Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 174 Wait, the first magic city has changed!

In response, Lin Qun just shook his head and asked, "What's the matter with this domain lord, general, and those monsters that turned from human shadows? And why is it relatively safe here? Is there anything special here?"

Zou Lianshan and his team have also lived here for a while. They may not know the high-level and overall information, but they definitely understand the system and threats of the shadow civilization in this gray-black fog, otherwise they would not have survived until now.

And Lin Qun "spent money", so naturally he had to ask clearly.

Zou Lianshan looked at Lin Qun and shook his head, obviously a little disappointed.

Their hope is to leave this man-eating gray-black fog, the farther away from these monsters of shadow civilization, the better, but unfortunately, Lin Qun's hope seems to have been shattered.

But Zou Lianshan is an honest man. He took Lin Qun's things, and he told Lin Qun everything he asked.

Just mentioning the domain lord, Zou Lianshan and others are obviously a little timid and fearful.

"Domain Lord... This is what the creatures of the shadow civilization call it.

"It is the most powerful individual of the shadow civilization in the Magic City area, and it is also their ruler. It is extremely large. Our conventional firepower has no effect on it. So far, it is like other creatures of the shadow civilization. It does not have the conventional vital points like us humans, but it is much stronger than those ordinary creatures of the shadow civilization...

"Any creature that wants to challenge it has died. The last large military team we encountered, a regiment of troops, was easily destroyed by it and its "generals"... If we hadn't escaped quickly...

"And it seems to have connections with the creatures of the shadow civilization. Whoever kills the creatures of the shadow civilization, it will quickly mobilize more monsters. Moreover, the creatures of the shadow civilization worship it like a god. They not only worship it, but also sacrifice to it. We have seen with our own eyes that they send the captured people to high places for it to eat...

"Every time it eats a person, it becomes a little bigger. When it first descended, it was not so huge..."

Lin Qun frowned.

The life forms of the shadow civilization are very strange, and their civilization ideology seems to be very different from that of humans and even the Bakatan people that Lin Qun has come into contact with.

But in fact, after Lin Qun's contact, those ordinary dark matter lives of the shadow civilization are not very powerful. In terms of combat power alone, they are only slightly stronger than humans, and even inferior to ordinary Bakatan warriors. It's just that their unique existence and attack methods make them look very strange and can have unexpected killing effects. But in fact, as long as you master the method, it is not difficult to kill them.

Take Lin Qun's experience just now as an example. He rushed into the gray-black fog and slaughtered a group of shadow civilization lives. They didn't even have any effective counterattacks, not even hot weapons.

This is a group of unique contestants.

This is a unique civilization.

However, Lin Qun dare not be careless. Those who can participate in the war of civilization must have some means, especially the shadow civilization creatures also want to land in the main urban area of ​​​​Modu and compete with the Bakatan civilization. This means that at least they are not afraid of the Bakatan people.

If they have weaknesses, they must have strengths.

This domain master may be like this.

Zou Lianshan's voice continued: "And those 'generals' are creatures of the shadow civilization that have been blessed by it. They are stronger than ordinary shadow civilization creatures and have some special abilities. Ordinary survivors are not their opponents...

"As for the monsters that those people's shadows turned into, we are not very clear, but as far as I know, it is part of the 'cannibalism' ritual of the weak shadow civilization creatures..."

"Cannibalism ritual?" Lin Qun was puzzled.

"Yes, in fact, this is also what we have observed after being trapped here for so long. Shadow civilization creatures kill people not only for contribution points, but also for 'eating'. Domain masters eat people, and monsters also eat people. They don't eat the whole person. For the human body, what they really swallow is at most some brains, eyes and other things. They don't seem to care about other things at all, and what they really eat seems to be the vitality of people. Those new lives of the shadow civilization that are 'hatched' from the shadows of living people grow very fast because they are the shadows of those people. Even if they are separated, they have some kind of connection with those people that we can't understand. Through this connection, they can always extract the vitality of the original owner.

"And they just need to hide, and those people will eventually be sucked to death."

When he said this, the expression on Zou Lianshan's kind face changed slightly, and his muscles twitched slightly.

The woman with tentacles on her head whispered: "That's how Brother Zou's wife died."

"Yes, I was too stupid. I watched her shadow run away at that time, and I didn't dare to chase her because I was timid. At that time, I didn't know they had such ability. When I knew it, it was too late. This fog was so thick, how could I find her shadow? I could only watch her being sucked to death!" Zou Lianshan showed a resentful and self-blaming expression.

Lin Qun had seen too many such expressions in the blockade area of ​​the Magic City.

Even on Xia Qing's face, he saw the exact same expression.

