Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 265 Bombarding the Insect Swarm

Southwest of Green Province.

The Zerg Civilization landed on the fifth Zerg Nest of the Blue Star Battlefield.

This is a regular Zerg Nest, carrying a large number of air-ground combat insects and some special combat insects.

Its commander is the same as the Zerg Nest in Zhenze Lake, and is a natural commander in the Zerg sequence.

The structure and size of this Zerg Nest are almost exactly the same as the Zerg Nest in Zhenze Lake. It is also surrounded by a large number of combat insects, and there are secondary functional Zerg Nests like mountains, guarding around its command Zerg Nest.

These secondary functional Zerg Nests have also appeared in Zhenze Lake, serving as troop transport, transit, gunboats, and production bases.

They are all semi-rock and metal structures, filled with a Zerg life technology mixed with the technological sense of interstellar civilization.

Each Zerg Nest is supported by multiple propulsion matrices at its bottom and rear, which allows these huge Zerg Nests to sail in the air.

But after all, the size and weight are here. If a whole huge hive system wants to move quickly, the distance cannot be too high. It can only be maintained at an altitude of 700 to 800 meters. At this position, the forward speed of a hive war system can reach two-thirds of the speed of conventional fighters, which is also very impressive.

When the forest group rose from the distance of Green Province, it passed through the air with a line of fire and rushed to the fifth hive at high speed.

The commander of the swarm located deep in the hive immediately reported to the mother nest of the peak and received the fire feedback as soon as possible.

So, on the fifth hive war system that was originally pouring firepower to another direction of Green Province, the swarms of artillery, missiles, and rocket launch matrices all turned to attack the forest group at a super long distance.

Their firepower, one round of firing, is enough to cover a county, but now they are firing at a target. This is the highest "respect" and an extremely luxurious attack.

That piece of attack rose up like a cloud of fire.

The order of the queen of the Zerg was extremely simple and confident: "Face him, bomb him, kill him: he is still a life, not yet an Evolved Being. Even if his ability to defeat the fleet of the multi-legged civilization is still useful, it is ineffective for our Zerg, but our attack is enough to kill him remotely."

The Zerg's judgment was very correct.

Their attack put a lot of pressure on Lin Qun.

Lin Qun couldn't stand the dense missiles on his face. Whether it was the Mark 50 or Lin Qun's own physical attributes, although they were far superior to his peers, they were far from being able to withstand hundreds of various heavy firepower attacks.

Therefore, Lin Qun had to slow down and detour in mid-air, relying on the powerful maneuverability of the Mark 50 to bypass the entire strike line from the front, and then Lin Qun turned around and charged forward again.

The Zerg opened fire for the second round.

Even if it was the Mark 50 nanosuit, if it was bombarded by such dense artillery fire from the Zerg, his nanosuit could be broken.

Of course, he didn't dare to take it head-on.

But Lin Qun's speed was fast enough, and the distance was constantly shortened.

His move here touched the hearts of many people.

In Lucheng, the facts were followed up and the situation was extremely tense.

The spies and reconnaissance equipment of other alien civilizations were all watching the battle from afar.

The aircraft of the Prophet Civilization, which was hidden in a distant location outside the Green Province, witnessed the whole process through the drones on the scene.

Tianqu said: "He can't break through at all in this state. What other means does he have? Is he going to give his contribution points to the Zerg?"

Everyone can see that it is difficult for Lin Qun to break through. For example, the battle that defeated the fleet of the multi-legged civilization before is almost impossible to replicate.

This is also normal. These alien civilizations are all highly intelligent creatures. The intelligence of any civilization is not worse than that of humans. The collision between Lin Qun and the first fleet of the multi-legged civilization shocked everyone, but the same tactics could not be staged and must be guarded against.

At a distance of nine kilometers, it is difficult for Lin Qun to break through to five kilometers, and it is difficult to release a round of the Sword of Promised Victory.

Having said that, it still believes that Lin Qun cannot be so stupid to fight head-on, and must have other plans.

But judging from the current situation, the situation is not so optimistic.

Lin Qun looked quite powerful, and attacked from a distance, but the Hive Fleet that had never been able to get close to the Zerg looked like it had delivered itself to the door, being chased and beaten by the Zerg Hive, and looked very embarrassed.

In front of Lin Qun, the Fifth Zerg Hive did not slack off at all, and had completely stopped its advance. The terrifying Zerg torrent hung in the sky, and countless artillery fired crazily.

The Zerg Corps was armed to the teeth, and each round of firing was heavy and powerful, just to kill Lin Qun from a distance.

