Chapter 267 Soul Powers and Tampering with Consciousness

In an empty room on the third floor of the supermarket, Lin Fan sat at a desk with a relaxed demeanor, and in front of him stood thirty nervous-looking women.

Lin Youyou closed the door and slowly walked to Lin Fan’s side, putting a piece of information on the desk, “Brother Fan, these thirty women are all candidates for the new department that I selected, these women are all excellent among the maids, let’s see how it is.” ”

Looking at the thirty women in front of him who looked nervous, Lin Fan now felt like those who were in charge of the interview before the end of the day, and these thirty women were here to apply, and when he applied around with his resume, his expression and appearance were basically similar to these women.

Shaking his head to shake off the idle thoughts in his mind, Lin Fan opened the document and looked at the information on the first page, Lin Fan looked up and said, “Who is Wang Dan?” ”

Among the thirty women, the woman standing on the far left of the first row was an agitated spirit, and quickly stepped forward, “Lord, I am Wang Dan.” ”

The woman named Wang Dan in front of her is one meter seven meters tall, wearing an OL suit, tall posture, thin waist and fat hips, and her appearance and temperament are very good, it can be seen that Lin Youyou is also carefully selected in this regard, not casually a woman with good performance, at least the appearance and figure must pass.

With both eyes staring, the thoughts in Wang Dan’s heart were immediately perceived by Lin Fan.

(The expression of the Lord is so scary, so nervous, I don’t know if I can become a senior person this time, I must choose ah, I don’t want to see the orchard all the time)

There is nothing noteworthy in this woman’s mind, but it is understandable that any woman wants to climb up.

Character: Wang Dan

Power: 8

Agility: 9

Intelligence: 12

Physique: 10

Faith value: 82

The attribute of an ordinary woman is very normal, the only thing that makes Lin Fan’s attention is the faith value of 82 points, the faith value of 82 points is not low, but it is definitely not high, it can only be said that it will not be easily betrayed, but after holding the power, whether the idea will change, do something that is beneficial to himself and encroach on the city of judgment, it is really not certain.

The vast majority of people are selfish, driven by certain interests, it is normal to go on a crooked road, and the fluttering feeling of holding power in your hands is easy to make people do something irrational.

At that time, don’t say the faith value of 82 points, even if it is 92 points, it is likely to make mistakes, at least above 95, there is a guarantee, as for the full value of 100 points, this Lin Fan does not dare to think about it.

These are not female warriors, the maid does hard work every day, don’t say it on the surface, maybe how to scold him in his heart, the passing line of faith is not less than 60 points, Lin Fan is going to snicker, full value does not need to think about it at all.

On the whole, this Wang Dan is still okay, he looks beautiful and has a good figure, his temperament is also very good, and his faith value is also high, which is already a high-quality talent.

“I have read your information, it is very good in all aspects, and the new department is very suitable for you.”

Wang Dan was still apprehensive in his heart, and suddenly heard Lin Fan’s words, boundless joy rose in his heart, and he knelt down on the ground excitedly, looked up at Lin Fan and said gratefully: “Thank you, Lord!” Thank you Lord, the work of the new department, the subordinates will definitely work hard! Don’t let the Lord down! ”

Wang Dan was excited and couldn’t help himself, but as he spoke, Wang Dan felt that Lin Fan’s eyes were like a whirlpool, which made her consciousness a little unconscious and began to become blurry, and the whole person was muddy, and her gaze gradually became distracted.

The soul energy was activated, Lin Fan easily invaded Wang Dan’s mind, and in the dark world, Wang Dan’s figure held his hands in front of Hun with his hands closed, his eyes slightly closed, and his body exuded a faint light.

Lin Fan’s mind stepped forward, raised his hand and pressed it on Wang Dan’s forehead, soul energy poured into her consciousness body, and said softly: “From now on, unconditionally believe in Lord Lin Fan, unconditionally believe in the City of Ruling, will not do anything unfavorable to the City of Ruling, everything is the highest priority for the interests of Lord Lin Fan and the City of Ruling, for which you are willing to give your life.” ”

Lin Fan’s order was imprinted in the deepest part of Wang Dan’s soul, and after doing all this, Lin Fan withdrew his hand, admired Wang Dan’s unobtrusive consciousness, and asked, “Who is the most important person in your heart?” ”

“My Lord, Lin Fan.” Wang Dan’s consciousness body with his eyes closed opened his mouth like a dream.

“Will you do something that harms the interests of the City of Adjudication?”

“It won’t…. The city of judgment is my everything, and I will protect it with my whole life, and no one can destroy it. ”

“I ask you, how important is your Lord in your heart?”

“My Lord is above all else, and I can die without hesitation for the sake of the Lord.”

Listening to Wang Dan’s dream-like voice, Lin Fan nodded with satisfaction, a person can lie, but her soul, her deepest consciousness will not.

