Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 341 Ranked 22nd in the world!

The golden item card was activated and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Then, Lin Qun felt that he just blinked once, and the huge iron curtain device appeared on the ground.

This was even more exaggerated than the previous deployment of the attacker warship.

But it just appeared here.

A building appeared out of thin air in the empty space where there was nothing just now, and the foundation sank into the ground, just like it was built all the way here.

And its shape is exactly the same as in the game, but in reality, it is more real and more impactful. The iron curtain device generator in the center has a kind of next-generation technological beauty.

This scene was seen by only Lin Qun and Chen Weiang throughout the whole process.

Everyone else was cleared.

Chen Weiang stood in the nuclear power plant, looking at the pictures sent back by the surveillance, and felt a little suffocated.

How did this happen?

But what he did was to quietly delete all the relevant surveillance footage and notify the expert technical team that had been prepared to move into the Iron Curtain Device: "Hurry up and start the Iron Curtain Device, the sooner the better."

Lin Qun took a deep look at the Iron Curtain Device on the ground, and immediately started the Mark 50, flying across the sky and disappearing at the end of the skyline.

The expert technical team of the Iron Curtain Device came later, arriving two days ago, led by a physics expert, Professor Guan.

He and his team came here and had been waiting, but they didn't know what they were waiting for.

A nuclear power plant, what does it need them for?

Until this time, they received Chen Wei'ang's order and came outside under the protection of military soldiers, and were shocked to see this magnificent building that appeared almost out of thin air.

Professor Guan was sure that this thing didn't exist here this morning.

But then, when their team officially entered and began to understand the technology and functions involved in the Iron Curtain Device, they were completely shocked.

The function of this device is a capability that is theoretically debatable, and now, a finished product is placed in front of them.

For scholars like them, this shock is beyond words.

Even if they spent their whole lives researching the project, they might not succeed, and the finished product was smashed in front of them.

Chen Weiang then personally found Professor Guan and said, "Professor Guan, I know that you and your team are experts in this field, so we will give you this iron curtain device. Before coming, I have confirmed with you that you are willing to do this secret work and are willing to stay here for a long time, so now, you can't quit at all.

"I have two requests: First, I hope this iron curtain device can play a role as soon as possible. You should know the reason without me saying it. The battlefield ahead needs it; second, I hope you and your team can master the core of the iron curtain technology as soon as possible. You can ask me if you have any needs. We hope to be able to completely master the technology of this iron curtain device in the future and apply it to a wider battlefield!"

Professor Guan was shaking with excitement. Everything here was enough to make him excited and unable to control himself.

"I understand that we will keep it secret and work hard, but... can I ask, how did such technology and formed devices appear here? How did we get it? This... I'm afraid it's the technology that those top civilizations dream of! "

The real surprise and disbelief behind Professor Guan's question is that humans are indigenous civilizations and cannot gather the scattered contribution points among people. To buy large items in the contribution point mall, they can only buy parts and then reassemble them, so the things they can buy are very limited. And things like the Iron Curtain Device are absolutely unaffordable even if humans can gather contribution points, so he was extremely shocked and wanted to know where such things came from and who could give humans such things!

In response to Professor Guan's question, Chen Weiang just smiled and shook his head, saying: "You don't need to know how it came from, you just need to know that it belongs to us and to humans now, that's enough.

"And what we need to know is...

"In the future, can this technology that top civilizations dream of truly become our human trump card?"

Professor Guan was stunned, and then held Chen Weiang's hand tightly: "Yes, you are right, those are not important, it is already ours, we want to make it completely ours, we must go all out to digest it, we must go all out! "

He raised his head and looked at everything around him in fascination: "This is the hope of our human race..."

At the same time.

Lin Qun had already passed through the air and quickly returned to the front line and the attacker warship.

Mark 50 is fast and small in size, so he can move back and forth secretly to avoid being discovered by the top civilization.

And now Lin Qun has the ability of the gun sister. With the cooperation of Mark 50, he can create an electromagnetic field around himself, making him "invisible" in the detection of other civilizations. It is very useful.

At this moment, he also returned to the attacker warship unnoticed.

At the end of the sky, dusk is approaching.

