When Li Zheng's communication was connected, Lin Qun was actually gearing up to draw another card.

The ground was ringing and he wanted to succeed.

Moreover, the pace of war is obviously getting faster and faster, and it is changing rapidly. The sooner you get it, the better.

But before he could draw the card, news about Li Zheng came.

Listening to Li Zheng's words, Lin Qun's heart sank.

He agreed with Li Zheng's judgment.

The Black Sheep Civilization is a top-level civilization that is active in the African region. They don't know much about it, they only know that it is extremely powerful.

But they knew about the prophetic civilization.

The technological strength of the prophet civilization is very strong. If they want, they can completely hide themselves. As long as they want, before they open fire, with human technical strength, it is impossible to even detect their coming unless they go through the rankings.

But judging from the current situation, they are all moving forward with a high profile, and their swords are pointed at Daxing.

It seems that the goal has changed, from Lin Qun to competing for Daxing, but in fact, it has not changed at all.

Lin Qun was originally just a trigger.

He is a threat, and his status as a son of civilization may also be tempting, but that may be useful for small and medium-sized civilizations, but for top-level civilizations, it is not that important.

From the beginning of the Prophet Civilization, the purpose was to use Lin Qun to start a multi-civilization war.

Moreover, it is a multi-civilization war between top civilizations that are qualified to compete for the final winner of Blue Star, the third-level civilization battlefield.

Killing Lin Qun was only a small part of the entire purpose. They want to use this as an opportunity to start a war, and then act as the leader to profit from it for their own civilization, and even severely damage other alien civilizations that have the strength to compete with the Prophet Civilization, and then determine the three fates of the Prophet Civilization on the Blue Star Battlefield. The ultimate victory on the battlefield of super civilization.

So, nothing has changed now.

"None of these top civilizations are vegetarians. The evil intentions of the Prophet Civilization are obvious. The Black Sheep Civilization does not follow them at all. It is not led by the Prophet Civilization and directly attacks Daxing City in a high-profile manner. The Prophet Civilization has no choice but to do so. They can show off their fleet and compete with the Black Sheep Civilization for Daxing City: They cannot sit back and watch the Black Sheep Civilization take over Daxing City, otherwise, the Prophet Civilization, which has not yet landed in the Huaxia region, will become passive from the position of leader. "

Lin Qun was silent for a moment and quickly made his own judgment.

Li Zheng said appreciatively: "Yes, Mr. Lin, your judgment is correct. The behavior of the Black Sheep Civilization is completely different from that of the Prophet Civilization. They just want to tell all civilizations that they are going to start a war in Daxing!"

"It seems that we are not as important as we thought. In the eyes of these top civilizations, we are just participants and supporting roles." Lin Qun slowly clenched his fists.

They were playing enthusiastically around here, but in fact, the real chess players had not yet come off the field to join the battle.

Even Lin Qun, the "target of public criticism", was just a part of his plan. If a fight came to a real end, he would not be taken seriously.

What is the reward for killing the Son of Civilization? It is valuable for multi-legged civilization and insect swarm, which are just to obtain some contribution points and advantages, but for prophet civilization and black sheep civilization, it is not so meaningful, because their real goal is to obtain the entire Victory on the battlefield of Blue Star Civilization, become the final winner, and gain the opportunity of the Kingdom of God.

What are the rewards of the sons of civilization compared to this?

Of course, Lin Qun himself knew that he was not a son of civilization at all. Whether humans have children of civilization is probably a question mark.

"That's right." Li Zheng said: "We humans are actually just the background in their war with each other.

"Lin Qun, Daxing is making urgent decisions, and the senior leaders of several of our survivor bases are also making decisions, and you must also make decisions.

“To go or not to go.

"They want to force you to go to Daxing for a decisive battle, but you are not their ultimate goal. Maybe..."

Maybe, Li Zheng was silent for a long time before continuing: "You still have a choice."

Li Zheng didn't say this completely, but there was something hidden in his words.

He doesn't need to point it out.

Lin Qun himself knew what Li Zheng meant.

Li Zheng said.

Lin Qun can leave.

At this moment, the entire region is in flames of war.

Multiple powerful civilizations are advancing in parallel, blocking all directions. Humanity's power seems huge, but in fact it is in a desperate situation caught between them.

