Chapter 165 Su Xiaoluo’s supernatural choice, the emperor’s life is too good

The dilemma faced by the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital and the Imperial Capital Military Region, Lin Fan did not know, at this time he was holding Su Xiaoluo with a look of expectation on his face, and now Lin Fan was thinking about what kind of special ability to give Su Xiaoluo better.

Theoretically, whether it is plant energy or soil system energy, it is very suitable for Su Xiaoluo, and architectural designers are not very suitable for civil engineering?

Now what Lin Fan was thinking about was, whether to give Su Xiaoluo a new ability, or choose either the earth element special energy and the plant special ability?

These two options have their own advantages, the former is that he can have a new ability, and someone helps him brush experience, the disadvantage is that it may not be suitable for Su Xiaoluo and spend an additional 10,000 points, the latter, no matter which of the two powers is more suitable for Su Xiaoluo, and at the same time can save 10,000 points, the disadvantage is that there is no new ability.

Thinking about these two options, Lin Fan finally decided to give the choice to Su Xiaoluo.

With both hands, Lin Fan held Su Xiaoluo’s cute body and straightened her, letting her look at herself face to face, Lin Fan said solemnly: “Luoluo, do you have any ideas about your ability?” You can choose an ability that your sisters don’t have, or you can choose between two powers: earth and wood! ”

(In the future, plants will be collectively called wood elements, and some people in the comment area of the province have always said, in fact, I don’t understand, what is the difference between plants and wood, isn’t it called differently, I always feel that after saying this sentence, someone will spray me again in the comment area)

“Dirt! Earth! People want soil! Bai Yan’s little arm wrapped around Lin Fan’s neck, Su Xiaoluo blinked his big eyes, and his beautiful eyes were shining, like stars in the night sky.

Listening to Su Xiaoluo’s crisp voice, sitting on the sofa, Zhao Yanyanliu, who was holding a beautiful black silk hoof, raised her eyebrows, turned sideways, and the beautiful hoof in the black stockings changed to the other side, put it on the other hoof, raised her arm, hooked her fingers on Su Xiaoluo’s chin, and asked with a smile: “What’s wrong?” What’s wrong with my wood element? Do you have to choose earth elements? ”

“Hmph!” Raising his small chin to avoid Zhao Yanyan’s fingers, Su Xiaoluo wrinkled his little nose in disgust, and hummed: “Don’t touch me with your fingers, my brother likes me or not, if my brother is almost the same!” ”

“As for why you don’t choose the wood element, people are cute little loli, and they are not the queen who plays with whips, so they are not royal sisters like you!” Besides, wood elements can’t make houses! With the earth element, I don’t have to trouble my brother, I can build a palace at home myself! ”

“People want to live in the palace I designed with my brother, and then you big goblin will be directly locked outside!”

Zhao Yanyan’s white fingers pointed to her chin, her eyes wide, and her face was full of incredulity.

“Me? Goblin? Locked out? Gritting her silver teeth, Zhao Yanyan stood up from the sofa, pinched her fingers, and made a ‘click’ sound, her eyebrows were upturned, and she was full of anger, staring at Su Xiaoluo viciously, and said hatefully: “Still cute little loli? Little scammers don’t take out your ID card to see how old you are! Look I can’t clean you up today! ”

Su Xiaoluo’s little head shrunk, and he opened Xiao Xiao and shouted, “Help!” Sister Kiki help, I’m a resolute Qi party, Sister Kiki, you can’t let her bully me! ”

When Li Siqi heard this, she jumped up directly, like an old hen protecting a calf, holding Su Xiaoluo in her arms in a circle, and looking at Zhao Yanyan by the neck.

“What happened to my earth element? How is it still coerced! Let me tell you, our family is not engaged in underworld forces, if you want to bully Luoluo, pass my level first! ”

With a backer, Su Xiaoluo shook his little head, got out of Li Siqi’s two big pigs with difficulty, looked at Zhao Yanyan proudly, kept squeezing his eyes and grimacing, and the angry Zhao Yanyan pounced directly.

“Today I will hang the two of you one big and one small, one by one, and clean up!”

“Wow! Kill! ”

Leaning on the sofa, Lin Fan watched Zhao Yanyan and the three of them make trouble in his arms like an outsider, oh no, the battle between the three women has escalated, and the big pig, pig, small thin waist and arms keep sweeping over his face, especially when Zhao Yanyan ran behind the sofa and fought with Li Siqi, Lin Fan was simply trapped in the middle.

Buried by four big pigs left and right, if it weren’t for the fact that the pores of his body could ingest oxygen now, Lin Fan felt that he would be suffocated today.

There was a lot of joy here, Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing raised their heads, glanced at the happy Lin Fan, shook their heads and chuckled, and continued to lower their heads to discuss something.

After nearly half an hour of fighting, the three women declared a truce, sitting on the sofa one by one, their pink faces were extremely charming.

After enjoying half an hour of head 360 massage without dead ends, Lin Fan was also very enjoyable, looking down at the little face of the pink potter, constantly twisting the slender waist and rubbing the little loli, Lin Fan touched his nose embarrassedly.

As a normal man, in the face of this situation, if there is no normal reaction, there is definitely a problem, as a person who causes trouble, it is normal to suffer.

Lowering his head and kissing Su Xiaoluo Xiaoxiao, Lin Fan said softly: “Since you want the earth element, then give you the earth element, you have this heart, I received it.” ”

After speaking, he lowered his head and kissed again, and at the same time, the earth element in his body separated into a part of the subspecies and slowly poured into Su Xiaoluo’s body.

