Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 202 Humanity will definitely lose!

The first battle between Lucheng's main force and the insect swarm was located in the middle area between Wuzhong City and Xicheng, closer to Huangtang Town in Wuzhong City.

Starting the war in this area was a joint choice of both sides, and the result was quite different from the military's expected location for the decisive battle.

Wuzhong City and Xicheng were actually quite large cities before the global battlefield began. Backed by Zhenze, these two cities are very good tourist destinations with relatively good economies and large populations. But now, they have long been Abandoned in the melee of multiple civilizations, there are no longer a large number of humans living in the two cities. At most, there are only a few survivors like lonely ghosts struggling to survive. In addition, there are also some scattered alien civilization creatures.

Today, the lonely ghosts in the ruins of these two cities all saw the infinite flashes of light passing through the sky.

The direction in which the flash first appeared was not from Huangtang Town, but from Zhenze to Jinling City.

It was the troops from Jinling City who took the lead in the exchange of fire.

The missile shuttled through the clouds, lighting up the sky and the earth. From a distance, one could see the terrifying swarm of insects in the sky at that location, densely packed like a black tide, moving through the clouds.

The insect swarm counterattacked almost at the same time. These mechanical insect swarms are between biological and semi-living things. Each of them is a natural warrior, born for war, armed to the teeth, with a large number of heavy-duty war insects projecting firepower. In the sky, aerial combat insects as dense as raindrops flew across the sky, launching missiles one after another and flying through the air.

Missiles, rockets, interceptor missiles, and interceptor rockets from both sides were flying randomly in the sky. Those deadly weapons of death were flying in the night sky. From a distance, they looked elegant and beautiful, like gorgeous fireworks flying in the sky. It moves, revealing the shocking beauty of the apocalypse.

The earth rumbled.

The aftermath of this battle can be clearly felt from dozens of kilometers away.

But the battle was just beginning at this time.

About fifteen minutes later, Lucheng exchanged fire with the second main force of the insect swarm in Huangtang Town.

In the past day, both the insect swarm and the human military have been carrying out intensive military mobilization. Looking down from the air and accelerating, the whole day's process is an extremely magnificent scene, like a black tide of human armies. The insect swarm moved around in the battlefield of hundreds of kilometers, marched quickly, and had many small-scale collisions. From the initial clear distinction to uneven interactions, the two sides were entangled with each other like a whirlpool, and finally the two main battles broke out on the battlefield. Collide.

That scene was like the two ends of the vortex, head and tail, colliding together.

Or maybe it's the intersection of two entangled vortices, and one will eventually swallow the other.

The human military's proactive plan has achieved great results.

Such a quick attack, turning passivity into initiative, not only surprised the prophet civilization, but also the insect swarm was directly caught off guard. Their original plan was definitely completely disrupted. They were originally scattered and wanted to be multi-faceted. The insect swarm that attacked and surrounded the two doomsday cities of mankind was forced to shrink, dividing its forces to fight against the two main human forces that penetrated directly into their command centers.

Almost all the cutting-edge combat forces from Lucheng and Jinling City were deployed, with the total number of troops on the battlefield exceeding 120,000.

Lucheng command center.

Information from the front came like a snowflake.

"Frontline Fu Kaiyi Command reported that they have occupied the city of Huangtang Town and are exchanging fire with the insect swarm at a distance of 7.6 kilometers. Our second round of saturation strikes has also been launched and will theoretically cover the location of the insect swarm. "

"There is news from Jinling City that the insect swarm has become closer to them. An insect swarm warship is suspected to have appeared on the battlefield where they are. The information has been uploaded..."

"Mr. Lin's troops reported that they are rushing to the battlefield in Huangtang Town. They are expected to arrive in thirty-five minutes."

At the Lucheng command center, countless people are busy supporting the frontline battlefield.

A firefight in modern warfare does not require close combat. The artillery bombardment a few kilometers or even dozens of kilometers away is the beginning of everything. However, most of the attacks from both sides were intercepted by well-prepared anti-aircraft weapons. Artillery shells flew randomly in the sky, as if The shining rain of light did not cause much damage.

Judging from the footage returned by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, although the military dropped a large number of weapons on the location of the insect swarm, it did not seem to block the progress of the insect swarm.

These war bugs are not afraid of death and are as dense as a tide. They fire back wildly with various weapons on their bodies while the whole army advances at high speed. Looking around, there is a black torrent on the ground. While the artillery fire flashes, there is no trace of it. Blocked, quickly moved towards the direction of Huangtang Town.

And they are still gathering, growing in number.

One after another, like hundreds of rivers converging into the sea, merged into the large insect swarm from all directions, even from the direction behind them.

However, the aircraft suspected to be an insect swarm warship proposed in the direction of Jinling City has not yet appeared on the battlefield in the direction of the main force of Lucheng.