No matter how you turn and maneuver, your individual strength is strong, but under modern long-range attacks, you don't even want to get close!

Therefore, Lin Qun showed a declining trend, with a sense of despair and powerlessness.

But Lin Qun's round of attacks successfully attracted the firepower of the Fifth Zerg Hive of the Zerg. One person made the firepower of the entire Zerg Hive pour down on him, which directly gave the human troops in the Green Province that were originally attacked by this Zerg Hive a chance to breathe, and they were retreating in large numbers and trying their best to hide themselves.

In the distance where Lin Qun was moving, the scattered ground troops following Lin Qun had all stopped.

If they came closer, they would probably become the target of the insect nest.

For example, Chu Youwei, Huang Qizheng and others, although their strength was not bad, it was the strength of a single person. Facing the bombardment of the insect nest, they had no room to evade, and it was impossible to kill the enemy. If they followed forward like this, they would be courting death.

Tong Xin's car had stopped long ago. Huang Qizheng stuck his head out, looked into the distance with a telescope, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Lin Qun can't do it like this. Why don't we let him hurry up?"

Huang Qizheng could see clearly.

The forest group is now rushing left and right, and they can't get close to the insect nest. Let alone zooming in on the Sword of Victory, they can't even touch it.

The insect swarm was now on guard against the methods that Lin Qun had shown in the battle before. At this time, it was impossible to give the forest group any chance to get close. Moreover, the insect swarm's nest had abundant weapons reserves and fired wildly. It looked like there was no attack at all. It looks like a complete missile.

Even if the attack can be completed, the insect swarm will definitely have a reserve of contribution points, which can be exchanged for a large amount of ammunition at any time to continue the attack.

Huang Qizheng's judgment is still pertinent.

Tong Xin was also worried.

When Lin Qun took off and rushed to the battlefield quickly, they were all excited, thinking that the previous battle was going to be reenacted. Lin Qun discovered that the insect nest was destroyed, but they did not expect such a situation.

Just then...

The forest group in the distance seemed to have heard Huang Qizheng's words. They suddenly changed direction and ran in the opposite direction to the insect nest, flying through the air at high speed, as if they were preparing to run away!

The surrounding human ground troops from all directions felt that Lin Qun was preparing to run away.

This is in line with Lin Qun's war rhythm.

If you can't help it, hit him, if you can beat him, ride on your face, if you can't beat him, run away.

Lin Qun's appearance at this time was very suitable, running away.

Insect Nest also seemed to feel that Lin Qun was preparing to run away.

Their fleet then changed direction and continued to chase the forest group and bombard them indiscriminately!

The insect nest wants to leave the forest group behind!

Children of civilization are also their goals and are beneficial to their civilization.

But Lin Qun was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he had exceeded three times the speed of sound. He turned into a line of fire and rushed towards the end of the skyline, flying two kilometers away in a few seconds.

With the performance of the Mark 50, if Lin Qun wants to run at full speed, ordinary people really can't stop him.

Running like crazy all the way, in the blink of an eye, Lin Qun had already run out for almost ten kilometers. In the sky, from such a distance, even he couldn't see the insect nest clearly!

That location is not in the direction of the Green Province, but along the edge of the Green Province's border, a deserted wilderness.

Among the missiles of the insect swarm behind him, only a few supersonic missiles could chase him.

At this time, Lin Qun suddenly stopped running. Instead, he slowed down and fired out several rays of sword light with his backhand, detonating all the missiles behind him. Then Lin Qun turned around and rushed toward his feet.

His movement has exceeded the position where most humans can observe it. Only the insect nest and the command center behind can see it.

At this moment, looking at this scene, Li Zheng from the Lucheng Command Center sneered.

He knew that his and Lin Qun's plan was about to succeed!

In the fifth insect nest, deep in the insect nest, the command insect connected to countless tubes instantly scanned and analyzed the location of the forest group, and was instantly shocked.

"When did they place a heavy cannon here?!"

At this moment, the forest group quickly landed in the wilderness.

Hidden among the layers of woods is a turbolaser cannon system!

This is exactly the card Lin Qun drew before.

After being modified by the military and put into use, it was still shining in the battle with the multi-legged civilization a day ago. It struck at super long distances and destroyed several multi-pod civilization warships in a row with its powerful performance and terrifying output power. , and made great contributions to the successful integration of the human joint forces with the second fleet of civilization.

And this heavy weapon disappeared after appearing briefly, because its original position was far away from the battlefield, and it left the battlefield quietly. However, I didn't expect that it would appear here at this moment.

And this was naturally Lin Qun and Li Zheng's plan.

