Lin Xiao's meeting with Qu Zhengyang did not last long, and it ended before the Zhang brothers were invited to come.

Both are smart people, and a lot of things don't need to be completely reasonable.

After resting in the villa area for another two days, Lu Shiyu and others also came to the villa area in an RV to meet.

Unlike when Lin Xiao left the RV, there were more survivors here than before, and they were rescued one after another on the way here.

Because the surrounding area has been cleared, there is no rush to set off.

More than 2,000 people spent the fifteenth day of the first lunar month together in the villa area, and that night was lit up as if the end of the world had never come.

As soon as Lu Shiyu arrived at the villa area, his whole person hung on Lin Xiao's body.

In the past few days, her heart is full of thoughts.

It seems that only by getting tired together can she feel more at ease.

That same night, the girl had a full examination of her boyfriend.

After several nights of physical examination, even if Lin Xiao had become a second-order lifeform, he was slightly overwhelmed.


On the morning of the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the team that was probing on Songshan Lake finally returned to the villa area.

After listening to Lin Er's narration, Lin Xiao decided to personally lead the team to go to the lake to choose the location to build the camp.

He decided to bring some people with him first, but there were some difficulties in selecting people.

The main thing is the problem of high-end combat power, and the strongest besides himself should be the third-order mutant Xia Shanshan.

Further down, the fault is more serious.

Neither Lin Yi nor Lin Er has grown up yet, and they can't really be independent.

Since it was decided to build camps to house survivors.

Then the security of these two thousand people cannot be ignored.

The smell and sound of so many people will inevitably cause monsters to salivate.

These days, Lin Xiao sat on his own, and the coercion exuded from his body made the zombie groups and mutants wandering from other places dare not step forward.

However, he will personally lead the team to Songshan Lake to find a suitable place to build a camp, and will not take all the people away at once.

Then the safety of most of the rest needs to be taken care of.

If you think about it, you can only leave Xia Shanshan to sit.

But Xia Shanshan is a zombie, and naturally there is no way to replace Lin Xiao as a temporary speaker.

So this time he still needs to keep Lu Shiyu.

After discussing with Qu Zhengyang, Lin Xiao set off with a squad of thirty people.

Among the thirty were Lin Er, who had just returned from Songshan Lake, a group of ten soldiers, four Ma Zhiyi, and construction workers selected from among the survivors.

It is worth mentioning that the four of Ma Zhiyi took the initiative to go together.

They thought that following Lin Xiao's side could help him a little.

Several people are no longer the rookies they were at the beginning, all four have awakened their powers and Liu Zhichao has become a first-order lifeform.

This really surprised Lin Xiao a little.

But these are episodes, not worth a damn.

Now the group is hiking on the frozen Songshan Lake.

The heavy snow for several days made the lake completely white, and if it weren't for Lin Er's special ability, everyone would have no possibility of moving forward.

In this silvery white environment, ordinary people can quickly get lost without suitable references.

Lin Er's ability is a magnetic field, and compared to Lin Yi's thunder power, this ability is even difficult to develop an attack ability.

But in this directionless situation, the magnetic field becomes the most accurate way to locate the direction.

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