Chapter 199 The old driver opened his mouth to hearse drift

Zhang Qiuyue had a showdown, just like when she said it to Yueyi for the first time, she was very decisive in the showdown, and she didn’t feel any shame.

It can be said that at the beginning, she couldn’t help herself, but then she slowly sank.

Is her status low? It’s not low, the chief manager of Lv5, it can be said that in addition to the arbitration team, the entire adjudication city, even Li Fengjiao, these strongest ‘first generation’, see her bend down to salute, and respectfully call ‘General Manager Zhang’.

In terms of material conditions, she can say that she eats the best, what Lin Fan eats, what she eats, and even in life, she is a hundred times stronger than before the end of the world.

Don’t say anything else, Lin Fan is handsome, has a good figure, and has strong firepower, only when she can’t do it, when Lin Fan can’t hold it first, what else does she have to say? Isn’t this life a hundred times better than before her doomsday?

Now that it was the end of the day, she could unceremoniously say that her kind of life had exceeded ninety-five percent of the world’s women, and she could be sure that she could do anything for Lin Fan, even if she was not worth mentioning in Lin Fan’s heart.

In fact, Lin Fan would care about her, which had already made her very satisfied and moved, and after experiencing the darkest and most difficult time, she cherished her current life even more.

Zhang Qiuyue was ready to accept her daughter’s screams and swearing, or a lighter, puzzled question, but what she didn’t expect was that Qin Yuwei’s words would be so calm next.


Zhang Qiuyue was stunned, subconsciously looking at Qin Yuwei in front of her, she even had a little doubt that this in front of her was her daughter, why was she so calm? Is it brewing?

“It’s gone.”

“That’s it? That’s it? ”

What is it called? Isn’t that enough? Zhang Qiuyue subconsciously pulled Qin Yuwei’s face twice, and found that the skin was real, and couldn’t help but wonder: “Aren’t you angry?” From what I know about you, now you are probably angry and corrupted, saying something worthy of your father? Something like that. ”

Patting away Zhang Qiuyue’s hand, Qin Yuwei rubbed her face that was grabbed, and said in a low tone: “If it was me before, I would indeed say so, but now it’s the end, mom, I think it’s nothing, after all, I’ve seen more cruel, if it weren’t for Sister Qingxue, I wouldn’t know what to be dirty now, maybe I would have committed suicide a long time ago.” ”

Zhang Qiuyue’s heart jumped when she heard it, and she quickly hugged Qin Yuwei, and she felt afraid when she heard those words.

Lying in Zhang Qiuyue’s arms, Qin Yuwei enjoyed a rare tranquility, dreaming of everything she encountered in the Olin Hotel, and Zhang Qiuyue was shocked when she listened.

Looking at Mu Qingxue standing next to her with grateful eyes, Zhang Qiuyue thanked her: “Thank you, Miss Qingxue, if it weren’t for you, Wei Wei wouldn’t know what to become.” ”

Mu Qingxue shook her head when she heard this, looked at Qin Yuwei who was leaning on Zhang Qiuyue’s arms, and said in a soft tone: “You don’t need to thank me, Weiwei and I also help each other, it may be that the two of us are related, if it weren’t for Yuwei accompanying me, maybe I would have been unable to endure that kind of life in captivity.” ”

When Qin Yuwei heard this, her arm moved slightly, took Mu Qingxue’s small hand, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Looking up from Zhang Qiuyue’s arms, Qin Yuwei asked curiously, “Mom, then how were you rescued?” You are not by….”

Speaking of this, Qin Yuwei stopped, but there was no need to continue, everyone present also understood what it meant.

Zhang Qiuyue was glad in her heart, turned her head to look at Li Yun and Yueyi people, and told everything that happened before and after being rescued by Lin Fan, Qin Yuwei who listened was scared in her heart, almost ah, almost her mother was about to become…

Leng couldn’t help but see the collar and silver chain around Zhang Qiuyue’s neck, Qin Yuwei was slightly stunned, and subconsciously raised her hand to grab it, “Mom, you…”

Looking at Li Yun and Yueyiren again, both of them also had these on their necks, Qin Yuwei didn’t know what to say.

Zhang Qiuyue was not embarrassed, and said calmly: “These could have been removed, but Yiren and I didn’t take them off, this can also be regarded as a kind of fun, anyway, the Lord seems to like it, since he likes it, we have nothing to do.” ”

Zhang Qiuyue’s face was full of happiness, and Qin Yuwei and Mu Qingxue were stunned when she looked at her smile, for a long time, Qin Yuwei didn’t know that the string was wrong, and subconsciously asked: “That…. Just now, Aunt Li Yun said that helping you restore is not a fart….. What about that stock? Is that Lin Fan so powerful? I remember mom, you’re almost forty this year, didn’t you say that a woman is thirty like a wolf and forty like a tiger? ”

The happy expression on Zhang Qiuyue’s face froze on the spot, and she glared at Qin Yuwei, she found that this daughter was really a bad learner, how could she say anything without a word?

“This problem, little girl, you can know it by yourself, you are like this, you don’t know how to come to twenty.” Li Yun didn’t care so much, seeing that the atmosphere had eased down, he opened his mouth and turned Qin Yuwei’s face pale, and Mu Qingxue was also a little hung up, and her cheeks were dyed with a layer of Xunxia.

