Chapter 176 is madly tempted on the brink of death

What else can Liu Xiaolu say? Now she has absolutely nothing to say, question? What more questions?

She didn’t dare to have a problem, just like Zhao Wanqing said, she didn’t want to bother, and she didn’t want to kill women, this has a premise, she doesn’t know how to lift.

Does Liu Xiaolu want to die? Of course, I don’t want to die, the ants still steal life, let alone people?

Lowered her head dejectedly, Liu Xiaolu is now a little dazed, she will be a prisoner from now on?

“Commander, the women have all been brought out, a total of 65.”

At this time, Zhou Xiuyan, who had cleaned up all the men in the house, walked out, and Zhao Wanqing looked at the women who kept coming out of the room, and ordered: “Put these women with the women next to them, and then find a safe place to settle down properly, and then let’s continue to move forward and take them along the way when we come back.” ”

The finishing work on the police station was done quickly, all the guns and ammunition in the arsenal were taken away, by the way, Liu Xiaolu and others brought their belongings and some clothes, Zhao Wanqing found a building to settle them, the police station is useless, the gates are broken, and the zombies cannot be stopped.

She didn’t want to work hard for half a day, and when she came back, all the women turned into zombies, it would be too uncomfortable!

After settling Liu Xiaolu and the others, Zhao Wanqing glanced at her and warned: “If I come back and find that you have escaped, the next time I catch you, don’t blame me for being cruel.” ”

Dropping this sentence, Zhao Wanqing quickly left the building with Zhou Xiuyan and the others, and plunged into the sea of corpses that were about to rush over.

A few kilometers away on the left, Lin Fan stopped, his gaze withdrew from the right rear, just now he felt a huge lightning energy fluctuation, as well as the terrifying vision of heaven and earth, and after a little perception, he found the movement on Zhao Wanqing’s side.

Finding that it was just a simple cleanup of a wave of zombies, Lin Fan no longer paid more attention, casually waved a spatial slash, and kept walking towards the front, and as he walked step by step, the zombies under his feet turned into flying ash.

The corpses of the zombies were destroyed, the blocked vehicles on the streets were all broken up into steel plates and piled on both sides, and in addition to the blood stains on the ground, the main road has now returned to some of its pre-apocalyptic appearance.

The sun above his head gradually tilted to the west, and before he knew it, it was already four o’clock in the afternoon, and looking at the sun that was still radiating light and heat in the sky, Lin Fan shook his head, gave up the idea of continuing to move forward, turned around and began to walk back, disappearing on the street in a few steps.

Not long after Lin Fan’s figure disappeared, some zombies that roared and rushed over rushed to the place where Lin Fan disappeared, and found that they had lost the smell of living people, and these crazy zombies gradually recovered their calm and returned to their previous scattered state.

Universal Hotel, not long after Lin Fan left, the women of the entire hotel gathered together and packed the restaurants on the 9th floor.

There are many women in the Universal Hotel, these are brought over by the Zhao brothers before, and some originally belonged to the Universal Hotel, adding up to more than a thousand people, which is a very huge number.

In the restaurant on the 9th floor, the women gathered together, their faces were dazed and afraid of the future, these women have been tortured since the end of the world, and they have become instinctively afraid of everything around them, especially when they see corpses everywhere outside, they are even more afraid.

And for Lin Fan, this unknown man, they were even more afraid, there was no lack of them who saw how Lin Fan killed those men, those men who had shouted, scolded and ravaged them wantonly were like lambs to be slaughtered in Lin Fan’s hands, without the slightest power to resist!

They did not dare to disobey Lin Fan’s order, so they all took their things, and then gathered together, waiting for their next fate.

They don’t know what they will face next, is it a new round of torture? Could it be more terrifying than these men at Universal Hotel? Or will it be a little lighter than these men? A little less torture?

They no longer dare to hope for the comfortable life before the end of the world, they only hope that they can suffer less, which is their greatest luxury!

But not all women think so, in front of the crowd, several women get together, you say something to me.

“What are we going to do? Just waiting here? Waiting for that man to come back and then pronounce our next fate? ”

Wu Yali looked at the several women in front of her, her face was full of unwillingness, after the initial period of fear, with Lin Fan’s departure, the unwillingness in Wu Yali’s heart grew like a weed.

The kind of life like a she doesn’t want to continue, before the end of the day, she is a famous female boxer on the Internet, often punching well-known big V on the Internet, kicking what stars, she carried the banner of women’s boxing, guided I don’t know how many fishing boats, at that time she was so powerful, spirited?

How many well-known people became her defeated men? But now? With the end coming and order collapsing, who cares who she really is? In the eyes of those men, she is a beautiful who can play as much as she wants!

She hated this kind of life incomparably, but she couldn’t resist those men, she could only kneel next to her and laugh, and then pray for a little food, and now the opportunity to turn over came!

