Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 210 The shining sword light!

The smoke was rolling, and large groups of troops were moving. The pattern of the war was being re-differentiated.

The ambush of the swarm did not have the expected effect. The giant burrowing worms lying in ambush underground were destroyed one after another.

Under the bombardment, it collapsed with a bang.

Amid the continuous explosions, the military's front line gradually closed up, forming a blade-like array, piercing through the swarm and advancing towards the direction of Zhenze Lake.

On the edge of Zhenze Lake, the giant war worm was also bombed repeatedly at this moment, bathed in flames, shaky and unable to support itself.

The command center's judgment was correct, and the defeat of the swarm was a foregone conclusion.

At this moment, in the center of the battlefield, deep in Zhenze Lake, three kilometers away from the lakeshore battlefield, the water surface suddenly separated layer by layer, and a huge worm nest slowly rose from the water. That was the real Zhenze Lake worm nest. It rose part of its structure from under the water surface, and the top of its worm nest opened, revealing a black hole launch device.

And the moment it surfaced, it immediately became the target of the human strike group.

So a large number of ground war insects around began to move towards it, in groups, in a mighty force, and went into the water one after another. The number was huge, and they coupled with each other, forming an armored defense, covering the insect nest layer by layer. When the upper layer was destroyed, more insect swarms below would rush up fearlessly, and the military's long-range strikes could hardly break through.

Not only that, the insects along the shore of Zhenze Lake also began to operate at this moment, and countless war insects swarmed in, trying to intercept the advance of human troops.

At this moment, on the battlefield of Zhenze Lake, countless war insects gathered, regardless of life and death, regardless of the cost, to drag the human army's pace forward, and defend the insect nest behind them to the death. Artillery fire flew, and a large number of war insects fell like rain.

In front of the sea of ​​insects and the human army formation, Lin Qun was still rushing forward.

The sword control technique has reached the first level, which is equivalent to the cultivation level reaching the Qi Refining Stage. With the continuous replenishment of dark energy recovery potions and the opening of the Wushuang, Lin Qun's attributes are rising every minute, and his combat power has reached a terrifying level. In front of the battle formation, no one can resist Lin Qun!

However, the Mark 46 on his body has been severely damaged, and many functions have failed. Even the battleship has collapsed, revealing a large area of ​​the body below. But Lin Qun's Wushuang has now reached a certain level, and a layer of light aura is shrouded on his body. Coupled with his strong physical attributes, the firepower of the swarm, even if it hits his body, it can't cause any damage to him!

Lin Qun also noticed the unusual movement ahead. The insect nest rose from the deep water, obviously wanting to do something. In the current situation, the possible actions of the insect swarm are very limited and not difficult to guess. His heart sank and he immediately said to the Lucheng Command Center: "The insect swarm has unusual movements. The insect nest rose from the water surface by itself. It is very likely that they are preparing some kind of weapons of mass destruction and want to fight us to the death!"

In the rear command center, Li Zheng and others attached great importance to Lin Qun's news. Their judgment was similar to Lin Qun's.

"It is very likely." Li Zheng said, "At present, the Zhenze Lake insect swarm has been defeated. Their other troops are 700 kilometers away from here. Support is impossible. These contestants definitely don't want to become others' contribution points to make others stronger. They must want to release weapons in the end to destroy us!"

Li Zheng contacted the Jinling City Command Center as soon as possible, speeding up and killing the insect nest as soon as possible.

At this moment, the order from the rear was passed forward, and the military battle formation accelerated its pace step by step, forcing the Zhenze Lake insect swarm to kill.

Lin Qun took the lead and marched across the battlefield. In many directions around him, human armies gathered densely, countless guns fired, heavy armored vehicles rumbled on the battlefield, and the soldiers of Jinling City also cooperated with the Lucheng troops to advance.

At this moment, the power of humans on the battlefield was twisted into a rope, launching the final charge against the swarm of insects in the center of Zhenze Lake!

Break through the front line and destroy the swarm!

