Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 198 If there is no depth, we will create it!

In this electronic confrontation, humanity was completely defeated. In fact, there was no need for Li Zheng to call people. The military's electronic information countermeasures team had already started working half a minute ago. It was not until a minute later that they successfully completed the defense, but this did not It makes sense, the prophet civilization has read out the message they want to tell the entire Deer City.

There was panic all over Lucheng.

"Prophet civilization, what kind of civilization is this?"

"Is what they say true? Isn't Mr. Lin their opponent?"

"It's's over..."

"The news is true, the insect swarms have appeared in our surrounding areas, and they are trying to kill us! Both civilizations are more powerful than the Barkatans!"

Panic boiled over, but at this moment, the conference room of Lucheng Command Center was filled with dead silence.

Li Zheng sat back in his seat and rubbed his temples. He knew what was going on outside without asking.

The other officers in the room also seemed a little restless.

These civilizations are nothing if they don't move. If they move, they affect the whole body.

According to the news from Jinling, this terrifying swarm insect nest force is not the entire force of the swarm civilization to land on Blue Star. They are said to have a total of six insect nests, including a core insect nest, and each insect nest has It controls hundreds of thousands of insect swarms, with the southwest of China as the center, and each insect nest as a group army, fighting on multiple fronts. The current one is just the strength of one insect nest, and it is the insect swarm that opens up the southeastern front-line battlefield. Swarm troops. The other insect nests and troops behind it are at least 700 kilometers away from the insect nest that appears near them now.

This means that the insect swarm civilization they faced in a short period of time only had the strength of this insect nest.

This is good news among a lot of bad news.

But even though only one insect nest came, its scale was still extremely terrifying, and it was larger than the existing human military forces of Jinling City and Lucheng City combined.

After a while, a hot-tempered military executive couldn't help it anymore and said: "Why don't you speak? Commander Li, you speak. This is not a choice at all. Why don't you attack us if you sacrifice two million people?" Is it possible? It’s impossible for a three-year-old child to believe that they are scorning and mocking us!”

"Damn it, I said that the Bakatan people cannot give up so easily. If they don't fight us, they will drive away tigers and devour wolves..." A senior official gritted his teeth and said, "What this prophet civilization said should be true strength. Yes, they have received news from the Bakatan people, and they must know our strength, and also know the details of Mr. Lin... This time the whole city broadcast, they are showing force, they can invade silently our system!"

On one side, a senior executive said worriedly: "What should we do? The insect swarm civilization intends to divide us, and the prophet civilization is so arrogant -"

Fu Kaiyi raised his head, looked at Li Zheng, and said: "In this way, we are completely divided again. We have no depth. Whoever comes to the city, Lucheng is our last line of defense. If we advance, we will die, if we retreat, we will die. Even if we don't advance, we will not be able to advance." Retreating is a failure. Whoever opens fire on Lucheng will cause so many people in Lucheng to die in pieces.

“This is another survivor base of the Sixth Prison in Magic City.

"It's just that the situation is even worse. At that time, the only people who besieged us were Bakayun and an army of about 20,000 Bakatans. But now, these are two civilizations eyeing each other.

"At that time, we could also evacuate the survivors in advance, but now there are too many people in Lucheng and we are attacked from both sides. We have no way to evacuate. As long as the war starts in Lucheng, we will have been defeated!

"I, I didn't think of a way to deal with it."

Fu Kaiyi's expression darkened.

Everyone in the room looked at Li Zheng.

From the Battle of Magic City to now, Li Zheng has been the backbone of the entire region's operations, and most of the decisions were made by him.

Now, everyone obviously hopes to get a solution from Li Zheng that can break the situation.

But Li Zheng also fell silent.

He looked at the people in the room blankly, and for a moment, he didn't know what to do.

Li Zheng was in a daze, and felt a rare panic in his heart.

From the Demon City to Lucheng, he thought they were about to gain a firm foothold and the future was bright.

Can create an indestructible doomsday position for mankind.

