zombie command, only know that they are crowded together, brainless impact on the defense line, otherwise, judging from the scene on the side of the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital, the imperial capital has long been dragged down alive.

More than 10 million level corpse tides have covered everything with numbers, and thermal weapons have lost their due brink at this moment, especially the ammunition reserves are not enough to deal with the tens of millions of corpse tides, but in peacetime before the end of the world, the ammunition reserves are not too much.

Arms are expensive to build, enough is good, even if there is a war, the country’s major military factories are fully productive and can completely keep up with consumption, but the result is in time for the end.

Before Zhao Zhi’an came, he sorted out his thoughts, faced Yang Ligong’s inquiry, and said methodically: “Report to the president, after the strict review of fighter jets, Wuzhi and military satellites, the imperial capital has not found any abnormal situation, and the zombies still have no organization, but many zombie animals have indeed been found.” ”

“A lot…..”

At the end, Zhao Zhi’an also specially added, it seems to emphasize this quantity, in fact, as a statistician, Zhao Zhi’an really knows how much this so-called lot is!

Yang Ligong frowned, as if he heard Zhao Zhi’an’s voice, and said with a solemn expression: “How many?” Be specific. ”

Zhao Zhi jumped in peace, planned for a moment, and tentatively said: “Zombie cats, zombie dogs, these small zombie animals are probably…. Around seven million, and some other animals running out of zoos, there is no approximate number. ”

Almost choked to death in one breath, seven million or so are still just zombie animals such as cats and dogs, how many zoos are there in the imperial capital? And how many animals are infected? Yang Ligong didn’t dare to think about it.

“How’s it going? How many places in the Second Ring Road have not been walled? ”

“Mr. President, the time is too short, even if most of the people are mobilized, the speed of construction of the city wall is still slow, and it will take at least one or two months to build a wall that is enough to encircle the entire second ring road, which is still the case of repeatedly lowering the requirements.”

“The people don’t understand the construction of the wall, plus the lack of materials, so…”

Looking at Yang Ligong’s increasingly dark face, Zhao Zhi’an was a little unable to speak.

Is this no wonder that Yang Ligong’s face is poor, a month or two? Did the soldiers of the imperial capital last that long? The most direct consequence of the lack of ammunition supply is that the corpse tide directly rushes to the position, and every time you fight with the zombies, you have to lose a lot of soldiers!

How many soldiers can withstand such consumption if they continue to consume like this?

But Yang Ligong also knew that it was useless to blame Zhao Zhi’an for this kind of thing, so he simply waved his hand and asked: “Have you surveyed the sewer pipe and this corner?” Those rats in the smelly gutter must not be careless, once there are zombies inside us, the consequences are unimaginable! ”

Speaking of zombie rats, the look on Zhao Zhi’an’s face was much more relaxed, “President, after a day of census, there are not many rats in the sewer pipe, after detection, some rats in the rat holes have no signs of zombification, these our soldiers have killed them all with rodent killing equipment!” ”

“It’s just that the time is a little tight, our soldiers are still working hard to investigate, the problem in this area should not be big, the management of the imperial capital has been very good over the years, the number of these ground mice is not much, the president can rest assured!”

Finally hearing some good news, Yang Ligong’s tired face gradually had a slight smile, but it was fleeting.

“How’s going on over there? Has there been any progress in Dr. Wen’s experiment? How is Dr. Yan’s new weapon progressing? ”

The supply of ammunition in the imperial capital is insufficient, and it is natural to make breakthroughs in weapons, such as electric energy laser weapons, several power stations in the imperial capital are operating normally, and the backup power system power is definitely up to the use of new weapons.

With a relaxed expression frozen on his face, Zhao Zhi’an’s expression was very unnatural, recalled the progress of Wen Shuhua’s experiment, and twitched the corner, “President, Dr. Wen’s experiment…. There is really good progress, but some aspects are too cruel. ”

As a party concerned, witnessing Wen Shuhua’s research process, Zhao Zhi’an is a little creepy, too cruel and too bloody, although the progress is good, and there seems to be some breakthroughs, but he just wants to say.

What a madman and a!

Seeing that Zhao Zhi’an’s expression was not right, Yang Ligong seemed to have thought of something, frowned, and said in a deep voice: “Research always requires some price, and it can only be so in extraordinary times, just say the results of the research.” ”

Zhao Zhi’an nodded silently, he understood the reason.

“Dr. Wen’s research progress is very good, his experimental direction is genetics, filling the human gene chain with animal genes, rewriting the gene spectrum, and successfully creating the first batch of cat-type modified people, leopard-shaped modified people and bear-type modified people, these humans are more inclined to animals in terms of form, and their body has grown hair, and their speed, explosiveness and strength have doubled!”

“Dr. Wen’s idea is that since animals will not be used as targets by zombies, then create modified people with animal genes, and after experiments, put these modified people and zombies together, zombies do not have an obvious desire to attack, only when attacked, they will fight back, but they are not the opponents of transformation warriors.”

“According to the test, the weakest cat-type modified person can cope with the siege of five to eight zombies, the leopard-shaped warrior is more powerful, can cope with the siege of ten to thirteen zombies, the bear-type transformation person is terrifying, the body size has also become a lot larger, the hair defense is very strong, the combat effectiveness is also very terrifying, the upper limit has not yet been tested, and the conservative estimate is more than thirty zombies.”

With Zhao Zhi’an’s report, Yang Ligong’s eyes widened wider, especially when he heard that the last bear-shaped transformation person could deal with more than thirty zombies, the whole person couldn’t sit still.

Huo Ran got up, Yang Ligong stared at Zhao Zhi’an deadly, short of breath, his eyes full of excitement, “Is Dr. Wen’s experiment progressing so much?” What is the success rate of transforming people? Any disadvantages? And what about the control aspect? ”

Startled by Yang Ligong’s state, Zhao Zhi’an hurriedly said: “In terms of control, Dr. Wen has installed a self-destruct device in the heads of these modified people, even if it is infected by a virus, it can be destroyed at any time, the disadvantage of this kind of modified person is that it is doped with animal genes, irritable, easy to lose reason, especially when fighting, it is crazy, it can be understood as a disposable item, as long as it is scattered, it is basically impossible to take it back.” ”

“In terms of success rate, depending on the human body, the cat type has the highest success rate, 50 percent, leopard type 30 percent, bear type modified human 15 percent, if the target is a white and black species, the success rate can reach 30 percent.”

Hearing this success rate, Yang Ligong calmed down a little.

“President, Dr. Wen asked me to ask you, can the modification experiment now be mass-produced?”

PS: Good brothers, if you fatten, can you order a custom ah, I have subscribed a lot in the past two days, and the author is almost confused, although part of the reason is that it came down from the recommendation, blue thin.

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