Lin Qun's team took the lead and had penetrated the deepest part of the swarm of insects. There were insects in all directions. At this time, in another direction, Jinling City's top gifted warrior team, with the cooperation of Jinling City's armored forces, broke through another direction and echoed with Lin Qun's troops. It was like two sharp knives piercing the swarm of insects, piercing the heart from two directions!

And the more this happened, the more crazy the defense of the swarm of insects became. They were not afraid of death at all. In front of the unstoppable battle formation of humans, they formed a wall of flesh and blood, and rushed against humans one after another. The human front line, after several charges, did not rush through, and Lin Qun was beaten back!

Because there are too many of them!

"Crazy! Crazy! These insect swarms are crazy!"

In the battle formation, Li Jie looked at the sea of ​​insects in front of him and was shocked.

Only the insect swarm has such a sense of war. In this case, not only did they not collapse across the board, but they resisted desperately.

Especially at this moment, behind them, the huge awakened steel war worm moved its body and began to charge forward in the opposite direction. On its body, countless artillery roared and spewed out the flames of death.

On one side, the gifted team of Jinling City rushed forward at high speed, and a figure suddenly emerged from its army battle formation, emitting golden light all over. It rushed forward against the giant war worm and jumped directly on the opponent's body. After a violent hammering, its fist was even more fierce than steel, and the huge monster was smashed everywhere, and the metal deck and gun muzzle were bent and twisted!

Its body was howling!

That was Huang Qizheng, the number one in Jinling.

It's just that this scene makes people feel a little funny for no reason.

But his size was too small, and he punched people like a berserker, making the iron skin fly everywhere, but it seemed to be of no use. On the contrary, swarms of insects climbed along the body of the giant war insect, trying to Submerge Huang Qizheng directly!

At this moment, a thunderous noise sounded on the battlefield.

Endless steam billows and boils.

A huge skinless giant appeared directly!

That is……

Super giant transformation!

Lin Qun instantly transformed into a seventy-meter super giant. The huge body was surrounded by smoke-like high-temperature steam. The shadow cast directly enveloped the endless swarm of insects below. He stepped out with one foot and crushed all of them to death. Then he used both hands to Come out, directly pull up the giant war insect in front, and tear it to pieces on the battlefield!

That scene looked like giant gods fighting!

Wherever the forest group passed by, the insect swarm's insect sea tactics were directly ineffective. The huge 30-meter-tall war fortress-like war insect looked like a dwarf in front of the forest group, being torn apart by the forest group in minutes. , explosions continued, huge amounts of material were thrown in all directions, and the surrounding war bugs screamed and evaded - this was not because they were no longer brave at this moment and no longer carried out orders, but because they were seeking death by staying below.

Will be crushed to death by the forest crowd.

Huang Qizheng had already jumped out and stared at the scene with wide eyes: "What the hell is this?"

Behind, the soldiers on the front line of Jinling City were all stunned.

Duan Tianqi raised his head and looked at the scene in front of him in amazement.

This was a method he had never seen before.

"Who is this? There is such a master in the magic city, who can become such a giant? This time, if such a big guy opens the way, what can the bug do?!"

Duan Tianqi and others had witnessed with their own eyes the terrifying single combat power of Lin Qun, who could kill thousands of insects. They naturally thought that the ability like flying swordsmanship was Lin Qun's talent. Normally, a human being could only awaken one Talent, at this time, the super giant transformation was obviously another ability, so it was taken for granted that this was another person.

Suddenly, everyone felt that there were many masters of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the Magic City!

But at this time, as Lin Qun's super giant transformed, it directly dealt a dimensionality-reducing blow to the sea of ​​​​insects under his feet.

Those bugs are already huge to ordinary people, but to Lin Qun, a 70-meter giant, they are no different from real bugs. The denser they are, the faster they die.

Of course, the body of the super giant is not invulnerable. The cannons of the insect swarm can cause substantial damage to the body of Lin Qun's giant. Even if he has a very high physique, he cannot withstand such intensive firepower now.

You know, these war bugs are all armed to the teeth.

Therefore, it didn't take long for Lin Qun's super giant to transform before his legs were blown off, and his huge body collapsed like a mountain falling down like a jade pillar!