There are alien civilizations in all directions, and there are many top-level civilizations entering the scene. These top-level civilizations are likely to have evolvers. They are walking weapons of mass destruction that can wipe out wherever they go. At that time, the battle is over and the winner is determined, and the remaining humans can only wait to be harvested by top civilizations. Without the checks and balances of other civilizations, they don't even need to send out too many troops. The strong men and evolvers at the level of heavenly driving can sweep one side.

Daxing City is the first to bear the brunt.

There are millions of people in Daxing City. It is impossible to evacuate them all in a short time. Even if they are evacuated, they will not be able to reach a safe distance.

Now, what seems to be the life and death of Daxing City is actually the life and death of human power in the entire region.

Great rise and fall.

It is only a matter of time before Lucheng and Jinling are destroyed.

Therefore, in fact, for humans in the entire region, there is only one choice now, which is to fully participate in the war. As the other party in this war, join the battle of Daxing and join the battle of top civilizations.

This is what Li Zheng said before, they are also forcing Lin Qun to take action.

Because from the perspective of humans, they must participate in the war. Lin Qun wants to participate in the war, the people of the Magic City in Lucheng want to participate in the war, and the Jinling Survivor Base also wants to participate in the war. No one can escape.

It seems that other top civilizations are fighting, but humans must not sit on the sidelines and watch the fire. Sitting on the sidelines and watching the fire is waiting for death.

Other top civilizations want to seize the initiative, but for humans here, in the center of the storm, what they have to fight for is the opportunity to survive.

But how can they have a chance to survive?

The best result is that all top civilizations are defeated, humans win, and the crisis is naturally resolved.

But that is almost impossible.

A top civilization has the power to destroy the three major survivor bases, not to mention that there are already four of them now.

The second possibility is that no one wins, everyone suffers heavy losses, the situation returns to the beginning, and all parties retreat and maintain a stalemate.

Although several survivor bases have not yet made plans, it can be imagined that taking the second path is the only choice.

No one will choose to sit and wait for death.

But whether the second possibility can be achieved is difficult for humans to influence.

At this time, Li Zheng even had a little thought and let Lin Qun go.

Lucheng, Jinling, and Daxing couldn't run away, but Lin Qun could run away. Everyone knew that he was powerful and had terrifying mobility. He could even get rid of the spying of the prophet civilization and leave here directly. The disputes here were meaningless to him.

But this was not the best choice for the survivors of the three survivor bases.

It was not what Li Zheng, a commander, should say.

For the overall situation.

He should let Lin Qun stay, because with Lin Qun's combat power, he could have a great impact on the battle situation, which was a great help to human power in promoting the second possibility of survival.

But from Lin Qun's perspective, Li Zheng said the second choice.

Of course, he could only stop there.

Lin Qun was very moved by this.

Of course he also understood.

Li Zheng chose this because he wanted to choose the safest way. In his heart, he was not optimistic about both possibilities, so he thought that instead of fighting, it would be better to let Lin Qun go. If everyone was going to die, it would not be a loss to let a top strong man go.

Lin Qun was silent for a long time.

On the other side of the communication, Li Zheng was silent for a long time, waiting and not urging.

He seemed to have time, which was rare.

The situation over there didn't seem to be as tense as he said.

More likely, their discussion had ended, and they had even made a second possible plan, pressing the power of the three survivor bases to fight with the top civilization. Just tell Lin Qun that the final plan has not been put forward, so that Lin Qun's choice at this moment is not burdened.

After a while, Lin Qun finally made a sound, and he laughed softly.

He remembered the first time the Prophet Civilization broadcast his location a few days ago, and Gu Pan listened to Li Zheng's speech for him.

The sound of the whole Lucheng roaring.

He raised his head and looked not far away.

Tong Xin was studying the map.

Huang Qizheng sat on the roof of the car drinking, looking at the distance in a daze.

Lin Qun knew that there were many people fighting around him in places he couldn't see.

Xiao Yi, Chu Youwei, Li Jie...

They came for him.

They fought for him.

See him as hope.

Follow his footsteps.

This is his civilization.

And he is also a part of the civilization.