The arrival of a man broke the dominance of the Zhao brothers, and all the men were killed! And after the man left a word, he was nowhere to be found.

Wu Yali is unwilling to accept such a fate, so she has to resist! She wants to take her destiny into her own hands! Instead of greeting a new round of oppression.

In the face of Wu Yali’s questioning, several women are also unwilling, they have had enough of that kind of life! They will never accept that kind of life again, they have to resist!

“Of course it is impossible, we are living people, not goods, we have our own thoughts and rights, why do those men dominate our destiny!”

“Enough! I’ve had enough of the life that doesn’t live as well as a dog! I’m going to resist! I will definitely not give in again! ”

“Yes! I will never endure the kind of life of wagging your tail and begging for mercy and being used as an outlet tool, but what are we going to do now? ”

Although she thought so in her heart, but several women did not know how to do it, taking in the expressions of several women, Wu Yali smiled in her heart, the purpose she wanted had been achieved, and the next step was to push out a few scapegoats.

If this thing succeeds, it is best, her status must be the highest in this group of women, and even later she can play these stupid women a little bit and become the king of these women!

If it fails, it doesn’t matter, anyway, it’s not her who stands up and sings the opposite, the disaster will definitely not affect her, this is the best of both worlds, and what she needs to do now is to push these fools to the foreground.

She didn’t do this kind of thing before the end of the world, and female boxers are not who wants to be right, first of all, you have to have brains, but also have vision, to understand what kind of people can not be messed with, what kind of people can step on death!

Some real high-level, or the rich these, absolutely don’t mess with it, otherwise you don’t know how you died in minutes, these high-ranking big people are not you a female boxer who wants to lash out, that is really going to die!

Do you really think that personal information will not be leaked? It’s a simple truth, why does your mobile phone number have a bunch of SMS push in every day? What game, what swipe, what promotion of this information, really think that the other party is a random dialed number, just sent to your mobile phone?

No, no, no, it’s naïve to think so! Your mobile phone number information, all mobile, telecommunications, these companies leaked to those game production companies, otherwise how can there be so much messy information?

As long as these big people want to you, you will be dug up in minutes, and then you will be fleshed, and you don’t know how to die.

People must be able to distinguish who can be messed with and who cannot be messed with!

In Wu Yali’s eyes, Lin Fan is very mysterious and belongs to the kind that cannot be messed with, she does not know Lin Fan’s character and ability at all, and she cannot judge what the consequences of death will be, so she needs some scapegoats.

It is best to be able to achieve things, she still lives moisturized, if something happens, let these brain dead go to death, and she is slowly planning something else.

Having made up her mind in her heart, looking at a few frowning women, Wu Yali smiled slightly, her thin lips hooked, and her smile was indescribably mean and gloomy.

“Dear sisters, don’t forget, those dead men outside all have guns, as long as we pick them up, don’t we have the ability to protect ourselves?” At that time, we can be completely self-sufficient and do not need to ask for help at all! ”

“In this last day, we women can also live well, who said that only men can build power? We women can too! ”

Listening to Wu Yali’s words, the women’s eyes lit up, and their hearts couldn’t stop beating rapidly, obviously they were a little moved, but thinking of Lin Fan, these women were still a little afraid.

“But what about the man? But he said he would take us away, we plan to build our own power, will he agree? ”

When the woman said this, the other two women also had a hesitation on their faces, but they saw Lin Fan’s terrible, so casually, the man next to them died, this picture was too weird and terrifying!

Seeing that these women who had more than enough success and failure wanted to retreat, Wu Yali secretly cursed a ‘waste’ in her heart, and quickly instigated: “I think it’s unlikely, otherwise, why do you think he only kills men and not women?” Besides, with so many of us women, can he still kill them all? ”

“Sisters, don’t forget that there is a saying that does not blame everyone, as long as most of us choose not to go with him, I don’t believe it, can he kill us all?”

Wu Yali’s instigation is very effective, the eyes of the three women are getting brighter and brighter, the more I think about it, the more I feel that what Wu Yali said makes sense, what about more than a thousand women in the restaurant, can that man still kill them all?

Looking at the expressions of the three women, Wu Yali added another fire.

“Think about it, he is alone, there are so many of us, as long as we pick up all those guns, at least hundreds of guns, so many of us point guns at him at the same time, and still not scare him to death? How powerful can he be? Can you fight us so many guns? ”

“Even, we can completely catch him off guard, when the time comes, why will a hornet’s nest order us?” Sisters, do you say that’s true? ”

The eyes of the three women were completely firm, and at this time, they had been completely hypnotized by Wu Yali’s words, and their swollen hearts made them forget their fears, boundless desire for freedom, and rights!

“Good! That’s it! If he dares to appear at that time, we will beat him into a hornet’s nest! ”

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