The joke started, Zhang Qiuyue took Qin Yuwei’s small hand and instructed: “Weiwei, you listen to your mother’s words, you must choose a female warrior, the female warrior is your only way out, you are not like Qingxue, only in this way can you climb higher, you know?” ”

Qin Yuwei didn’t know why, she had just come over, she didn’t know the Dao in the City of Ruling, Mu Qingxue was the same, Zhang Qiuyue was not annoyed, and carefully told them about the benefits of female warriors, and the work that the maids needed to do, listening to Mu Qingxue and Qin Yuwei, the eyes of the two women couldn’t help but widen, and Xiao Yuwei was opened into an O shape.

It’s true that what Zhang Qiuyue said is too powerful, a knife can make people infinitely stronger, fly off the wall, cut out the knife qi, and even condense the qi, and then up, isn’t it going to fly? This has become a martial arts novel!

Especially Lin Fan, the lord, can also give divine power, that kind of power cannot be explained by science, after all, the two of them have also seen it.

And the female warrior is the starting point for entering the saint from mortals, and even the fastest way to obtain divine power, and now Qin Yuwei also understands what Lin Fan said, there is no need to worry about the persecution of men.

In the entire city of judgment, there is only Lin Fan a man, and there are thousands of women, where is the fear of persecution, according to Zhang Qiuyue, thousands of people are thinking about how to persecute Lin Fan, a little green in the real sense of the thousands of flowers, Lin Fan is like that piece of Tang monk meat, everyone wants to take a bite.

“Mom, don’t worry, I will definitely work hard!”

“Well, Mom’s side will save money for you to buy Source Force Crystal, and then your strength will definitely improve very quickly, and in more than a week at most, Mother will be able to save enough money.”

Zhang Qiuyue and they also have a salary every month, in this regard, Lin Youyou will not deduct anything from them, unless one day Lin Fan admits their identity and promotes them to the arbitration team, otherwise the salary will not be less than them.

Thirty thousand a month, which is not a lot, after all, in terms of food and accommodation, Zhang Qiuyue and they don’t have to worry at all.

And a source power crystal, it is only 15,000 ruling coins, if you don’t spend it a month, you can buy two.

Society is unfair from the beginning, some people are born with a golden key, just born, standing at the end of many people’s lifetime, and this is only the beginning for them.

In the City of Ruling, this is even more so, such as Liu Mingyue, such as Ye Ruolan, and such as Mu Qingxue and Qin Yuwei.

At the beginning, they stood at the end of the struggle of most female warriors, and this was only the starting point for them.

“Yes, work hard, in fact, I am also looking forward to it, the two of Yiren mother and daughter, plus the two of you mother and daughter together….. Hmm. Before Li Yun finished speaking, he was captured by both Yueyi and Zhang Qiuyue, and this time Yueyi couldn’t bear it.

You talk when you talk, why do you pull her into the water? Okay, today, the muzzle is unanimously aimed at Zhang Qiuyue? You’re a two-five-year-old!

Holding Li Yun’s face hard, Zhang Qiuyue was almost confused, just you have a long look, right? If you don’t talk, no one will sell you as a dumb! Without thinking at all, she knew what Li Yun planned to say later.

Glaring at Li Yun viciously, Zhang Qiuyue said in a low voice: “If you talk nonsense to me again, don’t blame me for being unkind, the Lord over there you can deal with it alone.” ”

Li Yun thought for a while, Lin Fan’s combat power was really not something she could bear, and for the sake of her small life, she chose to give in.

Letting go of Li Yun, Zhang Qiuyue looked at Qin Yuwei and Mu Qingxue, who couldn’t do it, and understood without thinking about it, the two women probably understood what Li Yun meant, and took the initiative to divert the topic: “Well, there is a lot to say, Weiwei, Qingxue, you come with us, I will take you to find a room, and by the way, I will get some things.” ”

On the way to the supermarket, Mu Qingxue also saw many women working in the fields, weeding, watering, reclaiming wasteland, and some carrying things, which also allowed Mu Qingxue to see the work of the lowest Lv1.

If it wasn’t for Lin Youyou specifically finding her and arranging for her, she felt that her fate should be the same as these women, as for choosing to be a female warrior, this is not something you can choose if you want, it depends on when Lin Youyou and these high-level people are free.

If you don’t have time, you can honestly do farm work in the field for a few days, or move things, not everyone has a mother with the status of Yueyi and Zhang Qiuyue, who can go to get weapons when they are just brought back, and then determine their identity.

Lin Youyou’s words changed her life, making her suffer less than I don’t know how much, think about it carefully, in fact, the situation inside the City of Ruling is almost the same as what Lin Fan said.

There is no persecution of men, a stable life, hard work to make money, and then get everything you want, and Wu Yali should be an example, even before the end of the day, isn’t the end of the rebellion also shot? The crime of treason seems to be shot, right? Even if it wasn’t shot, the charges were great.

Mu Qingxue is trying to accept a new life, exclusive singer? As for Qin Yuwei, Mu Qingxue subconsciously glanced at this companion who had lived together for more than a month, and looked at her still transparent little ears, and her heart was also a little delicious.

What I just said should be mother and daughter together….

Mu Qingxue didn’t dare to think about it, it should all be a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding, it must be that she thought wrong.

PS: The character picture is a Yueyi person

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