"They tried to close the distance at high speed and rushed directly into the Huangtang Town line we occupied, fighting and killing all our people at close range." The staff officer said with fear, "But the insect swarm really responded in a hurry, and our methods caught them off guard. , they are still gathering forces.”

"If not for this, it would be impossible for our army to advance at such a speed and reach a position less than 100 kilometers away from Zhenze Lake in one day."

"The insect nest is under our sword and so close. How can they not panic? As long as we can cut off their defense system, cloud bombs fired from Lucheng or Jinling City can destroy their insect nest. !”

Li Zheng was very excited.

The current situation proves that their risky tactics worked. They caught the insect swarm off guard and allowed the main forces of Jinling City and Lucheng to advance vigorously, directly threatening the safety of the insect swarm's nest. So far, the situation and rhythm of the war have been very different. Already in the hands of humans.

As expected, the prophet civilization wants to solve the shadow civilization first.

Even if the prophet civilization is stronger than the shadow civilization, no civilization is inherently weak and will resist to the end when it encounters an attack. At least so far, the information from the Magic City shows that the shadow civilization is still resisting and has not completely resisted. Tendency to defeat.

——This means that it will take one to two days at the earliest for the Prophet Civilization to take down the Shadow Civilization.

However, although Li Zheng had expected the madness of the insect swarm, their number was still too terrifying.

Judging from the screen displayed on the central control screen of the command center.

In the exchange of fire between the two armies, the price paid by the insect swarm was far heavier than that of the humans.

They were large and dense in number, had no bunkers, and were traveling at high speed. Their ability to intercept human attacks was limited. After a round of bombing, the insect swarm exploded everywhere, and a large number of war insects were directly killed.

The continuous lines of fire almost illuminated the earth as bright as day, and the ground was scorched black.

Such a battle is enough to frighten the armies of any human region and begin to shake their military morale, but it seems to have almost no impact on the swarm.

They've even been accelerating.

The explosion in the front killed a swarm of insects, but the back was still advancing forward without fear of death.

Their number seems to be endless, killing one after another, but more swarms of insects emerge from behind, trampling on the miserable corpses of the war insects in front, advancing rapidly forward into the sea of ​​​​hot fire, towards Huang Human beings in Tang Town are advancing at a high speed.

This is the war system of the insect swarm. They can move forward to complete their goals without fear of death, under the command of the insect hive.

Especially now, the human legion has directly threatened their insect nest, and they are not afraid of death. They want to destroy the human legion outside the insect nest at all costs!

This kind of execution is frightening.

Even the Barkatans couldn't do it.

Only a swarm of insects with a unique form of civilization can do it.

Moreover, they have invested a large number of cloned war bugs and are not afraid of giving contribution points to humans at all.

On the contrary, they are advancing at high speed and will directly submerge the humans in Huangtang Town. In close combat, the war bugs armed to the teeth by the insect swarm civilization are definitely not something ordinary human warriors can resist - as long as they can rush into Huangtang Town and enter the human front, the battle will be over in a short time .

This is also the reason why they adopt such a fierce style of play.

They want to end the fight as quickly as possible.

"Your Excellency, Commander, there are too many of them. There are at least 60,000 ground war bugs gathering on the front lines of Huangtang Town. More than 60% of them are clone war bugs, and there are still war bugs gathering in a steady stream. Come in, according to this trend, they will arrive outside Huangtang Town in fifteen minutes and directly confront Fu Kaiyi's men."

Li Zheng took a deep breath and said: "Immediately inform Fu Kaiyi of the information and ask him to retreat to the headquarters, but no matter what, guard Huangtang Town. These insect swarms are well prepared and want to eat Jinling City and us. Naturally, they have brought a large number of troops, but their strength cannot be truly infinite. We are advancing according to the plan and are ready to cooperate with Mr. Lin at any time."

At this moment, in the northeast of Zhenze Lake, where Huangtang Town is located, there is already a huge fire.

Humans are attacking the insect swarms, and the insect swarms are also bombarding humans.

The two sides had already engaged in a round of firefights at a position where neither other's legions could see it. However, unlike the insect swarm, the humans held their positions and had already taken defensive measures, so the losses were not significant.

The command center of Fu Kaiyi, the top commander on the scene, is not in Huangtang Town at all.

He always said that when the news came, he had actually seen the insect swarm.

They come faster than the general finger can predict.

Because the speed of insect swarms in the air is much faster than that of ground insect swarms.

When they appeared in the sky, the radar gave a frantic warning, and the automatic turret set up in Huangtang Town rotated its muzzle and opened fire. However, some human soldiers did not realize what was happening and only looked blankly at the sky.

Because at that time, they didn't look like some kind of creature.

Like a dark cloud.

But that is a dense swarm of insects.

