"Brother Lin, get it!" Although the little fat man said that he was done, his figure was very embarrassed.

Not only was his face beaten into panda eyes, but his clothes also looked messy.

But he didn't go into the kitchen for a few minutes.

Lin Xiao was curious about what had happened in the past few minutes.

"Get a fart, you dead pervert!" the two female employees in the kitchen followed, and the girl in her twenties cursed with a red face.

"Me, me. The little fat man was a little speechless, and sighed: "Alas..." The

thirty-eight-nine-year-old woman covered her mouth and straightened on the side, glancing at the crotch of the little fat man from time to time.

Lin Xiao looked at the performance of the three, and his thoughts were completely crooked.

Could it be that this Liu Zhichao was a fast gunman, and

then looked at the little fat man with a mocking look.

"Brother Lin, what kind of eyes are you?" Liu Zhichao was puzzled: "But I brought them out according to your request."

At this time, the two girls who came out of the kitchen looked at Lin Xiao in unison.

"You let him in and play hooligans?" the young woman questioned.

"Playing hooligans?" Lin Xiao and several people were a little surprised, this product was really playing hooligans?

Liu Zhichao then understood why he was beaten one by one, and his face instantly turned crimson.

"Listen to me. The little fat man hurriedly spoke

: "I didn't play hooligans!" "

You didn't play hooligans, you undressed as soon as you entered the house, you still have, you still..." The woman's chest rose and fell sharply, as if she had made some determination: "You still want to rip off my pants!" Lin

Xiao and the others were completely blinded, this Liu Zhichao is a perverted porn maniac?

"I, I, I..." He said three mes for a long time, and didn't hold out a whole sentence.

"Hahaha. The woman who was less than thirty hid her face and smiled: "Promise, this little fat man has some capital, you can't lose money when you see it." "

Sister Zhao, you..." The girl called Xu Xu lowered her eyelids, her eyelashes trembled for no reason, and her already red face spread to the roots of her ears.

"Ahem!" Lin Xiao interrupted the headless tiger wolf's words: "What the hell is going on."

When I went in, I saw that the two of them were very nervous, so I tried to prove that I was not infected by zombies. Liu Zhichao looked serious.

"So, you undressed?" "

Well, take it off so they can see if there are no wounds."

Lin Xiao was completely convinced, he thought he was a social, but he didn't expect to be a pure second product: "Then you pick up the girl's pants?"

"I also have to see if they haven't been bitten by zombies, they are all apocalyptic, and everything must be cautious." "Liu Zhichao is righteous.

Lin Xiao was helpless, and suddenly felt that the plot was somewhat similar.

Looking at Lu Shiyu, she once again transformed into a boiling bubble teapot Ji.

After some explanation, the misunderstanding was solved, and the two women were young called Xu Nuo 21 this year, and the older one was called Zhao Huizi 28 this year.

After introducing each other, it was learned that both women were staff members of the service area.

Zhao Huizi and the two are both from Spring City, and as soon as they heard that these people who rescued them were going to Spring City, they immediately begged to accompany them.

Lin Xiao acquiesced, and after that, several people began to collect the materials they could take.

During the period, Xu promised to walk in front of Liu Zhichao and step on his foot fiercely.

And Zhao Huizi has been pestering Ma Zhiyi to ask the east and west.

Xu Nuo secretly asked her: "Sister Zhao, why do you always follow that stuffy gourd."

Zhao Huizi showed her true colors as a female satyr, pinched the promised little buttocks and said, "Sister, I like to be dry and thin." Of

course, the two of them avoided people when they said this, otherwise Lin Xiao would definitely take Zhao Huizi into the RV.

Introduce Che Yanan to her, these two sisters must have a common topic.

Just when Lin Xiao and the others loaded the car and prepared to stay in the employee lounge for one night.

A convoy of military armored vehicles drove to the service area.

After Lin Xiao saw it, he instructed Xiao Hei and Xiao Xuan, the two mutant beasts, to return to the RV and not to show up first.

Then, taking advantage of the fact that everyone was not paying attention, he took out some supplies from the backpack bar and scattered them in the supermarket.

By this time, the convoy had already driven into the parking lot in the service area.

Ten cars were parked neatly in the parking space, and two people got out of the car at the head.

One of them was on alert with a gun, while the other made several gestures to the car behind.

The doors of the third and fourth vehicles were wide open, and each vehicle quickly descended eight heavily armed soldiers.

After assembling in front of the car, they divided into two groups and headed for the restaurant and the supermarket under the leadership of the two people who got out of the first car.

In the face of these heavily armed soldiers, several people who were resting nervously stopped their movements.

Lin Xiao put the bone spear away in the backpack bar, but fortunately he had just simply wiped the blood stains on his body.

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