Doomsday: I Broke Plants Vs. Zombies

Chapter 54 Body Tempering

"Just last night." Director Liu on one side said, "Last night we scared us to death. With a puff, you passed out. When we went to hug you in, your body was so hot..."

"Yes, it can be described as'piping hot'"," Zhang Jiajia added.

"If it wasn't too late, and seeing your body temperature slowly drop, I would have taken you to the hospital long ago." Liang Xing pouted, his eyes full of worries for Su Lin.

Until then.

Su Lin just noticed.

Everyone is surrounded by them, watching Own's eyes are full of care.

"Hahaha..." Surin scratched the back of his head embarrassedly.

He himself didn't know what happened last night.

A coma, but also worried about everyone's hearts.

But this is also normal.

After all, in the final analysis, Surin is the ‘master’ of this farm.

And only he can grow plants on the field.

Used to resist zombies at night.

At this time, there was only one pea shooter outside.

If Surin can’t wake up until night and the zombies come again...

What can I do then is good.

At least.

Director Liu’s two students, "Xiao Hong" and "Xiao Wang", have already begun to imagine what to do tonight.

If it doesn't work...

Then steal the dry food reserves here, and then leave!

Anyway, it's better than waiting to die here! ?

Fortunately, Surin was still awake.

This wakes up.

Let everyone's hanging hearts fall safely.

"I'm sorry, I made everyone worry, I don't know what's wrong, so I suddenly passed out..."

Su Lin wanted to tell the story of'tempering'.

But at the thought of explaining what anime world, Konoha Village, Naruto and so on.

He also intends to fool around casually.

"I think it should be okay, making you worry about it."

at this time.

A grunt came.

Surin looked at Own's belly embarrassedly, "Hahaha, I just happen to be hungry..."

"Then come for dinner, it just happened to be ordered for lunch."

Su Yue carefully helped Su Lin up and brought him to the side of the dinner table.

Everyone also processed and cooked the food in the refrigerator, and prepared a sumptuous lunch.

Su Lin wanted to stand up and help

But Su Yue directly pressed it on the table, "Brother, you just wake up, just take a good rest."

‘This... Okay. ’

Su Lin shrugged helplessly.

Although he just woke up.

But he has an inexplicable ‘caring’.

It didn't look like a ‘patient’ who passed out suddenly.

He could feel that there was an unknown energy in his body, which was constantly sweeping and jumping in his body.

This is a kind of ‘comfort’ that is difficult to express in words.

It seems that the whole world is quite transparent.

It's like...Ren and Du's two channels have been opened up?

Surin had to use his own words to describe this feeling.

At this time, he just wanted to take a long run and take a look at own physical fitness.

His instinct told him that I am afraid that the current world champion is not his opponent.

In addition to the abundance of physical strength, agility in movement.

He also felt that his own biceps had grown a lot, I'm afraid...

Su Lin glanced at Curator Liu subconsciously.

"Perhaps..." Su Lin thought silently in his heart, ‘If I challenge Director Liu again at this time, I... can I win? It turns out that this tempering means this, a large-scale Ascension body function, tut...’

After harp, Su Lin was moved by hunger.

So I followed a few people and feasted on it.

After a big meal.

Several people are also busy with their own affairs.

Before Su Yue went up to the second floor, she looked at Su Lin specially, "Brother, you will rest well today, don't go anywhere, you know?"

Su Yue said in a "mother-in-law" tone.

Su Lin felt the seriousness in Su Yue's tone.

He had no choice but to curl his lips.

If Su Yue talks to herself in this tone...

Apart from nodding obediently and not irritating him, he had no other choice.

But the promise goes to the promise, whether to do or not is another matter.

Three plants were unlocked.

Surin had to hurry up to collect materials.

Not to mention the Tier 2 Zombies that will appear tonight.

What is the so-called ‘topographic change’.

All these require Surin to hurry up, Ascension strength.

However, the most urgent task is to quickly advance the plants on hand.

After making a big deal.

How can you be worthy of your own hard work if you don't squander it?

At this time, Su Lin was sitting on the sofa obediently.

Seeing this, Su Yue smiled relievedly and left with confidence.

Su Lin didn't know that Su Yue had already left. He was immersed in the "Plant Advanced Shop" that came with the system.

First, backhand all the sunshine points into ‘gold coins’.

Then methodically check what can be done at this time.

"Mamma Mia..." Su Lin pursed his mouth.

did not expect.

Tier 3 plants, the number of gold coins needed to advance to Tier 4 plants...

It is an astronomical number.

Even Su Lin, who was already rich, could not advance a Tier 3 plant to a Tier 4 plant with all his wealth.

Without any choice.

Su Lin had to start with those low-level plants.


[Unlocked plants: sunflower, pea shooter, vertical fruit, potato bud, cabbage shooter, frozen lettuce, torch stump, charm mushroom, kiwi, boomerang shooter, vegetable question, energy flower, dragon grass]

[Unlocked drawings: cherry bomb, steel ground thorn, power green tea]


[Plant advancement: Pea shooter (third-order), cabbage shooter (third-order), sunflower (second-order), kiwi (second-order), nuts (second-order), frozen lettuce (second-order), Caiwen (second-order) )】

"Get the fire dragon grass up first." Looking at the unlocked plant.

Surin has made a decision.

In order to cope with the next so-called ‘topographic changes’.

Plants like fire dragon grass that have the ability to deal with intensive zombie attacks are surprisingly the first choice.

It's not enough to get to the second level, go on!

Tier 3 Fire Dragon Grass!

'Ding! Congratulations on your success! Fire Dragon Grass (Tier 2), get ‘Dragon Breath’! ’

'Ding! Congratulations on your success! Fire Dragon Grass (Tier 3), get ‘breath enhancement’! ’

Of course, there is also an advanced standard, 50% full-attribute Ascension.

The dragon's breath can make the fire dragon grass spit out blue flames with a 50% probability.

Compared with the original red flame, the blue flame is not only a change in appearance color, but also a significant Ascension in attack power, 75% Ascension in attack power!

And the third-tier skill ‘breath enhancement’...

It also avoids the 50% chance of triggering!

Directly up, the flames fired by the fire dragon grass are all blue flames!

Offensive ability, that is an upset!

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