Lin Qun said: "This war started because of me. I will fulfill the agreement I made with you in the Magic City. I will fight to the end.

"Moreover, the Shengui civilization wants to go to war with me. Wherever I run, they will chase me. Even if I leave, I will not have peace. In this case, I might as well take them to Daxing, let them fight, let them mess up, and let them go crazy.

"Let's see who will win in the end."

The other side of the communication device.

In the deepest part of Lucheng, in the dimly lit general office of the command center.

Li Zheng initiated this communication in his office.

He knew what he was going to say before he initiated it.

So he avoided everyone.

Just now, he had been sitting behind his desk, smoking one cigarette after another.

Waiting in silence.

Until Lin Qun spoke.

He pinched the cigarette butt between his thumb and index finger.

He asked: "Is this your decision?"

"This is my choice." Lin Qun retracted his gaze, "The last choice.

"My civilization will not sit idly by and watch me get killed.

"Then similarly, I will not sit back and watch my civilization perish.

"Li Zheng, I also heard your speech in Lucheng when the Prophet civilization was first broadcast.

"Not only did I hear it, I also heard the cheers of those people in Lucheng.

"I can't respond to every shout, and I can't respond to every expectant look.

"But I will fight to the end.

"For myself, for everyone who surrounds me and gives me strength in my time of crisis.

"We will fight Daxing as a civilization."

This is Lin Qun's decision.

He is very grateful for Li Zheng's words.

This is not what Li Zheng should say, and theoretically he can't say it to him.

But Li Zheng still said it.

But the current situation is like this.

Lin Qun has no way out.

The Shengui civilization was coming for him. He had already offended the Prophet civilization, so there was no way they would let him go. Being hunted down by two top civilizations, he was still in a state of panic. Instead of abandoning the three survivor bases and running away, he might as well give it a try. If he wins, he won't have to be hunted down or flee!

His civilization never abandoned him, and he wouldn't abandon his own civilization.

If you want us to fight, we will fight generously!

This is our planet, how can we not dare to fight?

On the other side, this time it was Li Zheng who was silent for a while, and then he smiled and said, "I guessed you would choose this. Instead of fleeing all day, it's better to fight head-on. Don't worry, you fight for civilization, and your civilization will fight for you. This is my promise to you, and it will always be valid. Believe me, humans will be more united than ever before.

"Unite to face a common enemy. This will be our most powerful battle. This power is not just military or force.

"Actually, Lin Qun, what I just said is a little wrong. After discussion, our three survivor bases have now drawn up a preliminary plan: to prepare to participate in the Daxing decisive battle between the top civilizations. Of course, we must evacuate as many survivors as possible in advance. Although it is unrealistic to evacuate all the more than two million survivors in Daxing, we should evacuate as many as we can..."

Lin Qun nodded and said, "I understand. I will go to Daxing as soon as possible!"

This is similar to his guess.

Li Zheng should have known about this situation a few hours ago. He only told me now. He must have come up with a plan, but Li Zheng was afraid of worrying about Lin Qun's decision and didn't say it. Now that Lin Qun has made a decision, he can naturally say it.

Li Zheng said: "There is no need to entangle with the Zerg. They dare not intervene in the Daxing battlefield, so they dare not even enter the Green Province. The situation has changed. Our final enemy will not be them."

"I understand."

Li Zheng finally said: "Lin Qun, I look forward to seeing you again in Lucheng."

This is what Lin Qun and Li Zheng said before, and now Li Zheng said it again.

Lin Qun was slightly stunned, then said, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, just think that I have no gratitude to you now: we are a civilization, with common interests, no distinction between you and me, so why thank you?" Li Zheng paused for a moment, and said the last sentence, "I have one last word: I will pass a message to the commander of the Lucheng army who went to the battle. Once the situation in Daxing gets out of control, they will fully cooperate with you to leave the battlefield. Remember, Lin Qun, there is no need to fight to the death. Once things are impossible, if you are alive, we will not lose so completely."

"I know."

The communication was interrupted.

Lin Qun was standing up.

His heart was pounding, and he didn't know whether it was nervous or uneasy.

His eyes looked into the distance.

Daxing seemed to be reflected in his pupils.

The real decisive battle is about to begin.

He doesn't have much time, and he must become stronger and stronger before that!



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