Doomsday: I Broke Plants Vs. Zombies

Chapter 1 Activate the system, Plants vs. Zombies!

‘Emergency broadcast, red warning, huge sandstorms hit our city, please pay attention when you travel! ’

‘Emergency broadcast, red warning, super cold air hits our city, please pay attention when you travel! ’

Early in the morning, the citizens of Chunfeng City ushered in great news.

Because of successive bad weather, they were able to rest for several days.

In Chunfeng City at this time, it was called a little less traveled, and most of them were in their own homes.

However, there was a figure that attracted the attention of shop owners.

"Su Lin, the wind and sand are so big, why are you running out!?"

Across the glass door, a tea shop owner mumbled loudly.

"Buy something!" Su Lin stepped forward against the wind and frost.

"Hahaha, I'm afraid it's not stupid. Even if I ran out in this weather, Daddy's Maybach didn't dare to drive on the road."

The other bosses laughed loudly.

However, Su Lin ignored the laughter, and walked into a shop.

This shop is the only supermarket in the surrounding area that is still open.

The gate is fully prepared for wind and sand.

"Boss, do you have melon seeds?"

"Yes, how much do you want."

Surin threw a big sack directly and "filled it up"

Not only the boss is stupid, but even the few rare customers are a little confused.

Isn't this young man here to make trouble?

Want a big bag of melon seeds?

"Have you?" Su Lin said anxiously.

"Yes, yes," the boss nodded hurriedly.

"Okay, you send it to this address."

"But the weather now... has to add money"

"No problem." Su Lin nodded and swiped the card directly. For Su Lin, it would be a big deal to max out this credit card, dare to dare, anyway... no need to pay it back.

Then he walked non-stop to the second shop.

A pork stall.

"Ten catties of refined meat, fat, and cartilage, cut into scumbags, don’t see any fat on it."

As soon as these words came out, the boss was so angry that he patted the table on the spot and said, "Are you really picky!?"

Su Lin was so good at talking nonsense, he threw away 10,000 yuan, "Is it enough?"

"Uh..." The boss stared at Surin with a look of idiots.

I murmured in my heart, ‘I’m afraid this guy’s brain is broken. ’


The boss directly performed the exquisite knife work, and the cut was done quickly.

The boss joked when he saw that Su Lin was so happy

"Boy, don't you be frightened by the weather, thinking that the end of the world is coming? Please, 2012 has passed, and the end of the world will not come."

Su Lin was stunned after listening, a trace of heart palpitations flashed in his eyes, and his body trembled.

"It doesn't matter if you come or not. Anyway, you won't believe it. If you believe it, it's useless."

After Su Lin finished purchasing, he left here.

The origin of the palpitations is because... Within a few hours, the world will usher in a tremendous change.

The sandstorm and cold current at this time are just a prelude.

In a few hours, the earth’s crust will explode. Although the actual impact is not significant, it will release an extremely harmful ‘earth nuclear radiation’.

This radiant gas is about to sweep the world.

It has polluted the world's water resources and eroded land resources.

In the end, all the plants and animals that are grown in the world will be cultivated.

Poisonous changes have taken place-long-term food, sickness.

This process lasted for more than half a year, until it broke out completely.

People didn't notice it at first, and they were still wasting food until...the first person to starve to death appeared.

And this kind of radiation also makes plants and animals produce abnormal changes.

Human beings are caught in a major food crisis, not only that, but also fighting with upgraded animals and plants.

As for Su Lin, he had experienced this disaster firsthand. He who starved to death, miraculously traveled back to the days before the disaster.

Even more miraculously, he even got a system.

Just to activate the system, he has to get busy.

That's why he bought so many vegetables, rice, drinking water, melon seeds, and pork all at once.

"This system is really troublesome... but if it can be activated smoothly, I will definitely survive the next catastrophe, right?"

Then he ran towards the delivery location.

There were very few taxis on the road, and it took him a lot of money to get one.

Unexpectedly, after getting off the bus, I met Zhang Tianhu, my former university classmate.

Su Lin didn't even say hello, so he hurried away.

When he first came back from rebirth, he also reminded these ‘old friends’.

But his kindness and kindness were only regarded as a shameful joke.

Some people even regarded him as a ‘lunatic’.

After this encounter, Surin felt something.

Just take care of yourself, and other people's affairs have nothing to do with him.

Chunfeng City, suburbs.

All the things I bought before have been delivered.

But Su Lin moved them quickly to place them.

Don't hurry up, you have to be blown away by the wind and sand.

He bought seven things in total, rice, drinking water, sunflowers, melon seeds, fertilizer, corn, and even pork.

After placing the last thing neatly, he put his hands together and prayed sincerely

"System, I have assembled the so-called "Seven Dragon Pearl" as required, so come out, system, activate, system!"

Surin was alive and well, like a Tiehan Han, bracing the violent wind and sand.

Even the individual can't stand firm, and is still making a declaration like the second class.

Thanks to the system, he gave him a face, and after a click of lightning, it hit the ground.

Great changes have taken place on the ground.

A small farm appeared out of thin air!

"En!?" Su Lin was stunned, and the ensuing information overwhelmed him.

"Ding, congratulations on awakening the "Plants vs. Zombies" system"

‘Ding, I have obtained four plots of land for planting. Each plot of land can only plant one kind of plant. If you want to plant it again, you need to eradicate it before you can plant it. ’

‘Ding, the plants grown are all edible and will not be affected by any radiation, poison, etc. ’

‘Ding, the initial reward is 450 sunshine points. Please explore how to obtain sunshine points. ’

‘Ding, please use a variety of plants and take care of the farm to unlock more land and more plants. ’

‘Ding, the system is still to be explored, please pay attention. ’


Looking at the small flat house in front of him and the surrounding land, Surin just wanted to complain...

"What the hell... Plants vs. Zombies!?"

"I worked so hard to collect seven things for summoning, I thought it was a dragon!?"

"It doesn't matter if you have a steel refuge..."

By now, Su Lin had to obediently admit his fate.

[System: Plants vs. Zombies]

[Level: Small Farm LV1]

【Plant: None】

【Sunshine Points: 450】

【Planting Land: 9】

【Defensive value: 100100】

【Experience value: 0100】

【Ability: Extraction】

[Unlocked plants: sunflower, pea shooter, vertical fruit, potato bud, cabbage shooter]

[Unlocked drawings: none]

‘Ding, activate successfully, reward a pea shooter’.

Sure enough, a pea shooter appeared on an empty land.

Seeing it so cute.

Seeing this, Su Lin couldn't help reaching out and touching it.

But who would have thought that it seemed to be crazy, shooting frantically, indiscriminately.

"What the hell..." Just as Su Lin was extremely depressed.

And at this moment, there was a violent vibration on the ground...

Not an ordinary earthquake, but a vibration from the depths of the earth's crust, instantly... the sky and the earth burst!

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