The human troops are still gathering.

The latest news from the command center has arrived.

As soon as Lin Qun entered the bridge, Xu Jie said: "Mr. Lin, Commander Xiao's message came and the combat time has been confirmed. At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, we will start a tentative attack to observe the reactions of other top civilizations. If everything goes well, we will We plan to formally advance into the Shengui Civilization-occupied area within tomorrow and capture the city."

Hojo is not a big city, but behind it is Kyoto.

During this period, communications were intermittent, but what was certain was that Base No. 1 did not fall.

"Is there any action from Shengui Civilization?" Lin Qun asked.

Xu Jie shook her head and said, "They are still very quiet."

Hearing this, a solemn look appeared in Lin Qun's eyes.

In the past nine days, the global situation has been changing. Not only in China, but also on a global scale, most of the main forces of civilizations that are unable to compete for the winner of the war of civilizations have withdrawn. Several civilizations are at war with each other. They are ready to catch each other and fight. As long as one side starts a war, the others will immediately start a war - everyone is afraid of poking each other's butts, so they will naturally start fighting at the same time. Whoever can solve the battle first will naturally be able to harvest others.

Therefore, all major top civilizations are ready to move.

Only the Shengui Civilization... did not show any active response when it was clear that humans might launch an attack at any time if they approached them.

The area occupied by Shengui Civilization is half of North China and the entire Northeast.

The northeastern region is shrouded in boundless clouds, and any communication or reconnaissance is inaccessible. No one knows what is going on inside, but from the northeastern region outwards to the boundary line of the occupied area of ​​​​Baocheng, the degree of secrecy increases with the distance. As for the descent, on the line between Baocheng and Kyoto, humans can roughly detect the internal situation from the outside.

But so far, the Shengui Civilization has made almost no action within this detectable range, and seems to be unprepared to make any response to the upcoming human attack.

There is only weirdness in the protected city. Most of them are former humans and other alien civilizations. They wander chaotically and aimlessly in the city. They look extremely terrifying and are huge in number, but if they face the regular army, they are simply vulnerable.

Almost everything from Hojo to Kyoto is like this. The ground is corroded, and weird non-Blue Star plant moss is all over the ground, and twisted weird and weird creatures are walking through it, but there are not many real contestant lives of the divine civilization, or even any contestants of the divine civilization. There is a question mark in this area.

At this moment, in front of them, it seems that there is not a problem with a clear purpose, but a strange world, waiting and even welcoming them to enter.

And these weird creatures that are mutated by humans or other alien civilizations... Even if you kill them, you can't get any contribution points or experience points.

Some officers are optimistic that the civilization of the gods has been shaken by the momentum of mankind, has shrunk in an all-round way, and is ready to abandon areas outside the Northeast region, leaving these weirdos behind just to consume as much of their troops as possible.

But some decided to remain cautious.

For example, the two joint commanders in this battle.

Wang Tiansheng and Xiao Zhongguo.

They dare not make fun of the entire human race in China.

Decided to advance slowly, first to rescue Base No. 1 and its top commander, and then see what changes have occurred in the Shengui Civilization. It is a good opportunity to take this opportunity to see the reaction of other top civilizations after the war between humans and the Shenwei Civilization. Will they take the opportunity to sneak attack them?

"Lin Qun, do you think the gods are really afraid of civilization?"

On one side of the bridge, Huang Qizheng was sitting in the corner, holding a bottle of Erguotou, and asked.

In fact, there was not only him on the bridge at this time, but also Li Jie and others. Chu Youwei and Xia Qing are not here - their troops have not gathered yet.

This is also the reason why we decided to attack tomorrow morning. It will take time for the human troops to go from diverging to gathering together, and it will take time to have a decisive battle with the divine civilization. The troops are now being gathered.

Huang Qizheng's troops arrived early, and naturally they all came to Lin Qun.

Of course, Li Jie and Li Xinghe, who were close to Lin Qun, came up directly and followed Lin Qun. People like Liu Rui and others are basically still on the ground, following the troops. They would be embarrassed to let them come up.