They wanted to pull out the tendons and bones of the alien civilization and exterminate the race, but they were so weak that they could not take revenge at all. They could only live in disgrace and live in hatred and self-blame all day long.

When Lin Qun heard these descriptions, he was also a little frightened.

According to Zou Lianshan's description, these shadow civilizations are like hatched chicks, with humans as their eggshells. They hatch out of humans' shadows, gain life, and in turn achieve their goals by devouring the "eggshell" of humans. With their own growth, when they are almost grown and developed, the eggshells will have been eaten up long ago.

The most frightening thing is that this invisible connection is almost impossible to cut off. Even Lin Qun heard it, and with his methods, he couldn't think of any way to cut off this connection.

At this time, he understood why the unknown fairy reminded him in a rare and urgent manner.

This method is almost difficult to guard against if you don't understand it.

When he thought of this, he took a special look at his feet.

In the house, Zou Lianshan and others lit candles. In the flickering light, Lin Qun could see his own shadow.

This thing that he usually pays little attention to is now safe here, giving Lin Qun a sense of peace of mind.

He said: "My shadow just hatched a shadow civilization creature, but if I kill it, will it hatch again in my shadow?"

Zou Lianshan shook his head and said: "Although I don't know why, people who have hatched once will not hatch again in their shadows. Look at us, we can survive until now and have killed our own shadows, and our The shadow never came back to life.

"In fact, as long as we don't come into contact with them or the gray-black mist they secrete, the shadows will not mutate. We feel that these gray-black mist are like the pollen or spores they use to reproduce. It is impossible for us to breathe without breathing. It's going to be inhaled - that may sound disgusting."

Zou Lianshan's description is indeed uncomfortable.

But Lin Qun could accept it. Fighting bloody battles all the way, this little thing didn't matter.

After hearing this, he probably gained knowledge and understanding of this shadow civilization.

The power of this shadow civilization obviously does not lie in the individuals, but in the gray-black foggy field they created, the large number of individuals gathered in the group, and their weird methods. Otherwise, if they had a powerful collision with real swords and guns, they would have been destroyed long ago. Like the Bakatans, they jumped out and killed randomly because their methods tended to be subtle and strange. This will make their opponents feel like they are being beaten softly on cotton when fighting them, because the shadow civilization will not confront you at all.

Like just now, the shadows spread rapidly, but after encountering a strong counterattack from humans, they were the first to retreat quickly.

However, this may be a better solution.

Lin Qun guessed that with his own strength, he could probably walk sideways here. He had nothing to fear. The only question was, how to clear the fog?

This question was not only placed in front of him, but also in front of the entire Demon City.

With the methods of shadow civilization, it is very simple to resist them. Otherwise, if the fog comes, their methods will be useless. But if the fog comes, the military and survivors will be in big trouble. Just with such visibility and Electromagnetic interference is enough for humans to drink a pot.

The first plan that Lin Qun thought of was the vacuum cloud bomb.

There are no nuclear weapons in the city, but there are vacuum cloud bombs, and there are more than one, which may be of great use.

At this time, Zou Lianshan had already answered Lin Qun's last question: "Brother, you asked us why we are safe here. In fact, we don't know very well. In this gray-black fog, there are places where the fog is thin and there is no shadow civilization. Creatures come..."

At this time, the tentacle girl in the corner said: "We guess that this fog is not actually a fog. It just looks like a fog from the perspective of us humans. But in fact, it may be harmful to the domain lord and the shadow civilization creatures here. It is said that they and the particles that make up this fog together form a structure like a neural network or a spider web, but it is in this structure that there are gaps and nerve endings, and those places are where they observe It is difficult for them to find this place, which is our current safe zone. Of course, this is just speculation and we have no theoretical basis.”

The words of this tentacle girl made Lin Qun's heart move.

He felt that what this girl said made sense.

This gray-black fog, from a human perspective, always preconceptions that it is fog, but this is something from another civilization, another world, and another species. Maybe it is not actually fog at all. Think about it from another angle. , many misunderstandings and confusions caused by thinking deviations can be explained almost instantly.

It's like a puppy eating a dog. The owner beats it more and more. The owner wants to tell the dog not to eat it. But in the dog's mind, this may be because the owner hates its dog. In order to please the owner, it eats more and more. Not only will he not stop eating, but he will eat it faster, and even eat it quickly without the owner paying attention.

This is the cognitive bias between different organisms.

But just as Lin Qun was thinking deeply.

The young man on the other side who had just finished speaking and was silent suddenly screamed strangely: "Wait, look, why has our No. 1 in the Magic City region changed? This No. 1, Ye Ying? Who is he? Why is he there? Nearly eight thousand contribution points! What kind of monster is this?”

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