They turned into a dark cloud that spanned the skyline, covering the sky. On the ground, the lines of fire from human strikes rose up. They passed through this "cloud" and were unable to penetrate it. Only a large number of war insects were torn apart by the heavy firepower. It fell from the sky, scattering flesh and blood and mechanical fragments from the body, and smashed into the desolate and burning Huangtang Town below.

They scatter and gather in the sky.

It's like a human being diving deep into the seabed and looking up at the schools of sardines that are dividing and merging above his head.

But this is not delicious for humans.

But a wave of death.

They gathered directly above Huangtang Town, and the large amount of firepower raised by the humans could not even affect the speed of their advance in a short period of time - and then, they were like waves, overwhelming the sky.


The ground forces directly below this position evacuated urgently. The rocket launchers and missile launch arrays located seven kilometers outside Huangtang Town fired intensively, but they still could not tear apart such a dense swarm of insects.

With their absolute number, they formed an indestructible "iron hammer" and smashed down from the air. It can be imagined that as long as they landed and spread along the streets and buildings, the collapse of the entire Huangtang Town front would only take a moment.

At this time, Fu Kaiyi fired a vacuum cloud bomb into the air.

Above the night sky illuminated by countless missiles and flames, a brighter "sun" rose.

It briefly illuminated the entire sky above Huangtang Town.

The huge fireball exploded less than two kilometers from the ground, and the air above Huangtang Town rolled wildly, emitting a shrill, sobbing sharp whistle.

Underfoot, several small high-rise buildings, the only ones in Huangtang Town, collapsed in the impact.

But the results of this attack were outstanding.

The indestructible dark "hammer" was torn apart, and a large number of flying war insects were blown to pieces by Chen. The fragments fell from the sky like raindrops, most of which were still burning with flames, and fell into the urban area of ​​Huangtang Town like a rain of fire in the night.

Unfortunately, no one appreciated this grand scene, because the orders on the battlefield were like fire.

In Huangtang Town, a large number of soldiers were mobilized, and various front positions opened fire crazily. The troops ambushed at several important positions outside Huangtang Town also poked their heads out instantly and opened fire from several directions. For a moment, it seemed that the mountains and plains were full of humans and human firepower.

Outside Huangtang Town, a large number of ground war insects have appeared in the field of vision. Directly above their heads, the air war insect swarms are densely pressed down. They sink from the remnants of the clouds that have been torn to pieces by multiple explosions. A large number of air war insects separate and reveal the swarm warships in their layers of protection.

That thing is similar to the information given by Jinling City.

It is a living warship.

Its size is not as big as the 300-meter-class sailing ship of the Bakatan people's Chesa. It is about 130 meters long, shaped like a giant turtle, and also like a reptile giant of the Chitauri people. However, this insect swarm unit did not foolishly rely on flesh and blood. It was also armed to the teeth, with a thick layer of armor all over its body, and dense heavy artillery under the armor layer, and a heavy beam weapon embedded in its mouth.

As soon as they appeared, there were three of them, accompanied by the ordinary war insects in the air, and they were displayed.

However, they no longer advanced, but were located at the rear of the battle formation, firing crazily.

Almost at the same moment they appeared, Fu Kaiyi of the on-site command center gave an order to his artillery array: "Fire! Shoot them down immediately!"

The missile launch convoy located somewhere behind Huangtang Town slowly turned the turret, and countless missiles flew through the air, but at the same time, the three behemoths also opened fire, and a large number of heavy artillery with a caliber of more than 100 mm on their bodies directly fired at Huangtang Town. Every shot that fell could set off a bloody storm.

When they opened their mouths, the beams of energy emitted from their mouths instantly passed through the sky.

The beam weapons they used were still not real light strike weapons, but also a kind of particle beam weapons. However, for the battlefield of the civilization level within the planet, this weapon was fast enough. The strikes of these three rays were not aimed at the military front-line positions in Huangtang Town, but at the military armored missile launchers in the rear.

One shot penetrated.

This side was bathed in a sea of ​​fire, and the resulting explosion killed countless people.

In fact, humans also have beam weapons, the triple turbolaser cannon provided by Lin Qun. But unfortunately, the military has not yet solved its portable energy problem, resulting in it being fixed on the battlefield of Lucheng and unable to be deployed here. Even if its range is very long, from Lucheng to here, it has exceeded its effective strike distance. It can't be effective on this battlefield.

But the shooting continued.

Who didn't kill red-eyed at this time?

The artillery fire was continuous, if you hit me, I will hit you!

Missiles flew through the air at high speed.

The firing rate of the military missile launch system was equally terrifying, with missiles and rocket launchers forming a line of fire that flew through the air.

But these attacks were ineffective, because the air war bugs formed an indestructible flesh and blood shield in front of the three giant warship war bugs. Once a human attack came, they would actively meet and intercept with their bodies!

