Chapter 184 The zombie crisis broke out in full force, and the imperial capital was in danger

In the central square, with the arrival of the army, the demonstrators were intimidated by the coercion of the army, and they became much quieter, and everyone knew that things had become bigger.

In the crowd, watching the arrival of the army, he knew in his heart that today’s matter was already half, and then it depended on how he pushed it, as long as he waited for those officials and masters in the central building to come out, the follow-up plan could begin.

During the long wait, Zhao Huaqiang suddenly felt that something was wrong in his body, first some cold, and then wanted to vomit, and there was still some dizziness in front of him, the sky was spinning, and the sudden situation made Zhao Huaqiang a little unconscious.

“Boss, what’s wrong with you? Look at your face is very wrong. ”

“Yes, Brother Qiang, why are you so pale? Still shaky, did you not rest well last night? ”

The two little brothers next to him found that something was not quite right, and quickly pulled Zhao Huaqiang’s arm to ask nervously.

Zhao Huaqiang only felt sick and wanted to vomit, the sound in his ears was like an echo, very noisy, so noisy that he wanted to vomit, he wanted to bite the other party to death, let the other party close, especially the shaky, he was even more uncomfortable.

However, Zhao Huaqiang still had reason, knowing that it was the two younger brothers who were talking that cared about him, and forced down the discomfort in his heart, Zhao Huaqiang waved his hand, “Don’t… Don’t touch me, don’t shake it, let me be quiet, stop talking, I’m fine. ”

Although the two little brothers were very worried, they also obediently let go of Zhao Huaqiang, but as soon as their hands were loose, Zhao Huaqiang fell down, leaning on the back of the person in front, and suddenly startled the people in front, just turned their heads and wanted to scold angrily, and saw the two people who looked bad, and instantly held back a word.

“It turned out to be two big brothers, oh… Isn’t this Brother Huaqiang? What’s going on? Did you suffer from heat stroke? It suddenly hit me and startled me. ”

The two little brothers snorted coldly, picked up Zhao Huaqiang, and scolded: “This is the morning, who will suffer from heat stroke at this time, less special nonsense, turn your head.” ”

The person in front smiled, with hatred in his eyes, and did not dare to talk nonsense, and quickly turned his head back to the front.

Seeing the man so recognized, the two younger brothers lowered their heads to look at Zhao Huaqiang and said worriedly: “Brother Qiang, Brother Qiang, what’s wrong with you?” ”

Zhao Huaqiang did not speak, his head shook irregularly twice, and then he raised it and looked at the short man on the left, but Zhao Huaqiang’s pupils were no longer black, but dead gray.

The response to the short man was no longer Zhao Huaqiang’s voice, but a low roar, and a big smack.


Teeth into the flesh, blood splattered, Zhao Huaqiang threw away the little brother next to him who had not yet returned to God, hugged the short man with both hands, tearing and biting in a big mouth, blood instantly sprayed the people behind, the people behind were frightened and stupid, they didn’t dare to move, and a smell of urine instantly wafted out.

“Bereavement…. Zombies! Zombies eat people! ”

“There are zombies! Zombies eat people! There are zombies in the crowd! ”

“Run! Run! The corpse has changed, and there are zombies eating people! ”

The shouting did not come from Zhao Huaqiang’s side, not far from the side was already chaotic, a woman who had turned into a zombie pressed a man to the ground and gnawed madly, the man kept spraying blood, his body twitched, and he saw that it was no longer possible.

Farther away, there were also zombies throwing the living to the ground, and tens of thousands of demonstrators were among the demonstrators, dozens of such things happened, and the entire central square was completely chaotic in an instant.

The demonstrators ran in all directions like crazy, looking terrified and frightened, and the army soldiers who warned around them were now all confused.

They were not deaf, of course they heard the screams, and when they saw the crowd disperse instantly, and kept rushing towards the cordon, these soldiers were all dumbfounded.

What is the situation now? Someone in the demonstrators was infected with the zombie virus? Also started biting infected? Now what? Are these rushing people going to shoot?

Kong Wenxiu’s order does not have this article, these people did not make trouble, just because of the outbreak of the zombie virus, then the question comes, do these people need to be stopped? Or is it that you can’t shoot at all?

If you don’t shoot, what if an infected person runs out? But if the shooting is fired, won’t some innocent people die in vain?

No one can afford the responsibility of shooting, the major generals at the front of the central building are all big, looking at the masses who began to scatter in an instant, they are all confused, what should I do in this special?

“Quick! Fast! Go to the retribution! ”

Some of the major generals reacted, such a big thing, they can’t be the master, and they can’t bear the responsibility, they must report it, so that the big guys above have a headache.

In fact, there is no need to report, Yang Ligong and the others in the central building have already seen what happened downstairs.

Standing next to the window, looking at the crowd that collapsed in an instant, Yang Ligong only felt a dizziness in front of him, and the figure stumbled a few steps, almost falling directly.

Kong Wenxiu saw the opportunity quickly, and quickly helped Yang Ligong, which prevented Yang Ligong from falling to the ground.

“President, you need to cheer up, and then you need to preside over the overall situation!”