But in the blink of an eye, his hopes seemed to be shattered.

The prophet civilization that was ready to move and the rapidly advancing insect swarm civilization seemed to give him and everyone a hard slap in the face, telling them that the indigenous people were the indigenous people, and it was nothing to defeat the weak fire dragon civilization and Taku civilization. They were truly powerful. The civilization can force them into a desperate situation in minutes.

In this case, what else to do?

Everyone fell silent.

The people present were all high-level officials of the military. They had experienced the bloody battles in the Magic City one after another, but now, their hearts were filled with uneasiness, and they were also frightened by the sudden opponents.

Every opponent seems so powerful.

Until a voice sounded from behind them.

That was Lin Qun, who was sitting at the very back and was almost ignored.

"Then fight out."

Lin Qun would usually attend this kind of military meeting.

But he is basically a mascot.

Because he is not from the military after all, he usually can't get in the middle of formulating any tactics.

Therefore, he, the most powerful person in the Demon City, was ignored most of the time on such occasions.

Until this time.

Li Zheng raised his head and looked at him.

The senior executives in the conference room also turned their heads.

Lin Qun was slowly standing up from his position.

He looked at the senior military officials in the Demon City in the room and said: "I am an ordinary person. I don't know anything about military affairs or tactics, but I want to——

"If there is no depth, just fight out and make depth. If you are attacked on both sides, then hold down one and hit it first, cripple it, cripple it, and then kill it."

He stretched out his hand, pointed at the map, and said: "Since the Prophet civilization wants to attack the shadow civilization first, we will attack the insect swarm first. They landed from the shore of Zhenze Lake, their army expanded, and they want to divide Lucheng and Jinling City, so we will do the opposite. True to our word, we also sent out a large army to fight back, fight back all their people, and defeat the shadow civilization in Zhenze before it was eradicated by the prophet civilization!

“In this way, don’t we have depth?

"After defeating them, we will go south. Whether the prophet civilization defeats the shadow civilization or the battle is not over, we will start a war with them outside the magic city!"

What Lin Qun said.

The sentences were powerful and the words were sonorous, echoing in the quiet conference room.

His words made many people feel excited.

But some people still couldn't help but say: "But, if we leave, the prophet civilization comes to kill..."

"The strength of the insect swarm may be several times that of us and Jinling. If you go out to fight, you may be surrounded and killed by them... Defeat the insect swarm first, and then defeat the prophet civilization. This is easy to say, but it can be implemented. They are not fools. How could we just sit back and watch us succeed?”

The method described by Lin Qun is simple, crude and extremely tough.

But equally, there are loopholes and dangers.

But Li Zheng didn't speak for a long time. He looked at Lin Qun as if waiting for him to continue.

"I understand, I know too." Lin Qun looked around at the crowd and said, "I know, it's different from the Demon City now, and it's even different from when we retreated. This time we're facing two people. Civilizations that are more powerful than the Barkatans, they do not have the limitations of life forms like the shadow civilization. If they cannot defeat them, they will be dead, and they will not be able to run.

“But so what?

“I come from an ordinary background, and I have never even killed a chicken before.

“But these days, I only understand one truth.

“When someone comes and hangs out your door with a knife.

"You make all preparations and fearfully wait for him to come in and fight at home. It seems to be the safest way, but in fact, your heart has long been overwhelmed by fear. Every time the enemy's shadow flashes outside the door, you are worried. Feeling frightened...

"In this case, it's better to go out with a knife and fight with people from the beginning.

"If the fight is successful, the next enemy will no longer be a threat to you.

"This is my suggestion. If Lucheng and Jinling are defeated, even if I survive this battle, I will become a lonely ghost on the land of China and will be surrounded and killed by other civilizations. Therefore, I want to fight and I want to fight out. , the main force of the insect swarm is in Zhenze, so we will attack Zhenze. Their strength is several times that of ours, so we will unite all the forces that can be combined.

"Isn't there still Jinling City? Aren't there still those scattered survivors?