They knew from the beginning that if they rushed forward like this, it was absolutely impossible to repeat their victory against the first fleet of the multi-legged civilization, so they had to use some other means.

And this naval gun from the Star Wars world has become the first choice at this moment. Its powerful firepower has been fully demonstrated on the battlefield against the multi-legged civilization. The defense of the main battleship of the multi-legged civilization is also difficult to defeat. Withstanding its continuous bombardment, it can also cause a devastating blow to the insect hive system.

Therefore, this weapon was operated by a special team sent by Li Zheng and "sent" directly to Lin Qun's hands.

A distance of more than ten kilometers is enough for it to fire wildly!

When Lin Qun arrived, the personnel here had been evacuated, leaving only a heavy turbolaser cannon. The muzzle pointed diagonally towards the sky, revealing a creepy chill and coldness.

It was useless for those people to stay here to prevent the insect swarm from retaliating.

The entire cannon has been debugged at this moment. Lin Qun can fire directly after getting started. Moreover, he has also received training and used it himself, so he can use it independently.

Not only that, the military left him three sets of energy sources, which were valuable and could supply Lin Qun with 180 cannons.

Li Zheng's voice rang directly in Lin Qun's ears: "I've given you the cannon and ammunition. Lin Qun, you are going to knock down the fifth insect nest of the insect swarm for me. And, as you promised me, this door The cannon can't be blown up by these bugs!"

The insect swarm has been firing for a long time, and the military has been using missiles, rockets, etc. to shoot at it, but one of the reasons why it has not used this turbolaser cannon is that it is worried about it being destroyed.

This beam energy weapon has amazing firepower and a long enough strike range, but once it fires, its position will be exposed. If you have the means to hit someone, they will naturally come to hit you. The turbolaser cannon is too big, so it is really locked in. I can't even run away from my target!

Lin Qun only narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and said boldly: "Don't worry, wait and see me bombard the insect swarm!"

At this moment, he has quickly entered the turbolaser cannon operating platform, immediately turned the turret, and fired wildly!

The roar of the turbolaser cannon shook, and the terrifying beam energy rays instantly turned into light and shot out, forming a beam of fire that shot straight into the sky!

The beams of energy struck through the air one after another, and with roaring sounds, they went straight towards the fleet of insects.

The beam energy struck at an extremely fast speed. Lin Qun's three-tube turbolaser cannon fired wildly before launching the third round of strikes. The first round of strikes had already rushed in front of the insect swarm like a flash of sharp arrows!

The fifth insect nest reacted very quickly. The moment it discovered the cannon hidden here, it immediately mobilized the insect swarm forward and built a steel-like insect swarm release line in front of its core insect nest. At the same time, the other two heavy-duty ships The mountain-like warships of the insect swarm are also activated, guarding diagonally in front of it, resisting attacks from the direction of the forest swarm.

Therefore, the dozens of cannons fired in front of Lin Qun, with overwhelming force, failed to hit the insect nest, but hit the insect swarm outside.

But despite this, the power of this turbo laser cannon is also very terrifying, especially when Lin Qun continuously fires indiscriminate bombardments, and the strikes are in a line. The insect swarms in front of them fall in pieces under the blow, and a beam of energy rays, Able to blast more than a dozen insects head-on, and with the dense density, Lin Qun's attack was like a dazzling flash of light, directly penetrating the front-facing insect swarm defense line.

Continue inward.

Fire roared.

The strike penetrated the insect swarm's front line and directly hit a rear insect nest guarding the fifth insect nest.

Accompanied by a loud noise.

Lin Qun fired seventy-six cannons, directly piercing the guarding insect mountain warships from the front.

The flash of the triple-mounted turbolaser cannon penetrated from a long distance like a heavy rain. Hitting multiple places, the huge insect nest was shattered like paper. Fires appeared on the front and exploded. The huge structure exploded in the air, like a mountain of flames ignited in the air, and the huge hull structure fell, collapsed, and plummeted like an iceberg.

The surrounding insects fled in fear.

Huge amounts of contribution points are credited to your account!

Swarms of insects were killed in droves!

Lin Qun stood ten kilometers away and bombarded the insect nest from an extremely long distance!

At this moment, the offense and defense seemed to be reversed. Lin Qun was now ten kilometers away, controlling a triple-mounted turbolaser cannon, firing wildly, and bombarding the insect nest.

Dear readers, Happy New Year. I hope everyone will have all the best in the new year. Also, please give me a wave of support in the new year!

In addition, the content of some chapters may be sensitive, so some places have been automatically modified by Qidian. You can only think about it more and I have no choice...

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