The surrounding insect swarms scattered like birds and beasts, and on both sides of the super giant's body, the troops from Jinling and Magic City turned into two torrents of steel, piercing the battlefield!

The military's action was extremely fast, because at the critical moment, the insect swarm's weapons of mass destruction could be prepared and launched at any time. Everyone went crazy. In less than five minutes, the human army had penetrated the insect sea and was approaching the end of the border. We're on the shore of Zhenze Lake!

The insect nest in the lake is just around the corner!

At this moment, deep in Zhenze Lake, under the insect nest, the insect swarm commander was nervous as never before.

Their mass destruction mother bomb is a special living weapon. In fact, it is the insect nest itself: it completely activates the insect nest and turns it into a super bomb. The explosion range is comparable to that of a nuclear weapon, but it will not cause radiation. On the contrary, it will Leaving behind the seeds of the insect swarm in the corresponding explosion area means that the insect swarm may come back. The practicality of this weapon for the insect swarm is far greater than that of nuclear weapons. Because of this, activation of this weapon takes a long time.

It takes at least twenty minutes to activate this kind of weapon, which is nothing in normal times, but on the battlefield, it becomes particularly tense, even if it has started detonating in advance after the ambush plan failed, and the advancement has accelerated. The detonation speed has only been advanced to 80% now, and it will take at least more than 130 seconds to explode.

In fact, when the insect nest surfaced, the insect nest's reanimation had already begun for a long time, and it was only then that it entered the final stage of detonation and surfaced.

But judging from the current situation, with mankind making rapid progress, it is very likely that it will not succeed!

This insect had a rare regret at this moment.

It feels like it may have started a little late.

Although it has long been prepared to fight to the death, who wants to be truly defeated? As long as there is a glimmer of possibility, I definitely don't want to die together.

It pinned its hopes on being able to ambush the main force of humans, use a batch of fake insect nests to attract the firepower of large-scale bombings that consume humans, and then lure the main force of the human army into the battlefield. At this time, if it can successfully counterattack and eat the main force of humans, , in fact, they can reverse the situation of the war, and they can turn defeat into victory.

As a bug, an advanced bug, it is not greedy for life and afraid of death. It just wants to preserve power for its own civilization and find the optimal solution.

If you can defeat humans, that is naturally the best; if you cannot defeat them, then choose other options.

Based on the strength shown by humans before, it judged that even if its plan failed, with its existing insect swarm strength, it should still have time to activate the mother bomb.

However, the combat power of the Lin Qun exceeded its prediction, and the speed of change of the situation on the battlefield also exceeded its estimation.

It may not have enough time.

At this moment, even a sophisticated and advanced insect like it felt a sense of loss and despair.

However, as an insect, it will never give up. Even if the current situation has pointed to an unoptimistic ending, it will still try to the last moment, and try to self-destruct as much as possible, rather than being destroyed by humans, and take away as many humans as possible.

Even if the mother bomb fails and cannot severely damage the main force of humans, it still has a final plan.

It can make countless war insects commit suicide!

If they are not killed by humans, humans will naturally not be able to obtain their insect contribution points!

This is an impossible plan in other civilizations. Even if it is launched, it is difficult to execute, but it is not difficult for the swarm. As long as the hive gives an order, countless war insects below will commit suicide without hesitation!

At this moment, it is making its last effort to gather the swarm and continue to block the progress of humans.

Let go, maybe there is still a chance!


At the same time.

About 80 kilometers away from this battlefield.

A warship of the Prophet Civilization had already approached, but it was completely invisible, disappearing from the detection of the Magic City, Jinling, and even the Zerg.

Not only that, it had already turned on the optical invisible state, and even if a bird flew around, it could not detect its existence.

It perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment.

The technology possessed by this warship of the Prophet Civilization far exceeded that of humans and Zerg.

In fact, they have been dormant here for a long time, stuck outside the edge of the Zhenze Lake area, no longer on the list, and have not been discovered by any party. Their distance alone has exceeded the current defense limit of humans and Zerg.

And in its bridge.

Two cold voices are communicating quickly.

"The battle between humans and Zerg civilization has entered the final stage. It's surprising that Zerg civilization is about to lose."