Strictly speaking, does Su Xiaoluo prefer the earth element? Not necessarily, maybe she prefers novel abilities, or wood elements, but in order to be able to build a palace to live in as soon as possible, Su Xiaoluo chose earth element abilities.

It was very annoying to build the city wall, so the palace was delayed in construction, Su Xiaoluo was small but not small, she was very smart, so she took the initiative to take over this burden, in order to let Lin Fan not have so many troubles.

After all, the supermarket that always lives in the hospital is not a solution, who is the leader of the big power living in such a low place?

No matter whether Su Xiaoluo’s ultimate goal is to really like the earth element, or simply to help him reduce the burden, Lin Fan respects Su Xiaoluo’s choice, and at the same time, he likes this loli even more in his heart for this loli that is obviously an adult, but all aspects of his body are legal.

“Ding! Consume 1000 points, and the earth element energy is transmitted. ”

Letting go of Su Xiaoluo’s little luo, looking at the little loli with her eyes closed and exuding a faint earth element light, Lin Fan’s eyes were more gratified.

Not long after, Su Xiaoluo opened her eyes, Lv1’s earth element control had been mastered by her, and Lin Fan could feel that faint earth element energy slowly flowed from her body.

Character: Su Xiaoluo

Power: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 18

Physique: 13

Faith value: 100

Energy: Earth Elemental Control Lv1

Looking at Su Xiaoluo’s personal attributes, Lin Fan couldn’t help but smile.

Heaven is pitiful, before Su Xiaoluo, the four-dimensional attribute only intelligence above the horizontal line, up to 15 points, the remaining force sensitive body seriously failed, such a small person, want to pass the four-dimensional attribute, it is indeed a little difficult for her.

Su Xiaoluo opened his big bright eyes, looked at his hands curiously, and his eyes flashed with excitement, “From today onwards, I am also a person with divine power!” The big goblin surnamed Zhao, if you dare to bully again, I will let you know how heavy Little Lori’s punch is! ”

Saying that, Su Xiaoluo also gestured to Zhao Yanyan next to him with a small fist wrapped in earth elements.

Picked the willow eyebrows, a look of disdain flashed in Xing’s eyes, Zhao Yanyan said disdainfully: “The little girl wants to fight with her sister, it’s still far away, it’s almost the same for your sister Qi, you jump so much, can I block you in the corner and beat you in the corner one day?” At that time, if you break your throat, no one will come to your rescue! ”

Su Xiaoluo’s small face collapsed, although she was very unconvinced, but it seemed that she was really not Zhao Yanyan’s opponent, and suddenly her small face was bitter as if she had eaten a pot of bitter melon.

Li Siqi raised her head and hugged Su Xiaoluo into her arms, comforting: “Don’t worry, there is a sister covering you, she can’t bully you at all!” I tell you, when you build her own room, how ugly, how ugly, how to get it, see if she dares to bully you in the future. ”

Su Xiaoluo’s eyes lit up, and he looked at Zhao Yanyan defiantly, and the expression was proper that the dish was still strong.

“You two, it’s so vicious!” Zhao Yanyan shook her head, raised her delicate chin, hugged Lin Fan’s face and kissed it, and said proudly: “You are casual, anyway, I will sleep with the Lord in the future, you see if I go to the room you built for me, it will be over, no more, I sleep with Sister Yoyo and Sister Wanqing, little girl, you have the ability to make the eldest sister and the second sister ugly.” ”

Su Xiaoluo wrinkled his little face, his facial features were all squeezed together, snorted twice, and got into Lin Fan’s arms.

With their guts, she didn’t dare to provoke Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing, the two eldest sisters and second sisters, otherwise the fart was quasi-blooming, and Li Siqi and Zhao Yanyan could play with her, as for Mu Yueqing, this goddess of literature and art was looking at a book on the sofa that she didn’t know where to get.

The whole person sits there, like a painting, dignified and elegant, take a photo casually, can be used as wallpaper, especially the two furry cat ears, cute, dignified, elegant, wild, lazy, all kinds of temperament at will.

Su Xiaoluo’s supernatural matter was solved, Lin Fan looked at the time on the electronic watch, the time was not early, today came out of the sewer and not bathed, although no one would say anything about sleeping like this, but Lin Fan, who was used to bathing every day, always felt that something was wrong not to wash.

Especially if he didn’t need to do it himself, Li Yun and the three of them would serve him Zhou Zhou Dao, and someone would take a bath without their own effort, Lin Fan now finally understood what kind of life those emperors lived in ancient times.

Although the feudal system is very bad, in a sense, those in power are the coolest, at least Lin Fan thinks so.

“Go get ready, it’s time to take a shower and rest.”

Zhang Qiuyue, who was waiting next to him, nodded and walked into the bathroom, Yueyi people went to the master bedroom to get a dressing gown, don’t care if you don’t need it, things still have to be prepared, you can not wear them, but you must be ready, if you don’t understand this, how to be a good lady dog?

Not long after, Zhang Qiuyue came over, stood next to the sofa and said softly: “Lord, please move, the hot water has been placed.” ”

Lin Fan nodded, picked up Su Xiaoluo and put it next to him, got up and walked to the bathroom, at the door, Yueyi people knelt next to him with a bathrobe, and saw Lin Fan walk in, only then got up and followed in.

Let Li Yun and the three take off their clothes, Lin Fan walked to the bathtub and lay down, Li Yun and the three were waiting by the side, soaking almost the same, the three women walked into the bathtub and began to help Lin Fan massage and clean, for a long time, Lin Fan walked out, looked at the dazed Zhang Qiuyue, and patted the edge of the bathtub.

Then Zhang Qiuyue understood.

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