Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 171 Unless the number one in the Demon City is here!

Lin Qun was shocked.

With his current attributes, he was completely able to react to the sudden appearance of this shadow. But the strange thing was that after this thing jumped out, he found that his original shadow was also gone.

He became a person without a shadow!

But in the flash of lightning, Lin Qun had no time to think too much. He suddenly retreated and at the same time, the lightning threw out another fire talisman.

——He has too much fire talisman now, and he is throwing it out for free!

But his shadow seemed to be very "cunning". It seemed to be rushing towards the forest group, but in fact, at the last critical moment, it suddenly twisted its body and ran away to one side!

The fireball thrown by Lin Qun missed the target!

His face froze slightly, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the shadow of a warrior on the other side. Just like him, he suddenly came to life, jumped up and broke the warrior's throat!

This scene is extremely weird and terrifying!

What kind of creatures are these dark matter creatures?

This civilization is obviously very different from human civilization and Bakatan civilization. Its biological form is not any kind on Blue Star!

It cannot be inferred with conventional thinking.

Lin Qun didn't see what kind of dark material creature was disguised as the shadow of the warrior. It felt like the original shadow of the warrior suddenly came to life and gained life!

He turned his head and glanced, and his shadow disappeared!

I don't know if it's because the surrounding light is wrong or for some other reason, but Lin Qun doesn't have time to think too much. The military has begun to retreat, but he rushes out quickly, his eyes sweep across, and the headshot female skill is activated, chasing him. That shadow!

His instinct told him that he couldn't let that shadow escape.

But the Headshot Girl skill, which is invincible against conventional creatures, seems to be of little use to these shadow monsters. Lin Qun's Headshot Girl ability explodes randomly on the opponent's body. Lin Qun's shadow explodes into balls of black plasma, but he is stunned. Nothing happened, his body quickly reorganized, flew forward at high speed close to the ground, and rushed into the deep gray-black fog behind in the blink of an eye.

Lin Qun's footsteps paused slightly at this moment.

At this time, the black-gray mist that had just suddenly poured out had almost been driven away by various means. Going forward, it was the gray-black mist that enveloped the entire Magic City area.

Lin Qun hesitated.

There may be countless dark matter monsters hidden in these mists!

Xiao Yi from behind also spoke at this time: "Mr. Lin, be careful!"

Obviously he wanted Lin Qun to retreat quickly.

But at this moment, a row of words suddenly appeared in front of Lin Qun's eyes.

【Danger. Chase it and kill it! 】

[The unknown fairy casts a gaze on you and wakes you up. 】

In the Qiankun bag, the fairy's gaze card is glowing.

Is she looking at me?


Lin Qun took a deep breath and said, "I'll go there!"

The strength of the unknown fairy far exceeds his, and these dark matter creatures themselves are very strange. Although they have encountered them several times before, all the dark matter creatures are alone, and this has never happened before. He can say that he is not interested in these monsters. Don't understand at all.

Since the unknown fairy said it was dangerous, we must not let it go!

Although she had fooled herself before, judging from the two subsequent prayers, she would not harm herself.

Since she saw her own shadow, she must have seen herself in the gray-black mist that shrouded the world outside the Demon City. Under such circumstances, it would be no better for him to catch up and judge that he must rush into this mist. The danger of his shadow escaping.

So Lin Qun made a decisive decision: chase it and kill it!

Because Lin Qun also felt that something was wrong. The shadow was gone. Not talking about science, there was a problem in the ancient Chinese saying.

At this time, he even thought of a hair-raising guess.

Perhaps those ancient horror stories about shadows circulating in China are related to these weird biological civilizations.

Maybe they once appeared secretly in the human world!

Amidst the exclamations from behind, Lin Qun turned into a bolt of lightning and plunged directly into the gray-black mist in front of him.

While moving forward, Lin Qun directly took out the Mark 46, added a battle armor, and directly transformed into Iron Man. The thrusters spit out fire and rose directly from the ground. At the same time, the Kirby Star magnifying glass light opened the way and illuminated the fog. As long as it showed that it was not Wherever the person is, throw out a fire talisman to kill him!

Lin Qun's eyes flickered.

His shadow is ahead!

The reason why he could recognize it was because his shadow had been riddled with holes. Although he didn't kill it, it also affected its appearance. It didn't recover that fast, and it was running away desperately again. , is a conspicuous bag.

Captain Chu and others behind him were stunned.

How could they stop the forest group? They saw the forest group rushing like thunder, rushing all the way into the gray-black mist, accompanied by an explosion and faint fire, and the howls of those weird monsters, gradually getting further and further away...

The correspondent on one side whispered:

"This is indeed Mr. Lin. He...should be fine, right?"