"But I still can't understand why it's necessary to waste a precious opportunity to activate weapons of mass destruction for these natives?"

"Hehe, we are about to give birth to an evolver, and the use of weapons of mass destruction is not so important to us; moreover, annihilating the main forces of humans and Zerg civilization here in one fell swoop will not only allow us to minimize risks, but also the entire Magic City and Jinling area will be ours, and the humans in the remaining two places will no longer have the power to resist, and they will all be in our pockets."

At this time, a cold electronic synthesized sound rang out in their bridge.

[The main gun has been charged. ]

[The prism coordinates have been adjusted. ]

[The target has been locked. 】

"Where should we aim this time? The hive of the Zerg Civilization? They seem to be about to detonate a Zerg mother bomb. If they succeed, the humans and Zerg on the battlefield of Zhenze Lake will probably all be killed, and we won't be able to get back any contribution points."

"Don't worry, we have foreseen the defeat of the Zerg, but the process is not clear, but the time node is very clear. We just need to act at the key time node. Wait and see, these weak and ridiculous creatures, humans, Zerg, they don't know what they are facing. These humans may even foolishly think that we are being entangled by the Shadow Civilization, haha... They will perish from their own weakness."

Another figure seemed to glance at the Prophet Civilization creature who had just spoken, and finally fell silent.

The Prophet Civilization's bridge was dead silent, with only the main gun humming slightly, shaking the ship.

Their arrows were on the string.

But at this moment, the prophet civilization creature who had just spoken suddenly said in shock: "Wait, a high-energy reaction was detected. Do humans also carry weapons of mass destruction? Don't humans only have nuclear weapons? Human nuclear technology should have been blocked by the organizer... and this reaction is obviously not nuclear..."

"No... it's that human! It's the power of that human!"

"He showed the combat power that the Bakatans described as infinitely close to the evolver?"

"No... no... him..."

Because at this moment...

On the battlefield, a flash of light was piercing the sky dazzlingly!

That was...

The Sword of Promised Victory!

The super-large giant transformed to help Lin Qun and the large military force complete the final charge. When the giant fell, groups of war insects collapsed. On the front battlefield, Lin Qun was infinitely close to the shore of Zhenze Lake.

Of course, Zhenze Lake is vast and blue, with a diameter of 69 kilometers at its longest point. The insect nest is close to the lakeshore, but from where Lin Qun is standing now, he can only vaguely see a corner of the insect nest exposed above the water.

But this is enough.

Lin Qun's total energy and dark energy have exceeded 300.

As long as this value is reached, he can release the Sword of Promised Victory infinitely!

In addition to Superman, what means can he use to defeat the insect swarm and destroy the insect nest in the shortest time, in the fastest and most fierce way?

The answer is clear and simple.

That is the anti-city treasure from the Holy Grail War system, the Sword of Promised Victory!

The high cost of use will bring terrifying destructive power!

And the first round of release does not even require too much drugs.

Because the Colossal Titan transformed, his energy attribute doubled. Although Lin Qun had just been in the battle, he had been preparing for this moment and kept his dark energy and energy attributes at a high level.

Before Lin Qun took action, he had already asked Li Zheng for a large amount of dark energy and energy recovery potions.

The command center responded urgently, and the troops in front were surprised to receive it. They didn't know why they suddenly stopped. The insect nest was clearly in front of them, but the next moment they understood what was going to happen next!

At this moment, when Lin Qun passed through the neck of the collapsed Colossal Titan, a large number of insect swarms gathered in front of him, forming a tall wall of flesh and blood.

The insect swarms were still rushing forward fearlessly.

Forming a defense line.

But this moment was meaningless.

Flashes burst out from the Sword of Promised Victory.

At that moment, a dazzling beam of light was stimulated from the sword edge, reaching the sky, as if piercing all the clouds in the sky. The clouds in the sky vibrated in circles, forming a breathtaking sea of ​​clouds!

At that moment, the flashes refracted from the sky illuminated the entire battlefield!

At that moment, a terrible light burst out from the Sword of Victory in Lin Qun's hand, and instantly moved forward, piercing the battlefield. On the front, the wall of flesh and blood formed by the swarm of insects collapsed almost in an instant.