Satisfied, he withdrew from Wang Dan’s sea of consciousness, and after Lin Fan’s mind left, Wang Dan’s scattered gaze gradually solidified, and the figures reflected under his eyes were all Lin Fan.

Wang Dan didn’t know what happened, she seemed to be in a trance just now, but after that, she seemed to feel that Lin Fan’s importance in her heart suddenly increased, so important that she couldn’t give up at all, she couldn’t tolerate what she did that was harmful to Lin Fan, and there was even a feeling that Lin Fan let her die, and she didn’t hesitate at all.

Wang Dan felt ridiculous in her heart, this feeling was very strange, how could she die for others? What’s wrong with her? But as ridiculous as it may be, I don’t know why, this thought is like taking root in the head, and it cannot be erased at all.

Wang Dan felt very strange and wanted to shake off this thought, but strangely, as time went on, her thought became weaker and weaker, and even a feeling emerged in her heart that this idea was very right and normal.

It’s like there is a voice in her head that is hypnotizing her all the time, telling her not to struggle, it’s right to think so, it’s right to do this, everything about her is given by Lin Fan, and it was Lin Fan who rescued her from the sea of suffering and gave her a good life, in order to repay this kindness, she did this very correctly and deservedly!

How entangled Wang Dan’s heart is, how chaotic his thoughts are, Lin Fan can know just by looking at her expression, that strange, stunned, struggling look is clearly shown on his face, and under his observation, Wang Dan’s belief value has also been directly promoted to 100, not 100, but jumping back and forth between 99 and 100.

At the beginning, the frequency of beating was relatively fast, but as the time passed by second, this beating became slower and slower, and the time to maintain 100 points became longer and longer, until half a minute later, the expression on Wang Dan’s face was completely frozen, it was an unwavering, even decisive expression.

It seems that everything can be sacrificed for something, including the attitude of life.

At this time, the belief value on Wang Dan’s panel was also completely locked at 100 points, and it did not change for half a minute, and only one minute passed from the beginning of Lin Fan’s change of Wang Dan’s soul consciousness to the current complete change.

In just this minute, Lin Fan turned a woman with a faith value of only 82 points into a diehard loyalist, into a maid who took him and the City of Ruling as the highest priority, and could even die for him and the City of Ruling!

This is the horror of soul power!

The soul power changed Wang Dan’s thoughts and changed her beliefs, and this change was not directly turned into a puppet, Wang Dan still has his own sober personality and consciousness, exactly the same as before without any change, but in her heart, Lin Fan and the City of Ruling have been placed in the first and second positions, followed by herself.

With a faint smile on his face, looking at Wang Dan kneeling on the ground, Lin Fan had an indescribable sense of accomplishment in his heart, and he had soul powers, Lin Fan could safely pass on his powers, so that these brainwashed maids could vigorously develop the city of judgment.

Whether it is the underground sewers, or the farmland and breeding farms on the ground, these can be handed over to these maids to get, and he and Zhao Yanyan can completely get out.

These thirty maids were just the beginning, and there would be more maids joining the department later, Lin Fan found that what he thought was too simple, too superficial, and he missed something.

Wood element energy is not only to promote the role of plants, wood element energy can also heal injuries, can dissolve zombie viruses, can get a branch of the medical department, the agricultural department is specifically responsible for planting in the city, and the medical department can follow the team out, if someone is injured, you can treat it as soon as possible.

Now it is still developing in the magic capital, it is good to say, in the future, out of the magic capital, go to other cities so far, if there is no medical team to follow, the female warriors will inevitably be killed and injured, each female warrior is piled up by resources and time, can die as little as possible, do not die.

But this matter can be talked about tomorrow, today Lin Youyou has been busy for a day, and she can’t let her go out to pick people at night.

“Your faithfulness, I have received, now you get up and stand by the side.” Retracting his thoughts, Lin Fan raised his hand and gently waved Wang Dan up from the ground.

After letting Wang Dan stand next to him, Lin Fan turned to the second page and shouted, “Which is Wu Jingjing?” ”

Named and the first row was near the middle, and a cute woman walked out.

Lin Fan was full of information, one by one, it can be seen that Lin Youyou has indeed put a lot of hard work into selecting women, these selected women have faith values above 80 points, and their appearance and figure are also different, not to mention anything else, in terms of eye-catching, it is really good.

Just like Wang Dan, Lin Fan brainwashed these thirty women one by one, implanting the idea of absolute belief in him, in this kind of thing, Lin Fan will not be sloppy, gambling mentality is not possible, obviously can be solved simply, why do you have to gamble?

Human nature is the most forbidden to test, direct brainwashing, once and for all, saving other troubles.

After the brainwashing, the next step is to teach the powers!

However, this time the teaching ability is different from usual, these women do not need to go out to kill zombies, so they have to make some changes accordingly, and this change is also what Lin Fan wants.

“Wang Dan, come here.”

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