Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 168 The blockade is lifted!

[The blessing was successful, and the unknown fairy cast a mysterious look at you: she looked at you and quickly moved her eyes away, and blessed you. ]

[You have obtained the ultimate luck, duration: two minutes. ]

In the single room of the prison, Lin Qun sat on the bed, looking at the words on the card that appeared in front of him, very excited.

As expected...

Directly prayed successfully and got good luck!

Of course, it is possible that Lin Qun’s declaration of fighting for mankind last time moved this fairy...

Because this unknown fairy is suspected to have a great connection with the human race...

Of course, that is all later.

Lin Qun can now use this ultimate luck to draw cards.

In the past seven days, Lin Qun has been practicing with concentration. Because the Bakatans have withdrawn, Lin Qun has no alien civilization to kill, so he can only choose to practice by himself.

His contribution point increase depends entirely on the gift of ranking.

For the same reason, the global battlefield detected that there was only one civilized creature in the Magic City, and the Bakatan civilization seemed to have submitted an application to withdraw from the Magic City battlefield and lift the blockade of the Magic City in advance. The battle in the Magic City was judged to be over, and the overall ranking in the Magic City was gone, leaving only one regional ranking.

Although Lin Qun ranked first, the regional ranking, even if it was first, only had 30 contribution points a day. In seven days, seven firsts, a total of 210 contribution points were obtained.

Combined with what Lin Qun had left before, and minus the contribution points that Lin Qun used to upgrade the first level of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art, he had a total of 545 contribution points left. If he couldn't do anything else, he could use it to draw a card.

At this moment, with extreme luck in hand, Lin Qun also immediately spent 500 contribution points and started drawing cards.

After deducting 500 contribution points, there were still 45 contribution points left.

Extreme luck, the card drawn is the card at the cap level of the card pool!

This time, it was no exception.

[Name: Kirby's Mysterious Magnifying Glass]

[Type: Item Card]

[Item Card Grade: B-Class]

[Description: Use this card to obtain a mysterious magnifying glass from Kirby to find evidence of "not being a human". After confirming and locking onto a "not being a human" target, you can activate this magnifying glass to emit a beam of light, providing a significant lighting effect, and giving it a continuous, random negative buff (the duration depends on the energy intensity of the target being illuminated, and can affect targets with more than three times the energy of the user). ]

[Is it materialized? ]


Lin Qun blinked.

Looking at the things drawn on this card, it was a familiar Kirby... emoticon?

That was one of the classic emoticons of Kirby in the world that Lin Qun traveled to.

That is, Kirby is holding a magnifying glass, and there is a line of text below: I can't find any evidence that you are a human.

This is an emoticon that will never appear in this world, because there is no Kirby game in this Blue Star world.


Can I still draw an emoticon as a skill?

Lin Qun's mouth twitched.

This card was gradually emerging in his palm.

However, the effect of this card still looks a bit exaggerated. It can directly affect the target and deduct a random negative buff.

This random buff is a bit thought-provoking.

A flat fall buff is a negative buff, and a seven-step poison is also a negative buff.

However, looking at this B-level rating, it is unlikely to be just a flashlight.

Maybe it can play an unexpected role.

It's just that this is not the definition of human beings, and it's also very vague!

Lin Qun pondered: "Alien life, animals and plants should not be, then there are some guys who are defined as not human?"

When he thought of this, he suddenly reacted, maybe he could try it now!

Don't try it on people, you can try it on objects.

Lin Qun immediately materialized this thing.

This magnifying glass itself is not big, and the mirror is really similar to that old-fashioned handheld flashlight, but it obviously has no light-emitting components and does not need batteries. From the appearance, it is just an ordinary magnifying glass.

Until Lin Qun used it to shine on one side of the table leg.

A scene that surprised Lin Qun happened.

The mirror of the magnifying glass began to glow and flicker, and then, like some kind of electronic detection equipment, a row of words appeared.

[Tactical scanning. ]

[Analyzing. ]

[Confirmed. ]

[The target is not a person! ! ]

Cartoonized words appeared in rows, and there were two large exclamation marks in the style of Kirby after the last sentence.

So the next moment...

The flashlight suddenly shot out a beam of light, covering the table leg in front.

Apart from anything else, the light was quite sufficient, much brighter than ordinary flashlights.

Lin Qun was judging in his mind.

Then, another word appeared.

[Target locked. ]

[Negative buff confirmed. ]

[Accelerated corrosion! ]

Under the bright light, the wooden table leg decayed rapidly in less than two seconds, and turned directly into a pile of rotten debris, and the table collapsed in half!

Dust and smoke rose.

Lin Qun took a step back.

As expected, even if the target was not a human, it would be effective directly.

If it were shot directly on a person and this buff was randomly obtained, wouldn't it be possible to turn a living person into a pregnant woman in a matter of minutes?

Not only that, but other parts of the entire wooden table that were not exposed to the irradiation also began to corrode at this moment. It should be completely finished in another minute or two.