Countless war insects turned into rain and disappeared in the light.

The last swarm of insects that blocked the human army in front instantly melted like ice and snow.

Wherever the sword light went, the swarms that blocked the front were all wiped out. Lin Qun's figure was like a flash of lightning, crisscrossing the battlefield. Under the dazzling flash, there was an unstoppable fighting force!

In front of Lin Qun, the words of contribution points and experience increase rolled like a waterfall, and a large number of contribution points were credited.

Behind him, large groups of military troops stopped urgently, and countless people's pupils shook, looking at the scene in front of them in shock.

Duan Tianqi stood on the roof of the tank, watching the first Lin Qun in the Magic City show a shocking blow, and felt numb all over: "One person's strength is unstoppable by thousands of troops?! How did he do it?!"

Huang Qizheng stood on the shore of Zhenze Lake and stopped. He was not surprised, but shouted excitedly.

Behind Lin Qun, there was a dead silence.

Taku's Tatun was horrified, his eyes were almost blinded, and he cursed: "Is this the combat power that the natives can achieve? What kind of monster is this?! So many insects were blown to pieces in an instant!"

The staff officer beside him swallowed his saliva wildly: "Fortunately, fortunately he didn't use it on us before, otherwise, our 10,000 people would not be enough for this human to kill?!"

Tatun said angrily: "Damn it, no, run, it's impossible for us to fish in troubled waters, run away quickly!"

The battlefield suddenly became quiet at that moment. Humans and insect swarms, and even the prophet civilization hundreds of kilometers away, were shocked by what happened on the battlefield.

With their unique ability, they foresaw that the Zerg would be defeated and that they would not have the opportunity to release their weapons of mass destruction, but they did not expect that the situation would develop beyond their imagination!

On the battlefield, the images sent back at this moment surprised the creatures of the two prophetic civilizations, revealing infinite fear!

Then, they all floated without wind, their arms forward, pushing the space flatly, as if they were deducing something at high speed. The time and space around them seemed to suddenly stagnate, and the light in the bridge lit up and went out. Everything happened in just half a second, but it seemed as long as a century.

Finally, a cold voice sounded.

"So that's it... It seems that our 'foresight' still missed something. The threat mentioned by the Bakatans is real, and this human possesses extraordinary power."

Another voice said with infinite coldness: "But the outcome will not change. We will be the final winner in this battle. Weak civilizations can only become prey in the war of civilizations."

"Recalibrate the timeline and prepare to fire. The time node for our appearance is coming soon."

At this moment, everyone on the battlefield, including Li Zheng, obviously had doubts.

Such a terrifying attack should not be used easily. Lin Qun released this attack to attack the insect swarm. What about the insect nest behind? Isn't it better to leave it to the insect nest?

The power of this attack should be enough to destroy the insect nest.

"Damn, Mr. Lin is still anxious. This attack should be left to the insect nest!"

But what they don't know is...

As long as there is enough "magic power", it can be released all the time, and the Sword of Promised Victory in the materialized global battlefield can also be released infinitely as long as Lin Qun can "pay" enough energy or dark energy to fill it!

Now, the sum of Lin Qun's dark energy and energy limit has exceeded 300 points. As long as he keeps replenishing dark energy and energy, and the supply keeps up, he can release the second round immediately!

Therefore, at this moment, Lin Qun just completed a strike, but did not retreat at all, but accelerated forward -

This strike is just the beginning.

The thrusters of Mark 46 flashed, and Lin Qun's figure passed through the corpses of the swarm of insects and rushed towards the direction of Zhenze Lake at high speed.

The lake water under his feet parted, and a large number of insect corpses turned up. In the distance, more war insects tried to rush towards him fearlessly, but it was too late.

Because on the battlefield, on the lake, under the bloody sunset, the sword of victory in Lin Qun's hand has flashed for the second time!

Energy recovery potion, dark energy recovery potion, add it for free.


On the battlefield, the second flash pierced through everything.

At that moment, everyone's eyes reflected the light that penetrated the world.


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