Not only Kong Wenxiu, but also Zhao Zhi’an and several people also anxiously spoke, if Yang Ligong fell at this time, the imperial capital would be completely out of order.

Taking a long breath, Yang Ligong finally eased up, and said in an anxious voice: “Quick, issue an order, block the central square, immediately martial law, do not allow anyone to go out, and at the same time arrange a health team to check everyone, and those who show signs of infection are killed on the spot!” ”

When Zhao Zhi’an heard this, he was shocked, there are tens of thousands of people in the central square now, if the central square is blocked, doesn’t it mean that these tens of thousands of people will die tragically? Even if not all, at least half of them die!

Just wanted to speak, but Zhao Zhi’an held back the words that came to the side.

Yes, blocking the central square will kill at least half, but what if it is not blocked?

What happens once these people run back to the survivor settlement from the central square? There are millions of people in the entire survivor settlement, and who can be sure if these people are infected with the zombie virus?

The population density of millions of people, if a large-scale infection occurs, then the imperial capital …..

It’s gone!

Under internal and external troubles, the soldiers can’t keep it at all, and zombies have appeared on their backs, how can they keep it? If you can’t even guarantee the safety of your back, how to resist the tide of corpses?

Are these tens of thousands of people pitiful? It is not pitiful, they blindly listen to the instigation of others and storm the central office building, what a bad impact will this bring? Look at the soldiers who have been transferred back, these are all supposed to fight the tide of corpses on the front line!

Poor man, there will be something to hate! These people will eventually pay for what they did!

For the safety of more people, these people can only give up part of it! Although Zhao Zhi’an didn’t want to do it either, it was already the best way right now!

Hearing Yang Ligong’s order, Kong Wenxiu did not have any hesitation, in fact, this is also the best way in his heart, only in this way can he protect more people, these people are pathetic, pitiful and hateful!

It’s not a pity to die!

Just picked up the phone, before Kong Wenxiu could dial out, a voice came from the other end of the phone, which made Kong Wenxiu stunned.

He hasn’t dialed yet, why is there a sound over there first? There is only one possibility in this case, and that is that there is a call coming in.

At this time, nothing is as important as the current matter, Kong Wenxiu was about to hang up the phone on the spot, but the voice on the phone made his hand freeze in the air, not only Kong Wenxiu froze, but everyone in the office froze.

“Mr. President! Mr. President, it’s not good, there is a large-scale zombie virus infection in the survivor resettlement area, now the survivor resettlement area has been messed up, there are zombies biting everywhere, the president please issue an order, what should we do! ”

“Are you there, President? President? ”

Confused, Kong Wenxiu was stunned, Yang Ligong was stunned, Zhao Zhi’an was stupid, as for the chief of the police station next to him, there was no one to take care of him.

A bolt from the blue!

The voice coming from the other end of the phone was like a sledgehammer, blessed with tens of millions of tons, and fiercely bombarded the minds of Yang Ligong and others.

The terrifying waves shattered the sanity of everyone present, and now Yang Ligong and the others were echoing that sentence in their minds.

A large-scale zombie virus infection occurred in the survivor resettlement area, and the streets were full of zombies chasing people to bite!

“This…. How is this possible? Why! ”

Zhao Zhi’an muttered, completely unable to understand why this was, how could it be that in just two days, the form of the imperial capital suddenly collapsed? Obviously it was fine before!

Yang Ligong’s mind is now a muddle, the voice on the phone is very loud, even if he is a meter or two away, he can hear it clearly, if it were not for Zhao Zhi’an and their support just now, he might have fainted directly as soon as his eyes were dark.

“President, President, are you listening? Please instruct! ”

Listening to the voice coming from the phone, Kong Wenxiu turned his head to look at Yang Ligong, and he didn’t know how to speak for a while.

What can be done about this kind of thing? The survivor resettlement area is close to one million, so many people are scattered and fleeing, even if the only hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the imperial capital military region put in, it will not have much effect.

When the end broke out, did the people from the imperial military appear to kill the zombies? No! There are many, but only these less than a million people have really been saved, and even for the sake of these less than a million people, as many as 80,000 policemen and soldiers of two integrated divisions have tragically died!

This is still a quick opportunity to evacuate as soon as possible, otherwise the whole army may really be wiped out!

Zombies have no special abilities and will not evolve, even the human body of ordinary people, tanks and vehicles can easily crush, but one zombie you can crush, two zombies you can crush, but a hundred a thousand or even zombies everywhere? Is your tank still moving?

The power of the tank is very strong, that’s true, but trapped in the tide of corpses, even if you can take off on the spot, the zombies can drag you back to the ground alive!

The situation in the imperial capital collapsed instantly, there was a massive tide of corpses outside, and the internal zombie virus infection broke out, and the current imperial capital was already in danger!

Seeing that Yang Ligong did not speak, Kong Wenxiu lowered his head, and Zhao Zhi’an’s face was also full of determination.

“President, what should we do next, please instruct!”

PS: For details, refer to the zombie world war, Busan line These two have very vivid examples, the helicopter that was dragged down, the hundreds of zombies in the area did not let the locomotive almost stop, although it is not yet full speed, you keep saying that the tank is very powerful, that thing can’t fly, there is no rocket injector behind, blocked by zombies, you can start there are ghosts.

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