"If the Shengui civilization is afraid, they should withdraw. It is impossible for them not to resist, they must have methods." Lin Qun responded instinctively, turned his head and saw the Erguotou in Huang Qizheng's hand, and his face turned dark, "What do you think? Came here?"

Huang Qizheng chuckled: "If I didn't hang out with you before, I couldn't win over you with my contribution points. Now that we have to join forces for a decisive battle, and there is a battleship to sit on, why not sit on it? Come on, have a bottle of Bu Lin Qun, I have an unopened bottle here. , Wang Tiansheng is so interesting, this Northeast Erguotou is so exciting!”

"This... Huang Qizheng, Tong Xin can't come, no one can control you... No drinking is allowed on the bridge."

When Lin Qun heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched even more. But in fact, Lin Qun was very happy to see these familiar people.

As far as he knew, they had all grown a lot these days.

The level and strength have all been greatly improved.

In the global rankings, their progress is also very fast. Huang Qizheng has soared to seventh place, and Chu Youwei has reached fourth place in the world. Even Li Jie has now entered the top 50 in the global human rankings.

When you are winning, the snowball will naturally snowball much faster than when it is difficult. Recently, the Huaxia region has been victorious all the way, and the alien civilizations have been defeated like mountains. The weak ones can still get some contribution points, let alone the already powerful talents?

The human army gathered in front of the city at this moment not only far exceeds the scale of the Daxing Battle, but also its hard power.

As far as Lin Qun knew, there were many experts coming this time. They were all well-known figures in the global rankings and came from all over the world, but he didn't know them very well.

The same goes for Lin Qun.

In the past few days, his level has increased one level, and he is now fifty-two.

All attributes were increased by thirteen points again.

Now for:

[Name: Lin Qun]

[Level: 52 (510/1900000)]

【Strength: 306.6】

[Agility: 269.3]

【Physique: 276.8】

[Energy: 283.6/283.6]

[Dark Energy: 452.5/452.5]

His total contribution points, accumulated over this period of time, are now more than 27,000 points.

But Lin Qun has never drawn a card. Anyway, he has never been required to show his top level of force before. It will take time to fight against the divine civilization. He can only draw twice, so he has not used it.

At this time, when it came to Tong Xin, Huang Qizheng smacked his lips and said, "It's a pity that they haven't come during this period, and there are not many opportunities to chase and kill foreign civilizations."

Tong Xin, Nie Wensheng, etc. were seriously injured in the Battle of Daxing. Their basic attributes were not that high and their recovery was slow. They are still recuperating, so they cannot participate in this battle.

From Huang Qizheng's point of view, this was a bit regretful, but from Lin Qun's point of view, this was a good thing. This time the battle with the Shengui Civilization is not like the previous melee in Daxing City, nor did all parties only send part of their troops. It is a head-on contest between human civilization and a top civilization, and both sides will completely use their cards.

It could be extremely dangerous.

People who don't have enough level are likely to be just cannon fodder.

The most important thing is that the methods of Shengui Civilization are unpredictable and cannot be guessed normally. They have not made any big movements yet, and the silence reveals an unsettling weirdness.

At this moment, Xu Jie said: "Mr. Lin, there is urgent news from the command center. You'd better take a look."

Lin Qun's heart moved and he stepped forward quickly.

The latest news from the command center shows: Just three minutes ago, the rankings of the Baocheng area in the area occupied by the Shengui Civilization changed. A master from the Shengui Civilization came to Baocheng and ranked first in the global civilization rankings. Number twenty-two!

Its ID translates to "Grey River".

The Baocheng area is mostly filled with weirdos and there are no strong people. After Huihe arrived, he immediately became the number one in the overall rankings of the Baocheng area and was immediately discovered by humans who paid close attention to the situation in the Baocheng area.

But so far, human beings have not discovered the location of the world's 22nd mysterious civilization "Grey River" from external observations.

But the change in the city protection rankings only means one thing.

Peace only appears to be peace.

The Shengui Civilization is also operating and preparing.

Li Jie said: "Huihe, what kind of strange name is this?"

Huang Qizheng said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "It seems that they have sent a general to fight tit for tat. Hey, why don't we also send a general to confront them - I am willing to kill this guy!"

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