Under their cover, the three living warships of the insect swarm civilization opened fire crazily, and the ray attacks penetrated the battlefield.

On the ground, the surging ground war bugs like the ocean advanced forward in unison, charging forward unstoppably in the overwhelming human artillery fire!

That was a huge pressure like a tidal wave!

The same scene was also happening on the main battlefield of Jinling City.

The human army is almost at the foot of the Zerg's Zhenze Hive. At this time, the Zerg is nervous and crazy. Their unique civilization command system allows their war insects to defeat the most professional human warriors on the battlefield, but at the same time, this is in exchange for their ordinary war insects' self-behavior ability. Once the hive is blown up, these overwhelming war insects will become a mess.

Especially those low-intelligence quick-made clone war insects, they will be completely useless, and the Zerg will be defeated overnight. So at this moment, the Zerg civilization is so crazy to gather its forces and fight a decisive battle with the main force of humans outside Zhenze Lake. The purpose is to prevent humans from approaching or even destroying their Zhenze Lake Hive!

Although the Zhenze Lake insect nest here is not the core mother nest of the insect swarm civilization on the Blue Star Civilization battlefield, it is the command center of the war insects in the surrounding areas and cannot be missed.

At the same time that humans in Lucheng were at war with the insect swarm civilization.

The battlefield here is about seventy or eighty kilometers away.

But Taton is ambushing here with his own people.

It is using its own reconnaissance drones to keep an eye on changes on the battlefield.

This reconnaissance drone is a high-end product that it spent a lot of valuable contribution points to purchase from the contribution point mall. It can even be optically invisible, and can achieve true invisibility on the battlefield, making it invisible to human beings. The technology of civilization and insect swarm civilization cannot be discovered, which allows it to observe the situation here.

Seeing the swarm of insects and humans fighting each other, Taton was extremely excited and said: "Okay, okay, you two quickly fight to the death, so that I can get on! Damn it, I can finally take revenge. "

Its staff officer was a little confused: "Sir, why don't we go to the city where humans fight, but instead keep an eye on their main force here?"

"Haha, stupid, what do you know? Human beings also keep people in their cities, and attack the city directly, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If we only have so many people, won't we suffer heavy losses?" Taton said, "But here we have It’s different. Even though this is the main force of insects and humans, when they are almost done fighting, will the main force still be the main force? At that time, whoever wins will be the main force. If they lose, they will be a group of defeated generals. Where is the fighting power? We just need to cut off their retreat and eat them, and we can earn a lot of contribution points!"

"So that's how it is, my lord is wise, my lord is wise! However, my lord, who do you think can win between these insect swarms and humans?"

"Haha..." Taton gritted his teeth and said, "Of course it's the insect swarm, a group of indigenous humans. The main force of the Taku people who bully us is not here. How could they defeat the insect swarm? Don't look at how fierce they are today. They advanced for more than a hundred kilometers, but the swarm did not expect them to dare to fight out - who would have thought that a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered would dare to fight back?

"Look at it now. Humans have occupied Huangtang Town first. Aren't they being crushed by the swarm of insects? Humans are finished! Just wait, the day of my revenge is coming soon!"

Taton looked at the picture nervously, with an expression that made him wish that humanity would be defeated in the next second.

But not long after, Taton's expression suddenly changed: "Is it that boy? Is that boy here?"

Among all the humans in Lucheng, Taton was only deeply impressed by one person.

That was naturally Lin Qun.

At this moment, in the picture returned by its unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, on the edge of the battlefield in Huangtang Town, a force of nearly ten thousand people suddenly shot out from the side of the main force of the human military and the insect swarm army. There were uniform military vehicles in front, and a variety of vehicles behind them, but they were very powerful, marching forward in high spirits, charging all the way towards the insect swarm's front line. It seemed that the target was actually the three living battleships of the insect swarm!

Seeing this scene, Taton was very happy: "Hahaha, is this human being's head broken? With such a small group of people trying to attack the insect swarm, do they think the insect swarm is the same as us Taku people? Bah, we Taku people Humans are more powerful than swarms of insects...

"Hahaha, look at it, he is dead! He is dead! In today's battle, human civilization will definitely lose. The indigenous people are the indigenous people! What can they use to fight against the civilization of our contestants?"

When it comes to the people in Lucheng that Taton hates the most, it must be Lin Qun.

Without him, they had been bullied by Lin Qun for too long, and Ta Tun naturally hated Lin Qun deeply.

Now seeing Lin Qun rushing into battle, he is happier than anyone else.

Even if you can't kill Lin Qun yourself, watching this human being die in battle is still good.

Tartun and his men were all excited.

It seemed that the moment of revenge was close at hand.

They believe that they are "clear bystanders" and have already determined the outcome of this battle, making a judgment that humans will definitely lose!

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