Xiao Yi couldn't help but turn his head to look at Captain Chu.

Nie Wensheng, who was on one side, didn't think anything of it. He watched Lin Qun rush in with admiration on his face and said, "Lin Qun is Brother Lin. This gray and black mist should be full of those monsters. This is the nest they created. Others If you go in, you will die, but he can fight all the way in..."

Captain Chu said: "Mr. Lin is extremely powerful. He must have his reasons and confidence to chase. We must report the situation here to the headquarters - these gray-black mists are full of monsters. When they cover the Magic City, millions of people in the Magic City will die. We must respond as soon as possible!"

He looked heavy and uneasy.

He knew that these things were more disgusting and terrifying than the Bakatans, because the gray-black mist spread everywhere, visibility decreased, and it covered a large area. Even if their military had the ability to reach the sky, how could they protect so many survivors in all aspects?

The most important thing is that although they had encountered some of these creatures during the blockade of the Magic City battlefield before, from the current situation, the limited information they have is useless!

What can they do if they guessed it?

They know very little about these dark matter creatures!

The records of several encounters during the blockade of the Magic City were all single dark matter creatures, which are very different from what they are showing now!

At this moment, Lin Qun has killed to the depths of the gray-black mist.

The visibility in the gray-black mist was too low. He deepened his Mark 46 and used the auxiliary amplification device inside the armor to only see a distance of about five meters. It took him a long time to successfully focus the magnifying glass of Star Kirby and add a buff to his own shadow that was desperately fleeing.

Extreme fear!

In an instant, its body became stiff and began to tremble. The body of the dark matter shook wildly and gradually became unable to move.

Fear also has many levels.

Ordinary fear can make people run away, but extreme fear is enough to make people pee and shit, and be scared to move!

This dark matter creature obviously does not have those excretory organs, but it is still trembling on the ground, and the matter on its body is peeling off piece by piece...

Like a melting snowflake, it seems to be scared to death in such fear!

This card of Star Kirby is more useful than imagined.

Especially on the battlefield of civilization, facing alien civilization creatures, just take a casual shot, which one is human? 100% effective!

At this time, there are no dark matter creatures around Lin Qun.

The gray-black mist is mist, and those dark matter creatures only depend on it.

They seemed to have no way to deal with Lin Qun, so they quietly retreated and stayed away from him.

This dark gray-black mist that was inaccessible to others was far less dangerous to Lin Qun than he had imagined.

Lin Qun's fire talisman seemed to have a great restraint on them. Lin Qun just killed them all the way and got nearly 80 contribution points. In this darkness, he couldn't see how many dark matter creatures there were around, but he killed more than 80 of them?

Lin Qun wanted to say: I haven't used my strength yet.

These things are weird in their means, but their frontal strength is not strong.

Lin Qun was approaching his own shadow at a rapid speed.

At this time, the other party looked very strange, crawling on the ground, and the dark body turned into a human figure, and even a little bit of Lin Qun's shadow could be seen faintly.

But at this moment, he looked particularly strange, crawling on the ground, his body "falling apart" in fear, but he was kowtowing and praying frantically towards a certain position in the sky, looking crazy, but extremely pious.

What was he praying to?

Lin Qun instinctively thought of the huge multi-legged strange shadow when the gray-black mist was spreading wildly just now. He was shocked and raised his arms without pausing for a moment. He directly fired two energy cannons with the Iron Man armor, blowing half of his "shadow" to pieces, and then a fire talisman fell, burning it with blazing flames, burning it completely!

Lin Qun immediately turned around to see if his shadow had come back.

But the light here was too dim and he couldn't see it at all. But at this moment, he suddenly heard an extremely terrifying howl from the deeper gray-black mist.

Lin Qun was in doubt, but at this moment, he saw several figures suddenly rushing out from the side, sneaking and looking at him flying in the air, shouting: "Run, their domain master is about to send someone!"

"If you don't leave now, it will be too late. If you alarm the domain master, even if you can fly, you will die. No one can survive under it except the No. 1 in the Magic City!"

Those people looked nervous and ragged, but they all had a strong aura. They seemed to be masters, with an average level of at least level 5, which is rare in the civilized battlefield with obvious differentiation between the strong and the weak.

But Lin Qun was stunned when he heard it.

Domain master, what domain master?

And the No. 1 in the Magic City, isn't the No. 1 in the Magic City right here?

They don't know me?

But Lin Qun was slightly stunned and reacted.

These people don't seem to be people in the Magic City, but people isolated outside the Magic City!

The Magic City consists of two parts, one is the blocked Magic City City, and the second is the surrounding area of ​​the Magic City shrouded in fog where Lin Qun is now.

The so-called No. 1 in the Magic City should be the No. 1 in the Magic City outside the blockade area!



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