"We have gathered all our strength, why can't we fight? What's more, you also said that this is just the strength of one insect nest of the insect swarm civilization. If one day, all their insect nests and core mother nests attack, we Do you want to be captured without hesitation?

"This is the plan I proposed, and I am willing to fight as a pioneer!"

This is Lin Qun's answer.

He stood in the conference room, and every word he spoke was ringing.

Li Zheng looked at him with brighter and brighter eyes.

The military executive with a somewhat irritable personality even stood up and shouted: "You are worthy of Mr. Lin, I will fight you, fuck the swarm of insects!"

At the front of the conference room, Li Zheng also stood up, looked around the audience, and said: "Mr. Lin is right, we seem to have no better way. If we can defeat the insect swarm, what if Lucheng falls? Jinling falls. So what? So what if a million people die? Isn’t it enough that we have people and a team that can break out of the siege? Everyone, I agree: let’s fight out!

In the conference room, the remaining senior military officials looked at each other, not knowing who would speak next. In the conference room, these big shots all shouted in shock.

"Okay, then fight out."

"Fight it out!"

"With the strength of our Magic City War Zone and Jinling War Zone, we can't defeat a single insect swarm?"

The people here are all military generals. Those who have survived to this day have all fought against the Bakatans. There is no blood in them. It’s just that there are three million lives in Lucheng under their command. They have to be cautious. But at this moment, Their blood nature was also reawakened.

Fight it out!

If there is no depth, create depth.

The insect swarm landed in Zhenze and wanted to attack Jinling and Lucheng, eradicating humans along the way. So why couldn't they attack the insect swarm in Zhenze?

As night fell, the military quickly began to deploy.

Lin Qun said directly: "I want a sharp knife team, whether warriors or survivors, as long as they are level five or above!"

Lin Qun was not prepared to use the last superhuman power. This was his trump card, and it was only the last chance left. If he used it on the insect swarm, he would not be able to use it on the prophet civilization, which had not really shown its cards yet. Try not to use it if you can.

Moreover, everything cannot be solved by superhuman strength. He wants a small team to defeat Zhenze with his own strength and his true ability!

That night, the lights in Lucheng were brightly lit, and the whole city was in control.

Li Zheng directly contacted Jinling and informed Jinling's top brass of Lucheng's decision.

Everyone in Jinling was shocked and almost thought Li Zheng was crazy.

But after half an hour of discussion, Jinling expressed their willingness to cooperate with Lucheng.

There are also top experts in Jinling. They will also form a sharp knife team to take the lead in the battle, piercing the heart of the insect swarm like a dagger.

Almost at the same time that humans started to move, the insect swarms in Zhenze area moved densely and spread in all directions. Several small and medium-sized survivor bases closest to Zhenze were the first to be attacked and were attacked wildly.

If you look down from the sky, at this moment, human and insect swarm troops are mobilizing wildly, and the entire regional battlefield is turning.

Deep in Zhenze, at the tip of a towering steel hive warship, a semi-arc platform opened, and a half-biological, half-mechanical creature with eyes all over its body walked out of it. Its form was almost incomprehensible to humans, and it was extremely Weirdly, the front half is made up of naked eyes embedded in steel, and the back half is filled with countless tubes, connected to the metal insect nest at the back.

Its "gaze" looks far away at the end of the horizon where the sun is gradually rising, and its commands propagate in the form of electromagnetic waves at the speed of light in space, reaching every corner of the world.

"Harvest all humans before the Prophet civilization."

Thousands of mechanical biological insect swarms dispersed into multiple strands, and the dark torrent surged across the land.

But the Taku people who retreated a long distance were very excited.

Taton ordered to retreat again. From a distance, he saw a group of human survivors hibernating on a mountain villa being swept away by the swarm of insects and bleeding like rivers. He shouted excitedly: "Look, they are coming. These fragrant humans are attracting... The truly powerful civilization, the swarm, and the prophet will tear humanity apart, and when that time comes, when the main force of humanity collapses, it will be our turn to take revenge!”

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