The air began to smell of decay.

Sure enough, B-level cards are no joke.

Moreover, this thing does not even have a cooling time, and does not require the consumption of dark energy and energy.

Lin Qun put it away well.

Under special circumstances, this thing may be effective. In particular, it is not only effective on living creatures, but also effective on items.

This "not a human being" means not a human being in a broad sense.

If he faced Bakatan's giant sailing ship, he might not need to resort to any violent means, he could just take a photo...

Lin Qun laughed a little when he thought of this.

Where are the Bakatan people in this magical city now?

Even if they can be encountered, it should be in the future.

After all, on the civilized battlefield, the remaining Bakatans are nowhere to be found.

Of course, you don't need to be on the giant sailing ship of the Bakatan people. You can also get miraculous effects when encountering the equipment of other civilizations in the future.

Lin Qun stood up.

I changed my clothes and walked out of my room.

After these seven days of rest, Lin Qun has recovered well, and all his attributes have been maxed out. Because of his special identity and strong strength, his daily breakfast, lunch and dinner are even the pre-apocalyptic standards, including hot water. You can take a bath.

Even though the Bakatan people have now left the Demon City, such treatment is unimaginable to the vast majority of people in the Demon City.

After all, the foundations of the city have been virtually destroyed.

If the military wants to coordinate and manage these millions of people so that everyone does not starve to death, it is already very difficult to ensure certain medical care.

Of course, Lin Qun has not seen any of the high-level people in the magic city who want to curry favor with Lin Qun and build relationships. In fact, in order to speed up his cultivation progress, he basically spends most of his time in seclusion. Even Li Jie It was difficult for them to even meet him.

But today is different.

The blockade of the Magic City is about to be lifted, and it's time for Lin Qun to come out!

Sitting and waiting for death is not an option. No one knows what is outside the city. Therefore, Lin Qun has already made an agreement with Li Zheng that when the blockade of the city is lifted, he will go to the front line of the city with the military troops!

At this moment, there are still two full hours before the magic city blockade is lifted.

A touch of blood began to appear at the end of the horizon. Lin Qun boarded the convoy and moved forward quickly.

Lin Qun's team is Commander Chu's team.

His troops suffered heavy losses in the previous battle in the Magic City, but after this period of rest and replenishment, a large number of manpower has been added. The military has also realized the mixing of survivors and soldiers, and a group of people who have fought in this period have been mixed. The survivor warriors trained within a short period of time were directly imported into the army to fill the manpower shortage.

Familiar faces to Lin Qun, such as Nie Wensheng, Liu Rui, Li Jie, Li Xinghe and others, are among them.

Lin Qun was sitting in the front car, with Commander Chu next to him.

Captain Chu pointed to the invisible boundary of the DC area and said, "We are not the only ones setting out now. We have already devoted half of our troops to the four directions of the Magic City. We are ready to block the east area direction. This is what we can do. It’s the limit.”

Lin Qun knew that the military was preparing to abandon other areas of the Magic City except the East District.

One is that it is impossible to defend, and the other is that it is meaningless. Most of those urban areas are in a mess, and with the number of humans left in the Demon City now, one East District is enough. Reducing the defense area is the best solution for the humans in the Demon City now. Good choice.

And therefore, the eastern front is also the first to bear the brunt of their defense at this moment.

The city behind him gradually faded away, and a huge light curtain covering the Demonic City began to appear in Lin Qun's pupils.

They reached directly under this curtain of light.

From the light curtain, the outside scene is still invisible.

This light curtain divided the inside of the Demon City and the outside of the Demon City into two worlds.

Captain Chu jumped out of the car, looked back, and said, "Sometimes, I feel a little dazed. The Bakatan people were really driven out of the Demon City by us..."

Lin Qun said: "They are also acting in their own interests."

If there is a book, it will be long; if there is no book, it will be short.

They didn't wait here for long, two hours flew by.

Finally, changes began to appear, and the light above the head began to disappear...

The light curtain begins to disintegrate from the top downwards.

The blockade in the Magic City has finally begun to be lifted!

At this moment, a row of words appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

[The blockade in your area has been lifted, and the current regional ranking has been locked. You can check the ranking of the new region at 0:00 today. 】

Along with this text, everyone discovered that the human rankings of the last five regions in the Demon City, east, west, south, north, and south were gone. All they could view was a blue star ranking. In addition, there was a new [China Region]. Ranking] and [Magic City Ranking] are both in a state where they cannot be viewed and can only be viewed after midnight today.

But at this time, everyone's attention is undoubtedly on the blockade of the magic city, and those who are ranked or not are out of control.

Everyone cheered up instantly. The military drone took off first. They wanted to go out from a high place to see what was going on outside...

There are only a few drones, which is a bit shabby, but the air force in the Magic City has been almost completely lost, and it is difficult to replenish it in a short time.

Outside, is it a messy wasteland of despair, or is the human army waiting to greet them?

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